
208 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Run with ./ your_wmrcalib.json > your_calib.json
import json
import argparse
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
from math import sqrt
def get(j, name):
assert name in ["HT0", "HT1", "Gyro", "Accelerometer"]
is_imu = name in ["Gyro", "Accelerometer"]
calib = j["CalibrationInformation"]
sensors = calib["InertialSensors" if is_imu else "Cameras"]
name_key = "SensorType" if is_imu else "Location"
sensor = next(filter(lambda s: s[name_key].endswith(name), sensors))
return sensor
def rt2mat(rt):
R33 = np.array(rt["Rotation"]).reshape(3, 3)
t31 = np.array(rt["Translation"]).reshape(3, 1)
T34 = np.hstack((R33, t31))
T44 = np.vstack((T34, [0, 0, 0, 1]))
return T44
def rmat2quat(r):
w = sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] + r[2, 2]) / 2
w4 = 4 * w
x = (r[2, 1] - r[1, 2]) / w4
y = (r[0, 2] - r[2, 0]) / w4
z = (r[1, 0] - r[0, 1]) / w4
return np.array([x, y, z, w])
def extrinsics(j, cam):
# NOTE: The `Rt` field seems to be a transform from the sensor to HT0 (i.e.,
# from HT0 space to sensor space). For basalt we need the transforms
# expressed w.r.t IMU origin.
# NOTE: The gyro and magnetometer translations are 0, probably because an
# HMD is a rigid body. Therefore the accelerometer is considered as the IMU
# origin.
imu = get(j, "Accelerometer")
T_i_c0 = rt2mat(imu["Rt"])
T = None
if cam == "HT0":
T = T_i_c0
elif cam == "HT1":
cam1 = get(j, "HT1")
T_c1_c0 = rt2mat(cam1["Rt"])
T_c0_c1 = inv(T_c1_c0)
T_i_c1 = T_i_c0 @ T_c0_c1
T = T_i_c1
assert False
q = rmat2quat(T[0:3, 0:3])
p = T[0:3, 3]
return {
"px": p[0],
"py": p[1],
"pz": p[2],
"qx": q[0],
"qy": q[1],
"qz": q[2],
"qw": q[3],
def resolution(j, cam):
camera = get(j, cam)
width = camera["SensorWidth"]
height = camera["SensorHeight"]
return [width, height]
def intrinsics(j, cam):
camera = get(j, cam)
model_params = camera["Intrinsics"]["ModelParameters"]
assert (
== "CALIBRATION_LensDistortionModelRational6KT"
width = camera["SensorWidth"]
height = camera["SensorHeight"]
return {
"camera_type": "pinhole-radtan8",
"intrinsics": {
"fx": model_params[2] * width,
"fy": model_params[3] * height,
"cx": model_params[0] * width,
"cy": model_params[1] * height,
"k1": model_params[4],
"k2": model_params[5],
"p1": model_params[13],
"p2": model_params[12],
"k3": model_params[6],
"k4": model_params[7],
"k5": model_params[8],
"k6": model_params[9],
def calib_accel_bias(j):
accel = get(j, "Accelerometer")
bias = accel["BiasTemperatureModel"]
align = accel["MixingMatrixTemperatureModel"]
return [
-bias[0 * 4],
-bias[1 * 4],
-bias[2 * 4],
align[0 * 4] - 1, # [0, 0]
align[3 * 4], # [1, 0]
align[6 * 4], # [2, 0]
align[4 * 4] - 1, # [1, 1]
align[7 * 4], # [2, 1]
align[8 * 4] - 1, # [2, 2]
def calib_gyro_bias(j):
gyro = get(j, "Gyro")
bias = gyro["BiasTemperatureModel"]
align = gyro["MixingMatrixTemperatureModel"]
return [
-bias[0 * 4],
-bias[1 * 4],
-bias[2 * 4],
align[0 * 4] - 1, # [0, 0]
align[3 * 4], # [1, 0]
align[6 * 4], # [2, 0]
align[1 * 4], # [0, 1]
align[4 * 4] - 1, # [1, 1]
align[7 * 4], # [2, 1]
align[2 * 4], # [0, 2]
align[5 * 4], # [1, 2]
align[8 * 4] - 1, # [2, 2]
def noise_std(j, name):
imu = get(j, name)
return imu["Noise"][0:3]
def bias_std(j, name):
imu = get(j, name)
return list(map(sqrt, imu["BiasUncertainty"]))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("wmr_json_file", help="Input WMR json calibration file")
args = parser.parse_args()
in_fn = args.wmr_json_file
with open(in_fn) as f:
j = json.load(f)
# We get 250 packets with 4 samples each per second, totalling 1000 samples per second.
# But in monado we just average those 4 samples to reduce the noise. So we have 250hz.
# This is a very rough offset in pixels between the two cameras. I manually
# measured it for some particular point in some particular pair of images
# for my Odyssey+. In reality this offset changes based on distance to the
# point, nonetheless it helps to get some features tracked in the right
# camera.
out_calib = {
"value0": {
"T_imu_cam": [extrinsics(j, "HT0"), extrinsics(j, "HT1")],
"intrinsics": [intrinsics(j, "HT0"), intrinsics(j, "HT1")],
"resolution": [resolution(j, "HT0"), resolution(j, "HT1")],
"calib_accel_bias": calib_accel_bias(j),
"calib_gyro_bias": calib_gyro_bias(j),
"imu_update_rate": IMU_UPDATE_RATE,
"accel_noise_std": noise_std(j, "Accelerometer"),
"gyro_noise_std": noise_std(j, "Gyro"),
"accel_bias_std": bias_std(j, "Accelerometer"),
"gyro_bias_std": bias_std(j, "Gyro"),
"cam_time_offset_ns": 0,
"view_offset": VIEW_OFFSET,
"vignette": [],
print(json.dumps(out_calib, indent=4))
if __name__ == "__main__":