Merge branch 'main' into RollingBoulder
This commit is contained in:
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--- !u!114 &7081404539000308866
(Stored with Git LFS)
(Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
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--- !u!1102 &2131420891638955038
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--- !u!1101 &4452622808242892610
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(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
(Stored with Git LFS)
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
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Binary file not shown.
Normal file
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Normal file
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Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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Binary file not shown.
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.DOTweenEditorPreview.Start(System.Action)">
Starts the update loop of tween in the editor. Has no effect during playMode.
<param name="onPreviewUpdated">Eventual callback to call after every update</param>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.DOTweenEditorPreview.Stop(System.Boolean)">
Stops the update loop and clears the onPreviewUpdated callback.
<param name="resetTweenTargets">If TRUE also resets the tweened objects to their original state</param>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.DOTweenEditorPreview.PrepareTweenForPreview(DG.Tweening.Tween,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Readies the tween for editor preview by setting its UpdateType to Manual plus eventual extra settings.
<param name="t">The tween to ready</param>
<param name="clearCallbacks">If TRUE (recommended) removes all callbacks (OnComplete/Rewind/etc)</param>
<param name="preventAutoKill">If TRUE prevents the tween from being auto-killed at completion</param>
<param name="andPlay">If TRUE starts playing the tween immediately</param>
<member name="F:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorVersion.Version">
<summary>Full major version + first minor version (ex: 2018.1f)</summary>
<member name="F:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorVersion.MajorVersion">
<summary>Major version</summary>
<member name="F:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorVersion.MinorVersion">
<summary>First minor version (ex: in 2018.1 it would be 1)</summary>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.SetEditorTexture(UnityEngine.Texture2D,UnityEngine.FilterMode,System.Int32)">
Checks that the given editor texture use the correct import settings,
and applies them if they're incorrect.
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.DOTweenSetupRequired">
Returns TRUE if setup is required
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.AssetExists(System.String)">
Returns TRUE if the file/directory at the given path exists.
<param name="adbPath">Path, relative to Unity's project folder</param>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.ADBPathToFullPath(System.String)">
Converts the given project-relative path to a full path,
with backward (\) slashes).
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.FullPathToADBPath(System.String)">
Converts the given full path to a path usable with AssetDatabase methods
(relative to Unity's project folder, and with the correct Unity forward (/) slashes).
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.ConnectToSourceAsset``1(System.String,System.Boolean)">
Connects to a <see cref="T:UnityEngine.ScriptableObject"/> asset.
If the asset already exists at the given path, loads it and returns it.
Otherwise, either returns NULL or automatically creates it before loading and returning it
(depending on the given parameters).
<typeparam name="T">Asset type</typeparam>
<param name="adbFilePath">File path (relative to Unity's project folder)</param>
<param name="createIfMissing">If TRUE and the requested asset doesn't exist, forces its creation</param>
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.GetAssemblyFilePath(System.Reflection.Assembly)">
Full path for the given loaded assembly, assembly file included
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.AddGlobalDefine(System.String)">
Adds the given global define if it's not already present
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.RemoveGlobalDefine(System.String)">
Removes the given global define if it's present
<member name="M:DG.DOTweenEditor.EditorUtils.HasGlobalDefine(System.String,System.Nullable{UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup})">
Returns TRUE if the given global define is present in all the <see cref="T:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup"/>
or only in the given <see cref="T:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup"/>, depending on passed parameters.<para/>
<param name="id"></param>
<param name="buildTargetGroup"><see cref="T:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup"/>to use. Leave NULL to check in all of them.</param>
<member name="T:DG.DOTweenEditor.DOTweenDefines">
Not used as menu item anymore, but as a utiity function
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.Audio; // Required for AudioMixer
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModuleAudio
#region Shortcuts
#region Audio
/// <summary>Tweens an AudioSource's volume to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioSource as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach (0 to 1)</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOFade(this AudioSource target, float endValue, float duration)
if (endValue < 0) endValue = 0;
else if (endValue > 1) endValue = 1;
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.volume, x => target.volume = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an AudioSource's pitch to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioSource as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOPitch(this AudioSource target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pitch, x => target.pitch = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
#region AudioMixer (Unity 5 or Newer)
/// <summary>Tweens an AudioMixer's exposed float to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioMixer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations.
/// Note that you need to manually expose a float in an AudioMixerGroup in order to be able to tween it from an AudioMixer.</summary>
/// <param name="floatName">Name given to the exposed float to set</param>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOSetFloat(this AudioMixer target, string floatName, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(()=> {
float currVal;
target.GetFloat(floatName, out currVal);
return currVal;
}, x=> target.SetFloat(floatName, x), endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Operation Shortcuts
/// <summary>
/// Completes all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens completed
/// (meaning the tweens that don't have infinite loops and were not already complete)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="withCallbacks">For Sequences only: if TRUE also internal Sequence callbacks will be fired,
/// otherwise they will be ignored</param>
public static int DOComplete(this AudioMixer target, bool withCallbacks = false)
return DOTween.Complete(target, withCallbacks);
/// <summary>
/// Kills all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens killed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="complete">If TRUE completes the tween before killing it</param>
public static int DOKill(this AudioMixer target, bool complete = false)
return DOTween.Kill(target, complete);
/// <summary>
/// Flips the direction (backwards if it was going forward or viceversa) of all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens flipped.
/// </summary>
public static int DOFlip(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.Flip(target);
/// <summary>
/// Sends to the given position all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens involved.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="to">Time position to reach
/// (if higher than the whole tween duration the tween will simply reach its end)</param>
/// <param name="andPlay">If TRUE will play the tween after reaching the given position, otherwise it will pause it</param>
public static int DOGoto(this AudioMixer target, float to, bool andPlay = false)
return DOTween.Goto(target, to, andPlay);
/// <summary>
/// Pauses all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens paused.
/// </summary>
public static int DOPause(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.Pause(target);
/// <summary>
/// Plays all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens played.
/// </summary>
public static int DOPlay(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.Play(target);
/// <summary>
/// Plays backwards all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens played.
/// </summary>
public static int DOPlayBackwards(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.PlayBackwards(target);
/// <summary>
/// Plays forward all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens played.
/// </summary>
public static int DOPlayForward(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.PlayForward(target);
/// <summary>
/// Restarts all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens restarted.
/// </summary>
public static int DORestart(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.Restart(target);
/// <summary>
/// Rewinds all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens rewinded.
/// </summary>
public static int DORewind(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.Rewind(target);
/// <summary>
/// Smoothly rewinds all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens rewinded.
/// </summary>
public static int DOSmoothRewind(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.SmoothRewind(target);
/// <summary>
/// Toggles the paused state (plays if it was paused, pauses if it was playing) of all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens involved.
/// </summary>
public static int DOTogglePause(this AudioMixer target)
return DOTween.TogglePause(target);
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// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Core.Enums;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Core.PathCore;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
using UnityEngine;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModulePhysics
#region Shortcuts
#region Rigidbody
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position to the given value.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOMove(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's X position to the given value.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOMoveX(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(endValue, 0, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's Y position to the given value.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOMoveY(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, endValue, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's Z position to the given value.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOMoveZ(this Rigidbody target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's rotation to the given value.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="mode">Rotation mode</param>
public static TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> DORotate(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, RotateMode mode = RotateMode.Fast)
TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.rotation, target.MoveRotation, endValue, duration);
t.plugOptions.rotateMode = mode;
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's rotation so that it will look towards the given position.
/// Also stores the rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="towards">The position to look at</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="axisConstraint">Eventual axis constraint for the rotation</param>
/// <param name="up">The vector that defines in which direction up is (default: Vector3.up)</param>
public static TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> DOLookAt(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 towards, float duration, AxisConstraint axisConstraint = AxisConstraint.None, Vector3? up = null)
TweenerCore<Quaternion, Vector3, QuaternionOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.rotation, target.MoveRotation, towards, duration)
t.plugOptions.axisConstraint = axisConstraint;
t.plugOptions.up = (up == null) ? Vector3.up : (Vector3)up;
return t;
#region Special
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis.
/// Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="jumpPower">Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset)</param>
/// <param name="numJumps">Total number of jumps</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Sequence DOJump(this Rigidbody target, Vector3 endValue, float jumpPower, int numJumps, float duration, bool snapping = false)
if (numJumps < 1) numJumps = 1;
float startPosY = 0;
float offsetY = -1;
bool offsetYSet = false;
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
Tween yTween = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, jumpPower, 0), duration / (numJumps * 2))
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad).SetRelative()
.SetLoops(numJumps * 2, LoopType.Yoyo)
.OnStart(() => startPosY = target.position.y);
s.Append(DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(endValue.x, 0, 0), duration)
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear)
).Join(DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue.z), duration)
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear)
yTween.OnUpdate(() => {
if (!offsetYSet) {
offsetYSet = true;
offsetY = s.isRelative ? endValue.y : endValue.y - startPosY;
Vector3 pos = target.position;
pos.y += DOVirtual.EasedValue(0, offsetY, yTween.ElapsedPercentage(), Ease.OutQuad);
return s;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's position through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations.
/// <para>NOTE: to tween a rigidbody correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para>
/// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug).
/// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOPath.</para></summary>
/// <param name="path">The waypoints to go through</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path), CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path) or CubicBezier (curved with control points)</param>
/// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param>
/// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path (useless in case of Linear paths): higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive.
/// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param>
/// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOPath(
this Rigidbody target, Vector3[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear,
PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null
if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1;
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Path(pathType, path, resolution, gizmoColor), duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody's localPosition through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// <para>NOTE: to tween a rigidbody correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para>
/// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug).
/// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOLocalPath.</para></summary>
/// <param name="path">The waypoint to go through</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path), CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path) or CubicBezier (curved with control points)</param>
/// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param>
/// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path: higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive.
/// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param>
/// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOLocalPath(
this Rigidbody target, Vector3[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear,
PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null
if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1;
Transform trans = target.transform;
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => trans.localPosition, x => target.MovePosition(trans.parent == null ? x : trans.parent.TransformPoint(x)), new Path(pathType, path, resolution, gizmoColor), duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
t.plugOptions.useLocalPosition = true;
return t;
// Used by path editor when creating the actual tween, so it can pass a pre-compiled path
internal static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOPath(
this Rigidbody target, Path path, float duration, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => target.position, target.MovePosition, path, duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
return t;
internal static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOLocalPath(
this Rigidbody target, Path path, float duration, PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D
Transform trans = target.transform;
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => trans.localPosition, x => target.MovePosition(trans.parent == null ? x : trans.parent.TransformPoint(x)), path, duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
t.plugOptions.useLocalPosition = true;
return t;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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icon: {instanceID: 0}
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true && (UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER) // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Core.PathCore;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
using UnityEngine;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModulePhysics2D
#region Shortcuts
#region Rigidbody2D Shortcuts
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's position to the given value.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOMove(this Rigidbody2D target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's X position to the given value.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOMoveX(this Rigidbody2D target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector2(endValue, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's Y position to the given value.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOMoveY(this Rigidbody2D target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.position, target.MovePosition, new Vector2(0, endValue), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's rotation to the given value.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DORotate(this Rigidbody2D target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.rotation, target.MoveRotation, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Special
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's position to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis.
/// Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations.
/// <para>IMPORTANT: a rigidbody2D can't be animated in a jump arc using MovePosition, so the tween will directly set the position</para></summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="jumpPower">Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset)</param>
/// <param name="numJumps">Total number of jumps</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Sequence DOJump(this Rigidbody2D target, Vector2 endValue, float jumpPower, int numJumps, float duration, bool snapping = false)
if (numJumps < 1) numJumps = 1;
float startPosY = 0;
float offsetY = -1;
bool offsetYSet = false;
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
Tween yTween = DOTween.To(() => target.position, x => target.position = x, new Vector2(0, jumpPower), duration / (numJumps * 2))
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad).SetRelative()
.SetLoops(numJumps * 2, LoopType.Yoyo)
.OnStart(() => startPosY = target.position.y);
s.Append(DOTween.To(() => target.position, x => target.position = x, new Vector2(endValue.x, 0), duration)
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear)
yTween.OnUpdate(() => {
if (!offsetYSet) {
offsetYSet = true;
offsetY = s.isRelative ? endValue.y : endValue.y - startPosY;
Vector3 pos = target.position;
pos.y += DOVirtual.EasedValue(0, offsetY, yTween.ElapsedPercentage(), Ease.OutQuad);
return s;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's position through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations.
/// <para>NOTE: to tween a Rigidbody2D correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para>
/// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug).
/// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOPath.</para></summary>
/// <param name="path">The waypoints to go through</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path), CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path) or CubicBezier (curved with control points)</param>
/// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param>
/// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path (useless in case of Linear paths): higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive.
/// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param>
/// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOPath(
this Rigidbody2D target, Vector2[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear,
PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null
if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1;
int len = path.Length;
Vector3[] path3D = new Vector3[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) path3D[i] = path[i];
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => target.position, x => target.MovePosition(x), new Path(pathType, path3D, resolution, gizmoColor), duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Rigidbody2D's localPosition through the given path waypoints, using the chosen path algorithm.
/// Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// <para>NOTE: to tween a Rigidbody2D correctly it should be set to kinematic at least while being tweened.</para>
/// <para>BEWARE: doesn't work on Windows Phone store (waiting for Unity to fix their own bug).
/// If you plan to publish there you should use a regular transform.DOLocalPath.</para></summary>
/// <param name="path">The waypoint to go through</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="pathType">The type of path: Linear (straight path), CatmullRom (curved CatmullRom path) or CubicBezier (curved with control points)</param>
/// <param name="pathMode">The path mode: 3D, side-scroller 2D, top-down 2D</param>
/// <param name="resolution">The resolution of the path: higher resolutions make for more detailed curved paths but are more expensive.
/// Defaults to 10, but a value of 5 is usually enough if you don't have dramatic long curves between waypoints</param>
/// <param name="gizmoColor">The color of the path (shown when gizmos are active in the Play panel and the tween is running)</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> DOLocalPath(
this Rigidbody2D target, Vector2[] path, float duration, PathType pathType = PathType.Linear,
PathMode pathMode = PathMode.Full3D, int resolution = 10, Color? gizmoColor = null
if (resolution < 1) resolution = 1;
int len = path.Length;
Vector3[] path3D = new Vector3[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) path3D[i] = path[i];
Transform trans = target.transform;
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t = DOTween.To(PathPlugin.Get(), () => trans.localPosition, x => target.MovePosition(trans.parent == null ? x : trans.parent.TransformPoint(x)), new Path(pathType, path3D, resolution, gizmoColor), duration)
t.plugOptions.isRigidbody = true;
t.plugOptions.mode = pathMode;
t.plugOptions.useLocalPosition = true;
return t;
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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 230fe34542e175245ba74b4659dae700
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
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// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true && (UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER) // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModuleSprite
#region Shortcuts
#region SpriteRenderer
/// <summary>Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the spriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this SpriteRenderer target, Color endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Material's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the spriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this SpriteRenderer target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color using the given gradient
/// (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener).
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="gradient">The gradient to use</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Sequence DOGradientColor(this SpriteRenderer target, Gradient gradient, float duration)
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
GradientColorKey[] colors = gradient.colorKeys;
int len = colors.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
GradientColorKey c = colors[i];
if (i == 0 && c.time <= 0) {
target.color = c.color;
float colorDuration = i == len - 1
? duration - s.Duration(false) // Verifies that total duration is correct
: duration * (i == 0 ? c.time : c.time - colors[i - 1].time);
s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));
return s;
#region Blendables
#region SpriteRenderer
/// <summary>Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color to the given value,
/// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
/// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
/// Also stores the SpriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this SpriteRenderer target, Color endValue, float duration)
endValue = endValue - target.color;
Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
Color diff = x - to;
to = x;
target.color += diff;
}, endValue, duration)
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 188918ab119d93148aa0de59ccf5286b
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true && (UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER) // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Core.Enums;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModuleUI
#region Shortcuts
#region CanvasGroup
/// <summary>Tweens a CanvasGroup's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the canvasGroup as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOFade(this CanvasGroup target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.alpha, x => target.alpha = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Graphic
/// <summary>Tweens an Graphic's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Graphic target, Color endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an Graphic's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Graphic target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Image
/// <summary>Tweens an Image's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Image target, Color endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an Image's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Image target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an Image's fillAmount to the given value.
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach (0 to 1)</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOFillAmount(this Image target, float endValue, float duration)
if (endValue > 1) endValue = 1;
else if (endValue < 0) endValue = 0;
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.fillAmount, x => target.fillAmount = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an Image's colors using the given gradient
/// (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener).
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="gradient">The gradient to use</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Sequence DOGradientColor(this Image target, Gradient gradient, float duration)
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
GradientColorKey[] colors = gradient.colorKeys;
int len = colors.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
GradientColorKey c = colors[i];
if (i == 0 && c.time <= 0) {
target.color = c.color;
float colorDuration = i == len - 1
? duration - s.Duration(false) // Verifies that total duration is correct
: duration * (i == 0 ? c.time : c.time - colors[i - 1].time);
s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));
return s;
#region LayoutElement
/// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's flexibleWidth/Height to the given value.
/// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOFlexibleSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.flexibleWidth, target.flexibleHeight), x => {
target.flexibleWidth = x.x;
target.flexibleHeight = x.y;
}, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's minWidth/Height to the given value.
/// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOMinSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.minWidth, target.minHeight), x => {
target.minWidth = x.x;
target.minHeight = x.y;
}, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens an LayoutElement's preferredWidth/Height to the given value.
/// Also stores the LayoutElement as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPreferredSize(this LayoutElement target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.preferredWidth, target.preferredHeight), x => {
target.preferredWidth = x.x;
target.preferredHeight = x.y;
}, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Outline
/// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectColor to the given value.
/// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Outline target, Color endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.effectColor, x => target.effectColor = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectColor alpha to the given value.
/// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Outline target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.effectColor, x => target.effectColor = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Outline's effectDistance to the given value.
/// Also stores the Outline as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOScale(this Outline target, Vector2 endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.effectDistance, x => target.effectDistance = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region RectTransform
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition X to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPosX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(endValue, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition Y to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPosY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(0, endValue), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3D(this RectTransform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D X to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(endValue, 0, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D Y to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(0, endValue, 0), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition3D Z to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> DOAnchorPos3DZ(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector3, Vector3, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition3D, x => target.anchoredPosition3D = x, new Vector3(0, 0, endValue), duration);
t.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Z, snapping).SetTarget(target);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchorMax to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorMax(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchorMax, x => target.anchorMax = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchorMin to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOAnchorMin(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.anchorMin, x => target.anchorMin = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivot(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot X to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivotX(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, new Vector2(endValue, 0), duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's pivot Y to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOPivotY(this RectTransform target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.pivot, x => target.pivot = x, new Vector2(0, endValue), duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's sizeDelta to the given value.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOSizeDelta(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.sizeDelta, x => target.sizeDelta = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Punches a RectTransform's anchoredPosition towards the given direction and then back to the starting one
/// as if it was connected to the starting position via an elastic.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="punch">The direction and strength of the punch (added to the RectTransform's current position)</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the punch vibrate</param>
/// <param name="elasticity">Represents how much (0 to 1) the vector will go beyond the starting position when bouncing backwards.
/// 1 creates a full oscillation between the punch direction and the opposite direction,
/// while 0 oscillates only between the punch and the start position</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Tweener DOPunchAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 punch, float duration, int vibrato = 10, float elasticity = 1, bool snapping = false)
return DOTween.Punch(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, punch, duration, vibrato, elasticity)
/// <summary>Shakes a RectTransform's anchoredPosition with the given values.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="strength">The shake strength</param>
/// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the shake vibrate</param>
/// <param name="randomness">Indicates how much the shake will be random (0 to 180 - values higher than 90 kind of suck, so beware).
/// Setting it to 0 will shake along a single direction.</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
/// <param name="fadeOut">If TRUE the shake will automatically fadeOut smoothly within the tween's duration, otherwise it will not</param>
public static Tweener DOShakeAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, float duration, float strength = 100, int vibrato = 10, float randomness = 90, bool snapping = false, bool fadeOut = true)
return DOTween.Shake(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, duration, strength, vibrato, randomness, true, fadeOut)
/// <summary>Shakes a RectTransform's anchoredPosition with the given values.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="strength">The shake strength on each axis</param>
/// <param name="vibrato">Indicates how much will the shake vibrate</param>
/// <param name="randomness">Indicates how much the shake will be random (0 to 180 - values higher than 90 kind of suck, so beware).
/// Setting it to 0 will shake along a single direction.</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
/// <param name="fadeOut">If TRUE the shake will automatically fadeOut smoothly within the tween's duration, otherwise it will not</param>
public static Tweener DOShakeAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, float duration, Vector2 strength, int vibrato = 10, float randomness = 90, bool snapping = false, bool fadeOut = true)
return DOTween.Shake(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, duration, strength, vibrato, randomness, fadeOut)
#region Special
/// <summary>Tweens a RectTransform's anchoredPosition to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis.
/// Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener.
/// Also stores the RectTransform as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="jumpPower">Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset)</param>
/// <param name="numJumps">Total number of jumps</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Sequence DOJumpAnchorPos(this RectTransform target, Vector2 endValue, float jumpPower, int numJumps, float duration, bool snapping = false)
if (numJumps < 1) numJumps = 1;
float startPosY = 0;
float offsetY = -1;
bool offsetYSet = false;
// Separate Y Tween so we can elaborate elapsedPercentage on that insted of on the Sequence
// (in case users add a delay or other elements to the Sequence)
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
Tween yTween = DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(0, jumpPower), duration / (numJumps * 2))
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.Y, snapping).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad).SetRelative()
.SetLoops(numJumps * 2, LoopType.Yoyo)
.OnStart(()=> startPosY = target.anchoredPosition.y);
s.Append(DOTween.To(() => target.anchoredPosition, x => target.anchoredPosition = x, new Vector2(endValue.x, 0), duration)
.SetOptions(AxisConstraint.X, snapping).SetEase(Ease.Linear)
s.OnUpdate(() => {
if (!offsetYSet) {
offsetYSet = true;
offsetY = s.isRelative ? endValue.y : endValue.y - startPosY;
Vector2 pos = target.anchoredPosition;
pos.y += DOVirtual.EasedValue(0, offsetY, s.ElapsedDirectionalPercentage(), Ease.OutQuad);
target.anchoredPosition = pos;
return s;
#region ScrollRect
/// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's horizontal/verticalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
/// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Tweener DONormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, Vector2 endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
return DOTween.To(() => new Vector2(target.horizontalNormalizedPosition, target.verticalNormalizedPosition),
x => {
target.horizontalNormalizedPosition = x.x;
target.verticalNormalizedPosition = x.y;
}, endValue, duration)
/// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's horizontalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
/// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Tweener DOHorizontalNormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
return DOTween.To(() => target.horizontalNormalizedPosition, x => target.horizontalNormalizedPosition = x, endValue, duration)
/// <summary>Tweens a ScrollRect's verticalNormalizedPosition to the given value.
/// Also stores the ScrollRect as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static Tweener DOVerticalNormalizedPos(this ScrollRect target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
return DOTween.To(() => target.verticalNormalizedPosition, x => target.verticalNormalizedPosition = x, endValue, duration)
#region Slider
/// <summary>Tweens a Slider's value to the given value.
/// Also stores the Slider as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="snapping">If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers</param>
public static TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> DOValue(this Slider target, float endValue, float duration, bool snapping = false)
TweenerCore<float, float, FloatOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.value, x => target.value = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
#region Text
/// <summary>Tweens a Text's color to the given value.
/// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOColor(this Text target, Color endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>
/// Tweens a Text's text from one integer to another, with options for thousands separators
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromValue">The value to start from</param>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="addThousandsSeparator">If TRUE (default) also adds thousands separators</param>
/// <param name="culture">The <see cref="CultureInfo"/> to use (InvariantCulture if NULL)</param>
public static TweenerCore<int, int, NoOptions> DOCounter(
this Text target, int fromValue, int endValue, float duration, bool addThousandsSeparator = true, CultureInfo culture = null
int v = fromValue;
CultureInfo cInfo = !addThousandsSeparator ? null : culture ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
TweenerCore<int, int, NoOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => v, x => {
v = x;
target.text = addThousandsSeparator
? v.ToString("N0", cInfo)
: v.ToString();
}, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Text's alpha color to the given value.
/// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> DOFade(this Text target, float endValue, float duration)
TweenerCore<Color, Color, ColorOptions> t = DOTween.ToAlpha(() => target.color, x => target.color = x, endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Text's text to the given value.
/// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end string to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
/// <param name="richTextEnabled">If TRUE (default), rich text will be interpreted correctly while animated,
/// otherwise all tags will be considered as normal text</param>
/// <param name="scrambleMode">The type of scramble mode to use, if any</param>
/// <param name="scrambleChars">A string containing the characters to use for scrambling.
/// Use as many characters as possible (minimum 10) because DOTween uses a fast scramble mode which gives better results with more characters.
/// Leave it to NULL (default) to use default ones</param>
public static TweenerCore<string, string, StringOptions> DOText(this Text target, string endValue, float duration, bool richTextEnabled = true, ScrambleMode scrambleMode = ScrambleMode.None, string scrambleChars = null)
if (endValue == null) {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogWarning("You can't pass a NULL string to DOText: an empty string will be used instead to avoid errors");
endValue = "";
TweenerCore<string, string, StringOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.text, x => target.text = x, endValue, duration);
t.SetOptions(richTextEnabled, scrambleMode, scrambleChars)
return t;
#region Blendables
#region Graphic
/// <summary>Tweens a Graphic's color to the given value,
/// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
/// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
/// Also stores the Graphic as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Graphic target, Color endValue, float duration)
endValue = endValue - target.color;
Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
Color diff = x - to;
to = x;
target.color += diff;
}, endValue, duration)
#region Image
/// <summary>Tweens a Image's color to the given value,
/// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
/// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
/// Also stores the Image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Image target, Color endValue, float duration)
endValue = endValue - target.color;
Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
Color diff = x - to;
to = x;
target.color += diff;
}, endValue, duration)
#region Text
/// <summary>Tweens a Text's color BY the given value,
/// in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target,
/// instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do.
/// Also stores the Text as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The value to tween to</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Tweener DOBlendableColor(this Text target, Color endValue, float duration)
endValue = endValue - target.color;
Color to = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
return DOTween.To(() => to, x => {
Color diff = x - to;
to = x;
target.color += diff;
}, endValue, duration)
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public static class Utils
/// <summary>
/// Converts the anchoredPosition of the first RectTransform to the second RectTransform,
/// taking into consideration offset, anchors and pivot, and returns the new anchoredPosition
/// </summary>
public static Vector2 SwitchToRectTransform(RectTransform from, RectTransform to)
Vector2 localPoint;
Vector2 fromPivotDerivedOffset = new Vector2(from.rect.width * 0.5f + from.rect.xMin, from.rect.height * 0.5f + from.rect.yMin);
Vector2 screenP = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(null, from.position);
screenP += fromPivotDerivedOffset;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(to, screenP, null, out localPoint);
Vector2 pivotDerivedOffset = new Vector2(to.rect.width * 0.5f + to.rect.xMin, to.rect.height * 0.5f + to.rect.yMin);
return to.anchoredPosition + localPoint - pivotDerivedOffset;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a060394c03331a64392db53a10e7f2d1
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER && (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0)
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
/// <summary>
/// Shortcuts/functions that are not strictly related to specific Modules
/// but are available only on some Unity versions
/// </summary>
public static class DOTweenModuleUnityVersion
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
#region Unity 4.3 or Newer
#region Material
/// <summary>Tweens a Material's color using the given gradient
/// (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener).
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="gradient">The gradient to use</param><param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Sequence DOGradientColor(this Material target, Gradient gradient, float duration)
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
GradientColorKey[] colors = gradient.colorKeys;
int len = colors.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
GradientColorKey c = colors[i];
if (i == 0 && c.time <= 0) {
target.color = c.color;
float colorDuration = i == len - 1
? duration - s.Duration(false) // Verifies that total duration is correct
: duration * (i == 0 ? c.time : c.time - colors[i - 1].time);
s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));
return s;
/// <summary>Tweens a Material's named color property using the given gradient
/// (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener).
/// Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="gradient">The gradient to use</param>
/// <param name="property">The name of the material property to tween (like _Tint or _SpecColor)</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static Sequence DOGradientColor(this Material target, Gradient gradient, string property, float duration)
Sequence s = DOTween.Sequence();
GradientColorKey[] colors = gradient.colorKeys;
int len = colors.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
GradientColorKey c = colors[i];
if (i == 0 && c.time <= 0) {
target.SetColor(property, c.color);
float colorDuration = i == len - 1
? duration - s.Duration(false) // Verifies that total duration is correct
: duration * (i == 0 ? c.time : c.time - colors[i - 1].time);
s.Append(target.DOColor(c.color, property, colorDuration).SetEase(Ease.Linear));
return s;
#region Unity 5.3 or Newer
#region CustomYieldInstructions
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed or complete.
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForCompletion(true);</code>
/// </summary>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForCompletion(this Tween t, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForCompletion(t);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed or rewinded.
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForRewind();</code>
/// </summary>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForRewind(this Tween t, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForRewind(t);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed.
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForKill();</code>
/// </summary>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForKill(this Tween t, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForKill(t);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed or has gone through the given amount of loops.
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForElapsedLoops(2);</code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elapsedLoops">Elapsed loops to wait for</param>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForElapsedLoops(this Tween t, int elapsedLoops, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForElapsedLoops(t, elapsedLoops);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed
/// or has reached the given time position (loops included, delays excluded).
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForPosition(2.5f);</code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">Position (loops included, delays excluded) to wait for</param>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForPosition(this Tween t, float position, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForPosition(t, position);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a <see cref="CustomYieldInstruction"/> that waits until the tween is killed or started
/// (meaning when the tween is set in a playing state the first time, after any eventual delay).
/// It can be used inside a coroutine as a yield.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>yield return myTween.WaitForStart();</code>
/// </summary>
public static CustomYieldInstruction WaitForStart(this Tween t, bool returnCustomYieldInstruction)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
return null;
return new DOTweenCYInstruction.WaitForStart(t);
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
#region Unity 2018.1 or Newer
#region Material
/// <summary>Tweens a Material's named texture offset property with the given ID to the given value.
/// Also stores the material as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="propertyID">The ID of the material property to tween (also called nameID in Unity's manual)</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOOffset(this Material target, Vector2 endValue, int propertyID, float duration)
if (!target.HasProperty(propertyID)) {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogMissingMaterialProperty(propertyID);
return null;
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.GetTextureOffset(propertyID), x => target.SetTextureOffset(propertyID, x), endValue, duration);
return t;
/// <summary>Tweens a Material's named texture scale property with the given ID to the given value.
/// Also stores the material as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations</summary>
/// <param name="endValue">The end value to reach</param>
/// <param name="propertyID">The ID of the material property to tween (also called nameID in Unity's manual)</param>
/// <param name="duration">The duration of the tween</param>
public static TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> DOTiling(this Material target, Vector2 endValue, int propertyID, float duration)
if (!target.HasProperty(propertyID)) {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogMissingMaterialProperty(propertyID);
return null;
TweenerCore<Vector2, Vector2, VectorOptions> t = DOTween.To(() => target.GetTextureScale(propertyID), x => target.SetTextureScale(propertyID, x), endValue, duration);
return t;
#region .NET 4.6 or Newer
#if (NET_4_6 || NET_STANDARD_2_0)
#region Async Instructions
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed or complete.
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.WaitForCompletion();</code>
/// </summary>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForCompletion(this Tween t)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( && !t.IsComplete()) await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed or rewinded.
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.AsyncWaitForRewind();</code>
/// </summary>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForRewind(this Tween t)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( && (!t.playedOnce || t.position * (t.CompletedLoops() + 1) > 0)) await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed.
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.AsyncWaitForKill();</code>
/// </summary>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForKill(this Tween t)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed or has gone through the given amount of loops.
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.AsyncWaitForElapsedLoops();</code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elapsedLoops">Elapsed loops to wait for</param>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForElapsedLoops(this Tween t, int elapsedLoops)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( && t.CompletedLoops() < elapsedLoops) await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed or started
/// (meaning when the tween is set in a playing state the first time, after any eventual delay).
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.AsyncWaitForPosition();</code>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="position">Position (loops included, delays excluded) to wait for</param>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForPosition(this Tween t, float position)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( && t.position * (t.CompletedLoops() + 1) < position) await Task.Yield();
/// <summary>
/// Returns an async <see cref="Task"/> that waits until the tween is killed.
/// It can be used inside an async operation.
/// <para>Example usage:</para><code>await myTween.AsyncWaitForKill();</code>
/// </summary>
public static async Task AsyncWaitForStart(this Tween t)
if (! {
if (Debugger.logPriority > 0) Debugger.LogInvalidTween(t);
while ( && !t.playedOnce) await Task.Yield();
// █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// ███ CLASSES █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
public static class DOTweenCYInstruction
public class WaitForCompletion : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
return && !t.IsComplete();
readonly Tween t;
public WaitForCompletion(Tween tween)
t = tween;
public class WaitForRewind : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
return && (!t.playedOnce || t.position * (t.CompletedLoops() + 1) > 0);
readonly Tween t;
public WaitForRewind(Tween tween)
t = tween;
public class WaitForKill : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
readonly Tween t;
public WaitForKill(Tween tween)
t = tween;
public class WaitForElapsedLoops : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
return && t.CompletedLoops() < elapsedLoops;
readonly Tween t;
readonly int elapsedLoops;
public WaitForElapsedLoops(Tween tween, int elapsedLoops)
t = tween;
this.elapsedLoops = elapsedLoops;
public class WaitForPosition : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
return && t.position * (t.CompletedLoops() + 1) < position;
readonly Tween t;
readonly float position;
public WaitForPosition(Tween tween, float position)
t = tween;
this.position = position;
public class WaitForStart : CustomYieldInstruction
public override bool keepWaiting { get {
return && !t.playedOnce;
readonly Tween t;
public WaitForStart(Tween tween)
t = tween;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 63c02322328255542995bd02b47b0457
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// Author: Daniele Giardini -
// Created: 2018/07/13
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using DG.Tweening.Core;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Core.PathCore;
using DG.Tweening.Plugins.Options;
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
/// <summary>
/// Utility functions that deal with available Modules.
/// Modules defines:
/// - DOTUI
/// Extra defines set and used for implementation of external assets:
/// - DOTWEEN_TMP ► TextMesh Pro
/// - DOTWEEN_TK2D ► 2D Toolkit
/// </summary>
public static class DOTweenModuleUtils
static bool _initialized;
#region Reflection
/// <summary>
/// Called via Reflection by DOTweenComponent on Awake
/// </summary>
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
public static void Init()
if (_initialized) return;
_initialized = true;
DOTweenExternalCommand.SetOrientationOnPath += Physics.SetOrientationOnPath;
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += PlaymodeStateChanged;
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += PlaymodeStateChanged;
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
#pragma warning disable
// Just used to preserve methods when building, never called
static void Preserver()
Assembly[] loadedAssemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
MethodInfo mi = typeof(MonoBehaviour).GetMethod("Stub");
#pragma warning restore
// Fires OnApplicationPause in DOTweenComponent even when Editor is paused (otherwise it's only fired at runtime)
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1
static void PlaymodeStateChanged()
static void PlaymodeStateChanged(UnityEditor.PlayModeStateChange state)
if (DOTween.instance == null) return;
// █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// ███ INTERNAL CLASSES ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
// █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
public static class Physics
// Called via DOTweenExternalCommand callback
public static void SetOrientationOnPath(PathOptions options, Tween t, Quaternion newRot, Transform trans)
#if true // PHYSICS_MARKER
if (options.isRigidbody) ((Rigidbody) = newRot;
else trans.rotation = newRot;
trans.rotation = newRot;
// Returns FALSE if the DOTween's Physics2D Module is disabled, or if there's no Rigidbody2D attached
public static bool HasRigidbody2D(Component target)
#if true // PHYSICS2D_MARKER
return target.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() != null;
return false;
#region Called via Reflection
// Called via Reflection by DOTweenPathInspector
// Returns FALSE if the DOTween's Physics Module is disabled, or if there's no rigidbody attached
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
public static bool HasRigidbody(Component target)
#if true // PHYSICS_MARKER
return target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null;
return false;
// Called via Reflection by DOTweenPath
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
public static TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> CreateDOTweenPathTween(
MonoBehaviour target, bool tweenRigidbody, bool isLocal, Path path, float duration, PathMode pathMode
TweenerCore<Vector3, Path, PathOptions> t;
#if true // PHYSICS_MARKER
Rigidbody rBody = tweenRigidbody ? target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() : null;
if (tweenRigidbody && rBody != null) {
t = isLocal
? rBody.DOLocalPath(path, duration, pathMode)
: rBody.DOPath(path, duration, pathMode);
} else {
t = isLocal
? target.transform.DOLocalPath(path, duration, pathMode)
: target.transform.DOPath(path, duration, pathMode);
t = isLocal
? target.transform.DOLocalPath(path, duration, pathMode)
: target.transform.DOPath(path, duration, pathMode);
return t;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 7bcaf917d9cf5b84090421a5a2abe42e
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
DOTween and DOTween Pro are copyright (c) 2014-2018 Daniele Giardini - Demigiant
// IMPORTANT!!! /////////////////////////////////////////////
// Upgrading DOTween from versions older than 1.2.000 ///////
// (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) //////////////////////
If you're upgrading your project from a version of DOTween older than 1.2.000 (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) please follow these instructions carefully.
1) Import the new version in the same folder as the previous one, overwriting old files. A lot of errors will appear but don't worry
2) Close and reopen Unity (and your project). This is fundamental: skipping this step will cause a bloodbath
3) Open DOTween's Utility Panel (Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel) if it doesn't open automatically, then press "Setup DOTween...": this will run the upgrade setup
4) From the Add/Remove Modules panel that opens, activate/deactivate Modules for Unity systems and for external assets (Pro version only)
// GET STARTED //////////////////////////////////////////////
- After importing a new DOTween update, select DOTween's Utility Panel from the "Tools/Demigiant" menu (if it doesn't open automatically) and press the "Setup DOTween..." button to activate/deactivate Modules. You can also access a Preferences Tab from there to choose default settings for DOTween.
- In your code, add "using DG.Tweening" to each class where you want to use DOTween.
- You're ready to tween. Check out the links below for full documentation and license info.
// LINKS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
DOTween website (documentation, examples, etc):
DOTween license:
DOTween repository (Google Code):
Demigiant website (documentation, examples, etc):
// NOTES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DOTween's Utility Panel can be found under "Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel" and also contains other useful options, plus a tab to set DOTween's preferences
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 27f3f5345a3cb684195f070b3d44bc05, type: 3}
_musicId: event:/Music/WIPMusic
_musicId: event:/Music/MultiMusic
_trackDeltaPerSecond: 0.5
BusName: Music
PlayerPref: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 45598e626e9c27c428f33cca2dd341e2, type: 2}
Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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- component: {fileID: 1670603406037581897}
- component: {fileID: 1670603406037581898}
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--- !u!4 &1670603406037581902
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--- !u!65 &1670603406037581897
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--- !u!114 &1670603406037581898
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Normal file
Normal file
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@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ CharacterController:
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m_Enabled: 1
serializedVersion: 2
m_Height: 1.7
m_Height: 1.5
m_Radius: 0.4
m_SlopeLimit: 45
m_StepOffset: 0.3
m_SkinWidth: 0.01
m_MinMoveDistance: 0.001
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m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0.75, z: 0}
--- !u!114 &13726836969441783
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_graphics: {fileID: 13726837642651460}
@ -166,6 +167,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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frozenTime: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 19273ba4ac237ab4381926cfb195dda8, type: 2}
--- !u!114 &13726836969441780
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@ -296,6 +299,10 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: b118302a-6162-4223-8a6c-38ff2d6b4133
m_ActionName: ArtefactPreview/LookDelta[/Mouse/delta]
- m_PersistentCalls:
m_Calls: []
m_ActionId: 29f1599e-fe43-47df-ad25-8e712263d0ab
m_ActionName: CoreMap/Freeze[/Keyboard/g]
m_NeverAutoSwitchControlSchemes: 0
m_DefaultControlScheme: Gamepad
m_DefaultActionMap: CoreMap
@ -329,10 +336,12 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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_freeze: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &3320306143821152633
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@ -483,8 +492,6 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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animator: {fileID: 0}
fadeScreen: {fileID: 0}
_respawnPosition: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 20fad56702134eb469a652ba680b48b2, type: 2}
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_playerRespawn: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 6e31084a96bb93a44a85563a6208d0da, type: 2}
@ -515,7 +522,7 @@ Transform:
m_GameObject: {fileID: 13726837642651461}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 0.8, y: 0.85, z: 0.8}
m_LocalScale: {x: 0.7, y: 0.75, z: 0.7}
- {fileID: 3910566560202895193}
- {fileID: 13726836532781129}
@ -600,7 +607,7 @@ Transform:
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m_GameObject: {fileID: 1703779518772407877}
m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1}
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0.381, z: -0.026}
m_LocalPosition: {x: -0.036, y: 1.403, z: -0.093}
m_LocalScale: {x: 0.1, y: 0.1, z: 0.1}
m_Children: []
m_Father: {fileID: 13726837642651460}
@ -87,6 +87,122 @@ PrefabInstance:
propertyPath: m_Name
value: Cameras
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 1.4999695
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: -0.7294996
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 0.72316885
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: -0.012375496
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: -0.6904594
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207112327334, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: -0.011815742
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207311831624, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 0.97784
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: -0.13644
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: 0.15792163
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: -0.0165495
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207439169721, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 0.97784
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207439169721, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: -0.13643998
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207439169721, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: 0.15792166
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207439169721, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: -0.016549498
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207544240914, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_XAxis.Value
value: -89.63728
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207738413437, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_XAxis.Value
value: -89.63728
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115488, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 1.4999695
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115488, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
value: -0.80000305
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115488, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: -0.7294996
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 0.5667831
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115488, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0.06921981
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115488, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: -0.8148993
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: 0.099521644
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115489, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_Follow
@ -95,6 +211,46 @@ PrefabInstance:
propertyPath: m_LookAt
objectReference: {fileID: 3150647428828152554}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207789115489, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_XAxis.Value
value: -89.63728
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 0.9705022
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: -0.13541612
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: 0.19838297
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 5661344207849762652, guid: dfbecbd9a563dba43be2d6139d9b3f90, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: -0.020789675
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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propertyPath: m_XAxis.Value
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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