Array and Table Literal Expressions for Kym #11
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const list = @import("./list.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub const Stacking = struct {
base_allocator: io.Allocator,
min_page_size: usize,
allocations: list.Stack(usize) = .{},
pages: list.Stack(Page) = .{},
const Page = struct {
buffer: []u8,
used: usize,
const Self = @This();
fn available(self: Self) usize {
return self.buffer.len - self.used;
pub fn allocate(self: *Stacking, allocation_size: usize) io.AllocationError![]u8 {
const alignment = @as(usize, 4);
const aligned_allocation_size = (allocation_size + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
if (self.pages.values.len == 0) {
const page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_allocation_size));
page.used = allocation_size;
return page.buffer[0 .. allocation_size];
var page = self.current_page() orelse unreachable;
if (page.available() <= aligned_allocation_size) {
page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_allocation_size));
debug.assert(page.available() >= allocation_size);
defer page.used += aligned_allocation_size;
return page.buffer[page.used .. (page.used + allocation_size)];
fn allocate_page(self: *Stacking, page_size: usize) io.AllocationError!*Page {
var buffer = try io.allocate_many(u8, page_size, self.base_allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(self.base_allocator, buffer);
try self.pages.push_one(self.base_allocator, .{
.buffer = buffer,
.used = 0,
return (self.current_page() orelse unreachable);
pub fn as_allocator(self: *Stacking) io.Allocator {
return io.Allocator.bind(Stacking, self, struct {
fn reallocate(stacking: *Stacking, options: io.AllocationOptions) ?[]u8 {
const allocation = options.allocation orelse {
return stacking.allocate(options.size) catch null;
if (allocation.len == 0) {
return null;
const reallocation = stacking.allocate(allocation.len) catch {
return null;
io.copy(reallocation, allocation);
return reallocation;
pub fn clear_allocations(self: *Stacking) void {
for (self.pages.values) |page| {
io.deallocate(self.base_allocator, page.buffer);
fn current_page(self: Stacking) ?*Page {
if (self.pages.values.len == 0) {
return null;
return &self.pages.values[self.pages.values.len - 1];
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
/// Arena-based memory allocation strategies.
pub const arena = @import("./arena.zig");
/// Debug build-only utilities and sanity-checkers.
pub const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
/// Heap memory allocation strategies.
pub const heap = @import("./heap.zig");
/// Platform-agnostic data input and output operations.
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
const table = @import("./table.zig");
pub const Bucketed = struct {
base_allocator: io.Allocator,
slab_table: SlabTable,
const Slab = struct {
count: usize = 0,
buffer: []u8 = &.{},
erased: []usize = &.{},
fn create(self: *Slab, allocator: io.Allocator) ?[]u8 {
if (self.count == self.erased.len) {
const buffer = io.allocate_many(allocator, u8, math.max(1, self.buffer.len * 2)) orelse return null;
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, buffer);
const erased = io.allocate_many(allocator, usize, math.max(1, self.erased.len * 2)) orelse return null;
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, erased);
self.buffer = buffer;
self.erased = erased;
return null;
fn destroy(self: *Slab) void {
_ = self;
const SlabTable = table.Hashed(table.unsigned_key(@bitSizeOf(usize)), *Slab);
fn acquire_slab(self: *Bucketed, slab_element_size: usize) ?*Slab {
if (slab_element_size == 0) return null;
return self.slab_table.lookup(slab_element_size) orelse create_slab: {
const allocated_slab = io.allocate_one(self.base_allocator, Slab);
errdefer io.deallocate(self.base_allocator, allocated_slab);
allocated_slab.* = .{.size = slab_element_size};
debug.assert(self.size_buckets.insert(slab_element_size, allocated_slab) catch return null);
break: create_slab allocated_slab;
pub fn as_allocator(self: *Bucketed) io.Allocator {
return io.Allocator.bind(self, reallocate);
pub fn deinit(self: *Bucketed) void {
var slab_iterator = SlabTable.Iterator{.table = self.slab_table};
while ( |slab| {
pub fn init(base_allocator: io.Allocator) io.AllocationError!Bucketed {
return Bucketed{
.base_allocator = base_allocator,
.size_buckets = &.{},
pub fn owns(self: Bucketed, memory: []const u8) bool {
return io.overlaps(memory.ptr, (self.slab_table.lookup(memory.len) orelse return false).buffer);
pub fn reallocate(self: *Bucketed, options: io.AllocationOptions) ?[]u8 {
const origin_slab = self.acquire_slab(options.size) orelse return null;
const existing_allocation = options.allocation orelse return origin_slab.create(self.base_allocator);
defer origin_slab.destroy(existing_allocation);
const target_slab = self.acquire_slab(existing_allocation.len) orelse return null;
const updated_allocation = target_slab.create(existing_allocation.len);
io.copy(updated_allocation, existing_allocation);
return updated_allocation;
@ -11,31 +11,33 @@ pub const AllocationOptions = struct {
size: usize,
pub const Allocator = Functor(?[]u8, AllocationOptions);
pub const Allocator = Generator(?[]u8, AllocationOptions);
/// Function pointer coupled with a state context for providing dynamic dispatch over a given `Input` and `Output`.
/// Function pointer coupled with an immutable state context for providing dynamic dispatch over a given `Input` and
/// `Output`.
pub fn Functor(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
context: *const anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *State, input: Input) Output) Self {
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *const State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *const State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const alignment = @alignOf(State);
const is_zero_aligned = alignment == 0;
return .{
.context = state,
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(*const anyopaque, state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke_opaque(context: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
const state_alignment = @alignOf(State);
if (state_alignment == 0) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, context), input);
fn invoke_opaque(context: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(*const State, context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, @alignCast(state_alignment, context)), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(*const State, @alignCast(alignment, context)), input);
@ -47,7 +49,43 @@ pub fn Functor(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
pub const Reader = Functor(?usize, []u8);
/// Function pointer coupled with a mutable state context for providing dynamic dispatch over a given `Input` and
/// `Output`.
pub fn Generator(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const alignment = @alignOf(State);
const is_zero_aligned = alignment == 0;
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(*anyopaque, state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke_opaque(context: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, @alignCast(alignment, context)), input);
pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.invoker(self.context, input);
pub const Reader = Generator(?usize, []u8);
pub const StreamError = error {
@ -66,7 +104,7 @@ pub const FixedBuffer = struct {
slice: []u8,
pub fn as_writer(self: *FixedBuffer) Writer {
return Writer.bind(self, struct {
return Writer.bind(FixedBuffer, self, struct {
fn write(writable_memory: *FixedBuffer, data: []const u8) ?usize {
return writable_memory.write(data);
@ -104,7 +142,7 @@ pub const GrowingBuffer = struct {
bytes: []const u8,
const Appender = Functor(AllocationError!void, AppendOptions);
const Appender = Generator(AllocationError!void, AppendOptions);
pub fn as_writer(self: *GrowingBuffer) Writer {
return Writer.bind(GrowingBuffer, self, struct {
@ -136,17 +174,13 @@ pub const GrowingBuffer = struct {
pub const Writer = Functor(?usize, []const u8);
pub const Writer = Generator(?usize, []const u8);
pub fn allocate_many(comptime Type: type, amount: usize, allocator: Allocator) AllocationError![]Type {
if (@sizeOf(Type) == 0) {
@compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type));
if (amount == 0) {
return &.{};
return @ptrCast([*]Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{.size = @sizeOf(Type) * amount}) orelse {
return error.OutOfMemory;
}))[0 .. amount];
@ -191,46 +225,32 @@ pub fn compare(this: []const u8, that: []const u8) isize {
return @intCast(isize, this.len) - @intCast(isize, that.len);
pub fn deallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype) void {
const Element = @TypeOf(allocation);
switch (@typeInfo(Element).Pointer.size) {
.One => {
.allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[0 .. @sizeOf(Element)],
.size = 0
}) == null);
.Slice => {
.allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(Element) * allocation.len)],
.size = 0
}) == null);
.Many, .C => @compileError("length of allocation must be known to deallocate"),
pub fn bytes_to(comptime Type: type, source_bytes: []const u8) ?Type {
const type_size = @sizeOf(Type);
if (source_bytes.len != type_size) return null;
var target_bytes = @as([type_size]u8, undefined);
copy(&target_bytes, source_bytes);
return @bitCast(Type, target_bytes);
pub fn copy(target: []u8, source: []const u8) void {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < source.len) : (index += 1) target[index] = source[index];
pub fn deallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype) void {
const Allocation = @TypeOf(allocation);
switch (@typeInfo(Allocation)) {
.Pointer => |allocation_pointer| {
_ = allocator.invoke(.{
.allocation = switch (allocation_pointer.size) {
.One => @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[0 .. @sizeOf(Allocation)],
.Slice => @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(Allocation) * allocation.len)],
.Many, .C => @compileError("length of allocation must be known to deallocate"),
.size = 0,
else => @compileError("cannot deallocate " ++ allocation),
pub fn ends_with(target: []const u8, match: []const u8) bool {
if (target.len < match.len) return false;
@ -274,10 +294,6 @@ pub const null_writer = Writer.bind(&null_context, struct {
pub fn overlaps(pointer: [*]u8, memory_range: []u8) bool {
return (pointer >= memory_range.ptr) and (pointer < (memory_range.ptr + memory_range.len));
pub fn reallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype, amount: usize) AllocationError![]@typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer.child {
const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer;
const Element = pointer_info.child;
@ -319,6 +335,10 @@ pub fn swap(comptime Element: type, this: *Element, that: *Element) void {
that.* = temp;
pub fn tag_of(comptime value: anytype) Tag(@TypeOf(value)) {
return @as(Tag(@TypeOf(value)), value);
pub fn zero(target: []u8) void {
for (target) |*t| t.* = 0;
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
return struct {
capacity: usize,
values: []Value,
capacity: usize = 0,
values: []Value = &.{},
/// Stack type.
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// The returned buffer may be used to write to the stack without needing to explicitly pass an allocator
/// context, as well decay further into a generic [io.Writer] type.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if `capacity` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one
/// originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn as_buffer(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) io.GrowingBuffer {
return io.GrowingBuffer.bind(Self, allocator, self, push_all);
@ -44,12 +44,17 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// To clear all items from the stack while preserving the current internal buffer, see [clear] instead.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
if (self.capacity == 0) {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values);
self.values = &.{};
self.capacity = 0;
@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// Growing ahead of pushing operations is useful when the upper bound of pushes is well-understood, as it can
/// reduce the number of allocations required per push.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn grow(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, growth_amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const grown_capacity = self.capacity + growth_amount;
@ -86,34 +91,18 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, values);
for (0 .. self.values.len) |index| {
values[index] = self.values[index];
if (self.capacity != 0) {
for (0 .. self.values.len) |index| {
values[index] = self.values[index];
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values);
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values);
self.values = values;
self.capacity = grown_capacity;
/// Attempts to allocate and return an empty stack with an internal buffer of `initial_capacity` size using
/// `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required for an
/// internal buffer of `initial_capacity` size.
pub fn init(allocator: io.Allocator, initial_capacity: usize) !Self {
const values = try io.allocate_many(Value, initial_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(values);
return Self{
.capacity = initial_capacity,
.values = values[0 .. 0],
/// Attempts to remove the last element of `self` that was inserted, if one exists, returning it or `null` if
/// `self` is empty.
@ -137,14 +126,14 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_all(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, values: []const Value) io.AllocationError!void {
const new_length = self.values.len + values.len;
if (new_length >= self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, math.min(new_length, self.capacity));
try self.grow(allocator, values.len + values.len);
const offset_index = self.values.len;
@ -163,14 +152,14 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_many(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Value, amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const new_length = self.values.len + amount;
if (new_length >= self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, math.max(usize, new_length, self.capacity));
try self.grow(allocator, amount + amount);
const offset_index = self.values.len;
@ -189,8 +178,8 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_one(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Value) io.AllocationError!void {
if (self.values.len == self.capacity) {
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ const io = @import("./io.zig");
pub fn Map(comptime Index: type, comptime Element: type) type {
return struct {
free_index: Index,
entries: []Entry,
free_index: Index = 0,
entries: []Entry = &.{},
const Entry = union (enum) {
free_index: usize,
@ -28,17 +28,6 @@ pub fn Map(comptime Index: type, comptime Element: type) type {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.entries);
pub fn init(allocator: io.Allocator) io.AllocationError!Self {
const entries = try io.allocate_many(Entry, 4, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, entries);
return Self{
.free_index = 0,
.entries = entries,
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Element) io.AllocationError!Index {
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
const growth_factor = 0.6;
return struct {
count: usize,
table: []?Entry,
count: usize = 0,
table: []?Entry = &.{},
/// Key-value pair bundling.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
pub fn assign(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!?Entry {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, math.max(1, self.table.len)) * growth_factor;
if (growth_size > math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
/// Returns the calculated load factor of `self` at the moment.
pub fn calculate_load_factor(self: Self) f32 {
return @intToFloat(f32, self.count) / @intToFloat(f32, self.table.len);
return if (self.table.len == 0) 1 else @intToFloat(f32, self.count) / @intToFloat(f32, self.table.len);
@ -160,28 +160,6 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
self.count = 0;
/// Attempts to allocate and return an empty table with an implementation-defined initial capacity using
/// `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required for the
/// table capcity size.
pub fn init(allocator: io.Allocator) io.AllocationError!Self {
const table = try io.allocate_many(?Entry, 4, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, table);
for (table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
return Self{
.table = table,
.count = 0,
/// Attempts to write the `key`-`value` pair into `self`, using `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy,
/// if no value already exists with a matching `key`, returning `true` if it was inserted, otherwise `false`.
@ -194,17 +172,16 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!bool {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
const growth_amount = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
const min_size = 1;
if (growth_size > math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
try self.rehash(allocator, @floatToInt(usize, growth_size));
try self.rehash(allocator, self.table.len + math.max(min_size, @floatToInt(usize, growth_amount)));
debug.assert(self.table.len > self.count);
defer self.count += 1;
return (Entry{
.key = key,
.value = value,
@ -222,8 +199,9 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), self.table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (true) {
while (iterations < self.count) : (iterations += 1) {
const entry = &(self.table[hashed_key] orelse return null);
if (keyer.comparer(entry.key, key) == 0) {
@ -260,13 +238,16 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Ke
entry.* = null;
for (old_table) |maybe_entry| {
if (maybe_entry) |entry| {
if (old_table.len != 0)
for (old_table) |maybe_entry| {
if (maybe_entry) |entry| {
io.deallocate(allocator, old_table);
io.deallocate(allocator, old_table);
@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
const std = @import("std");
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
/// Errors that may occur during utf8-encoded int parsing.
pub const IntParseError = math.CheckedArithmeticError || ParseError;
const std = @import("std");
/// Optional rules for int parsing logic to consider during parsing.
pub const IntParseOptions = struct {
pub const DecimalFormat = struct {
delimiter: []const u8 = "",
positive_prefix: enum {none, plus, space} = .none,
pub const HexadecimalFormat = struct {
delimiter: []const u8 = "",
positive_prefix: enum {none, plus, space} = .none,
casing: enum {lower, upper} = .lower,
@ -32,107 +39,104 @@ pub const PrintError = error {
/// Attempts to parse a float value of type described by `float` from `utf8`.
/// The function returns a [ParseError] if `utf8` does not conform to the syntax of a float.
pub fn parse_float(comptime float: std.builtin.Type.Float, utf8: []const u8) ParseError!math.Float(float) {
// ""
pub fn parse_decimal(comptime Decimal: type, utf8: []const u8, format: DecimalFormat) !Decimal {
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return error.BadSyntax;
const is_negative = utf8[0] == '-';
switch (@typeInfo(Decimal)) {
.Int => |int| {
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
// "-"
if (is_negative and (utf8.len == 1)) {
return error.BadSyntax;
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
const negative_offset = @boolToInt(is_negative);
var has_decimal = utf8[negative_offset] == '.';
for (@boolToInt(has_sign) .. utf8.len) |index| {
const radix = 10;
const code = utf8[index];
// "-."
if (has_decimal and (utf8.len == 2)) {
return error.BadSyntax;
switch (code) {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
result = try math.checked_add(
try math.checked_mul(result, radix),
try math.checked_sub(code, '0'));
const Float = math.Float(float);
var result: Float = 0;
var factor: Float = 1;
else => {
if (format.delimiter.len == 0 or !io.equals(format.delimiter, utf8[index ..])) {
return error.BadSyntax;
for (utf8[0 .. negative_offset + @boolToInt(has_decimal)]) |code| switch (code) {
'.' => {
if (has_decimal) return error.BadSyntax;
switch (int.signedness) {
.signed => {
return result * @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
has_decimal = true;
.unsigned => {
if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') {
return error.OutOfMemory;
return result;
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
if (has_decimal) factor /= 10.0;
.Float => {
// ""
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return error.BadSyntax;
result = ((result * 10.0) + @intToFloat(Float, code - '0'));
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
// "-"
if (has_sign and utf8.len == 1) {
return error.BadSyntax;
const sign_offset = @boolToInt(has_sign);
var has_decimal = utf8[sign_offset] == '.';
// "-."
if (has_decimal and (utf8.len == 2)) {
return error.BadSyntax;
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
var factor = @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
for (utf8[0 .. (sign_offset + @boolToInt(has_decimal))]) |code| switch (code) {
'.' => {
if (has_decimal) return error.BadSyntax;
has_decimal = true;
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
if (has_decimal) factor /= 10.0;
result = ((result * 10.0) + @intToFloat(Decimal, code - '0'));
else => return error.BadSyntax,
return result * factor;
else => return error.BadSyntax,
return result * factor;
/// Attempts to parse an int value of type described by `int` from `utf8`, with `options` as additional rules for the
/// parsing logic to consider.
/// The function returns a [IntParseError] if `utf8` does not conform to the syntax of a float, does not match the rules
/// specified in `option`, or exceeds the maximum size of the int described by `int`.
pub fn parse_int(
comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int,
utf8: []const u8,
options: IntParseOptions) IntParseError!math.Int(int) {
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return error.BadSyntax;
else => @compileError("`" ++ @typeName(Decimal) ++ "` cannot be formatted as a decimal string"),
const is_negative = utf8[0] == '-';
switch (int.signedness) {
.signed => {
if (is_negative and utf8.len == 1) {
return error.BadSyntax;
.unsigned => {
if (is_negative) {
return error.BadSyntax;
var result = @as(math.Int(int), 0);
for (0 .. utf8.len) |index| {
const code = utf8[index];
switch (code) {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
result = try math.checked_add(try math.checked_mul(result, 10), try math.checked_sub(code, '0'));
else => {
if (options.delimiter.len == 0 or !io.equals(options.delimiter, utf8[index ..])) {
return error.BadSyntax;
return result;
@ -147,40 +151,148 @@ pub fn print(writer: io.Writer, utf8: []const u8) PrintError!void {
/// Attempts to print the int `value` described by `int` to `writer`.
/// The function returns [PrintError] if the write failed to complete partially or entirely.
pub fn print_int(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int, writer: io.Writer, value: math.Int(int)) PrintError!void {
if (value == 0) {
return try print(writer, "0");
pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments: anytype) PrintError!void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(arguments))) {
.Struct => |arguments_struct| {
comptime var arg_index = 0;
comptime var head = 0;
comptime var tail = 0;
inline while (tail < format.len) : (tail += 1) {
if (format[tail] == '{') {
if (tail > format.len) {
@compileError("expected an idenifier after opening `{`");
tail += 1;
switch (format[tail]) {
'{' => {
try print(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
tail += 1;
head = tail;
'}' => {
if (!arguments_struct.is_tuple) {
@compileError("all format specifiers must be named when using a named struct");
try print(writer, arguments[arg_index]);
arg_index += 1;
tail += 1;
head = tail;
else => {
if (arguments_struct.is_tuple) {
@compileError("format specifiers cannot be named when using a tuple struct");
try print(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
head = tail;
tail += 1;
if (tail >= format.len) {
@compileError("expected closing `}` or another `{` after opening `{`");
debug.assert(tail < format.len);
inline while (format[tail] != '}') {
tail += 1;
debug.assert(tail < format.len);
try print_value(writer, @field(arguments, format[head .. tail]));
tail += 1;
head = tail;
else => @compileError("`arguments` must be a struct type"),
// TODO: Don't make this buffer arbitrarily size cause big int types WILL overflow.
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 40;
var buffer_count: usize = 0;
var split_value = value;
if ((int.signedness == .unsigned) and (value < 0)) {
buffer[0] = '-';
buffer_count += 1;
while (split_value != 0) : (buffer_count += 1) {
const radix = 10;
buffer[buffer_count] = @intCast(u8, (split_value % radix) + '0');
split_value = (split_value / radix);
const half_buffer_count = buffer_count / 2;
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < half_buffer_count) : (index += 1) {
io.swap(u8, &buffer[index], &buffer[buffer_count - index - 1]);
try print(writer, buffer[0 .. buffer_count]);
pub fn print_decimal(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype, format: DecimalFormat) PrintError!void {
if (value == 0) {
return print(writer, switch (format.positive_prefix) {
.none => "0",
.plus => "+0",
.space => " 0",
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Int => |int| {
const radix = 10;
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** (1 + math.max(int.bits, 1));
var buffer_start = buffer.len - 1;
var decomposable_value = value;
while (decomposable_value != 0) : (buffer_start -= 1) {
buffer[buffer_start] = @intCast(u8, (decomposable_value % radix) + '0');
decomposable_value = (decomposable_value / radix);
if (int.signedness == .unsigned and value < 0) {
buffer[buffer_start] = '-';
} else {
switch (format.positive_prefix) {
.none => buffer_start += 1,
.plus => buffer[buffer_start] = '+',
.space => buffer[buffer_start] = ' ',
try print(writer, buffer[buffer_start ..]);
else => @compileError("`arguments` must be a struct type"),
pub fn print_hexadecimal(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype, format: HexadecimalFormat) PrintError!void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = writer;
_ = value;
_ = format;
noinline fn print_value(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype) PrintError!void {
const Value = @TypeOf(value);
return switch (@typeInfo(Value)) {
.Int => print_decimal(writer, value, .{}),
.Float => print_decimal(writer, value, .{}),
.Pointer => |pointer| switch (pointer.size) {
.One, .Many, .C => print_hexadecimal(writer, @ptrToInt(value), .{}),
.Slice => if (pointer.child == u8) print(writer, value) else @compileError(unformattableMessage(Value)),
else => @compileError(unformattableMessage(Value)),
fn unformattableMessage(comptime Value: type) []const u8 {
return "`" ++ @typeName(Value) ++ "` are not formattable";
@ -7,15 +7,23 @@ const Context = struct {
const Self = @This();
const empty_allocation = [0]u8{};
fn reallocate(self: *Self, options: ?[]u8 {
if (options.size == 0) {
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
if (allocation.ptr != &empty_allocation) {
self.live_allocations -= 1;
return null;
return null;
self.live_allocations += 1;
return &empty_allocation;
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
const tokens = @import("./tokens.zig");
const types = @import("./types.zig");
arena: coral.arena.Stacking,
statements: StatementList,
error_message: []const u8,
pub const BinaryOperator = enum {
fn token(self: BinaryOperator) tokens.Token {
return switch (self) {
.addition => .symbol_plus,
.subtraction => .symbol_minus,
.multiplication => .symbol_asterisk,
.divsion => .symbol_forward_slash,
.equals_comparison => .symbol_double_equals,
.greater_than_comparison => .symbol_greater_than,
.greater_equals_comparison => .symbol_greater_equals,
.less_than_comparison => .symbol_less_than,
.less_equals_comparison => .symbol_less_equals,
pub const Expression = union (enum) {
integer_literal: types.Integer,
float_literal: types.Float,
string_literal: []const u8,
array_literal: coral.list.Stack(Expression),
table_literal: coral.list.Stack(struct {
identifier: []const u8,
expression: Expression,
grouped_expression: *Expression,
binary_operation: struct {
operator: BinaryOperator,
lhs_expression: *Expression,
rhs_expression: *Expression,
unary_operation: struct {
operator: UnaryOperator,
expression: *Expression,
const ExpressionParser = fn (self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression;
const Self = @This();
pub const Statement = union (enum) {
return_expression: Expression,
const StatementList = coral.list.Stack(Statement);
const UnaryOperator = enum {
fn binary_operation_parser(comptime parse_next: ExpressionParser, comptime operators: []const BinaryOperator) ExpressionParser {
return struct {
fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression {
var expression = try parse_next(self, tokenizer);
const allocator = self.arena.as_allocator();
inline for (operators) |operator| {
const token = comptime operator.token();
if (tokenizer.current_token == {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true}),
"expected right-hand side of expression after `" ++ comptime token.text() ++ "`");
expression = .{
.binary_operation = .{
.operator = operator,
.lhs_expression = try, expression),
.rhs_expression = try, try parse_next(self, tokenizer)),
return expression;
fn check_syntax(self: *Self, condition: bool, error_message: []const u8) types.ParseError!void {
if (condition) {
return self.fail_syntax(error_message);
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
fn fail_syntax(self: *Self, error_message: []const u8) types.ParseError {
self.error_message = error_message;
return error.BadSyntax;
pub fn init(allocator:!Self {
return Self{
.arena = .{
.base_allocator = allocator,
.min_page_size = 4096,
.allocator = allocator,
.statements = .{},
.error_message = "",
pub fn list_statements(self: Self) []const Statement {
return self.statements.values;
pub fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!void {
errdefer self.reset();
var has_not_returned_yet = true;
while (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false})) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.keyword_return => {
try self.check_syntax(has_not_returned_yet, "cannot return more than once per function scope");
try self.statements.push_one(self.allocator, get_statement: {
if (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true})) {
if (tokenizer.current_token != .newline) {
break: get_statement .{.return_expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer)};
if (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true})) {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.current_token == .newline,
"expected end of declaration after return expression");
break: get_statement .return_nothing;
has_not_returned_yet = false;
else => return self.fail_syntax("invalid statement"),
const parse_comparison = binary_operation_parser(parse_term, &.{
const parse_equality = binary_operation_parser(parse_comparison, &.{
const parse_expression = binary_operation_parser(parse_equality, &.{
fn parse_factor(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_paren_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "expected an expression after `(`");
const expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer);
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}) and tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_paren_right,
"expected a closing `)` after expression");
return Expression{.grouped_expression = try, expression)};
.integer => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{
.integer_literal = coral.utf8.parse_decimal(types.Integer, value, .{}) catch |parse_error| {
return self.fail_syntax(switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid integer literal",
error.IntOverflow => "integer literal is too big",
.real => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{
.float_literal = coral.utf8.parse_decimal(types.Float, value, .{}) catch |parse_error| {
return self.fail_syntax(switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid float literal",
.string => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{.string_literal = value};
.symbol_bracket_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end of array literal");
var expression = Expression{.array_literal = .{}};
coral.debug.assert(expression == .array_literal);
const allocator = self.arena.as_allocator();
const array_average_maximum = 32;
try expression.array_literal.grow(allocator, array_average_maximum);
while (true) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_bracket_right => {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return expression;
else => {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
"expected `]` or expression after `[`");
try expression.array_literal.push_one(allocator, try self.parse_expression(tokenizer));
.symbol_brace_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end of table literal");
var expression = Expression{.table_literal = .{}};
coral.debug.assert(expression == .table_literal);
const allocator = self.arena.as_allocator();
while (true) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_brace_right => {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return expression;
.local => |identifier| {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}) and tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_equals,
"expected `=` after identifier");
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end after `=`");
try expression.table_literal.push_one(allocator, .{
.identifier = identifier,
.expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer),
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_comma => _ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
.symbol_brace_right => {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return expression;
else => return self.fail_syntax("expected `,` or `}` after expression"),
else => return self.fail_syntax("expected `}` or fields in table literal"),
.symbol_minus => {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
"expected expression after numeric negation (`-`)");
return Expression{
.unary_operation = .{
.expression = try
try self.parse_factor(tokenizer)),
.operator = .numeric_negation,
.symbol_bang => {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
"expected expression after numeric negation (`!`)");
return Expression{
.unary_operation = .{
.expression = try
try self.parse_factor(tokenizer)),
.operator = .boolean_negation,
else => return self.fail_syntax("unexpected token in expression"),
const parse_term = binary_operation_parser(parse_factor, &.{
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const Environment = @import("./Environment.zig");
const Ast = @import("./Ast.zig");
const ast = @import("./ast.zig");
const Environment = @import("./Environment.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ const Opcode = enum (u8) {
@ -50,54 +51,45 @@ fn clear_error_details(self: *Self) void {
pub fn compile(self: *Self, data: []const u8) types.RuntimeError!void {
var tokenizer = tokens.Tokenizer{.source = data};
var parsed_statements = try ast.ParsedStatements.init(self.env.allocator, &tokenizer);
var ast = try Ast.init(self.env.allocator);
switch (parsed_statements) {
.valid => |*statements| {
defer statements.deinit(self.env.allocator);
errdefer ast.deinit();
for (statements.list.values) |statement| {
switch (statement) {
.return_expression => |return_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(return_expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
var tokenizer = tokens.Tokenizer{.source = data};
.return_nothing => {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_nil);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
ast.parse(&tokenizer) catch |init_error| {
if (init_error == error.BadSyntax) {
var message_buffer = self.message_data.as_buffer(self.env.allocator);
coral.utf8.print_formatted(message_buffer.as_writer(), "@({line}): {name}", .{
.line = tokenizer.lines_stepped,
.name = ast.error_message,
}) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
.invalid => |invalid| {
return init_error;
try self.message_data.push_all(self.env.allocator, "@(");
for (ast.list_statements()) |statement| {
switch (statement) {
.return_expression => |return_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(return_expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
var message_buffer = self.message_data.as_buffer(self.env.allocator);
const message_writer = message_buffer.as_writer();
coral.utf8.print_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int, message_writer, tokenizer.lines_stepped) catch {
return error.OutOfMemory;
coral.utf8.print(message_writer, "): ") catch {
return error.OutOfMemory;
coral.utf8.print(message_writer, invalid) catch {
return error.OutOfMemory;
return error.BadSyntax;
.return_nothing => {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_nil);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
pub fn compile_expression(self: *Self, expression: ast.Expression) types.RuntimeError!void {
pub fn compile_expression(self: *Self, expression: Ast.Expression) types.RuntimeError!void {
switch (expression) {
.nil_literal => try self.emit_opcode(.push_nil),
.true_literal => try self.emit_opcode(.push_true),
@ -126,33 +118,46 @@ pub fn compile_expression(self: *Self, expression: ast.Expression) types.Runtime
try self.emit_object(try self.intern(literal));
.table_literal => |literal| {
if (literal.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(types.Integer).Int)) {
.array_literal => |elements| {
if (elements.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(types.Integer).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (literal.values) |field| {
try self.compile_expression(field.expression.*);
for (elements.values) |element_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(element_expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.push_array);
try self.emit_integer(@intCast(types.Integer, elements.values.len));
.table_literal => |fields| {
if (fields.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(types.Integer).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (fields.values) |field| {
try self.compile_expression(field.expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.push_object);
try self.emit_object(try self.intern(field.identifier));
try self.emit_opcode(.push_table);
try self.emit_integer(@intCast(types.Integer, literal.values.len));
try self.emit_integer(@intCast(types.Integer, fields.values.len));
.binary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.lhs_expression.*);
try self.compile_expression(operation.rhs_expression.*);
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.kind) {
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.addition => .add,
.subtraction => .sub,
.multiplication => .mul,
.division => .div,
.equality_comparison => .compare_eq,
.divsion => .div,
.greater_equals_comparison => .compare_eq,
.greater_than_comparison => .compare_gt,
.greater_equals_comparison => .compare_ge,
.equals_comparison => .compare_ge,
.less_than_comparison => .compare_lt,
.less_equals_comparison => .compare_le,
@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ pub fn compile_expression(self: *Self, expression: ast.Expression) types.Runtime
.unary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.expression.*);
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.kind) {
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.boolean_negation => .not,
.numeric_negation => .neg,
@ -199,24 +204,20 @@ pub fn emit_opcode(self: *Self, opcode: Opcode)!void {
pub fn error_details(self: Self) []const u8 {
coral.debug.assert(self.message_data.values.len >= self.message_name_len);
return self.message_data.values[self.message_name_len .. ];
return self.message_data.values;
pub fn init(env: *Environment, chunk_name: []const u8)!Self {
var bytecode_buffer = try Buffer.init(env.allocator, 0);
var message_data = Buffer{};
errdefer bytecode_buffer.deinit(env.allocator);
var message_data = try Buffer.init(env.allocator, chunk_name.len);
try message_data.push_all(env.allocator, chunk_name);
errdefer message_data.deinit(env.allocator);
message_data.push_all(env.allocator, chunk_name) catch unreachable;
return Self{
.env = env,
.message_data = message_data,
.bytecode_buffer = bytecode_buffer,
.bytecode_buffer = .{},
.message_name_len = chunk_name.len,
@ -235,8 +235,10 @@ pub fn execute_file(self: *Self, fs: file.System, file_path: file.Path) ExecuteF
defer readable_file.close();
var file_source = coral.list.Stack(u8){};
const file_size = (try fs.query_info(file_path)).size;
var file_source = try coral.list.Stack(u8).init(self.allocator, file_size);
try file_source.grow(self.allocator, file_size);
defer file_source.deinit(self.allocator);
@ -287,41 +289,35 @@ pub fn get_object(self: *Self, indexable: types.Ref, index: types.Ref) types.Run
pub fn init(allocator:, options: InitOptions) !Self {
var values = try ValueStack.init(allocator, options.values_max * options.calls_max);
errdefer values.deinit(allocator);
var calls = try CallStack.init(allocator, options.calls_max);
errdefer calls.deinit(allocator);
var interned = try InternTable.init(allocator);
errdefer interned.deinit(allocator);
var heap = try ObjectSlab.init(allocator);
errdefer heap.deinit(allocator);
var environment = Self{
var env = Self{
.global_object = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
.reporter = options.reporter,
.interned = interned,
.values = values,
.calls = calls,
.heap = heap,
.interned = .{},
.values = .{},
.calls = .{},
.heap = .{},
const globals = try environment.new_object(&.{}, .{
errdefer {
coral.debug.assert(globals == .object);
try env.values.grow(allocator, options.values_max * options.calls_max);
try env.calls.grow(allocator, options.calls_max);
environment.global_object = globals.object;
const globals = try env.new_object(&.{}, .{
return environment;
coral.debug.assert(globals == .object);
env.global_object = globals.object;
return env;
pub fn intern(self: *Self, string: []const u8)!types.Ref {
@ -360,17 +356,13 @@ pub fn new_object(self: *Self, userdata: []const u8, info: ObjectInfo)
||||, userdata);
var fields = try Object.Fields.init(self.allocator);
errdefer fields.deinit(self.allocator);
return .{.object = try self.heap.insert(self.allocator, .{
.ref_count = 1,
.state = .{
.info = info,
.userdata = allocation,
.fields = fields,
.fields = .{},
@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
const tokens = @import("./tokens.zig");
const types = @import("./types.zig");
pub const BinaryOperation = enum {
pub const ParsedExpression = union (enum) {
valid: Expression,
invalid: []const u8,
pub fn init(allocator:, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedExpression {
var parsed_lhs_expression = try init_equality(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_lhs_expression) {
.valid => |*lhs_expression| {
var expression = lhs_expression.*;
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_plus) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `+`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_equality(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_minus) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `-`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_equality(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedExpression{.valid = expression};
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
pub fn init_comparison(
tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedExpression {
var parsed_lhs_expression = try init_term(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_lhs_expression) {
.valid => |*lhs_expression| {
var expression = lhs_expression.*;
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_greater_than) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `>`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_term(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_greater_equals) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `>=`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_term(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_less_than) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `<`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_term(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_less_equals) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `<=`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_term(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedExpression{.valid = expression};
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
fn init_equality(
tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedExpression {
var parsed_lhs_expression = try init_comparison(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_lhs_expression) {
.valid => |*lhs_expression| {
var expression = lhs_expression.*;
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_double_equals) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `==`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_comparison(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedExpression{.valid = expression};
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
fn init_factor(
tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedExpression {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_paren_left => {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected an expression after `(`"};
var parsed_expression = try ParsedExpression.init(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_expression) {
.valid => |*expression| {
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
if ((!tokenizer.step()) or (tokenizer.current_token != .symbol_paren_right)) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected a closing `)` after expression"};
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = .{.grouped_expression = try, expression.*)},
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
.integer => |value| {
defer _ = tokenizer.step();
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = .{
.integer_literal = coral.utf8.parse_int(
value, .{}) catch |parse_error| {
return ParsedExpression{
.invalid = switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid integer literal",
error.IntOverflow => "integer literal is too big",
.real => |value| {
defer _ = tokenizer.step();
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = .{
.float_literal = coral.utf8.parse_float(
value) catch |parse_error| {
return ParsedExpression{
.invalid = switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid float literal",
.string => |value| {
defer _ = tokenizer.step();
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = .{
.string_literal = value,
.symbol_minus => {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected expression after numeric negation (`-`)"};
var parsed_factor_expression = try init_factor(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_factor_expression) {
.valid => |*factor_expression| {
errdefer factor_expression.deinit(allocator);
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = try Expression.init_unary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
.symbol_bang => {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected expression after boolean negation (`!`)"};
var parsed_factor_expression = try init_factor(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_factor_expression) {
.valid => |*factor_expression| {
errdefer factor_expression.deinit(allocator);
return ParsedExpression{
.valid = try Expression.init_unary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
else => return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "unexpected token in expression"},
pub fn init_term(allocator:, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedExpression {
var parsed_lhs_expression = try init_factor(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_lhs_expression) {
.valid => |*lhs_expression| {
var expression = lhs_expression.*;
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_asterisk) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `*`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_factor(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
if (tokenizer.current_token == .symbol_forward_slash) {
if (!tokenizer.step()) {
return ParsedExpression{.invalid = "expected right-hand side of expression after `/`"};
var parsed_rhs_expression = try init_equality(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_rhs_expression) {
.valid => |*rhs_expression| {
errdefer rhs_expression.deinit(allocator);
expression = try Expression.init_binary_operation(
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedExpression{.valid = expression};
.invalid => |details| return ParsedExpression{.invalid = details},
pub const ParsedStatements = union (enum) {
valid: Statements,
invalid: []const u8,
pub fn init(allocator:, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer)!ParsedStatements {
var statements_list = try Statements.List.init(allocator, 0);
var has_returned = false;
var is_invalid = true;
defer if (is_invalid) {
for (statements_list.values) |*statement| {
while (tokenizer.step()) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.newline => {},
.keyword_return => {
if (has_returned) {
return ParsedStatements{.invalid = "cannot return more than once per function scope"};
if (tokenizer.step() and (tokenizer.current_token != .newline)) {
var parsed_expression = try ParsedExpression.init(allocator, tokenizer);
switch (parsed_expression) {
.valid => |*expression| {
errdefer expression.deinit(allocator);
try statements_list.push_one(allocator, .{
.return_expression = expression.*,
.invalid => |details| {
return ParsedStatements{.invalid = details};
} else {
try statements_list.push_one(allocator, .return_nothing);
if (tokenizer.step() and tokenizer.current_token != .newline) {
return ParsedStatements{.invalid = "expected newline after expression"};
has_returned = true;
else => {
return ParsedStatements{.invalid = "invalid statement"};
is_invalid = false;
return ParsedStatements{
.valid = .{
.list = statements_list,
pub const Expression = union (enum) {
integer_literal: types.Integer,
float_literal: types.Float,
string_literal: []const u8,
table_literal: TableLiteral,
grouped_expression: *Expression,
binary_operation: struct {
kind: BinaryOperation,
lhs_expression: *Expression,
rhs_expression: *Expression,
unary_operation: struct {
kind: UnaryOperation,
expression: *Expression,
const TableLiteral = coral.list.Stack(struct {
identifier: []const u8,
expression: *Expression,
fn deinit(self: *Expression, allocator: void {
switch (self.*) {
.nil_literal, .true_literal, .false_literal, .integer_literal, .float_literal, .string_literal => {},
.table_literal => |*literal| {
for (literal.values) |field| {
||||, field.expression);
.grouped_expression => |expression| {
.binary_operation => |operation| {
||||, operation.lhs_expression);
||||, operation.rhs_expression);
.unary_operation => |operation| {
||||, operation.expression);
fn init_binary_operation(
kind: BinaryOperation,
lhs_expression: *const Expression,
rhs_operation: *const Expression)!Expression {
const allocated_lhs_expression = try, lhs_expression.*);
errdefer, allocated_lhs_expression);
const allocated_rhs_expression = try, rhs_operation.*);
errdefer, allocated_rhs_expression);
return Expression{
.binary_operation = .{
.kind = kind,
.lhs_expression = allocated_lhs_expression,
.rhs_expression = allocated_rhs_expression,
fn init_unary_operation(
kind: UnaryOperation,
expression: *const Expression)!Expression {
const allocated_expression = try, expression.*);
errdefer, allocated_expression);
return Expression{
.unary_operation = .{
.kind = kind,
.expression = allocated_expression,
pub const Statements = struct {
list: List,
const List = coral.list.Stack(union (enum) {
return_expression: Expression,
const Self = @This();
fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: void {
switch (self.*) {
.return_expression => |*expression| {
.return_nothing => {},
pub fn deinit(self: *Statements, allocator: void {
for (self.list.values) |*statement| {
pub const UnaryOperation = enum {
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
global: []const u8,
local: []const u8,
@ -44,25 +43,31 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
return switch (self) {
.unknown => |unknown| @ptrCast([*]const u8, &unknown)[0 .. 1],
.newline => "newline",
.identifier_global => |identifier| identifier,
.identifier_local => |identifier| identifier,
.assign => "=",
.plus => "+",
.minus => "-",
.asterisk => "*",
.forward_slash => "/",
.paren_left => "(",
.paren_right => ")",
.bang => "!",
.comma => ",",
.at => "@",
.brace_left => "{",
.brace_right => "}",
.bracket_left => "[",
.bracket_right => "]",
.period => ".",
.arrow => "=>",
.global => |identifier| identifier,
.local => |identifier| identifier,
.symbol_plus => "+",
.symbol_minus => "-",
.symbol_asterisk => "*",
.symbol_forward_slash => "/",
.symbol_paren_left => "(",
.symbol_paren_right => ")",
.symbol_bang => "!",
.symbol_comma => ",",
.symbol_at => "@",
.symbol_brace_left => "{",
.symbol_brace_right => "}",
.symbol_bracket_left => "[",
.symbol_bracket_right => "]",
.symbol_period => ".",
.symbol_lambda => "=>",
.symbol_less_than => "<",
.symbol_less_equals => "<=",
.symbol_greater_than => ">",
.symbol_greater_equals => ">=",
.symbol_equals => "=",
.symbol_double_equals => "==",
.integer => |literal| literal,
.real => |literal| literal,
@ -80,314 +85,329 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
pub const Tokenizer = struct {
source: []const u8,
lines_stepped: usize = 1,
previous_token: Token = .newline,
current_token: Token = .newline,
current_token: Token = .{.unknown = 0},
pub fn has_next(self: Tokenizer) bool {
return self.source.len != 0;
pub fn step(self: *Tokenizer) bool {
self.previous_token = self.current_token;
const StepOptions = struct {
include_newlines: bool,
pub fn step(self: *Tokenizer, options: StepOptions) bool {
var cursor = @as(usize, 0);
defer self.source = self.source[cursor ..];
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'#' => {
cursor += 1;
defer @import("std").debug.print("{s}\n", .{self.current_token.text()});
while (self.has_next() and (self.source[cursor] == '\n')) {
while (cursor < self.source.len) {
switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'#' => {
cursor += 1;
' ', '\t' => cursor += 1,
'\n' => {
cursor += 1;
self.lines_stepped += 1;
self.current_token = .newline;
return true;
'0' ... '9' => {
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0' ... '9' => cursor += 1,
'.' => {
while (cursor < self.source.len and self.source[cursor] == '\n') {
cursor += 1;
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0' ... '9' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
' ', '\t' => cursor += 1,
self.current_token = .{.real = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
'\n' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .newline;
self.lines_stepped += 1;
if (options.include_newlines) {
return true;
else => break,
'0' ... '9' => {
const begin = cursor;
self.current_token = .{.integer = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0' ... '9' => cursor += 1,
'A' ... 'Z', 'a' ... 'z', '_' => {
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
const identifier = self.source[begin .. cursor];
coral.debug.assert(identifier.len != 0);
switch (identifier[0]) {
'n' => if (, "il")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_nil;
'f' => if (, "alse")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_false;
't' => if (, "rue")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_true;
'r' => if (, "eturn")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_return;
's' => if (, "elf")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_self;
else => self.current_token = .{.local = identifier},
return true;
'@' => {
cursor += 1;
if (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => {
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.global = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
'"' => {
cursor += 1;
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'"' => break,
else => cursor += 1,
self.current_token = .{.global = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
else => {},
self.current_token = .symbol_at;
return true;
'"' => {
cursor += 1;
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (self.has_next()) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'"' => break,
else => cursor += 1,
self.current_token = .{.string = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
'{' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_brace_left;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'}' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_brace_right;
cursor += 1;
return true;
',' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_comma;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'!' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_bang;
cursor += 1;
return true;
')' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_paren_right;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'(' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_paren_left;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'/' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_forward_slash;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'*' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_asterisk;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'-' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_minus;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'+' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_plus;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'=' => {
cursor += 1;
if (self.has_next()) {
switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'=' => {
'.' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_double_equals;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0' ... '9' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.real = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
'>' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_lambda;
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.integer = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
'A' ... 'Z', 'a' ... 'z', '_' => {
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
const identifier = self.source[begin .. cursor];
coral.debug.assert(identifier.len != 0);
switch (identifier[0]) {
'n' => if (, "il")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_nil;
return true;
'f' => if (, "alse")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_false;
return true;
't' => if (, "rue")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_true;
return true;
'r' => if (, "eturn")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_return;
return true;
's' => if (, "elf")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_self;
return true;
else => {},
self.current_token = .symbol_equals;
return true;
'<' => {
cursor += 1;
if (self.has_next() and (self.source[cursor] == '=')) {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_less_equals;
self.current_token = .{.local = identifier};
return true;
self.current_token = .symbol_less_than;
return true;
'>' => {
cursor += 1;
if (self.has_next() and (self.source[cursor] == '=')) {
'@' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_greater_equals;
if (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => {
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '_' => cursor += 1,
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.global = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
'"' => {
cursor += 1;
const begin = cursor;
cursor += 1;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'"' => break,
else => cursor += 1,
self.current_token = .{.global = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
else => {},
self.current_token = .symbol_at;
return true;
self.current_token = .symbol_greater_than;
'"' => {
cursor += 1;
return true;
const begin = cursor;
'.' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_period;
cursor += 1;
cursor += 1;
return true;
while (cursor < self.source.len) switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'"' => break,
else => cursor += 1,
else => {
self.current_token = .{.unknown = self.source[cursor]};
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .{.string = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
return true;
'{' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_brace_left;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'}' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_brace_right;
cursor += 1;
return true;
',' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_comma;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'!' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_bang;
cursor += 1;
return true;
')' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_paren_right;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'(' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_paren_left;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'/' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_forward_slash;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'*' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_asterisk;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'-' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_minus;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'+' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_plus;
cursor += 1;
return true;
'=' => {
cursor += 1;
if (cursor < self.source.len) {
switch (self.source[cursor]) {
'=' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_double_equals;
return true;
'>' => {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_lambda;
return true;
else => {},
self.current_token = .symbol_equals;
return true;
'<' => {
cursor += 1;
if (cursor < self.source.len and (self.source[cursor] == '=')) {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_less_equals;
return true;
self.current_token = .symbol_less_than;
return true;
'>' => {
cursor += 1;
if (cursor < self.source.len and (self.source[cursor] == '=')) {
cursor += 1;
self.current_token = .symbol_greater_equals;
return true;
self.current_token = .symbol_greater_than;
return true;
'.' => {
self.current_token = .symbol_period;
cursor += 1;
return true;
else => {
self.current_token = .{.unknown = self.source[cursor]};
cursor += 1;
return true;
self.current_token = .newline;
@ -28,10 +28,13 @@ pub const Ref = union (Primitive) {
object: Object,
pub const RuntimeError = || CheckError || error {
pub const ParseError = error {
pub const RuntimeError = CheckError || ParseError;
pub const Val = union (Primitive) {
@ -59,17 +59,15 @@ pub fn run_app(base_file_system: file.System) void {
const Logger = struct {
const Self = @This();
fn log(_: *Self, message: []const u8) void {
fn log(_: *const Self, message: []const u8) void {
ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%.*s", message.len, message.ptr);
var logger = Logger{};
var script_environment = kym.Environment.init(heap.allocator, .{
.values_max = 512,
.calls_max = 512,
.reporter = kym.Environment.Reporter.bind(Logger, &logger, Logger.log),
.reporter = kym.Environment.Reporter.bind(Logger, &.{}, Logger.log),
}) catch {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "failed to initialize Kym vm\n");
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
const ona = @import("ona");
pub fn main() !void {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user