Compare commits
5 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
kayomn | d1c823df41 | |
kayomn | 455ede6d78 | |
kayomn | c2a95726ca | |
kayomn | 4e3263b352 | |
kayomn | 7e8691c050 |
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"name": "Runner",
"type": "gdb",
"request": "launch",
"target": "${workspaceRoot}/demos/effects.out",
"target": "${workspaceRoot}/demos/canvas.out",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/demos/",
"valuesFormatting": "prettyPrinters",
"preLaunchTask": "Build All"
@ -254,6 +254,20 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
gfx_module.link_libc = true;
_ = try project.add_module(b, "gui", .{
.imports = &.{
.name = "ona",
.module = ona_module,
.name = "gfx",
.module = gfx_module,
project.find_demos(b.step("demos", "Build demos"));
project.find_tests(b.step("tests", "Build and run tests"));
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
const gfx = @import("gfx");
const gui = @import("gui");
const hid = @import("hid");
const ona = @import("ona");
pub const main =
.with_system(.load, ona.system_fn(load), .{ .label = "Hello Ona" }).build();
fn load(canvas: ona.Write(gui.Canvas)) !void {
const item = try canvas.state.append("", .{
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
.width = 256,
.height = 256,
try canvas.state.set_block(item, .{
.has_color = gfx.colors.purple,
try canvas.state.set_label(item, .{
.has_text = "Hello, world",
const item2 = try canvas.state.append("", .{
.x = 128,
.y = 128,
.width = 256,
.height = 256,
try canvas.state.set_block(item2, .{
.has_color = .{0, 1, 0, 1},
canvas.state.set_parent(item2, item);
@ -56,23 +56,23 @@ fn load(display: ona.Write(gfx.Display), effects: ona.Write(Effects), assets: on
pub const main = ona.App.setup.
with_system(.load, ona.system_fn(load), .{.label = "load effects"}).
with_system(.update, ona.system_fn(update), .{.label = "update effects"}).
with_system(.render, ona.system_fn(render), .{.label = "render effects"}).build();
pub const main =
.with_system(.load, ona.system_fn(load), .{.label = "load effects"})
.with_system(.update, ona.system_fn(update), .{.label = "update effects"})
.with_system(.render, ona.system_fn(render), .{.label = "render effects"}).build();
fn update(effects: ona.Write(Effects), app: ona.Read(ona.App)) void {
fn update(effects: ona.Write(Effects), loop: ona.Read(ona.Loop)) void {
const update_seconds = 5;
if ((app.state.elapsed_time - effects.state.last_time) > update_seconds) {
if ((loop.state.elapsed_time - effects.state.last_time) > update_seconds) {
effects.state.image_index = (effects.state.image_index + 1) % effects.state.image_textures.len;
effects.state.last_time = app.state.elapsed_time;
effects.state.last_time = loop.state.elapsed_time;
fn render(commands: gfx.Commands, effects: ona.Write(Effects), app: ona.Read(ona.App), display: ona.Write(gfx.Display)) !void {
fn render(commands: gfx.Commands, effects: ona.Write(Effects), loop: ona.Read(ona.Loop), display: ona.Write(gfx.Display)) !void {
try commands.set_target(.{
.texture = effects.state.render_texture,
.clear_color =,
@ -80,26 +80,21 @@ fn render(commands: gfx.Commands, effects: ona.Write(Effects), app: ona.Read(ona
.clear_stencil = 0,
const display_width: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.width);
const display_height: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.height);
const display_transform = gfx.transform_2d(.{
.translation = .{display_width / 2, display_height / 2},
const width: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.width);
const height: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.height);
try commands.draw_texture(.{
.texture = effects.state.image_textures[effects.state.image_index],
.transform = display_transform,
.resolution = .{display.state.width, display.state.height},
.size = .{width, height},
try commands.set_effect(.{
.effect = effects.state.crt_effect,
.properties = std.mem.asBytes(&CRT{
.width = display_width,
.height = display_height,
.time = @floatCast(app.state.elapsed_time),
.width = width,
.height = height,
.time = @floatCast(loop.state.elapsed_time),
@ -111,7 +106,7 @@ fn render(commands: gfx.Commands, effects: ona.Write(Effects), app: ona.Read(ona
try commands.draw_texture(.{
.texture = effects.state.render_texture,
.transform = display_transform,
.size = .{width, height},
@ -6,80 +6,68 @@ const ona = @import("ona");
const std = @import("std");
const Spawned = struct {
visual: struct {
color: gfx.Color,
transform: gfx.Transform2D,
lifetime_seconds: f32,
const Visuals = struct {
spawned: ona.stack.Parallel(Spawned) = .{},
spawned: SpawnMap = SpawnMap.init(ona.heap.allocator),
random: std.Random.Xoroshiro128,
mouse_position: @Vector(2, f32) = @splat(0),
const SpawnMap = ona.SlotMap(struct {
color: gfx.Color,
position: gfx.Vector2,
rotation: f32,
lifetime_seconds: f32,
fn cleanup(visuals: ona.Write(Visuals)) !void {
fn load(visuals: ona.Write(Visuals)) !void {
const initial_spawn_capacity = 1024;
try visuals.state.spawned.grow(initial_spawn_capacity);
pub const main = ona.App.setup.
with_state(Visuals{.random = std.Random.Xoroshiro128.init(47342563891212)}).
with_system(.load, ona.system_fn(load), .{.label = "load visuals"}).
with_system(.update, ona.system_fn(update), .{.label = "spawn visuals"}).
with_system(.render, ona.system_fn(render), .{.label = "render visuals"}).
with_system(.exit, ona.system_fn(cleanup), .{.label = "clean up visuals"}).build();
pub const main =
.with_state(Visuals{.random = std.Random.Xoroshiro128.init(47342563891212)})
.with_system(.update, ona.system_fn(update), .{.label = "spawn visuals"})
.with_system(.render, ona.system_fn(render), .{.label = "render visuals"})
.with_system(.exit, ona.system_fn(cleanup), .{.label = "clean up visuals"}).build();
fn update(visuals: ona.Write(Visuals), events: ona.Receive(hid.Event), display: ona.Read(gfx.Display)) !void {
const float_speed = 6;
for (0 .. |i| {
const spawned = visuals.state.spawned.get(i) orelse {
spawned.lifetime_seconds -= 1.0 / 60.0;
spawned.position -= .{0, float_speed};
if (spawned.lifetime_seconds <= 0) {
std.debug.assert(visuals.state.spawned.remove(i) != null);
const random = visuals.state.random.random();
const width: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.width);
const height: f32 = @floatFromInt(display.state.height);
const icon_scale = .{8, 8};
for (events.messages()) |event| {
switch (event) {
.key_down => {
try visuals.state.spawned.push_grow(.{
_ = try visuals.state.spawned.insert(.{
.lifetime_seconds = 2.5 + (5 * random.float(f32)),
.visual = .{
.color = .{random.float(f32), random.float(f32), random.float(f32), random.float(f32)},
.transform = gfx.transform_2d(.{
.translation = .{width * random.float(f32), height},
.position = .{width * random.float(f32), height},
.rotation = std.math.pi * random.float(f32),
.scale = icon_scale,
.mouse_down => {
try visuals.state.spawned.push_grow(.{
_ = try visuals.state.spawned.insert(.{
.lifetime_seconds = 2.5 + (5 * random.float(f32)),
.visual = .{
.color = .{random.float(f32), random.float(f32), random.float(f32), random.float(f32)},
.transform = gfx.transform_2d(.{
.translation = visuals.state.mouse_position,
.position = visuals.state.mouse_position,
.rotation = std.math.pi * random.float(f32),
.scale = icon_scale,
@ -92,38 +80,13 @@ fn update(visuals: ona.Write(Visuals), events: ona.Receive(hid.Event), display:
fn update_spawned(spawned: *ona.stack.Parallel(Spawned)) void {
const float_speed = 6;
for (spawned.values.slice(.visual)) |*visual| {
visual.transform = visual.transform.translated(.{0, -float_speed});
var range = spawned.len();
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < range) : (index += 1) {
const lifetime_seconds = spawned.values.get(.lifetime_seconds, index).?;
lifetime_seconds.* -= 1.0 / 60.0;
if (lifetime_seconds.* <= 0) {
range -= 1;
std.mem.swap(f32, lifetime_seconds, spawned.values.get(.lifetime_seconds, range).?);
std.debug.assert(spawned.pop_many(spawned.len() - range));
fn render(visuals: ona.Write(Visuals), commands: gfx.Commands) !void {
for (visuals.state.spawned.values.slice(.visual)) |visual| {
try commands.draw_rect(.{
.transform = visual.transform,
.color = visual.color,
for (visuals.state.spawned.values()) |visual| {
try commands.draw_texture(.{
.anchor = @splat(0.5),
.position = visual.position,
.tint = visual.color,
.size = @as(gfx.Vector2, @splat(64)),
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pub const Effect = struct {
.vertex_source = .{
.ops = &spirv.to_ops(@embedFile("./shaders/2d_default.vert.spv")),
.ops = &spirv.to_ops(@embedFile("./shaders/draw_texture.vert.spv")),
.fragment_source = .{
@ -197,12 +197,12 @@ pub const Effect = struct {
attrs[2] = .{
.format = .FLOAT2,
.format = .FLOAT,
.buffer_index = 1,
attrs[3] = .{
.format = .FLOAT2,
.format = .FLOAT,
.buffer_index = 1,
@ -212,12 +212,12 @@ pub const Effect = struct {
attrs[5] = .{
.format = .UBYTE4N,
.format = .FLOAT2,
.buffer_index = 1,
attrs[6] = .{
.format = .FLOAT,
.format = .FLOAT2,
.buffer_index = 1,
@ -226,6 +226,11 @@ pub const Effect = struct {
.buffer_index = 1,
attrs[8] = .{
.format = .FLOAT4,
.buffer_index = 1,
break: get attrs;
@ -466,7 +471,7 @@ pub fn init() !Self {
assert.is_default_handle(try pools.create_effect(.{
.fragment_spirv_ops = &spirv.to_ops(@embedFile("./shaders/2d_default.frag.spv")),
.fragment_spirv_ops = &spirv.to_ops(@embedFile("./shaders/draw_texture.frag.spv")),
assert.is_default_handle(try pools.create_texture(try descs.solid_texture(.{
@ -27,40 +27,7 @@ pub const Assets = struct {
load_file: *const fn (*std.heap.ArenaAllocator, ona.files.Storage, []const u8) LoadFileError!Texture.Desc,
pub const WorkQueue = ona.asyncio.BlockingQueue(1024, union (enum) {
load_effect: LoadEffectWork,
load_texture: LoadTextureWork,
render_frame: RenderFrameWork,
unload_effect: UnloadEffectWork,
unload_texture: UnloadTextureWork,
const LoadEffectWork = struct {
desc: Effect.Desc,
loaded: *ona.asyncio.Future(std.mem.Allocator.Error!Effect),
const LoadTextureWork = struct {
desc: Texture.Desc,
loaded: *ona.asyncio.Future(std.mem.Allocator.Error!Texture),
const RenderFrameWork = struct {
clear_color: Color,
width: u16,
height: u16,
finished: *std.Thread.ResetEvent,
has_command_params: ?*ona.Params(Commands).Node,
const UnloadEffectWork = struct {
handle: Effect,
const UnloadTextureWork = struct {
handle: Texture,
pub const WorkQueue = ona.asyncio.BlockingQueue(1024, Work);
fn deinit(self: *Assets) void {
@ -72,12 +39,10 @@ pub const Assets = struct {
self.* = undefined;
fn init() !Assets {
fn init(width: u16, height: u16) !Assets {
const window = create: {
const position = ext.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED;
const flags = ext.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL;
const width = 640;
const height = 480;
break: create ext.SDL_CreateWindow("Ona", position, position, width, height, flags) orelse {
return error.Unsupported;
@ -138,42 +103,60 @@ pub const Assets = struct {
pub const thread_restriction = .main;
pub fn unload_effect(self: *Assets, handle: Effect) void {
self.pending_work.enqueue(.{.unload_effect = handle});
pub fn unload_texture(self: *Assets, handle: Texture) void {
self.pending_work.enqueue(.{.unload_texture = handle});
pub const Color = @Vector(4, f32);
pub const Commands = struct {
pending: *List,
pub const Command = union (enum) {
draw_font: DrawFont,
draw_texture: DrawTexture,
set_effect: SetEffect,
set_scissor_rect: ?Rect,
set_target: SetTarget,
pub const Command = union (enum) {
draw_rect: DrawRectCommand,
draw_texture: DrawTextureCommand,
set_effect: SetEffectCommand,
set_target: SetTargetCommand,
pub const DrawFont = struct {
position: Vector2 = @splat(0),
size: Vector2,
text: []const u8,
font: Font,
tint: Color,
depth: f32,
pub const DrawRectCommand = struct {
color: Color,
transform: Transform2D,
pub const DrawTexture = struct {
anchor: Vector2 = @splat(0),
size: ?Vector2 = null,
source: Rect = .{.left = 0, .top = 0, .right = 1, .bottom = 1},
position: Vector2 = @splat(0),
tint: Color = colors.white,
texture: Texture = .default,
rotation: f32 = 0,
depth: f32 = 0,
pub const DrawTextureCommand = struct {
texture: Texture,
transform: Transform2D,
resolution: ?@Vector(2, u16) = null,
pub const SetEffectCommand = struct {
pub const SetEffect = struct {
effect: Effect,
properties: []const u8,
pub const SetTargetCommand = struct {
pub const SetTarget = struct {
texture: ?Texture = null,
clear_color: ?Color,
clear_depth: ?f32,
clear_stencil: ?u8,
pub const Commands = struct {
pending: *List,
pub const List = struct {
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
@ -231,6 +214,8 @@ pub const Commands = struct {
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(_: ona.World.BindContext) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Param {
return .{
.swap_lists = .{
@ -240,21 +225,30 @@ pub const Commands = struct {
pub fn init(param: *Param) Commands {
pub fn init(param: *Param) Self {
return .{
.pending = param.pending_list(),
pub fn draw_rect(self: Commands, command: DrawRectCommand) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{.draw_rect = command});
pub fn draw_font(self: Self, command: Command.DrawFont) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{
.draw_font = .{
.text = try self.pending.arena.allocator().dupe(u8, command.text),
.position = command.position,
.size = command.size,
.font = command.font,
.tint = command.tint,
.depth = command.depth,
pub fn draw_texture(self: Commands, command: DrawTextureCommand) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
pub fn draw_texture(self: Self, command: Command.DrawTexture) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{.draw_texture = command});
pub fn set_effect(self: Commands, command: SetEffectCommand) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
pub fn set_effect(self: Self, command: Command.SetEffect) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{
.set_effect = .{
.properties = try self.pending.arena.allocator().dupe(u8,,
@ -263,13 +257,17 @@ pub const Commands = struct {
pub fn unbind(param: *Param, _: ona.World.UnbindContext) void {
pub fn set_scissor_rect(self: Self, has_rect: Rect) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{.set_scissor_rect = has_rect});
pub fn set_target(self: Commands, command: SetTargetCommand) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
pub fn set_target(self: Self, command: Command.SetTarget) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.pending.stack.push_grow(.{.set_target = command});
pub fn unbind(param: *Param, _: ona.World.UnbindContext) void {
pub const Descs = struct {
@ -431,11 +429,37 @@ pub const Effect = enum (u32) {
pub const Rect = struct {
pub const Font = enum (u32) {
pub const Desc = struct {
pub const Rect = extern struct {
left: f32,
top: f32,
right: f32,
bottom: f32,
pub fn area(self: Rect) f32 {
const width, const height = self.size();
return width * height;
pub fn size(self: Rect) Vector2 {
return .{self.right - self.left, self.bottom -};
pub const zero = Rect{
.left = 0,
.top = 0,
.right = 0,
.bottom = 0,
pub const Texture = enum (u32) {
@ -474,58 +498,41 @@ pub const Texture = enum (u32) {
pub const Transform2D = extern struct {
xbasis: Vector = .{1, 0},
ybasis: Vector = .{0, 1},
origin: Vector = @splat(0),
pub const Vector2 = @Vector(2, f32);
pub const Simplified = struct {
translation: Vector = @splat(0),
rotation: f32 = 0,
scale: Vector = @splat(1),
skew: f32 = 0,
const Work = union (enum) {
load_effect: LoadEffect,
load_texture: LoadTexture,
render_frame: RenderFrame,
unload_effect: UnloadEffect,
unload_texture: UnloadTexture,
const LoadEffect = struct {
desc: Effect.Desc,
loaded: *ona.asyncio.Future(std.mem.Allocator.Error!Effect),
pub const Vector = @Vector(2, f32);
pub fn scaled(self: Transform2D, scale: Vector) Transform2D {
var transform = self;
const scale_x, const scale_y = scale;
transform.xbasis *= @splat(scale_x);
transform.ybasis *= @splat(scale_y);
return transform;
pub fn transformed(self: Transform2D, other: Transform2D) Transform2D {
const xbasis_x, const xbasis_y = other.xbasis;
const ybasis_x, const ybasis_y = other.ybasis;
const origin_x, const origin_y = other.origin;
return .{
.xbasis =
(self.xbasis * @as(Vector, @splat(xbasis_x))) +
(self.ybasis * @as(Vector, @splat(xbasis_y))),
.ybasis =
(self.xbasis * @as(Vector, @splat(ybasis_x))) +
(self.ybasis * @as(Vector, @splat(ybasis_y))),
.origin =
(self.xbasis * @as(Vector, @splat(origin_x))) +
(self.ybasis * @as(Vector, @splat(origin_y))) +
const LoadTexture = struct {
desc: Texture.Desc,
loaded: *ona.asyncio.Future(std.mem.Allocator.Error!Texture),
pub fn translated(self: Transform2D, translation: Vector) Transform2D {
var transform = self;
const RenderFrame = struct {
clear_color: Color,
width: u16,
height: u16,
finished: *std.Thread.ResetEvent,
has_commands: ?*ona.Params(Commands).Node,
transform.origin += translation;
const UnloadEffect = struct {
handle: Effect,
return transform;
const UnloadTexture = struct {
handle: Texture,
pub const colors = struct {
@ -546,6 +553,8 @@ pub const colors = struct {
pub const purple = rgb(0.5, 0, 0.5);
pub const red = rgb(1, 0, 0);
pub fn rgb(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) Color {
return .{r, g, b, 1};
@ -553,13 +562,13 @@ pub const colors = struct {
pub const white = greyscale(1);
pub fn poll(app: ona.Write(ona.App), events: ona.Send(hid.Event)) !void {
pub fn poll(loop: ona.Write(ona.Loop), events: ona.Send(hid.Event)) !void {
var event = @as(ext.SDL_Event, undefined);
while (ext.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.type) {
ext.SDL_QUIT => {
ext.SDL_KEYUP => {
@ -606,13 +615,15 @@ pub fn poll(app: ona.Write(ona.App), events: ona.Send(hid.Event)) !void {
pub fn setup(world: *ona.World, events: ona.App.Events) (error {Unsupported} || std.Thread.SpawnError || std.mem.Allocator.Error)!void {
pub fn setup(world: *ona.World) !void {
if (ext.SDL_Init(ext.SDL_INIT_VIDEO | ext.SDL_INIT_EVENTS) != 0) {
return error.Unsupported;
const display = try world.set_get_state(Display{});
const assets = create: {
var assets = try Assets.init();
var assets = try Assets.init(display.width, display.height);
errdefer {
@ -632,10 +643,9 @@ pub fn setup(world: *ona.World, events: ona.App.Events) (error {Unsupported} ||
try world.set_state(Display{});
try world.on_event(events.pre_update, ona.system_fn(poll), .{.label = "poll gfx"});
try world.on_event(events.exit, ona.system_fn(stop), .{.label = "stop gfx"});
try world.on_event(events.finish, ona.system_fn(synchronize), .{.label = "synchronize gfx"});
try world.on_event(.pre_update, ona.system_fn(poll), .{.label = "poll gfx"});
try world.on_event(.exit, ona.system_fn(stop), .{.label = "stop gfx"});
try world.on_event(.finish, ona.system_fn(synchronize), .{.label = "synchronize gfx"});
pub fn stop(assets: ona.Write(Assets)) void {
@ -648,13 +658,11 @@ pub fn synchronize(exclusive: ona.Exclusive(&.{Assets, Display})) !void {
var has_command_param =;
while (has_command_param) |command_param| : (has_command_param = command_param.has_next) {
var display_width, var display_height = [_]c_int{0, 0};
@ -664,10 +672,10 @@ pub fn synchronize(exclusive: ona.Exclusive(&.{Assets, Display})) !void {
ext.SDL_SetWindowSize(assets.window, display.width, display.height);
if ( |command_param| {
if ( |has_commands| {
.render_frame = .{
.has_command_params = command_param,
.has_commands = has_commands,
.width = display.width,
.height = display.height,
.clear_color = display.clear_color,
@ -678,21 +686,3 @@ pub fn synchronize(exclusive: ona.Exclusive(&.{Assets, Display})) !void {
pub fn transform_2d(simplified: Transform2D.Simplified) Transform2D {
const rotation_skew = simplified.rotation + simplified.skew;
return .{
.xbasis = simplified.scale * Transform2D.Vector{
.ybasis = simplified.scale * Transform2D.Vector{
.origin = simplified.translation,
@ -23,15 +23,23 @@ const Frame = struct {
current_source_texture: gfx.Texture = .default,
current_target_texture: ?gfx.Texture = null,
current_effect: gfx.Effect = .default,
transform_matrix: Matrix = identity_matrix,
width: u16 = 0,
height: u16 = 0,
const DrawTexture = extern struct {
transform: gfx.Transform2D,
tint: @Vector(4, u8) = @splat(std.math.maxInt(u8)),
depth: f32 = 0,
texture_offset: @Vector(2, f32) = @splat(0),
texture_size: @Vector(2, f32) = @splat(1),
rotation: f32,
depth: f32,
position: gfx.Vector2,
size: gfx.Vector2,
anchor: gfx.Vector2,
source_clip: gfx.Rect,
tint: gfx.Color,
const View = extern struct {
projection_matrix: Matrix,
transform_matrix: Matrix,
const batches_per_buffer = 512;
@ -75,35 +83,13 @@ const Frame = struct {
pub fn draw_rect(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Commands.DrawRectCommand) !void {
if (self.current_source_texture != .default) {
pub fn draw_font(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Command.DrawFont) !void {
_ = self;
_ = resources;
_ = command;
self.current_source_texture = .default;
const has_filled_current_buffer = (self.drawn_count % batches_per_buffer) == 0;
const buffer_count = self.drawn_count / batches_per_buffer;
if (has_filled_current_buffer and buffer_count == self.texture_batch_buffers.len()) {
const instance_buffer = sokol.gfx.makeBuffer(.{
.size = @sizeOf(DrawTexture) * batches_per_buffer,
.usage = .STREAM,
errdefer sokol.gfx.destroyBuffer(instance_buffer);
try self.texture_batch_buffers.push_grow(instance_buffer);
_ = sokol.gfx.appendBuffer(self.texture_batch_buffers.get().?.*, sokol.gfx.asRange(&DrawTexture{
.transform = command.transform,
self.drawn_count += 1;
pub fn draw_texture(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Commands.DrawTextureCommand) !void {
pub fn draw_texture(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Command.DrawTexture) !void {
if (self.current_source_texture != command.texture) {
@ -127,10 +113,13 @@ const Frame = struct {
const texture = resources.get_texture(command.texture).?;
_ = sokol.gfx.appendBuffer(self.texture_batch_buffers.get().?.*, sokol.gfx.asRange(&DrawTexture{
.transform = command.transform.scaled(@floatFromInt(command.resolution orelse .{
.size = command.size orelse .{@floatFromInt(texture.width), @floatFromInt(texture.height)},
.anchor = command.anchor,
.rotation = command.rotation,
.depth = command.depth,
.source_clip = command.source,
.tint = command.tint,
.position = command.position,
self.drawn_count += 1;
@ -178,19 +167,27 @@ const Frame = struct {
if (self.current_target_texture) |target_texture| {
const texture = resources.get_texture(target_texture).?;
sokol.gfx.applyUniforms(.VS, 0, sokol.gfx.asRange(&orthographic_projection(-1.0, 1.0, .{
sokol.gfx.applyUniforms(.VS, 0, sokol.gfx.asRange(&View{
.projection_matrix = orthographic_projection(-1.0, 1.0, .{
.left = 0,
.top = 0,
.right = @floatFromInt(texture.width),
.bottom = @floatFromInt(texture.height),
.transform_matrix = self.transform_matrix,
} else {
sokol.gfx.applyUniforms(.VS, 0, sokol.gfx.asRange(&orthographic_projection(-1.0, 1.0, .{
sokol.gfx.applyUniforms(.VS, 0, sokol.gfx.asRange(&View{
.projection_matrix = orthographic_projection(-1.0, 1.0, .{
.left = 0,
.top = 0,
.right = @floatFromInt(self.width),
.bottom = @floatFromInt(self.height),
.transform_matrix = self.transform_matrix,
if ( != 0) {
@ -215,7 +212,7 @@ const Frame = struct {
pub fn set_effect(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Commands.SetEffectCommand) void {
pub fn set_effect(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Command.SetEffect) void {
if (command.effect != self.current_effect) {
@ -227,7 +224,25 @@ const Frame = struct {
pub fn set_target(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Commands.SetTargetCommand) void {
pub fn set_scissor_rect(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, has_rect: ?gfx.Rect) void {
if (has_rect) |rect| {
const width, const height = rect.size();
} else {
sokol.gfx.applyScissorRect(0, 0, self.width, self.height, true);
pub fn set_target(self: *Frame, resources: *Resources, command: gfx.Command.SetTarget) void {
var pass = sokol.gfx.Pass{
@ -305,18 +320,23 @@ const Frame = struct {
fn Matrix(comptime n: usize, comptime Element: type) type {
return [n]@Vector(n, Element);
const Matrix = [4]@Vector(4, f32);
var default_sampler: sokol.gfx.Sampler = undefined;
const identity_matrix = Matrix{
.{1, 0, 0, 0},
.{0, 1, 0, 0},
.{0, 0, 1, 0},
.{0, 0, 0, 1},
const vertex_indices = .{
.mesh = 0,
.instance = 1,
fn orthographic_projection(near: f32, far: f32, viewport: gfx.Rect) Matrix(4, f32) {
fn orthographic_projection(near: f32, far: f32, viewport: gfx.Rect) Matrix {
const width = viewport.right - viewport.left;
const height = viewport.bottom -;
@ -397,17 +417,18 @@ pub fn process_work(pending_work: *gfx.Assets.WorkQueue, window: *ext.SDL_Window
.render_frame => |render_frame| {
.render_frame => |*render_frame| {
frame.start(render_frame.width, render_frame.height);
var has_command_params = render_frame.has_command_params;
var has_commands = render_frame.has_commands;
while (has_command_params) |command_params| : (has_command_params = command_params.has_next) {
for (command_params.param.submitted_commands()) |command| {
while (has_commands) |commands| : (has_commands = commands.has_next) {
for (commands.param.submitted_commands()) |command| {
try switch (command) {
.draw_rect => |draw_rect| frame.draw_rect(&resources, draw_rect),
.draw_font => |draw_font| frame.draw_font(&resources, draw_font),
.draw_texture => |draw_texture| frame.draw_texture(&resources, draw_texture),
.set_effect => |set_effect| frame.set_effect(&resources, set_effect),
.set_scissor_rect => |has_rect| frame.set_scissor_rect(&resources, has_rect),
.set_target => |set_target| frame.set_target(&resources, set_target),
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#version 430
layout (location = 0) in vec2 mesh_xy;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 mesh_uv;
layout (location = 2) in vec2 instance_xbasis;
layout (location = 3) in vec2 instance_ybasis;
layout (location = 4) in vec2 instance_origin;
layout (location = 5) in vec4 instance_tint;
layout (location = 6) in float instance_depth;
layout (location = 7) in vec4 instance_clip;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 color;
layout (location = 1) out vec2 uv;
layout (binding = 0) uniform View {
mat4 projection_matrix;
void main() {
const vec2 world_position = instance_origin + mesh_xy.x * instance_xbasis + mesh_xy.y * instance_ybasis;
const vec2 projected_position = (projection_matrix * vec4(world_position, 0, 1)).xy;
const vec2 rect_size = - instance_clip.xy;
const vec4 screen_position = vec4(projected_position, instance_depth, 1.0);
gl_Position = screen_position;
color = instance_tint;
uv = instance_clip.xy + (mesh_uv * rect_size);
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#version 430
layout (location = 0) in vec2 batch_xy;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 batch_uv;
layout (location = 2) in float instance_rotation;
layout (location = 3) in float instance_depth;
layout (location = 4) in vec2 instance_position;
layout (location = 5) in vec2 instance_scale;
layout (location = 6) in vec2 instance_anchor;
layout (location = 7) in vec4 instance_clip;
layout (location = 8) in vec4 instance_tint;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 color;
layout (location = 1) out vec2 uv;
layout (binding = 0) uniform View {
mat4 projection_matrix;
mat4 transform_matrix;
void main() {
const vec2 normalized_position = (batch_xy + 0.5) - instance_anchor;
const float cos_theta = cos(instance_rotation);
const float sin_theta = sin(instance_rotation);
const mat2 rotation_matrix = mat2(
cos_theta, -sin_theta,
sin_theta, cos_theta
const vec2 rotated_position = rotation_matrix * (normalized_position * instance_scale);
const vec2 world_position = instance_position + rotated_position;
const vec4 clip_space_position = projection_matrix * transform_matrix * vec4(world_position, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = vec4(clip_space_position.xy, instance_depth, 1.0);
const vec2 clip_size = - instance_clip.xy;
uv = instance_clip.xy + (batch_uv * clip_size);
color = instance_tint;
@ -232,9 +232,7 @@ pub const Stage = struct {
else => error.UnsupportedSPIRV,
.len = std.math.cast(u16, ext.spvc_type_get_array_dimension(member_type_handle, 0)) orelse {
return error.UnsupportedSPIRV;
.len = std.math.cast(u16, ext.spvc_type_get_array_dimension(member_type_handle, 0)) orelse 0,
@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
const gfx = @import("gfx");
const ona = @import("ona");
const std = @import("std");
pub const Box = struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
width: f32,
height: f32,
pub fn rect(self: Box) gfx.Rect {
return .{
.left = self.x,
.top = self.y,
.right = self.x + self.width,
.bottom = self.y + self.height,
pub const Canvas = struct {
nodes: NodeMap = NodeMap.init(ona.heap.allocator),
drawable_blocks: DrawableBlockMap = DrawableBlockMap.init(ona.heap.allocator),
drawable_labels: DrawableLabelMap = DrawableLabelMap.init(ona.heap.allocator),
fn Drawable(comptime State: type) type {
return struct {
clip: gfx.Rect,
box: Box,
depth: f32,
state: State,
const DrawableBlockMap = ona.SlotMap(Drawable(struct {
background: gfx.Texture = .default,
color: gfx.Color = gfx.colors.white,
const DrawableLabelMap = ona.SlotMap(Drawable(struct {
text: ona.stack.Sequential(u8) = .{},
color: gfx.Color =,
font: gfx.Font = .default,
const NodeMap = ona.SlotMap(struct {
name: []u8,
box: Box,
parent_index: u32 = unused_index,
block_index: u32 = unused_index,
label_index: u32 = unused_index,
const Self = @This();
fn clip(self: Self, nodes: NodeMap) gfx.Rect {
if (self.parent_index == unused_index) {
return nodes.get(self.parent_index).?.box.rect();
fn depth(self: Self, nodes: NodeMap) f32 {
var parent_index = self.parent_index;
var value: f32 = 0;
while (parent_index != unused_index) : (parent_index = nodes.get(parent_index).?.parent_index) {
value += 1;
return value;
pub fn append(self: *Canvas, name: []const u8, box: Box) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Item {
const duped_name = try ona.heap.allocator.dupe(u8, name);
errdefer {
return @enumFromInt(try self.nodes.insert(.{
.name = duped_name,
.box = box,
fn deinit(self: *Canvas) void {
for (self.drawable_labels.values()) |*drawable_label| {
self.* = undefined;
pub fn set_block(self: *Canvas, item: Item, set: SetBlock) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
const node = self.nodes.get(@intFromEnum(item)).?;
if (node.block_index == unused_index) {
node.block_index = @intCast(try self.drawable_blocks.insert(.{
.clip = node.clip(self.nodes),
.depth = node.depth(self.nodes),
.box =,
.state = .{},
const block = self.drawable_blocks.get(node.block_index).?;
if (set.has_background) |background| {
block.state.background = background;
if (set.has_color) |color| {
block.state.color = color;
pub fn set_label(self: *Canvas, item: Item, set: SetLabel) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
const node = self.nodes.get(@intFromEnum(item)).?;
if (node.label_index == unused_index) {
node.label_index = @intCast(try self.drawable_labels.insert(.{
.clip = node.clip(self.nodes),
.depth = node.depth(self.nodes),
.box =,
.state = .{},
const label = self.drawable_labels.get(node.label_index).?;
if (set.has_text) |text| {
try label.state.text.grow(ona.scalars.sub(text.len, label.state.text.cap) orelse 0);
if (set.has_font) |font| {
label.state.font = font;
if (set.has_color) |color| {
label.state.color = color;
pub fn set_parent(self: *Canvas, item: Item, has_parent: ?Item) void {
const node = self.nodes.get(@intFromEnum(item)).?;
node.parent_index = if (has_parent) |parent| @intFromEnum(parent) else unused_index;
const depth = node.depth(self.nodes);
const clip = node.clip(self.nodes);
if (node.block_index != unused_index) {
const block = self.drawable_blocks.get(node.block_index).?;
block.depth = depth;
block.clip = clip;
if (node.label_index != unused_index) {
const label = self.drawable_labels.get(node.label_index).?;
label.depth = depth;
label.clip = clip;
const unused_index = std.math.maxInt(u32);
pub const Item = enum (u32) {
pub const SetBlock = struct {
has_background: ?gfx.Texture = null,
has_color: ?gfx.Color = null,
pub const SetLabel = struct {
has_text: ?[]const u8 = null,
has_color: ?gfx.Color = null,
has_font: ?gfx.Font = null,
pub fn exit(canvas: ona.Write(Canvas)) !void {
pub fn render(commands: gfx.Commands, canvas: ona.Read(Canvas)) !void {
// TODO: Investigate if scissor rects are necessary for clipping content that overflows.
for (canvas.state.drawable_blocks.values()) |block| {
try commands.set_scissor_rect(block.clip);
try commands.draw_texture(.{
.size = .{,},
.position = .{,},
.depth = block.depth,
.texture = block.state.background,
.tint = block.state.color,
for (canvas.state.drawable_labels.values()) |label| {
try commands.set_scissor_rect(label.clip);
try commands.draw_font(.{
.size = .{,},
.depth = label.depth,
.text = label.state.text.values,
.position = .{,},
.tint = label.state.color,
.font = label.state.font,
pub fn setup(world: *ona.World) !void {
try world.set_state(Canvas{});
try world.on_event(.render, ona.system_fn(render), .{.label = "render gui"});
try world.on_event(.exit, ona.system_fn(exit), .{.label = "cleanup gui"});
@ -293,10 +293,10 @@ test "mapping values" {
pub fn setup(world: *ona.World, events: ona.App.Events) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
pub fn setup(world: *ona.World) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try world.set_state(Mapping{});
try world.on_event(events.pre_update, ona.system_fn(update), .{
try world.on_event(.pre_update, ona.system_fn(update), .{
.label = "update actions",
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
thread_pool: ?*std.Thread.Pool = null,
thread_restricted_resources: [std.enums.values(ona.ThreadRestriction).len]StateTable,
event_systems: ona.stack.Sequential(Schedule),
event_schedules:[]const u8, *Schedule,,
pub const BindContext = struct {
node: ona.dag.Node,
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ const Graph = ona.dag.Graph(struct {
resource_accesses: ona.stack.Sequential(StateAccess),
pub const Event = enum (usize) { _ };
const ParallelNodeBundles = ona.stack.Sequential(NodeBundle);
const NodeBundle = ona.stack.Sequential(ona.dag.Node);
@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ const Schedule = struct {
errdefer {
std.debug.assert(schedule.parallel_work_bundles.pop() != null);
try populate_bundle(bundle, &schedule.graph, node);
@ -442,22 +440,16 @@ const Schedule = struct {
pub fn init(label: []const u8) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Schedule {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(ona.heap.allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
const duped_label = try arena.allocator().dupeZ(u8, label);
pub fn init(comptime label: [:0]const u8) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Schedule {
return .{
.graph = Graph.init(ona.heap.allocator),
.label = duped_label,
.arena = arena,
.system_id_nodes = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.read_write_resource_id_nodes = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.read_only_resource_id_nodes = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.parallel_work_bundles = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.blocking_work = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(ona.heap.allocator),
.label = label,
.system_id_nodes = .{},
.read_write_resource_id_nodes = .{},
.read_only_resource_id_nodes = .{},
.parallel_work_bundles = .{},
.blocking_work = .{},
@ -544,21 +536,12 @@ pub const UnbindContext = struct {
world: *Self,
pub fn create_event(self: *Self, label: []const u8) std.mem.Allocator.Error!Event {
var systems = try Schedule.init(label);
errdefer systems.deinit(self);
const index = self.event_systems.len();
try self.event_systems.push_grow(systems);
return @enumFromInt(index);
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
for (self.event_systems.values) |*schedule| {
var event_schedules = self.event_schedules.entries();
while ( |schedule| {
for (&self.thread_restricted_resources) |*resources| {
@ -570,7 +553,7 @@ pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.* = undefined;
@ -594,7 +577,7 @@ pub fn set_get_state(self: *Self, value: anytype) std.mem.Allocator.Error!*@Type
pub fn init(thread_count: u32) std.Thread.SpawnError!Self {
var world = Self{
.thread_restricted_resources = .{StateTable.init(), StateTable.init()},
.event_systems = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
.event_schedules = .{.allocator = ona.heap.allocator},
if (thread_count != 0 and !builtin.single_threaded) {
@ -611,12 +594,34 @@ pub fn init(thread_count: u32) std.Thread.SpawnError!Self {
return world;
pub fn on_event(self: *Self, event: Event, action: *const ona.SystemInfo, order: ona.SystemOrder) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
try self.event_systems.values[@intFromEnum(event)].insert(action, order);
pub fn on_event(self: *Self, comptime event: anytype, info: *const ona.SystemInfo, order: ona.SystemOrder) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
const event_name = @tagName(event);
if (self.event_schedules.get(event_name)) |schedule| {
try schedule.*.insert(info, order);
} else {
const schedule = try ona.heap.allocator.create(Schedule);
errdefer {
schedule.* = try Schedule.init(event_name);
errdefer {
try schedule.insert(info, order);
std.debug.assert(try self.event_schedules.emplace(event_name, schedule));
pub fn run_event(self: *Self, event: Event) anyerror!void {
try self.event_systems.values[@intFromEnum(event)].run(self);
pub fn run_event(self: *Self, comptime event: anytype) anyerror!void {
if (self.event_schedules.get(@tagName(event))) |schedule| {
try schedule.*.run(self);
pub fn set_state(self: *Self, value: anytype) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
pub fn clear_edges(self: *Self) void {
for (self.table.values.slice(.edges)) |*edges| {
for (self.table.values.get(.edges)) |*edges| {
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
for (self.table.values.slice(.edges)) |*edges| {
for (self.table.values.get(.edges)) |*edges| {
@ -50,15 +50,17 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
return null;
return self.table.values.get(.edges, @intFromEnum(node)).?.values;
return self.table.values.get(.edges)[@intFromEnum(node)].values;
pub fn exists(self: Self, node: Node) bool {
if (self.table.values.get(.is_occupied, @intFromEnum(node))) |is_occupied| {
return is_occupied.*;
const node_index = @intFromEnum(node);
if (node_index >= self.table.values.len) {
return false;
return false;
return self.table.values.get(.is_occupied)[node_index];
pub fn get(self: Self, node: Node) ?*Payload {
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
return null;
return self.table.values.get(.payload, @intFromEnum(node)).?;
return &self.table.values.get(.payload)[@intFromEnum(node)];
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
@ -76,13 +78,11 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
pub fn insert_edge(self: *Self, dependant_node: Node, edge_node: Node) std.mem.Allocator.Error!bool {
if (!self.exists(edge_node)) {
if (!self.exists(edge_node) or !self.exists(dependant_node)) {
return false;
const edges = self.table.values.get(.edges, @intFromEnum(dependant_node)) orelse {
return false;
const edges = &self.table.values.get(.edges)[@intFromEnum(dependant_node)];
if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(Node, edges.values, edge_node) == null) {
try edges.push_grow(edge_node);
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
pub fn nodes(self: *const Self) Nodes {
return .{
.occupied_table = self.table.values.slice(.is_occupied),
.occupied_table = self.table.values.get(.is_occupied),
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
return false;
std.debug.assert(self.table.values.set(.is_visited, @intFromEnum(node), true));
self.table.values.get(.is_visited)[@intFromEnum(node)] = true;
return true;
@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
const node_index = @intFromEnum(node);
self.table.values.get(.is_occupied, node_index).?.* = false;
self.table.values.get(.is_occupied)[node_index] = false;
self.node_count -= 1;
return self.table.values.get(.payload, node_index).?.*;
return self.table.values.get(.payload)[node_index];
pub fn reset_visited(self: *Self) void {
@memset(self.table.values.slice(.is_visited), false);
@memset(self.table.values.get(.is_visited), false);
pub fn visited(self: Self, node: Node) ?bool {
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ pub fn Graph(comptime Payload: type) type {
return null;
return self.table.values.get(.is_visited, @intFromEnum(node)).?.*;
return self.table.values.get(.is_visited)[@intFromEnum(node)];
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime traits: Traits(
const max_int = std.math.maxInt(usize);
return struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator = ona.heap.allocator,
entry_map: []?Entry = &.{},
len: usize = 0,
@ -29,37 +29,11 @@ pub const World = @import("./World.zig");
pub const lina = @import("./lina.zig");
pub const App = struct {
events: *const Events,
target_frame_time: f64,
elapsed_time: f64,
is_running: bool,
step: fn (*World) anyerror!void = noop,
pub const Events = struct {
load: World.Event,
pre_update: World.Event,
update: World.Event,
post_update: World.Event,
render: World.Event,
finish: World.Event,
exit: World.Event,
fn noop(_: *World) !void {}
pub const Setup = struct {
pub const Event = enum {
step: fn (*World, Events) anyerror!void = noop,
fn noop(_: *World, _: Events) !void {}
pub fn build(self: Setup) fn () anyerror!void {
pub fn build(self: App) fn () anyerror!void {
const Start = struct {
fn main() anyerror!void {
defer {
@ -100,66 +74,60 @@ pub const App = struct {
defer world.deinit();
const events = App.Events{
.load = try world.create_event("load"),
.pre_update = try world.create_event("pre-update"),
.update = try world.create_event("update"),
.post_update = try world.create_event("post-update"),
.render = try world.create_event("render"),
.finish = try world.create_event("finish"),
.exit = try world.create_event("exit"),
const app = try world.set_get_state(App{
.events = &events,
.target_frame_time = 1.0 / 60.0,
.elapsed_time = 0,
.is_running = true,
try self.step(&world, events);
try world.run_event(events.load);
const ticks_initial = std.time.milliTimestamp();
var ticks_previous = ticks_initial;
var accumulated_time = @as(f64, 0);
while (app.is_running) {
const ticks_current = std.time.milliTimestamp();
const milliseconds_per_second = 1000.0;
const delta_time = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(ticks_current - ticks_previous)) / milliseconds_per_second;
app.elapsed_time = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(ticks_current - ticks_initial)) / milliseconds_per_second;
ticks_previous = ticks_current;
accumulated_time += delta_time;
try world.run_event(events.pre_update);
while (accumulated_time >= app.target_frame_time) : (accumulated_time -= app.target_frame_time) {
try world.run_event(events.update);
try world.run_event(events.post_update);
try world.run_event(events.render);
try world.run_event(events.finish);
try world.run_event(events.exit);
try self.step(&world);
return Start.main;
pub fn with_module(self: Setup, comptime Module: type) Setup {
pub const game = App{.step = run_game};
fn run_game(world: *World) !void {
const loop = try world.set_get_state(Loop{
.target_frame_time = 1.0 / 60.0,
.elapsed_time = 0,
.is_running = true,
try world.run_event(.load);
const ticks_initial = std.time.milliTimestamp();
var ticks_previous = ticks_initial;
var accumulated_time = @as(f64, 0);
while (loop.is_running) {
const ticks_current = std.time.milliTimestamp();
const milliseconds_per_second = 1000.0;
const delta_time = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(ticks_current - ticks_previous)) / milliseconds_per_second;
loop.elapsed_time = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(ticks_current - ticks_initial)) / milliseconds_per_second;
ticks_previous = ticks_current;
accumulated_time += delta_time;
try world.run_event(.pre_update);
while (accumulated_time >= loop.target_frame_time) : (accumulated_time -= loop.target_frame_time) {
try world.run_event(.update);
try world.run_event(.post_update);
try world.run_event(.render);
try world.run_event(.finish);
try world.run_event(.exit);
pub fn with_module(self: App, comptime Module: type) App {
if (!@hasDecl(Module, "setup")) {
@compileError("`Module` argument must have a setup fn declaration");
const WithState = struct {
fn step(world: *World, events: App.Events) !void {
try Module.setup(world, events);
try self.step(world, events);
fn step(world: *World) !void {
try Module.setup(world);
try self.step(world);
@ -168,11 +136,11 @@ pub const App = struct {
pub fn with_state(self: Setup, comptime state: anytype) Setup {
pub fn with_state(self: App, comptime state: anytype) App {
const WithState = struct {
fn step(world: *World, events: App.Events) !void {
fn step(world: *World) !void {
try world.set_state(state);
try self.step(world, events);
try self.step(world);
@ -181,21 +149,11 @@ pub const App = struct {
pub fn with_system(self: Setup, comptime event: Event, comptime info: *const SystemInfo, comptime order: SystemOrder) Setup {
pub fn with_system(self: App, comptime event: anytype, comptime info: *const SystemInfo, comptime order: SystemOrder) App {
const WithState = struct {
fn step(world: *World, events: App.Events) !void {
const app_event = switch (event) {
.load => events.load,
.pre_update => events.pre_update,
.update => events.update,
.post_update => events.post_update,
.render => events.render,
.finish => events.finish,
.exit => events.exit,
try world.on_event(app_event, info, order);
try self.step(world, events);
fn step(world: *World) !void {
try world.on_event(event, info, order);
try self.step(world);
@ -203,11 +161,14 @@ pub const App = struct {
.step = WithState.step,
pub const setup = Setup{};
pub const Loop = struct {
target_frame_time: f64,
elapsed_time: f64,
is_running: bool,
pub fn quit(self: *App) void {
pub fn quit(self: *Loop) void {
self.is_running = false;
@ -355,7 +316,10 @@ pub const LaunchFlag = enum {
pub fn Params(comptime Value: type) type {
if (!@hasDecl(Value, "Param")) {
@compileError("System parameters must have a Params type declaration");
@compileError(@typeName(Value) ++
\\ is missing a public `Params` type declaration.
\\This is required for a type to be used as a system parameter
return struct {
@ -519,15 +483,11 @@ pub fn Receive(comptime Message: type) type {
.channel = (try context.register_readable_state_access(TypedChannel)) orelse set: {
const app = orelse {
@panic("Send system parameters depend on a " ++ @typeName(App) ++ " state to work");
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.swap), .{
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.swap), .{
.label = "swap channel of " ++ @typeName(Message),
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.cleanup), .{
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.cleanup), .{
.label = "clean up channel of " ++ @typeName(Message),
@ -565,15 +525,11 @@ pub fn Send(comptime Message: type) type {
.channel = (try context.register_writable_state_access(TypedChannel)) orelse set: {
const app = orelse {
@panic("Send system parameters depend on a " ++ @typeName(App) ++ " state to work");
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.swap), .{
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.swap), .{
.label = "swap channel of " ++ @typeName(Message),
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.cleanup), .{
try, system_fn(TypedChannel.cleanup), .{
.label = "clean up channel of " ++ @typeName(Message),
@ -679,6 +635,127 @@ pub fn Shared(comptime Value: type, comptime info: ShareInfo) type {
pub fn SlotMap(comptime Value: type) type {
const Index = @Type(.{.Int = .{
.bits = @bitSizeOf(usize) - 1,
.signedness = .unsigned,
const Slot = packed struct {
index: Index,
is_occupied: bool,
comptime std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(Slot) == @sizeOf(usize));
return struct {
slots: stack.Sequential(Slot),
entries: stack.Parallel(Entry),
next: Index = 0,
const Entry = struct {
value: Value,
erased: usize,
const Self = @This();
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
pub fn get(self: Self, index: usize) ?*Value {
if (index >= self.slots.len()) {
return null;
const slot = self.slots.values[index];
if (!slot.is_occupied) {
return null;
return &self.entries.values.get(.value)[slot.index];
pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.slots = .{.allocator = allocator},
.entries = .{.allocator = allocator},
pub fn insert(self: *Self, value: Value) std.mem.Allocator.Error!usize {
const index =;
const slots_len: Index = @intCast(self.slots.len());
if ( == slots_len) {
try self.slots.push_grow(.{
.index = slots_len + 1,
.is_occupied = false,
const slot = &self.slots.values[index];
|||| = slot.index;
slot.* = .{
.index = index,
.is_occupied = true,
try self.entries.push_grow(.{
.value = value,
.erased = index,
return index;
pub fn remove(self: *Self, index: usize) ?Value {
if (index >= self.slots.len()) {
return null;
const slot = self.slots.values[index];
if (!slot.is_occupied) {
return null;
const value = self.entries.values.get(.value)[slot.index];
std.debug.assert(self.entries.values.write(slot.index, .{
.value = self.entries.get(.value).?.*,
.erased = self.entries.get(.erased).?.*,
if (!self.entries.is_empty()) {
self.slots.values[self.entries.values.get(.erased)[slot.index]] = slot;
self.slots.values[index] = .{
.index =,
.is_occupied = false,
|||| = @intCast(index);
return value;
pub fn values(self: Self) []Value {
return self.entries.values.get(.value);
pub const SystemInfo = struct {
execute: *const fn ([]const *const Parameter, *const [max_parameters]*anyopaque) anyerror!void,
parameters: [max_parameters]*const Parameter = undefined,
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ pub fn Parallel(comptime Type: type) type {
const all_fields = std.enums.values(Field);
pub fn get(self: Self, comptime field: Field) []align (alignment) Element(field) {
return self.ptr(field)[0 .. self.len];
pub fn ptr(self: Self, comptime field: Field) [*]align (alignment) Element(field) {
return @as([*]align (alignment) Element(field), @ptrCast(self.ptrs[@intFromEnum(field)]));
pub fn slice(self: Self, comptime field: Field) []align (alignment) Element(field) {
return self.ptr(field)[0 .. self.len];
pub fn slice_all(self: Self, off: usize, len: usize) ?Self {
pub fn slice(self: Self, off: usize, len: usize) ?Self {
if (len > self.len or off > len) {
return null;
@ -57,31 +57,13 @@ pub fn Parallel(comptime Type: type) type {
return sliced;
pub fn get(self: Self, comptime field: Field, index: usize) ?*Element(field) {
if (index >= self.len) {
return null;
return &self.ptr(field)[index];
pub fn set(self: Self, comptime field: Field, index: usize, value: Element(field)) bool {
if (index >= self.len) {
return false;
self.slice(field)[index] = value;
return true;
pub fn set_all(self: Self, index: usize, value: Type) bool {
pub fn write(self: Self, index: usize, value: Type) bool {
if (index >= self.len) {
return false;
inline for (0 .. fields.len) |i| {
self.slice(all_fields[i])[index] = @field(value, fields[i].name);
self.get(all_fields[i])[index] = @field(value, fields[i].name);
return true;
@ -123,12 +105,12 @@ pub fn parallel_alloc(comptime Element: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, n: u
pub fn parallel_copy(comptime Element: type, target: Parallel(Element), origin: Parallel(Element)) void {
inline for (comptime std.enums.values(Parallel(Element).Field)) |field| {
@memcpy(target.slice(field), origin.slice(field));
@memcpy(target.get(field), origin.get(field));
pub fn parallel_free(comptime Element: type, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, buffers: Parallel(Element)) void {
inline for (comptime std.enums.values(Parallel(Element).Field)) |field| {
@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ pub fn Sequential(comptime Value: type) type {
pub fn grow(self: *Self, additional: usize) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
if (additional == 0) {
const grown_capacity = self.values.len + additional;
if (grown_capacity <= self.cap) {
const grown_capacity = self.cap + additional;
const buffer = try self.allocator.alloc(Value, grown_capacity);
errdefer self.allocator.deallocate(buffer);
@ -59,14 +60,20 @@ pub fn Sequential(comptime Value: type) type {
return self.values.len;
pub fn pop(self: *Self) bool {
pub fn pop(self: *Self) ?Value {
if (self.values.len == 0) {
return false;
return null;
self.values = self.values[0 .. self.values.len - 1];
const tail_index = self.values.len - 1;
return true;
defer self.values = self.values[0 .. tail_index];
return self.values[tail_index];
pub fn pop_all(self: *Self) void {
self.values = self.values[0 .. 0];
pub fn pop_many(self: *Self, n: usize) bool {
@ -112,9 +119,7 @@ pub fn Sequential(comptime Value: type) type {
pub fn push_grow(self: *Self, value: Value) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
if (self.values.len == self.cap) {
try self.grow(@max(1, self.cap));
try self.grow(@max(1, self.values.len));
const offset_index = self.values.len;
@ -227,46 +232,63 @@ pub fn Parallel(comptime Value: type) type {
return null;
return &self.slices.field_slice(field)[self.len() - 1];
return @alignCast(&self.values.get(field)[self.len() - 1]);
pub fn grow(self: *Self, additional: usize) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
const grown_capacity = self.cap + additional;
const grown_capacity = self.values.len + additional;
if (grown_capacity <= self.cap) {
const buffer = try ona.slices.parallel_alloc(Value, self.allocator, grown_capacity);
if (self.cap != 0) {
ona.slices.parallel_copy(Value, buffer.slice_all(0, self.values.len).?, self.values);
ona.slices.parallel_free(Value, self.allocator, self.values.slice_all(0, self.cap).?);
ona.slices.parallel_copy(Value, buffer.slice(0, self.values.len).?, self.values);
ona.slices.parallel_free(Value, self.allocator, self.values.slice(0, self.cap).?);
self.cap = grown_capacity;
self.values = buffer.slice_all(0, self.values.len).?;
self.values = buffer.slice(0, self.values.len).?;
pub fn is_empty(self: Self) bool {
return self.values.len == 0;
pub fn len(self: Self) usize {
return self.values.len;
pub fn pop(self: *Self) bool {
if (self.values.len == 0) {
return false;
self.values = self.values.slice(0, self.values.len - 1).?;
return true;
pub fn pop_many(self: *Self, n: usize) bool {
const new_length = ona.scalars.sub(self.values.len, n) orelse {
return false;
self.values = self.values.slice_all(0, new_length).?;
self.values = self.values.slice(0, new_length).?;
return true;
pub fn push_grow(self: *Self, value: Value) std.mem.Allocator.Error!void {
if (self.len() == self.cap) {
try self.grow(@max(1, self.cap));
try self.grow(@max(1, self.values.len));
const tail_index = self.values.len;
self.values.len += 1;
std.debug.assert(self.values.set_all(tail_index, value));
std.debug.assert(self.values.write(tail_index, value));
Reference in New Issue