class_name PlayerController extends Node3D ## ## Supported selection input devices. ## enum SelectMode { NONE, MOUSE, } ## ## The device being used for selection has changed. ## signal select_mode_changed(mode: SelectMode) ## ## Selection of a point on screenspace has started happening. ## signal selection_started() ## ## Selection of a point on screenspace has stopped happening. ## signal selection_stopped() const _BACKWARD := "player_controller_backward" const _FORWARD := "player_controller_forward" const _LEFT := "player_controller_left" const _RIGHT := "player_controller_right" const _ROTATE_CCW := "player_controller_rotate_ccw" const _ROTATE_CW := "player_controller_rotate_cw" const _DRAG_SPEED_BASE_MODIFIER := 0.15 const _MOVE_SPEED_BASE_MODIFIER := 50.0 const _ROTATE_SPEED_BASE := 5.0 const _TRANSFORM_DELTA := 10.0 @export var _camera: Camera3D = null var _cursor_point := Vector2.ZERO var _is_drag_panning := false var _is_selecting := false var _select_mode := SelectMode.NONE @export var _selection_area: Control = null @onready var _target_position := self.position @onready var _target_orientation := self.global_rotation.y ## ## Smoothness applies to the interpolation toward rotation and movement target values. ## @export var movement_smoothing := 0.5 ## ## Whether or not player movement input processed by the controller should be ignored. ## var frozen := false func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event is InputEventMouseButton: match event.button_index: MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE: self._is_drag_panning = event.is_pressed() and not(self.frozen) Input.mouse_mode = Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED if\ self._is_drag_panning else Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: self._is_selecting = event.is_pressed() if self._is_selecting: self.selection_started.emit() else: self.selection_stopped.emit() return if (event is InputEventMouseMotion) and self._is_drag_panning: var global_basis := self.global_transform.basis var camera_settings := GameSettings.camera_settings var dampened_speed :=\ camera_settings.movement_speed_modifier * _DRAG_SPEED_BASE_MODIFIER self._target_position += dampened_speed.y * (-global_basis.z) *\ event.relative.y * (-1.0 if camera_settings.is_y_inverted else 1.0) self._target_position += dampened_speed.x * (-global_basis.x) *\ event.relative.x * (-1.0 if camera_settings.is_x_inverted else 1.0) return if event is InputEventScreenDrag: return if event is InputEventScreenTouch: return func _process(delta: float) -> void: if not(self.frozen): var global_basis := self.global_transform.basis var camera_settings := GameSettings.camera_settings var delta_speed :=\ camera_settings.movement_speed_modifier * _MOVE_SPEED_BASE_MODIFIER * delta self._target_position += delta_speed.y * (-global_basis.z) *\ (Input.get_action_strength(_FORWARD) - Input.get_action_strength(_BACKWARD)) *\ (-1.0 if camera_settings.is_y_inverted else 1.0) self._target_position += delta_speed.x * (-global_basis.x) *\ (Input.get_action_strength(_LEFT) - Input.get_action_strength(_RIGHT)) *\ (-1.0 if camera_settings.is_y_inverted else 1.0) self._target_orientation += (Input.get_action_strength(_ROTATE_CCW) -\ Input.get_action_strength(_ROTATE_CW)) * _ROTATE_SPEED_BASE *\ camera_settings.rotation_speed_modifier * delta self.global_transform = self.global_transform.interpolate_with( Transform3D(Basis(Vector3.UP, self._target_orientation), self._target_position), delta * _TRANSFORM_DELTA * self.movement_smoothing) match self._select_mode: SelectMode.NONE: self._cursor_point = self.get_viewport().size / 2.0 SelectMode.MOUSE: self._cursor_point = self.get_viewport().get_mouse_position() func _ready() -> void: if self._selection_area != null: self._selection_area.mouse_entered.connect(func () -> void: if self._select_mode != SelectMode.MOUSE: self._select_mode = SelectMode.MOUSE self.select_mode_changed.emit(SelectMode.MOUSE)) self._selection_area.mouse_exited.connect(func () -> void: if self._select_mode != SelectMode.NONE: self._select_mode = SelectMode.NONE self.select_mode_changed.emit(SelectMode.NONE)) ## ## Returns [code]true[/code] if the player controller is currently selecting a location on the ## screen, otherwise [code]false[/code]. ## ## *Note* that it is discouraged that this be continuously polled for single-fire events. Instead, ## see [signal selection_started] and [signal selection_stopped]. ## func is_selecting() -> bool: return self._is_selecting ## ## Returns the position of the selection cursor with respect to the select current mode being used. ## ## When a mouse input device is being used, this will be its location in screen coordinates. For ## touchscreen interactions, this will be the location of an active gesture. Finally, for all other ## states - including gamepad - this will be the middle of screenspace at all times. ## func get_cursor_point() -> Vector2: return self._cursor_point ## ## Returns the current [enum SelectMode] being used for selections. ## ## The general use-case for this function is to peek through the player controller abstraction and ## see what supported hardware interface is currently being used to select in the world. This is ## useful for handling input-specific behaviors, such as showing a mouse cursor when a mouse input ## device is being used. ## func get_select_mode() -> int: return self._select_mode ## ## Converts and returns the screen coordinates in [code]screen_point[/code] into 2D worldspace ## coordinates relative to an infinite ground plane at a y offset of [code]0.0[/code]. ## func screen_to_plane(screen_point: Vector2): if self._camera != null: var plane_target = Plane(Vector3.UP, 0.0).intersects_ray( self._camera.global_position, self._camera.project_ray_normal(screen_point)) if plane_target is Vector3: return Vector2(plane_target.x, plane_target.z) return null