class_name Interior extends Node3D const _CHUNK_SIZE := 32 const _GRID_ORIGIN := Vector2(0.5, 0.5) ## ## ## enum Orientation { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, } ## ## Baked block of meshes making up a segment of the grid. ## class Chunk: var _floor_meshes: Array[Mesh] = [] var _floor_orientation := PackedInt32Array() var _multimesh_instances: Array[MultiMeshInstance] = [] var _wall_meshes: Array[Mesh] = [] var _wall_orientation := PackedInt32Array() func _init() -> void: var buffer_size := _CHUNK_SIZE * _CHUNK_SIZE _floor_meshes.resize(buffer_size) _floor_orientation.resize(buffer_size) _wall_meshes.resize(buffer_size) _wall_orientation.resize(buffer_size) ## ## Invalidates the mesh block, re-baking its contents from the current mesh data set. ## func invalidate(interior: Interior, coordinate: Vector2i) -> void: # TODO: Once this is all lowered into native code, look for ways to parallelize the loops. for multimesh_instance in _multimesh_instances: RenderingServer.free_rid(multimesh_instance._instance_rid) RenderingServer.free_rid(multimesh_instance._multimesh_rid) _multimesh_instances.clear() # Normalize mesh instance data for the chunk. var transforms_by_mesh := {} var grid_size := interior.size var half_pi := PI / 2 for i in _floor_meshes.size(): var mesh := _floor_meshes[i] if mesh != null: if not(mesh in transforms_by_mesh): transforms_by_mesh[mesh] = [] transforms_by_mesh[mesh].append(Transform3D( Basis.IDENTITY.rotated(Vector3.UP, half_pi * _floor_orientation[i]), Vector3( (float(coordinate.x * _CHUNK_SIZE) + (i % _CHUNK_SIZE)) - (float(grid_size.x) * _GRID_ORIGIN.x) + 0.5, 0.0, (float(coordinate.y * _CHUNK_SIZE) + (i / _CHUNK_SIZE)) - (float(grid_size.y) * _GRID_ORIGIN.y) + 0.5))) for i in _wall_meshes.size(): var mesh := _wall_meshes[i] if mesh != null: if not(mesh in transforms_by_mesh): transforms_by_mesh[mesh] = [] transforms_by_mesh[mesh].append(Transform3D( Basis.IDENTITY.rotated(Vector3.UP, half_pi * _wall_orientation[i]), Vector3( (float(coordinate.x * _CHUNK_SIZE) + (i % _CHUNK_SIZE)) - (float(grid_size.x) * _GRID_ORIGIN.x) + 0.5, 0.0, (float(coordinate.y * _CHUNK_SIZE) + (i / _CHUNK_SIZE)) - (float(grid_size.y) * _GRID_ORIGIN.y) + 0.5))) # (Re)-bake into multimesh instances for the chunk. var scenario_rid := interior.get_world_3d().scenario var global_transform := interior.global_transform for chunk_mesh in transforms_by_mesh: var multimesh_instance := scenario_rid, chunk_mesh.get_rid(), transforms_by_mesh[chunk_mesh]) multimesh_instance.set_offset(global_transform) _multimesh_instances.append(multimesh_instance) ## ## Sets the floor mesh in the chunk at the location relative [code]coordinatess[/code] to ## [code]mesh[/code]. ## ## *Note* that [method Chunk.invalidate] must be called at some point after to visually update ## the chunk. ## func set_floor_mesh(coordinates: Vector2i, orientation: Orientation, mesh: Mesh) -> void: var index := (_CHUNK_SIZE * coordinates.y) + coordinates.x _floor_orientation[index] = orientation _floor_meshes[index] = mesh ## ## Sets the wall mesh in the chunk at the location relative [code]coordinatess[/code] to ## [code]mesh[/code]. ## ## *Note* that [method Chunk.invalidate] must be called at some point after to visually update ## the chunk. ## func set_wall_mesh(coordinates: Vector2i, orientation: Orientation, mesh: Mesh) -> void: var index := (_CHUNK_SIZE * coordinates.y) + coordinates.x _wall_orientation[index] = orientation _wall_meshes[index] = mesh ## ## Specialized multi-mesh instance convenience for use within the tile grid and its chunks. ## class MultiMeshInstance: var _instance_rid := RID() var _multimesh_rid := RID() func _init(scenario_rid: RID, mesh_rid: RID, transforms: Array) -> void: _multimesh_rid = RenderingServer.multimesh_create() _instance_rid = RenderingServer.instance_create2(_multimesh_rid, scenario_rid) RenderingServer.multimesh_set_mesh(_multimesh_rid, mesh_rid) var transform_count := transforms.size() RenderingServer.multimesh_allocate_data(_multimesh_rid, transform_count, RenderingServer.MULTIMESH_TRANSFORM_3D, true) for i in transform_count: RenderingServer.multimesh_instance_set_transform(_multimesh_rid, i, transforms[i]) ## ## Sets the parent transform of all mesh instances under it to [code]offset[/code]. ## func set_offset(offset: Transform3D) -> void: RenderingServer.instance_set_transform(_instance_rid, offset) var _chunks: Array[Chunk] = [] var _chunks_size := Vector2i.ZERO ## ## Size of the tile grid (in engine units). ## @export var size: Vector2i: set(value): var chunk_size_factor := float(_CHUNK_SIZE) _chunks.resize(int(ceilf(value.x / chunk_size_factor) * ceilf(value.y / chunk_size_factor))) for i in _chunks.size(): _chunks[i] = _chunks_size = Vector2i((value / float(_CHUNK_SIZE)).ceil()) size = value func _get_chunk(chunk_coordinate: Vector2i) -> Chunk: return _chunks[(_chunks_size.x * chunk_coordinate.y) + chunk_coordinate.x] func _notification(what: int) -> void: match what: NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED: for chunk in _chunks: for multimesh_instance in chunk._multimesh_instances: multimesh_instance.set_offset_transform(global_transform) ## ## Clears the entirety of the tile grid to only contain [code]tile[/code]. ## ## For clearing a specific region of the mesh grid, see [method fill_mesh]. ## func clear_tiles(orientation: Orientation, tile: InteriorTile) -> void: if tile == null: for y in size.y: for x in size.x: var coordinates := Vector2i(x, y) var chunk := _get_chunk(coordinates / _CHUNK_SIZE) var chunk_coordinates := coordinates % _CHUNK_SIZE chunk.set_floor_mesh(chunk_coordinates, orientation, null) chunk.set_wall_mesh(chunk_coordinates, orientation, null) else: var mesh := tile.mesh match tile.kind: InteriorTile.Kind.FLOOR: for y in size.y: for x in size.x: var coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) _get_chunk(coordinate / _CHUNK_SIZE).\ set_floor_mesh(coordinate % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) InteriorTile.Kind.WALL: for y in size.y: for x in size.x: var coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) _get_chunk(coordinate / _CHUNK_SIZE).\ set_floor_mesh(coordinate % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) for y in _chunks_size.y: for x in _chunks_size.x: var chunk_coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) _get_chunk(chunk_coordinate).invalidate(self, chunk_coordinate) ## ## Clears the region of the tile grid at [code]area[/code] to only contain [code]tile[/code]. ## ## *Note* that [code]area[/code] *must* be within the area of the of the mesh grid, where ## [code]Vector2i.ZERO[/code] is the top-left and [member size] [code]- 1[/code] is the bottom- ## right. ## ## For clearing the whole of the mesh grid, see [method clear_mesh]. ## func fill_tiles(area: Rect2i, orientation: Orientation, tile: InteriorTile) -> void: assert(get_area().encloses(area), "area must be within grid") var filled_chunks := filled_chunks.resize(_chunks_size) if tile == null: for y in range(area.position.y, area.end.y): for x in range(area.position.x, area.end.x): var coordinates := Vector2i(x, y) var chunk_coordinates := coordinates / _CHUNK_SIZE var chunk := _get_chunk(coordinates / _CHUNK_SIZE) var local_coordinates := coordinates % _CHUNK_SIZE chunk.set_floor_mesh(local_coordinates, orientation, null) chunk.set_wall_mesh(local_coordinates, orientation, null) filled_chunks.set_bitv(chunk_coordinates, true) else: var mesh := tile.mesh if tile.fixed_orientation: orientation = Orientation.NORTH match tile.kind: InteriorTile.Kind.FLOOR: for y in range(area.position.y, area.end.y): for x in range(area.position.x, area.end.x): var coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) var chunk_coordinate := coordinate / _CHUNK_SIZE _get_chunk(chunk_coordinate).set_floor_mesh( coordinate % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) filled_chunks.set_bitv(chunk_coordinate, true) InteriorTile.Kind.WALL: for y in range(area.position.y, area.end.y): for x in range(area.position.x, area.end.x): var coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) var chunk_coordinate := coordinate / _CHUNK_SIZE _get_chunk(chunk_coordinate).set_wall_mesh( coordinate % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) filled_chunks.set_bitv(chunk_coordinate, true) for y in _chunks_size.y: for x in _chunks_size.x: if filled_chunks.get_bit(x, y): var chunk_coordinate := Vector2i(x, y) _get_chunk(chunk_coordinate).invalidate(self, chunk_coordinate) ## ## ## func get_area() -> Rect2i: return Rect2i(Vector2i.ZERO, size) ## ## Plots a single tile at [code]coordinates[/code] to be [code]tile[/code], overwriting whatever it ## previously contained. ## ## *Note* that [code]coordinates[/code] *must* be within the area of the of the mesh grid, where ## [code]Vector2i.ZERO[/code] is the top-left and [member size] [code]- 1[/code] is the bottom- ## right. ## ## For bulk-setting many meshes at once, see [method fill_mesh] and [method clear_mesh]. ## func plot_tile(coordinates: Vector2i, orientation: Orientation, tile: InteriorTile) -> void: assert(get_area().has_point(coordinates), "coordinate must be within grid") var chunk_coordinates := coordinates / _CHUNK_SIZE var chunk := _get_chunk(chunk_coordinates) if tile == null: var local_coordinates := coordinates % _CHUNK_SIZE chunk.set_floor_mesh(local_coordinates, orientation, null) chunk.set_wall_mesh(local_coordinates, orientation, null) chunk.invalidate(self, chunk_coordinates) else: var mesh := tile.mesh if tile.fixed_orientation: orientation = Orientation.NORTH match tile.kind: InteriorTile.Kind.FLOOR: chunk.set_floor_mesh(coordinates % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) chunk.invalidate(self, chunk_coordinates) InteriorTile.Kind.WALL: chunk.set_wall_mesh(coordinates % _CHUNK_SIZE, orientation, mesh) chunk.invalidate(self, chunk_coordinates) ## ## ## func world_to_grid(world_position: Vector2) -> Vector2i: return Vector2i((world_position + (Vector2(size) * _GRID_ORIGIN)).round())