clean up vec3
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,52 +1,29 @@
#pragma once
#include "rtweekend.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "vec3.h"
#include "ray.h"
#include "image.h"
class camera
point3 lookfrom,
point3 lookat,
vec3 vup,
double vfov, // vertical field of view in degrees
double aspect_ratio,
double aperture,
double focus_dist)
auto theta = degrees_to_radians(vfov);
auto h = tan(theta/2);
auto viewport_height = 2.0 * h;
auto viewport_width = aspect_ratio * viewport_height;
point3 lookfrom,
point3 lookat,
vec3 vup,
double vfov, // vertical field of view in degrees
double aspect_ratio,
double aperture,
double focus_dist);
w_ = unit_vector(lookfrom - lookat);
u_ = unit_vector(cross(vup, w_));
v_ = cross(w_, u_);
ray get_ray(double s, double t) const;
origin_ = lookfrom;
horizontal_ = focus_dist * viewport_width * u_;
vertical_ = focus_dist * viewport_height * v_;
lower_left_corner_ = origin_ - horizontal_/2 - vertical_/2 - focus_dist * w_;
lens_radius_ = aperture / 2;
ray get_ray(double s, double t) const
vec3 rd = lens_radius_ * random_in_unit_disk();
vec3 offset = (u_ * rd.x()) + (v_ * rd.y());
return ray(
origin_ + offset,
lower_left_corner_ + s*horizontal_ + t*vertical_ - origin_ - offset);
point3 origin_;
point3 lower_left_corner_;
vec3 horizontal_;
vec3 vertical_;
vec3 u_, v_, w_;
double lens_radius_;
point3 origin_;
point3 lower_left_corner_;
vec3 horizontal_;
vec3 vertical_;
vec3 u_, v_, w_;
double lens_radius_;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class metal : public material
colour& attenuation,
ray& scattered) const
vec3 reflected = vec3::reflect(unit_vector(r_in.direction()), rec.normal);
vec3 reflected = reflect(normalize(r_in.direction()), rec.normal);
scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected + fuzz_ * vec3::random_in_unit_sphere());
attenuation = albedo_;
return dot(scattered.direction(), rec.normal) > 0;
@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ class dielectric : public material
attenuation = colour(1.0,1.0,1.0);
double etai_over_etat = rec.front_face ? (1.0 / refraction_index_) : refraction_index_;
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r_in.direction());
vec3 unit_direction = normalize(r_in.direction());
double cos_theta = fmin(dot(-unit_direction, rec.normal), 1.0);
double sin_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta*cos_theta);
if (etai_over_etat * sin_theta > 1.0)
vec3 reflected = vec3::reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal);
vec3 reflected = reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal);
scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected);
return true;
@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ class dielectric : public material
double reflect_prob = schlick(cos_theta, etai_over_etat);
if (math::random_double() < reflect_prob)
vec3 reflected = vec3::reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal);
vec3 reflected = reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal);
scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected);
return true;
vec3 refracted = vec3::refract(unit_direction, rec.normal, etai_over_etat);
vec3 refracted = refract(unit_direction, rec.normal, etai_over_etat);
scattered = ray(rec.p, refracted);
return true;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ colour ray_colour(const ray& r, const hittable& world, int depth)
return grey;
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
vec3 unit_direction = normalize(r.direction());
auto t = 0.5 * (unit_direction.y() + 1.0) + 0.5;
return lerp(grey, pink, t);
@ -7,21 +7,12 @@
class vec3
inline static vec3 random()
return vec3(math::random_double(),math::random_double(),math::random_double());
inline static vec3 random(double min, double max)
return vec3(math::random_double(min,max),math::random_double(min,max),math::random_double(min,max));
static vec3 random();
static vec3 random(double min, double max);
static vec3 random_in_unit_disk();
static vec3 random_unit_vector();
static vec3 random_in_unit_sphere();
static vec3 reflect(const vec3& v, const vec3& n);
static vec3 refract(const vec3& uv, const vec3& n, double etai_over_etat);
static vec3 random_in_hemisphere(const vec3& normal);
vec3() : e{0,0,0} {}
vec3(double e0, double e1, double e2) : e{e0, e1, e2} {}
@ -29,43 +20,33 @@ public:
double x() const { return e[0]; }
double y() const { return e[1]; }
double z() const { return e[2]; }
double length() const;
double length_squared() const;
vec3 operator-() const { return vec3(-e[0], -e[1], -e[2]); }
double operator[](int i) const { return e[i]; }
double& operator[](int i) { return e[i]; }
vec3& operator+=(const vec3 &v)
e[0] += v.e[0];
e[1] += v.e[1];
e[2] += v.e[2];
return *this;
vec3& operator+=(const vec3 &v);
vec3& operator*=(const double t);
vec3& operator/=(const double t);
vec3& operator*=(const double t)
e[0] *= t;
e[1] *= t;
e[2] *= t;
return *this;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 operator+(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 operator-(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 operator*(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 operator*(double t, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 operator*(const vec3 &v, double t);
friend vec3 operator/(vec3 v, double t);
vec3& operator/=(const double t)
return *this *= 1 / t;
friend vec3 lerp(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b, double t);
friend vec3 reflect(const vec3& v, const vec3& n);
friend vec3 refract(const vec3& uv, const vec3& n, double etai_over_etat);
friend double dot(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 cross(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v);
friend vec3 normalize(vec3 v);
double length() const
return std::sqrt(length_squared());
double length_squared() const
return e[0]*e[0] + e[1]*e[1] + e[2]*e[2];
double e[3];
@ -73,64 +54,3 @@ public:
using point3 = vec3; // 3D point
using colour = vec3; // RGB colour
// utility functions
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const vec3 &v)
return out << v.e[0] << ' ' << v.e[1] << ' ' << v.e[2];
inline vec3 operator+(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] + v.e[0], u.e[1] + v.e[1], u.e[2] + v.e[2]);
inline vec3 operator-(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] - v.e[0], u.e[1] - v.e[1], u.e[2] - v.e[2]);
inline vec3 operator*(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] * v.e[0], u.e[1] * v.e[1], u.e[2] * v.e[2]);
inline vec3 operator*(double t, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(t * v.e[0], t * v.e[1], t * v.e[2]);
inline vec3 operator*(const vec3 &v, double t)
return t * v;
inline vec3 operator/(vec3 v, double t)
return (1 / t) * v;
inline double dot(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return u.e[0] * v.e[0]
+ u.e[1] * v.e[1]
+ u.e[2] * v.e[2];
inline vec3 cross(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[1] * v.e[2] - u.e[2] * v.e[1],
u.e[2] * v.e[0] - u.e[0] * v.e[2],
u.e[0] * v.e[1] - u.e[1] * v.e[0]);
inline vec3 lerp(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b, double t)
return (1.0 - t) * a + t * b;
inline vec3 unit_vector(vec3 v)
return v / v.length();
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ camera::camera(
auto viewport_height = 2.0 * h;
auto viewport_width = aspect_ratio * viewport_height;
w_ = unit_vector(lookfrom - lookat);
u_ = unit_vector(cross(vup, w_));
w_ = normalize(lookfrom - lookat);
u_ = normalize(cross(vup, w_));
v_ = cross(w_, u_);
origin_ = lookfrom;
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "math.h"
#include "vec3.h"
#include "ray.h"
#include "image.h"
class camera
point3 lookfrom,
point3 lookat,
vec3 vup,
double vfov, // vertical field of view in degrees
double aspect_ratio,
double aperture,
double focus_dist);
ray get_ray(double s, double t) const;
point3 origin_;
point3 lower_left_corner_;
vec3 horizontal_;
vec3 vertical_;
vec3 u_, v_, w_;
double lens_radius_;
@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
#include "vec3.h"
vec3 vec3::random()
return vec3(math::random_double(),math::random_double(),math::random_double());
vec3 vec3::random(double min, double max)
return vec3(math::random_double(min,max),math::random_double(min,max),math::random_double(min,max));
vec3 vec3::random_unit_vector()
auto a = math::random_double(0, 2 * math::pi);
@ -8,20 +18,6 @@ vec3 vec3::random_unit_vector()
return vec3(r*cos(a), r*sin(a), z);
vec3 vec3::reflect(const vec3& v, const vec3& n)
return v - 2*dot(v,n)*n;
vec3 vec3::refract(const vec3& uv, const vec3& n, double etai_over_etat)
auto cos_theta = dot(-uv, n);
vec3 r_out_parallel = etai_over_etat * (uv + cos_theta*n);
vec3 r_out_perp = -sqrt(1.0 - r_out_parallel.length_squared()) * n;
return r_out_parallel + r_out_perp;
vec3 vec3::random_in_unit_disk()
@ -42,7 +38,7 @@ vec3 vec3::random_in_unit_sphere()
vec3 random_in_hemisphere(const vec3& normal)
vec3 vec3::random_in_hemisphere(const vec3& normal)
vec3 in_unit_sphere = vec3::random_in_unit_sphere();
if (dot(in_unit_sphere, normal) > 0.0)
@ -55,3 +51,107 @@ vec3 random_in_hemisphere(const vec3& normal)
vec3 normalize(vec3 v)
return v / v.length();
double vec3::length() const
return std::sqrt(length_squared());
double vec3::length_squared() const
return e[0]*e[0] + e[1]*e[1] + e[2]*e[2];
vec3& vec3::operator+=(const vec3 &v)
e[0] += v.e[0];
e[1] += v.e[1];
e[2] += v.e[2];
return *this;
vec3& vec3::operator*=(const double t)
e[0] *= t;
e[1] *= t;
e[2] *= t;
return *this;
vec3& vec3::operator/=(const double t)
return *this *= 1 / t;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const vec3 &v)
return out << v.e[0] << ' ' << v.e[1] << ' ' << v.e[2];
vec3 operator+(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] + v.e[0], u.e[1] + v.e[1], u.e[2] + v.e[2]);
vec3 operator-(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] - v.e[0], u.e[1] - v.e[1], u.e[2] - v.e[2]);
vec3 operator*(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[0] * v.e[0], u.e[1] * v.e[1], u.e[2] * v.e[2]);
vec3 operator*(const vec3 &v, double t)
return t * v;
vec3 operator*(double t, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(t * v.e[0], t * v.e[1], t * v.e[2]);
vec3 operator/(vec3 v, double t)
return (1 / t) * v;
vec3 lerp(const vec3 &a, const vec3 &b, double t)
return (1.0 - t) * a + t * b;
double dot(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return u[0] * v[0]
+ u[1] * v[1]
+ u[2] * v[2];
vec3 cross(const vec3 &u, const vec3 &v)
return vec3(u.e[1] * v.e[2] - u.e[2] * v.e[1],
u.e[2] * v.e[0] - u.e[0] * v.e[2],
u.e[0] * v.e[1] - u.e[1] * v.e[0]);
vec3 reflect(const vec3& v, const vec3& n)
return v - 2*dot(v,n)*n;
vec3 refract(const vec3& uv, const vec3& n, double etai_over_etat)
auto cos_theta = dot(-uv, n);
vec3 r_out_parallel = etai_over_etat * (uv + cos_theta*n);
vec3 r_out_perp = -sqrt(1.0 - r_out_parallel.length_squared()) * n;
return r_out_parallel + r_out_perp;
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