var users = []; var posts = {}; const localMode = true; const blockContainer = document.getElementById("block-container"); const postCountElem = document.getElementById("post-count"); const postTotalElem = document.getElementById("post-total"); const loader = document.getElementById("loader"); // define a variable for how many posts we want to increase the page by const postIncrease = 9; // and define a value to determine which page we're on let currentPage = 1; // how many times can we increase the content until we reach the max limit? function getPageCount() { return Math.ceil(Object.keys(posts).length / postIncrease); } function getRandomColor() { const h = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); return `hsl(${h}deg, 90%, 85%)`; } class Post { // JSON post data constructor(data) { =; this.username = data.associatedUser; this.content = data.body; this.replyTo = data.replyTo; this.parentPost = null; this.replies = []; } getIsReply() { return this.replyTo != ""; } addReply(reply) { this.replies.push(reply); reply.parentPost = this; } getPostLevel() { let p = this.parentPost; let depth = 0; while (p != null) { p = p.parentPost; depth++; } return depth; } getHeaderTag() { const level = this.getPostLevel(); switch (level) { case 0: return "h1"; case 1: return "h2"; case 2: return "h3"; case 3: return "h4"; default: console.error(`${level} is not a supported post level`); return null; } } getHeaderElement() { const elem = document.createElement("a"); // TODO: fetch current user pfp from thispersondoesnotexist and place in local storage // for now if this person is us, post octopus const currentUser = getCurrentUser(); const isCurrentUser = this.username == currentUser.user; const pfpPath = isCurrentUser ? "oct.jpg" : `user/${this.username}.png`; const pfpElem = document.createElement("img"); pfpElem.setAttribute("src", pfpPath); pfpElem.setAttribute("class", "pfp"); elem.appendChild(pfpElem); const usernameElem = document.createElement(this.getHeaderTag()); usernameElem.innerHTML = this.username; elem.setAttribute("href", "#"); elem.addEventListener("click", () => updateUserProfile(this.username)); elem.appendChild(usernameElem); return elem; } getContentElement() { const elem = document.createElement("p"); elem.innerHTML = this.content; return elem; } getElement() { const elem = document.createElement("div"); // display root posts as blocks, and comments as attached to their posts if (this.getPostLevel() == 0) { elem.className = "block post"; } = getRandomColor(); elem.appendChild(this.getHeaderElement()); elem.appendChild(this.getContentElement()); for (let i = 0; i < this.replies.length; i++) { const reply = this.replies[i]; elem.appendChild(reply.getElement()); } return elem; } } function getRootPosts() { let result = []; for (var id in posts) { const post = posts[id]; if (post.getIsReply()) continue; result.push(post); } return result; } function addPosts(pageIdx) { currentPage = pageIdx; const startRange = (pageIdx - 1) * postIncrease; const endRange = currentPage == getPageCount() ? posts.length : pageIdx * postIncrease; postCountElem.innerHTML = endRange; const rootPosts = getRootPosts(); for (let i = startRange + 1; i <= endRange; i++) { const post = rootPosts[i]; const elem = post.getElement(); blockContainer.appendChild(elem); } } function handleInfiniteScroll() { throttle(() => { const endOfPage = window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset >= document.body.offsetHeight; if (endOfPage) { addPosts(currentPage + 1); } if (currentPage === getPageCount()) { removeInfiniteScroll(); } }, 1000); } // limit how often we try to load new posts to maintain browser performance var throttleTimer; function throttle(callback, time) { if (throttleTimer) return; throttleTimer = true; setTimeout(() => { callback(); throttleTimer = false; }, time); } function removeInfiniteScroll() { loader.remove(); window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleInfiniteScroll); } function getTopPost() { // find the first post const children = blockContainer.childNodes; let firstPost = null; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; const classes = child.className.split(" "); if (classes.some(c => c == "post")) { firstPost = child; break; } } return firstPost; } function makePostFromJson(json) { return new Post({ id:, associatedUser: json.associatedUser, body: json.body }); } function getCurrentUser() { return { "user": "theChief", "interests": [ "gen-ai", "blockchain", "nfts" ], "posting_style": "just the most truly inane takes" }; } function writePost() { const request = { method: "POST", mode: "cors", body: JSON.stringify(getCurrentUser()), headers: { "Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8" } }; if (localMode) { const post = new Post({ id: "1234", associatedUser: getCurrentUser().user, body: "local mode post (local mode post)" }); blockContainer.insertBefore(post.getElement(), getTopPost()); } else { fetch("", request) .then(response => response.json()) .then(makePostFromJson) .then(post => blockContainer.insertBefore(post.getElement(), getTopPost())); } } function addWritePostBlock() { const blockElem = document.createElement("div"); blockElem.className = "block"; = "red"; const buttonElem = document.createElement("a"); buttonElem.setAttribute("href", "#"); buttonElem.innerHTML = "Write something interesting for me!"; buttonElem.addEventListener("click", writePost); blockElem.append(buttonElem); blockContainer.append(blockElem) } function init() { if (posts == undefined) { console.log("resource loading failed"); return; } // need to load all the resources first const postCount = Object.keys(posts).length; if (users.length == 0 || postCount == 0) return; console.log(`loaded ${users.length} users and ${postCount} posts`); // TODO: add user bio above write post button addWritePostBlock(); addPosts(currentPage); window.addEventListener("scroll", handleInfiniteScroll); } function loadDataFromEndpoint(endpoint, callback) { fetch(endpoint) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => { callback(json); init(); }); } const usersUrl = localMode ? "users.json" : ""; const postsUrl = localMode ? "posts.json" : ""; loadDataFromEndpoint(usersUrl, json => { users = json.users; }); loadDataFromEndpoint(postsUrl, json => { // first pass to instantiate all the posts for (let i = 0; i < json.content.length; i++) { const post = new Post(json.content[i]); posts[] = post; } // second pass to link each reply to the appropriate parent for (const id in posts) { const post = posts[id]; if (!post.getIsReply()) continue; const parent = posts[post.replyTo]; parent.addReply(post); } postTotalElem.innerHTML = Object.keys(posts).length; });