hey, are you up? It's like lunchtime here lol i'll take that as a yes then good because i'm spiralling What's up? it feels like there's this thing in my head, right this golden, wonderful thing that's capable of such wonderful things but it's timid - so timid! - and always in flux i try to approach it and it hides every time i tihnk i'vve got a hold on it, it changes into something else like i see my goal and it's not that far away, but then i get over to it and it turns out it's actually a bridge, or a tunnel and now i have to go through that instead it never ends! That sounds like, the archetypical Journey of Creative Self-Discovery, friend Get new material >:| it's frustrating i'm frustrated Maybe you need a change of scenery Have you tried going for a walk? i immediately regret messaging you i don't know what i expected i just wanted to vent a bit i guess Hey, you vent away I'm not in any rush like, i see people with these honed skills, right artists online, musicians, authors, whatever and i love all of these things and i know that honing a skill takes time, too i am more than aware of that but i feel like you kind of have to pick one, and run with it? specialise, you know? and my specialty is plants You like plants yeah i do like plants plants are great but plants aren't music they're not a novel, or a poignant game or something they're creative, but only in the abstract way that, like, running is creative the kind of trophy-for-taking-part creative maybe idk maybe i'm imposter syndroming myself but i want to make those "real" creative things too and i am frustrated because i feel like i can't pick i can't specialise i love all of them, how could i focus on writing at the cost of anything visual? there's so precious little time to use on any of these things and i feel like i waste that time trying to pick something, instead of actually doing anything I don't think you want to be a writer I don't think you want to be a musician either You're definitely a creative, though Non-creatives are never this difficult Look, if you want to write, write, if you want to draw, draw You don't have to pick one! You don't have to define yourself by that label, or use it at all If you'll indulge a little anecdote please When I lived in Madrid for a year I agonised over whether I was fluent enough I had a social life, studied the culture, explored the country and stuff all in Spanish, but always just reckoned nah, I got lucky, or the locals were being kind with my fumbled locution In my head I was (and honestly, still am) a total beginner It was only when I was on the way back home I got to talking to some guy in a bar, and somehow got onto languages He only spoke English himself, but he asked me: can you have a conversation? Can you make friends? Can you help someone who's lost? And I figured well, yeah By those measures, I'm fluent I don't know what CEFR level I am, but also, I don't really care? It's not like someone's going to check my credentials before engaging in conversation Sorry it was a bit wandering but I think my point is basically that it's about what you do, not what you are Or what you think you are We are defined by our actions What you think you are, or even what someone else thinks you are, doesn't really matter at all Labels and nouns are useful to get ideas across, but they're not real, right? So don't try to force them upon things which are <3 thanks thanks for getting me out of my head No problem Rye You take care up there i will hey, could you do me a favour? If it's not insane next time you see a tree send me a picture? i miss trees I'll grab one on my walk home xoxo