using System.Collections.Generic; using PathCreation.Utility; using UnityEngine; namespace PathCreation.Examples { public class RoadMeshCreator : PathSceneTool { [Header ("Road settings")] public float roadWidth = .4f; [Range (0, .5f)] public float thickness = .15f; public bool flattenSurface; [Header ("Material settings")] public Material roadMaterial; public Material undersideMaterial; public float textureTiling = 1; [SerializeField, HideInInspector] GameObject meshHolder; MeshFilter meshFilter; MeshRenderer meshRenderer; Mesh mesh; protected override void PathUpdated () { if (pathCreator != null) { AssignMeshComponents (); AssignMaterials (); CreateRoadMesh (); } } void CreateRoadMesh () { Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[path.NumPoints * 8]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[verts.Length]; Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[verts.Length]; int numTris = 2 * (path.NumPoints - 1) + ((path.isClosedLoop) ? 2 : 0); int[] roadTriangles = new int[numTris * 3]; int[] underRoadTriangles = new int[numTris * 3]; int[] sideOfRoadTriangles = new int[numTris * 2 * 3]; int vertIndex = 0; int triIndex = 0; // Vertices for the top of the road are layed out: // 0 1 // 8 9 // and so on... So the triangle map 0,8,1 for example, defines a triangle from top left to bottom left to bottom right. int[] triangleMap = { 0, 8, 1, 1, 8, 9 }; int[] sidesTriangleMap = { 4, 6, 14, 12, 4, 14, 5, 15, 7, 13, 15, 5 }; bool usePathNormals = !( == && flattenSurface); for (int i = 0; i < path.NumPoints; i++) { Vector3 localUp = (usePathNormals) ? Vector3.Cross (path.GetTangent (i), path.GetNormal (i)) : path.up; Vector3 localRight = (usePathNormals) ? path.GetNormal (i) : Vector3.Cross (localUp, path.GetTangent (i)); // Find position to left and right of current path vertex Vector3 vertSideA = path.GetPoint (i) - localRight * Mathf.Abs (roadWidth); Vector3 vertSideB = path.GetPoint (i) + localRight * Mathf.Abs (roadWidth); // Add top of road vertices verts[vertIndex + 0] = vertSideA; verts[vertIndex + 1] = vertSideB; // Add bottom of road vertices verts[vertIndex + 2] = vertSideA - localUp * thickness; verts[vertIndex + 3] = vertSideB - localUp * thickness; // Duplicate vertices to get flat shading for sides of road verts[vertIndex + 4] = verts[vertIndex + 0]; verts[vertIndex + 5] = verts[vertIndex + 1]; verts[vertIndex + 6] = verts[vertIndex + 2]; verts[vertIndex + 7] = verts[vertIndex + 3]; // Set uv on y axis to path time (0 at start of path, up to 1 at end of path) uvs[vertIndex + 0] = new Vector2 (0, path.times[i]); uvs[vertIndex + 1] = new Vector2 (1, path.times[i]); // Top of road normals normals[vertIndex + 0] = localUp; normals[vertIndex + 1] = localUp; // Bottom of road normals normals[vertIndex + 2] = -localUp; normals[vertIndex + 3] = -localUp; // Sides of road normals normals[vertIndex + 4] = -localRight; normals[vertIndex + 5] = localRight; normals[vertIndex + 6] = -localRight; normals[vertIndex + 7] = localRight; // Set triangle indices if (i < path.NumPoints - 1 || path.isClosedLoop) { for (int j = 0; j < triangleMap.Length; j++) { roadTriangles[triIndex + j] = (vertIndex + triangleMap[j]) % verts.Length; // reverse triangle map for under road so that triangles wind the other way and are visible from underneath underRoadTriangles[triIndex + j] = (vertIndex + triangleMap[triangleMap.Length - 1 - j] + 2) % verts.Length; } for (int j = 0; j < sidesTriangleMap.Length; j++) { sideOfRoadTriangles[triIndex * 2 + j] = (vertIndex + sidesTriangleMap[j]) % verts.Length; } } vertIndex += 8; triIndex += 6; } mesh.Clear (); mesh.vertices = verts; mesh.uv = uvs; mesh.normals = normals; mesh.subMeshCount = 3; mesh.SetTriangles (roadTriangles, 0); mesh.SetTriangles (underRoadTriangles, 1); mesh.SetTriangles (sideOfRoadTriangles, 2); mesh.RecalculateBounds (); } // Add MeshRenderer and MeshFilter components to this gameobject if not already attached void AssignMeshComponents () { if (meshHolder == null) { meshHolder = new GameObject ("Road Mesh Holder"); } meshHolder.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; meshHolder.transform.position =; meshHolder.transform.localScale =; // Ensure mesh renderer and filter components are assigned if (!meshHolder.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ()) { meshHolder.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter> (); } if (!meshHolder.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ()) { meshHolder.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer> (); } meshRenderer = meshHolder.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> (); meshFilter = meshHolder.GetComponent<MeshFilter> (); if (mesh == null) { mesh = new Mesh (); } meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; } void AssignMaterials () { if (roadMaterial != null && undersideMaterial != null) { meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = new Material[] { roadMaterial, undersideMaterial, undersideMaterial }; meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[0].mainTextureScale = new Vector3 (1, textureTiling); } } } }