using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using Ktyl.Util; public class PlayerInputHandler : MonoBehaviour { //to get the artifact id you are near to [SerializeField] private SerialInt _nearbyArtefactID; [SerializeField] private PlayerInputSettings _inputSettings; [SerializeField] private Camera _camera; public class PlayerInputState { public BufferedInput Jump; public BufferedInput Blink; public BufferedInput Use; public BufferedInput Freeze; public CameraRelativeInput Move; public Vector2 Look; public float MoveRotation; public PlayerInputState( float jumpBuffer, float blinkBuffer, float useBuffer , float freezeBuffer) { Jump = new BufferedInput( jumpBuffer ); Blink = new BufferedInput( blinkBuffer ); Use = new BufferedInput( useBuffer ); Freeze = new BufferedInput( freezeBuffer ); Move = new CameraRelativeInput(); Look =; } public void Update( float deltaTime ) { Jump.Update(deltaTime); Blink.Update(deltaTime); Use.Update(deltaTime); Freeze.Update(deltaTime); } } public PlayerInputState InputState => _state; private PlayerInputState _state; private void Awake() { _state = new PlayerInputState( _inputSettings.JumpBufferTime, _inputSettings.BlinkBufferTime, _inputSettings.UseBufferTime, _inputSettings.FreezeBufferTime ) ; } private void FixedUpdate() { _state.Update( Time.fixedDeltaTime); float cameraRotation = _camera.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; _state.Move.SetAngle(-cameraRotation); } public void SetCameraRotation(float angle) => _state.Move.SetAngle(angle); public void Look(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => _state.Look = context.ReadValue(); public void Move(InputAction.CallbackContext context) => _state.Move.SetValue(context.ReadValue()); public void Blink( InputAction.CallbackContext context ) => _state.Blink.Set( context.ReadValueAsButton() ); public void Jump( InputAction.CallbackContext context ) => _state.Jump.Set( context.ReadValueAsButton() ); public void Use(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { _state.Use.Set( context.ReadValueAsButton() ); if(context.started) EventHandler.current.ArtefactPickUp(_nearbyArtefactID.Value); } public void Freeze(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { _state.Freeze.Set( context.ReadValueAsButton() ); } }