Merge branch 'main' of into time-freezing-artefact

This commit is contained in:
LojZa33 2021-03-16 20:01:46 +01:00
commit 27f459f068
137 changed files with 13934 additions and 1134 deletions

@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Name: Dialogue Settings
blink: 4
blink: 1
boost: 5
timeFreeze: 3
interact: 7
blink: 1
boost: 2
timeFreeze: 0
blink: 2
boost: 0
timeFreeze: 4
interact: 6
_hideAfter: 5
_radioDialogueKey: event:/VO/Radio Dialogue Line

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using PathCreation;
namespace PathCreationEditor
public static class MouseUtility
/// <summary>
/// Determines mouse position in world. If PathSpace is xy/xz, the position will be locked to that plane.
/// If PathSpace is xyz, then depthFor3DSpace will be used as distance from scene camera.
/// </summary>
public static Vector3 GetMouseWorldPosition(PathSpace space, float depthFor3DSpace = 10)
Ray mouseRay = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
Vector3 worldMouse = mouseRay.GetPoint(depthFor3DSpace);
// Mouse can only move on XY plane
if (space == PathSpace.xy)
float zDir = mouseRay.direction.z;
if (zDir != 0)
float dstToXYPlane = Mathf.Abs(mouseRay.origin.z / zDir);
worldMouse = mouseRay.GetPoint(dstToXYPlane);
// Mouse can only move on XZ plane
else if (space == PathSpace.xz)
float yDir = mouseRay.direction.y;
if (yDir != 0)
float dstToXZPlane = Mathf.Abs(mouseRay.origin.y / yDir);
worldMouse = mouseRay.GetPoint(dstToXZPlane);
return worldMouse;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using PathCreation;
namespace PathCreationEditor
public static class PathHandle
public const float extraInputRadius = .005f;
static Vector2 handleDragMouseStart;
static Vector2 handleDragMouseEnd;
static Vector3 handleDragWorldStart;
static int selectedHandleID;
static bool mouseIsOverAHandle;
public enum HandleInputType
static float dstMouseToDragPointStart;
static List<int> ids;
static HashSet<int> idHash;
static PathHandle()
ids = new List<int>();
idHash = new HashSet<int>();
dstMouseToDragPointStart = float.MaxValue;
public static Vector3 DrawHandle(Vector3 position, PathSpace space, bool isInteractive, float handleDiameter, Handles.CapFunction capFunc, HandleColours colours, out HandleInputType inputType, int handleIndex)
int id = GetID(handleIndex);
Vector3 screenPosition = Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(position);
Matrix4x4 cachedMatrix = Handles.matrix;
inputType = HandleInputType.None;
EventType eventType = Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id);
float handleRadius = handleDiameter / 2f;
float dstToHandle = HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(position, handleRadius + extraInputRadius);
float dstToMouse = HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(position, 0);
// Handle input events
if (isInteractive)
// Repaint if mouse is entering/exiting handle (for highlight colour)
if (dstToHandle == 0)
if (!mouseIsOverAHandle)
mouseIsOverAHandle = true;
if (mouseIsOverAHandle)
mouseIsOverAHandle = false;
switch (eventType)
case EventType.MouseDown:
if (Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.modifiers != EventModifiers.Alt)
if (dstToHandle == 0 && dstToMouse < dstMouseToDragPointStart)
dstMouseToDragPointStart = dstToMouse;
GUIUtility.hotControl = id;
handleDragMouseEnd = handleDragMouseStart = Event.current.mousePosition;
handleDragWorldStart = position;
selectedHandleID = id;
inputType = HandleInputType.LMBPress;
case EventType.MouseUp:
dstMouseToDragPointStart = float.MaxValue;
if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && Event.current.button == 0)
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
selectedHandleID = -1;
inputType = HandleInputType.LMBRelease;
if (Event.current.mousePosition == handleDragMouseStart)
inputType = HandleInputType.LMBClick;
case EventType.MouseDrag:
if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && Event.current.button == 0)
handleDragMouseEnd += new Vector2(,;
Vector3 position2 = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint(Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(handleDragWorldStart))
+ (Vector3)(handleDragMouseEnd - handleDragMouseStart);
inputType = HandleInputType.LMBDrag;
// Handle can move freely in 3d space
if (space ==
position = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(Camera.current.ScreenToWorldPoint(position2));
// Handle is clamped to xy or xz plane
position = MouseUtility.GetMouseWorldPosition(space);
GUI.changed = true;
switch (eventType)
case EventType.Repaint:
Color originalColour = Handles.color;
Handles.color = (isInteractive) ? colours.defaultColour : colours.disabledColour;
if (id == GUIUtility.hotControl)
Handles.color = colours.selectedColour;
else if (dstToHandle == 0 && selectedHandleID == -1 && isInteractive)
Handles.color = colours.highlightedColour;
Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
Vector3 lookForward = Vector3.up;
Camera cam = Camera.current;
if (cam != null)
if (cam.orthographic)
lookForward= -cam.transform.forward;
lookForward = (cam.transform.position - position);
capFunc(id, screenPosition, Quaternion.LookRotation(lookForward), handleDiameter, EventType.Repaint);
Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;
Handles.color = originalColour;
case EventType.Layout:
Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(screenPosition, handleDiameter / 2f));
Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;
return position;
public struct HandleColours
public Color defaultColour;
public Color highlightedColour;
public Color selectedColour;
public Color disabledColour;
public HandleColours(Color defaultColour, Color highlightedColour, Color selectedColour, Color disabledColour)
this.defaultColour = defaultColour;
this.highlightedColour = highlightedColour;
this.selectedColour = selectedColour;
this.disabledColour = disabledColour;
static void AddIDs(int upToIndex)
int numIDAtStart = ids.Count;
int numToAdd = (upToIndex - numIDAtStart) + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < numToAdd; i++)
string hashString = string.Format("pathhandle({0})", numIDAtStart + i);
int hash = hashString.GetHashCode();
int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(hash, FocusType.Passive);
int numIts = 0;
// This is a bit of a shot in the dark at fixing a reported bug that I've been unable to reproduce.
// The problem is that multiple handles are being selected when just one is clicked on.
// I assume this is because they're somehow being assigned the same id.
while (idHash.Contains(id)) {
numIts ++;
id += numIts * numIts;
if (numIts > 100) {
Debug.LogError("Failed to generate unique handle id.");
static int GetID(int handleIndex)
if (handleIndex >= ids.Count)
return ids[handleIndex];

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using PathCreation;
using PathCreation.Utility;
namespace PathCreationEditor
public class ScreenSpacePolyLine
const int accuracyMultiplier = 10;
// dont allow vertices to be spaced too far apart, as screenspace-worldspace conversion can then be noticeably off
const float intermediaryThreshold = .2f;
public readonly List<Vector3> verticesWorld;
// For each point in the polyline, says which bezier segment it belongs to
readonly List<int> vertexToPathSegmentMap;
// Stores the index in the vertices list where the start point of each segment is
readonly int[] segmentStartIndices;
readonly float pathLengthWorld;
readonly float[] cumululativeLengthWorld;
Vector2[] points;
Vector3 prevCamPos;
Quaternion prevCamRot;
bool premCamIsOrtho;
readonly Transform transform;
readonly Vector3 transformPosition;
readonly Quaternion transformRotation;
readonly Vector3 transformScale;
public ScreenSpacePolyLine(BezierPath bezierPath, Transform transform, float maxAngleError, float minVertexDst, float accuracy = 1)
this.transform = transform;
transformPosition = transform.position;
transformRotation = transform.rotation;
transformScale = transform.localScale;
// Split path in vertices based on angle error
verticesWorld = new List<Vector3>();
vertexToPathSegmentMap = new List<int>();
segmentStartIndices = new int[bezierPath.NumSegments+1];
Vector3 prevPointOnPath = bezierPath[0];
float dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
Vector3 lastAddedPoint = prevPointOnPath;
float dstSinceLastIntermediary = 0;
for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < bezierPath.NumSegments; segmentIndex++)
Vector3[] segmentPoints = bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment(segmentIndex);
segmentStartIndices[segmentIndex] = verticesWorld.Count-1;
prevPointOnPath = segmentPoints[0];
lastAddedPoint = prevPointOnPath;
dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
dstSinceLastIntermediary = 0;
float estimatedSegmentLength = CubicBezierUtility.EstimateCurveLength(segmentPoints[0], segmentPoints[1], segmentPoints[2], segmentPoints[3]);
int divisions = Mathf.CeilToInt(estimatedSegmentLength * accuracy * accuracyMultiplier);
float increment = 1f / divisions;
for (float t = increment; t <= 1; t += increment)
Vector3 pointOnPath = CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve(segmentPoints[0], segmentPoints[1], segmentPoints[2], segmentPoints[3], t);
Vector3 nextPointOnPath = CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve(segmentPoints[0], segmentPoints[1], segmentPoints[2], segmentPoints[3], t + increment);
// angle at current point on path
float localAngle = 180 - MathUtility.MinAngle(prevPointOnPath, pointOnPath, nextPointOnPath);
// angle between the last added vertex, the current point on the path, and the next point on the path
float angleFromPrevVertex = 180 - MathUtility.MinAngle(lastAddedPoint, pointOnPath, nextPointOnPath);
float angleError = Mathf.Max(localAngle, angleFromPrevVertex);
if (angleError > maxAngleError && dstSinceLastVertex >= minVertexDst)
dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
dstSinceLastIntermediary = 0;
lastAddedPoint = pointOnPath;
if (dstSinceLastIntermediary > intermediaryThreshold)
dstSinceLastIntermediary = 0;
dstSinceLastIntermediary += (pointOnPath - prevPointOnPath).magnitude;
dstSinceLastVertex += (pointOnPath - prevPointOnPath).magnitude;
prevPointOnPath = pointOnPath;
segmentStartIndices[bezierPath.NumSegments] = verticesWorld.Count;
// ensure final point gets added (unless path is closed loop)
if (!bezierPath.IsClosed)
verticesWorld.Add(bezierPath[bezierPath.NumPoints - 1]);
// Calculate length
cumululativeLengthWorld = new float[verticesWorld.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < verticesWorld.Count; i++)
verticesWorld[i] = MathUtility.TransformPoint(verticesWorld[i], transform, bezierPath.Space);
if (i > 0) {
pathLengthWorld += (verticesWorld[i - 1] - verticesWorld[i]).magnitude;
cumululativeLengthWorld[i] = pathLengthWorld;
void ComputeScreenSpace()
if (Camera.current.transform.position != prevCamPos || Camera.current.transform.rotation != prevCamRot || Camera.current.orthographic != premCamIsOrtho)
points = new Vector2[verticesWorld.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < verticesWorld.Count; i++)
points[i] = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(verticesWorld[i]);
prevCamPos = Camera.current.transform.position;
prevCamRot = Camera.current.transform.rotation;
premCamIsOrtho = Camera.current.orthographic;
public MouseInfo CalculateMouseInfo()
Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
float minDst = float.MaxValue;
int closestPolyLineSegmentIndex = 0;
int closestBezierSegmentIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
float dst = HandleUtility.DistancePointToLineSegment(mousePos, points[i], points[i + 1]);
if (dst < minDst)
minDst = dst;
closestPolyLineSegmentIndex = i;
closestBezierSegmentIndex = vertexToPathSegmentMap[i];
Vector2 closestPointOnLine = MathUtility.ClosestPointOnLineSegment(mousePos, points[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex], points[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex + 1]);
float dstToPointOnLine = (points[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex] - closestPointOnLine).magnitude;
float percentBetweenVertices = dstToPointOnLine / (points[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex] - points[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex + 1]).magnitude;
Vector3 closestPoint3D = Vector3.Lerp(verticesWorld[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex], verticesWorld[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex + 1], percentBetweenVertices);
float distanceAlongPathWorld = cumululativeLengthWorld[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex] + Vector3.Distance(verticesWorld[closestPolyLineSegmentIndex], closestPoint3D);
float timeAlongPath = distanceAlongPathWorld / pathLengthWorld;
// Calculate how far between the current bezier segment the closest point on the line is
int bezierSegmentStartIndex = segmentStartIndices[closestBezierSegmentIndex];
int bezierSegmentEndIndex = segmentStartIndices[closestBezierSegmentIndex+1];
float bezierSegmentLength = cumululativeLengthWorld[bezierSegmentEndIndex] - cumululativeLengthWorld[bezierSegmentStartIndex];
float distanceAlongBezierSegment = distanceAlongPathWorld - cumululativeLengthWorld[bezierSegmentStartIndex];
float timeAlongBezierSegment = distanceAlongBezierSegment/bezierSegmentLength;
return new MouseInfo(minDst, closestPoint3D, distanceAlongPathWorld, timeAlongPath, timeAlongBezierSegment, closestBezierSegmentIndex);
public bool TransformIsOutOfDate() {
return transform.position != transformPosition || transform.rotation != transformRotation || transform.localScale != transformScale;
public struct MouseInfo
public readonly float mouseDstToLine;
public readonly Vector3 closestWorldPointToMouse;
public readonly float distanceAlongPathWorld;
public readonly float timeOnPath;
public readonly float timeOnBezierSegment;
public readonly int closestSegmentIndex;
public MouseInfo(float mouseDstToLine, Vector3 closestWorldPointToMouse, float distanceAlongPathWorld, float timeOnPath, float timeOnBezierSegment, int closestSegmentIndex)
this.mouseDstToLine = mouseDstToLine;
this.closestWorldPointToMouse = closestWorldPointToMouse;
this.distanceAlongPathWorld = distanceAlongPathWorld;
this.timeOnPath = timeOnPath;
this.timeOnBezierSegment = timeOnBezierSegment;
this.closestSegmentIndex = closestSegmentIndex;

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"name": "PathCreatorEditor",
"references": [
"optionalUnityReferences": [],
"includePlatforms": [
"excludePlatforms": [],
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"overrideReferences": false,
"precompiledReferences": [],
"autoReferenced": true,
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using PathCreation;
using PathCreation.Utility;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreationEditor {
/// Editor class for the creation of Bezier and Vertex paths
[CustomEditor (typeof (PathCreator))]
public class PathEditor : Editor {
#region Fields
// Interaction:
const float segmentSelectDistanceThreshold = 10f;
const float screenPolylineMaxAngleError = .3f;
const float screenPolylineMinVertexDst = .01f;
// Help messages:
const string helpInfo = "Shift-click to add or insert new points. Control-click to delete points. For more detailed infomation, please refer to the documentation.";
static readonly string[] spaceNames = { "3D (xyz)", "2D (xy)", "Top-down (xz)" };
static readonly string[] tabNames = { "Bézier Path", "Vertex Path" };
const string constantSizeTooltip = "If true, anchor and control points will keep a constant size when zooming in the editor.";
// Display
const int inspectorSectionSpacing = 10;
const float constantHandleScale = .01f;
const float normalsSpacing = .2f;
GUIStyle boldFoldoutStyle;
// References:
PathCreator creator;
Editor globalDisplaySettingsEditor;
ScreenSpacePolyLine screenSpaceLine;
ScreenSpacePolyLine.MouseInfo pathMouseInfo;
GlobalDisplaySettings globalDisplaySettings;
PathHandle.HandleColours splineAnchorColours;
PathHandle.HandleColours splineControlColours;
Dictionary<GlobalDisplaySettings.HandleType, Handles.CapFunction> capFunctions;
ArcHandle anchorAngleHandle = new ArcHandle ();
VertexPath normalsVertexPath;
// State variables:
int selectedSegmentIndex;
int draggingHandleIndex;
int mouseOverHandleIndex;
int handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform;
bool shiftLastFrame;
bool hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine;
bool hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath;
bool editingNormalsOld;
Vector3 transformPos;
Vector3 transformScale;
Quaternion transformRot;
Color handlesStartCol;
// Constants
const int bezierPathTab = 0;
const int vertexPathTab = 1;
#region Inspectors
public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
// Initialize GUI styles
if (boldFoldoutStyle == null) {
boldFoldoutStyle = new GUIStyle (EditorStyles.foldout);
boldFoldoutStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Path settings changed");
// Draw Bezier and Vertex tabs
int tabIndex = GUILayout.Toolbar (data.tabIndex, tabNames);
if (tabIndex != data.tabIndex) {
data.tabIndex = tabIndex;
TabChanged ();
// Draw inspector for active tab
switch (data.tabIndex) {
case bezierPathTab:
DrawBezierPathInspector ();
case vertexPathTab:
DrawVertexPathInspector ();
// Notify of undo/redo that might modify the path
if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed") {
data.PathModifiedByUndo ();
void DrawBezierPathInspector () {
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ()) {
// Path options:
data.showPathOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (data.showPathOptions, new GUIContent ("Bézier Path Options"), true, boldFoldoutStyle);
if (data.showPathOptions) {
bezierPath.Space = (PathSpace) EditorGUILayout.Popup ("Space", (int) bezierPath.Space, spaceNames);
bezierPath.ControlPointMode = (BezierPath.ControlMode) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup (new GUIContent ("Control Mode"), bezierPath.ControlPointMode);
if (bezierPath.ControlPointMode == BezierPath.ControlMode.Automatic) {
bezierPath.AutoControlLength = EditorGUILayout.Slider (new GUIContent ("Control Spacing"), bezierPath.AutoControlLength, 0, 1);
bezierPath.IsClosed = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Closed Path", bezierPath.IsClosed);
data.showTransformTool = EditorGUILayout.Toggle (new GUIContent ("Enable Transforms"), data.showTransformTool);
Tools.hidden = !data.showTransformTool;
// Check if out of bounds (can occur after undo operations)
if (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform >= bezierPath.NumPoints) {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
// If a point has been selected
if (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform != -1) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Selected Point:");
using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope ()) {
var currentPosition = creator.bezierPath[handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform];
var newPosition = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field ("Position", currentPosition);
if (newPosition != currentPosition) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Move point");
creator.bezierPath.MovePoint (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform, newPosition);
// Don't draw the angle field if we aren't selecting an anchor point/not in 3d space
if (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform % 3 == 0 && creator.bezierPath.Space == {
var anchorIndex = handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform / 3;
var currentAngle = creator.bezierPath.GetAnchorNormalAngle (anchorIndex);
var newAngle = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Angle", currentAngle);
if (newAngle != currentAngle) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Set Angle");
creator.bezierPath.SetAnchorNormalAngle (anchorIndex, newAngle);
if (data.showTransformTool & (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform == -1)) {
if (GUILayout.Button ("Centre Transform")) {
Vector3 worldCentre = bezierPath.CalculateBoundsWithTransform (creator.transform).center;
Vector3 transformPos = creator.transform.position;
if (bezierPath.Space == PathSpace.xy) {
transformPos = new Vector3 (transformPos.x, transformPos.y, 0);
} else if (bezierPath.Space == PathSpace.xz) {
transformPos = new Vector3 (transformPos.x, 0, transformPos.z);
Vector3 worldCentreToTransform = transformPos - worldCentre;
if (worldCentre != creator.transform.position) {
//Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Centralize Transform");
if (worldCentreToTransform != {
Vector3 localCentreToTransform = MathUtility.InverseTransformVector (worldCentreToTransform, creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
for (int i = 0; i < bezierPath.NumPoints; i++) {
bezierPath.SetPoint (i, bezierPath.GetPoint (i) + localCentreToTransform, true);
creator.transform.position = worldCentre;
bezierPath.NotifyPathModified ();
if (GUILayout.Button ("Reset Path")) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Reset Path");
bool in2DEditorMode = EditorSettings.defaultBehaviorMode == EditorBehaviorMode.Mode2D;
data.ResetBezierPath (creator.transform.position, in2DEditorMode);
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
GUILayout.Space (inspectorSectionSpacing);
data.showNormals = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (data.showNormals, new GUIContent ("Normals Options"), true, boldFoldoutStyle);
if (data.showNormals) {
bezierPath.FlipNormals = EditorGUILayout.Toggle (new GUIContent ("Flip Normals"), bezierPath.FlipNormals);
if (bezierPath.Space == {
bezierPath.GlobalNormalsAngle = EditorGUILayout.Slider (new GUIContent ("Global Angle"), bezierPath.GlobalNormalsAngle, 0, 360);
if (GUILayout.Button ("Reset Normals")) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Reset Normals");
bezierPath.FlipNormals = false;
bezierPath.ResetNormalAngles ();
GUILayout.Space (inspectorSectionSpacing);
// Editor display options
data.showDisplayOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (data.showDisplayOptions, new GUIContent ("Display Options"), true, boldFoldoutStyle);
if (data.showDisplayOptions) {
data.showPathBounds = GUILayout.Toggle (data.showPathBounds, new GUIContent ("Show Path Bounds"));
data.showPerSegmentBounds = GUILayout.Toggle (data.showPerSegmentBounds, new GUIContent ("Show Segment Bounds"));
data.displayAnchorPoints = GUILayout.Toggle (data.displayAnchorPoints, new GUIContent ("Show Anchor Points"));
if (!(bezierPath.ControlPointMode == BezierPath.ControlMode.Automatic && globalDisplaySettings.hideAutoControls)) {
data.displayControlPoints = GUILayout.Toggle (data.displayControlPoints, new GUIContent ("Show Control Points"));
data.keepConstantHandleSize = GUILayout.Toggle (data.keepConstantHandleSize, new GUIContent ("Constant Point Size", constantSizeTooltip));
data.bezierHandleScale = Mathf.Max (0, EditorGUILayout.FloatField (new GUIContent ("Handle Scale"), data.bezierHandleScale));
DrawGlobalDisplaySettingsInspector ();
if (check.changed) {
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
void DrawVertexPathInspector () {
GUILayout.Space (inspectorSectionSpacing);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Vertex count: " + creator.path.NumPoints);
GUILayout.Space (inspectorSectionSpacing);
data.showVertexPathOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (data.showVertexPathOptions, new GUIContent ("Vertex Path Options"), true, boldFoldoutStyle);
if (data.showVertexPathOptions) {
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ()) {
data.vertexPathMaxAngleError = EditorGUILayout.Slider (new GUIContent ("Max Angle Error"), data.vertexPathMaxAngleError, 0, 45);
data.vertexPathMinVertexSpacing = EditorGUILayout.Slider (new GUIContent ("Min Vertex Dst"), data.vertexPathMinVertexSpacing, 0, 1);
GUILayout.Space (inspectorSectionSpacing);
if (check.changed) {
data.VertexPathSettingsChanged ();
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
data.showVertexPathDisplayOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout (data.showVertexPathDisplayOptions, new GUIContent ("Display Options"), true, boldFoldoutStyle);
if (data.showVertexPathDisplayOptions) {
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ()) {
data.showNormalsInVertexMode = GUILayout.Toggle (data.showNormalsInVertexMode, new GUIContent ("Show Normals"));
data.showBezierPathInVertexMode = GUILayout.Toggle (data.showBezierPathInVertexMode, new GUIContent ("Show Bezier Path"));
if (check.changed) {
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
DrawGlobalDisplaySettingsInspector ();
void DrawGlobalDisplaySettingsInspector () {
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ()) {
data.globalDisplaySettingsFoldout = EditorGUILayout.InspectorTitlebar (data.globalDisplaySettingsFoldout, globalDisplaySettings);
if (data.globalDisplaySettingsFoldout) {
CreateCachedEditor (globalDisplaySettings, null, ref globalDisplaySettingsEditor);
globalDisplaySettingsEditor.OnInspectorGUI ();
if (check.changed) {
UpdateGlobalDisplaySettings ();
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
#region Scene GUI
void OnSceneGUI () {
if (!globalDisplaySettings.visibleBehindObjects) {
Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.LessEqual;
EventType eventType = Event.current.type;
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope ()) {
handlesStartCol = Handles.color;
switch (data.tabIndex) {
case bezierPathTab:
if (eventType != EventType.Repaint && eventType != EventType.Layout) {
ProcessBezierPathInput (Event.current);
DrawBezierPathSceneEditor ();
case vertexPathTab:
if (eventType == EventType.Repaint) {
DrawVertexPathSceneEditor ();
// Don't allow clicking over empty space to deselect the object
if (eventType == EventType.Layout) {
HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl (0);
if (check.changed) {
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
SetTransformState ();
void DrawVertexPathSceneEditor () {
Color bezierCol = globalDisplaySettings.bezierPath;
bezierCol.a *= .5f;
if (data.showBezierPathInVertexMode) {
for (int i = 0; i < bezierPath.NumSegments; i++) {
Vector3[] points = bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment (i);
for (int j = 0; j < points.Length; j++) {
points[j] = MathUtility.TransformPoint (points[j], creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
Handles.DrawBezier (points[0], points[3], points[1], points[2], bezierCol, null, 2);
Handles.color = globalDisplaySettings.vertexPath;
for (int i = 0; i < creator.path.NumPoints; i++) {
int nextIndex = (i + 1) % creator.path.NumPoints;
if (nextIndex != 0 || bezierPath.IsClosed) {
Handles.DrawLine (creator.path.GetPoint (i), creator.path.GetPoint (nextIndex));
if (data.showNormalsInVertexMode) {
Handles.color = globalDisplaySettings.normals;
Vector3[] normalLines = new Vector3[creator.path.NumPoints * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < creator.path.NumPoints; i++) {
normalLines[i * 2] = creator.path.GetPoint (i);
normalLines[i * 2 + 1] = creator.path.GetPoint (i) + creator.path.localNormals[i] * globalDisplaySettings.normalsLength;
Handles.DrawLines (normalLines);
void ProcessBezierPathInput (Event e) {
// Find which handle mouse is over. Start by looking at previous handle index first, as most likely to still be closest to mouse
int previousMouseOverHandleIndex = (mouseOverHandleIndex == -1) ? 0 : mouseOverHandleIndex;
mouseOverHandleIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < bezierPath.NumPoints; i += 3) {
int handleIndex = (previousMouseOverHandleIndex + i) % bezierPath.NumPoints;
float handleRadius = GetHandleDiameter (globalDisplaySettings.anchorSize * data.bezierHandleScale, bezierPath[handleIndex]) / 2f;
Vector3 pos = MathUtility.TransformPoint (bezierPath[handleIndex], creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
float dst = HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle (pos, handleRadius);
if (dst == 0) {
mouseOverHandleIndex = handleIndex;
// Shift-left click (when mouse not over a handle) to split or add segment
if (mouseOverHandleIndex == -1) {
if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0 && e.shift) {
UpdatePathMouseInfo ();
// Insert point along selected segment
if (selectedSegmentIndex != -1 && selectedSegmentIndex < bezierPath.NumSegments) {
Vector3 newPathPoint = pathMouseInfo.closestWorldPointToMouse;
newPathPoint = MathUtility.InverseTransformPoint (newPathPoint, creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Split segment");
bezierPath.SplitSegment (newPathPoint, selectedSegmentIndex, pathMouseInfo.timeOnBezierSegment);
// If path is not a closed loop, add new point on to the end of the path
else if (!bezierPath.IsClosed) {
// insert new point at same dst from scene camera as the point that comes before it (for a 3d path)
float dstCamToEndpoint = (Camera.current.transform.position - bezierPath[bezierPath.NumPoints - 1]).magnitude;
Vector3 newPathPoint = MouseUtility.GetMouseWorldPosition (bezierPath.Space, dstCamToEndpoint);
newPathPoint = MathUtility.InverseTransformPoint (newPathPoint, creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Add segment");
if (e.control || e.command) {
bezierPath.AddSegmentToStart (newPathPoint);
} else {
bezierPath.AddSegmentToEnd (newPathPoint);
// Control click or backspace/delete to remove point
if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace || e.keyCode == KeyCode.Delete || ((e.control || e.command) && e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0)) {
if (mouseOverHandleIndex != -1) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Delete segment");
bezierPath.DeleteSegment (mouseOverHandleIndex);
if (mouseOverHandleIndex == handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform) {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
mouseOverHandleIndex = -1;
Repaint ();
// Holding shift and moving mouse (but mouse not over a handle/dragging a handle)
if (draggingHandleIndex == -1 && mouseOverHandleIndex == -1) {
bool shiftDown = e.shift && !shiftLastFrame;
if (shiftDown || ((e.type == EventType.MouseMove || e.type == EventType.MouseDrag) && e.shift)) {
UpdatePathMouseInfo ();
if (pathMouseInfo.mouseDstToLine < segmentSelectDistanceThreshold) {
if (pathMouseInfo.closestSegmentIndex != selectedSegmentIndex) {
selectedSegmentIndex = pathMouseInfo.closestSegmentIndex;
HandleUtility.Repaint ();
} else {
selectedSegmentIndex = -1;
HandleUtility.Repaint ();
shiftLastFrame = e.shift;
void DrawBezierPathSceneEditor () {
bool displayControlPoints = data.displayControlPoints && (bezierPath.ControlPointMode != BezierPath.ControlMode.Automatic || !globalDisplaySettings.hideAutoControls);
Bounds bounds = bezierPath.CalculateBoundsWithTransform (creator.transform);
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) {
for (int i = 0; i < bezierPath.NumSegments; i++) {
Vector3[] points = bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment (i);
for (int j = 0; j < points.Length; j++) {
points[j] = MathUtility.TransformPoint (points[j], creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
if (data.showPerSegmentBounds) {
Bounds segmentBounds = CubicBezierUtility.CalculateSegmentBounds (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
Handles.color = globalDisplaySettings.segmentBounds;
Handles.DrawWireCube (, segmentBounds.size);
// Draw lines between control points
if (displayControlPoints) {
Handles.color = (bezierPath.ControlPointMode == BezierPath.ControlMode.Automatic) ? globalDisplaySettings.handleDisabled : globalDisplaySettings.controlLine;
Handles.DrawLine (points[1], points[0]);
Handles.DrawLine (points[2], points[3]);
// Draw path
bool highlightSegment = (i == selectedSegmentIndex && Event.current.shift && draggingHandleIndex == -1 && mouseOverHandleIndex == -1);
Color segmentCol = (highlightSegment) ? globalDisplaySettings.highlightedPath : globalDisplaySettings.bezierPath;
Handles.DrawBezier (points[0], points[3], points[1], points[2], segmentCol, null, 2);
if (data.showPathBounds) {
Handles.color = globalDisplaySettings.bounds;
Handles.DrawWireCube (, bounds.size);
// Draw normals
if (data.showNormals) {
if (!hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath) {
normalsVertexPath = new VertexPath (bezierPath, creator.transform, normalsSpacing);
hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath = true;
if (editingNormalsOld != data.showNormals) {
editingNormalsOld = data.showNormals;
Repaint ();
Vector3[] normalLines = new Vector3[normalsVertexPath.NumPoints * 2];
Handles.color = globalDisplaySettings.normals;
for (int i = 0; i < normalsVertexPath.NumPoints; i++) {
normalLines[i * 2] = normalsVertexPath.GetPoint (i);
normalLines[i * 2 + 1] = normalsVertexPath.GetPoint (i) + normalsVertexPath.GetNormal (i) * globalDisplaySettings.normalsLength;
Handles.DrawLines (normalLines);
if (data.displayAnchorPoints) {
for (int i = 0; i < bezierPath.NumPoints; i += 3) {
DrawHandle (i);
if (displayControlPoints) {
for (int i = 1; i < bezierPath.NumPoints - 1; i += 3) {
DrawHandle (i);
DrawHandle (i + 1);
void DrawHandle (int i) {
Vector3 handlePosition = MathUtility.TransformPoint (bezierPath[i], creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
float anchorHandleSize = GetHandleDiameter (globalDisplaySettings.anchorSize * data.bezierHandleScale, bezierPath[i]);
float controlHandleSize = GetHandleDiameter (globalDisplaySettings.controlSize * data.bezierHandleScale, bezierPath[i]);
bool isAnchorPoint = i % 3 == 0;
bool isInteractive = isAnchorPoint || bezierPath.ControlPointMode != BezierPath.ControlMode.Automatic;
float handleSize = (isAnchorPoint) ? anchorHandleSize : controlHandleSize;
bool doTransformHandle = i == handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform;
PathHandle.HandleColours handleColours = (isAnchorPoint) ? splineAnchorColours : splineControlColours;
if (i == handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform) {
handleColours.defaultColour = (isAnchorPoint) ? globalDisplaySettings.anchorSelected : globalDisplaySettings.controlSelected;
var cap = capFunctions[(isAnchorPoint) ? globalDisplaySettings.anchorShape : globalDisplaySettings.controlShape];
PathHandle.HandleInputType handleInputType;
handlePosition = PathHandle.DrawHandle (handlePosition, bezierPath.Space, isInteractive, handleSize, cap, handleColours, out handleInputType, i);
if (doTransformHandle) {
// Show normals rotate tool
if (data.showNormals && Tools.current == Tool.Rotate && isAnchorPoint && bezierPath.Space == {
Handles.color = handlesStartCol;
int attachedControlIndex = (i == bezierPath.NumPoints - 1) ? i - 1 : i + 1;
Vector3 dir = (bezierPath[attachedControlIndex] - handlePosition).normalized;
float handleRotOffset = (360 + bezierPath.GlobalNormalsAngle) % 360;
anchorAngleHandle.radius = handleSize * 3;
anchorAngleHandle.angle = handleRotOffset + bezierPath.GetAnchorNormalAngle (i / 3);
Vector3 handleDirection = Vector3.Cross (dir, Vector3.up);
Matrix4x4 handleMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (
Quaternion.LookRotation (handleDirection, dir),
using (new Handles.DrawingScope (handleMatrix)) {
// draw the handle
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck ();
anchorAngleHandle.DrawHandle ();
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck ()) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Set angle");
bezierPath.SetAnchorNormalAngle (i / 3, anchorAngleHandle.angle - handleRotOffset);
} else {
handlePosition = Handles.DoPositionHandle (handlePosition, Quaternion.identity);
switch (handleInputType) {
case PathHandle.HandleInputType.LMBDrag:
draggingHandleIndex = i;
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
Repaint ();
case PathHandle.HandleInputType.LMBRelease:
draggingHandleIndex = -1;
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
Repaint ();
case PathHandle.HandleInputType.LMBClick:
draggingHandleIndex = -1;
if (Event.current.shift) {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1; // disable move tool if new point added
} else {
if (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform == i) {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1; // disable move tool if clicking on point under move tool
} else {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = i;
Repaint ();
case PathHandle.HandleInputType.LMBPress:
if (handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform != i) {
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
Repaint ();
Vector3 localHandlePosition = MathUtility.InverseTransformPoint (handlePosition, creator.transform, bezierPath.Space);
if (bezierPath[i] != localHandlePosition) {
Undo.RecordObject (creator, "Move point");
bezierPath.MovePoint (i, localHandlePosition);
#region Internal methods
void OnDisable () {
Tools.hidden = false;
void OnEnable () {
creator = (PathCreator) target;
bool in2DEditorMode = EditorSettings.defaultBehaviorMode == EditorBehaviorMode.Mode2D;
creator.InitializeEditorData (in2DEditorMode);
data.bezierCreated -= ResetState;
data.bezierCreated += ResetState;
Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedo;
Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedo;
LoadDisplaySettings ();
UpdateGlobalDisplaySettings ();
ResetState ();
SetTransformState (true);
void SetTransformState (bool initialize = false) {
Transform t = creator.transform;
if (!initialize) {
if (transformPos != t.position || t.localScale != transformScale || t.rotation != transformRot) {
data.PathTransformed ();
transformPos = t.position;
transformScale = t.localScale;
transformRot = t.rotation;
void OnUndoRedo () {
hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine = false;
hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath = false;
selectedSegmentIndex = -1;
Repaint ();
void TabChanged () {
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
RepaintUnfocusedSceneViews ();
void LoadDisplaySettings () {
globalDisplaySettings = GlobalDisplaySettings.Load ();
capFunctions = new Dictionary<GlobalDisplaySettings.HandleType, Handles.CapFunction> ();
capFunctions.Add (GlobalDisplaySettings.HandleType.Circle, Handles.CylinderHandleCap);
capFunctions.Add (GlobalDisplaySettings.HandleType.Sphere, Handles.SphereHandleCap);
capFunctions.Add (GlobalDisplaySettings.HandleType.Square, Handles.CubeHandleCap);
void UpdateGlobalDisplaySettings () {
var gds = globalDisplaySettings;
splineAnchorColours = new PathHandle.HandleColours (gds.anchor, gds.anchorHighlighted, gds.anchorSelected, gds.handleDisabled);
splineControlColours = new PathHandle.HandleColours (gds.control, gds.controlHighlighted, gds.controlSelected, gds.handleDisabled);
anchorAngleHandle.fillColor = new Color (1, 1, 1, .05f);
anchorAngleHandle.wireframeColor = Color.grey;
anchorAngleHandle.radiusHandleColor = Color.clear;
anchorAngleHandle.angleHandleColor = Color.white;
void ResetState () {
selectedSegmentIndex = -1;
draggingHandleIndex = -1;
mouseOverHandleIndex = -1;
handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform = -1;
hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine = false;
hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath = false;
bezierPath.OnModified -= OnPathModifed;
bezierPath.OnModified += OnPathModifed;
SceneView.RepaintAll ();
EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate ();
void OnPathModifed () {
hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine = false;
hasUpdatedNormalsVertexPath = false;
RepaintUnfocusedSceneViews ();
void RepaintUnfocusedSceneViews () {
// If multiple scene views are open, repaint those which do not have focus.
if (SceneView.sceneViews.Count > 1) {
foreach (SceneView sv in SceneView.sceneViews) {
if (EditorWindow.focusedWindow != (EditorWindow) sv) {
sv.Repaint ();
void UpdatePathMouseInfo () {
if (!hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine || (screenSpaceLine != null && screenSpaceLine.TransformIsOutOfDate ())) {
screenSpaceLine = new ScreenSpacePolyLine (bezierPath, creator.transform, screenPolylineMaxAngleError, screenPolylineMinVertexDst);
hasUpdatedScreenSpaceLine = true;
pathMouseInfo = screenSpaceLine.CalculateMouseInfo ();
float GetHandleDiameter (float diameter, Vector3 handlePosition) {
float scaledDiameter = diameter * constantHandleScale;
if (data.keepConstantHandleSize) {
scaledDiameter *= HandleUtility.GetHandleSize (handlePosition) * 2.5f;
return scaledDiameter;
BezierPath bezierPath {
get {
return data.bezierPath;
PathCreatorData data {
get {
return creator.EditorData;
bool editingNormals {
get {
return Tools.current == Tool.Rotate && handleIndexToDisplayAsTransform % 3 == 0 && bezierPath.Space ==;

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@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using PathCreation.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation {
/// A bezier path is a path made by stitching together any number of (cubic) bezier curves.
/// A single cubic bezier curve is defined by 4 points: anchor1, control1, control2, anchor2
/// The curve moves between the 2 anchors, and the shape of the curve is affected by the positions of the 2 control points
/// When two curves are stitched together, they share an anchor point (end anchor of curve 1 = start anchor of curve 2).
/// So while one curve alone consists of 4 points, two curves are defined by 7 unique points.
/// Apart from storing the points, this class also provides methods for working with the path.
/// For example, adding, inserting, and deleting points.
public class BezierPath {
public event System.Action OnModified;
public enum ControlMode { Aligned, Mirrored, Free, Automatic };
#region Fields
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
List<Vector3> points;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
bool isClosed;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
PathSpace space;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
ControlMode controlMode;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
float autoControlLength = .3f;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
bool boundsUpToDate;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
Bounds bounds;
// Normals settings
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
List<float> perAnchorNormalsAngle;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
float globalNormalsAngle;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
bool flipNormals;
#region Constructors
/// <summary> Creates a two-anchor path centred around the given centre point </summary>
///<param name="isClosed"> Should the end point connect back to the start point? </param>
///<param name="space"> Determines if the path is in 3d space, or clamped to the xy/xz plane </param>
public BezierPath (Vector3 centre, bool isClosed = false, PathSpace space = {
Vector3 dir = (space == PathSpace.xz) ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.up;
float width = 2;
float controlHeight = .5f;
float controlWidth = 1f;
points = new List<Vector3> {
centre + Vector3.left * width,
centre + Vector3.left * controlWidth + dir * controlHeight,
centre + Vector3.right * controlWidth - dir * controlHeight,
centre + Vector3.right * width
perAnchorNormalsAngle = new List<float> () { 0, 0 };
Space = space;
IsClosed = isClosed;
/// <summary> Creates a path from the supplied 3D points </summary>
///<param name="points"> List or array of points to create the path from. </param>
///<param name="isClosed"> Should the end point connect back to the start point? </param>
///<param name="space"> Determines if the path is in 3d space, or clamped to the xy/xz plane </param>
public BezierPath (IEnumerable<Vector3> points, bool isClosed = false, PathSpace space = {
Vector3[] pointsArray = points.ToArray ();
if (pointsArray.Length < 2) {
Debug.LogError ("Path requires at least 2 anchor points.");
} else {
controlMode = ControlMode.Automatic;
this.points = new List<Vector3> { pointsArray[0],,, pointsArray[1] };
perAnchorNormalsAngle = new List<float> (new float[] { 0, 0 });
for (int i = 2; i < pointsArray.Length; i++) {
AddSegmentToEnd (pointsArray[i]);
perAnchorNormalsAngle.Add (0);
this.Space = space;
this.IsClosed = isClosed;
/// <summary> Creates a path from the positions of the supplied 2D points </summary>
///<param name="transforms"> List or array of transforms to create the path from. </param>
///<param name="isClosed"> Should the end point connect back to the start point? </param>
///<param name="space"> Determines if the path is in 3d space, or clamped to the xy/xz plane </param>
public BezierPath (IEnumerable<Vector2> transforms, bool isClosed = false, PathSpace space = PathSpace.xy):
this (transforms.Select (p => new Vector3 (p.x, p.y)), isClosed, space) { }
/// <summary> Creates a path from the positions of the supplied transforms </summary>
///<param name="transforms"> List or array of transforms to create the path from. </param>
///<param name="isClosed"> Should the end point connect back to the start point? </param>
///<param name="space"> Determines if the path is in 3d space, or clamped to the xy/xz plane </param>
public BezierPath (IEnumerable<Transform> transforms, bool isClosed = false, PathSpace space = PathSpace.xy):
this (transforms.Select (t => t.position), isClosed, space) { }
/// <summary> Creates a path from the supplied 2D points </summary>
///<param name="points"> List or array of 2d points to create the path from. </param>
///<param name="isClosed"> Should the end point connect back to the start point? </param>
///<param name="pathSpace"> Determines if the path is in 3d space, or clamped to the xy/xz plane </param>
public BezierPath (IEnumerable<Vector2> points, PathSpace space =, bool isClosed = false):
this (points.Select (p => new Vector3 (p.x, p.y)), isClosed, space) { }
#region Public methods and accessors
/// Get world space position of point
public Vector3 this [int i] {
get {
return GetPoint (i);
/// Get world space position of point
public Vector3 GetPoint (int i) {
return points[i];
/// Get world space position of point
public void SetPoint (int i, Vector3 localPosition, bool suppressPathModifiedEvent = false) {
points[i] = localPosition;
if (!suppressPathModifiedEvent) {
/// Total number of points in the path (anchors and controls)
public int NumPoints {
get {
return points.Count;
/// Number of anchor points making up the path
public int NumAnchorPoints {
get {
return (IsClosed) ? points.Count / 3 : (points.Count + 2) / 3;
/// Number of bezier curves making up this path
public int NumSegments {
get {
return points.Count / 3;
/// Path can exist in 3D (xyz), 2D (xy), or Top-Down (xz) space
/// In xy or xz space, points will be clamped to that plane (so in a 2D path, for example, points will always be at 0 on z axis)
public PathSpace Space {
get {
return space;
set {
if (value != space) {
PathSpace previousSpace = space;
space = value;
UpdateToNewPathSpace (previousSpace);
/// If closed, path will loop back from end point to start point
public bool IsClosed {
get {
return isClosed;
set {
if (isClosed != value) {
isClosed = value;
UpdateClosedState ();
/// The control mode determines the behaviour of control points.
/// Possible modes are:
/// Aligned = controls stay in straight line around their anchor
/// Mirrored = controls stay in straight, equidistant line around their anchor
/// Free = no constraints (use this if sharp corners are needed)
/// Automatic = controls placed automatically to try make the path smooth
public ControlMode ControlPointMode {
get {
return controlMode;
set {
if (controlMode != value) {
controlMode = value;
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetAllControlPoints ();
NotifyPathModified ();
/// When using automatic control point placement, this value scales how far apart controls are placed
public float AutoControlLength {
get {
return autoControlLength;
set {
value = Mathf.Max (value, .01f);
if (autoControlLength != value) {
autoControlLength = value;
AutoSetAllControlPoints ();
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Add new anchor point to end of the path
public void AddSegmentToEnd (Vector3 anchorPos) {
if (isClosed) {
int lastAnchorIndex = points.Count - 1;
// Set position for new control to be mirror of its counterpart
Vector3 secondControlForOldLastAnchorOffset = (points[lastAnchorIndex] - points[lastAnchorIndex - 1]);
if (controlMode != ControlMode.Mirrored && controlMode != ControlMode.Automatic) {
// Set position for new control to be aligned with its counterpart, but with a length of half the distance from prev to new anchor
float dstPrevToNewAnchor = (points[lastAnchorIndex] - anchorPos).magnitude;
secondControlForOldLastAnchorOffset = (points[lastAnchorIndex] - points[lastAnchorIndex - 1]).normalized * dstPrevToNewAnchor * .5f;
Vector3 secondControlForOldLastAnchor = points[lastAnchorIndex] + secondControlForOldLastAnchorOffset;
Vector3 controlForNewAnchor = (anchorPos + secondControlForOldLastAnchor) * .5f;
points.Add (secondControlForOldLastAnchor);
points.Add (controlForNewAnchor);
points.Add (anchorPos);
perAnchorNormalsAngle.Add (perAnchorNormalsAngle[perAnchorNormalsAngle.Count - 1]);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetAllAffectedControlPoints (points.Count - 1);
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Add new anchor point to start of the path
public void AddSegmentToStart (Vector3 anchorPos) {
if (isClosed) {
// Set position for new control to be mirror of its counterpart
Vector3 secondControlForOldFirstAnchorOffset = (points[0] - points[1]);
if (controlMode != ControlMode.Mirrored && controlMode != ControlMode.Automatic) {
// Set position for new control to be aligned with its counterpart, but with a length of half the distance from prev to new anchor
float dstPrevToNewAnchor = (points[0] - anchorPos).magnitude;
secondControlForOldFirstAnchorOffset = secondControlForOldFirstAnchorOffset.normalized * dstPrevToNewAnchor * .5f;
Vector3 secondControlForOldFirstAnchor = points[0] + secondControlForOldFirstAnchorOffset;
Vector3 controlForNewAnchor = (anchorPos + secondControlForOldFirstAnchor) * .5f;
points.Insert (0, anchorPos);
points.Insert (1, controlForNewAnchor);
points.Insert (2, secondControlForOldFirstAnchor);
perAnchorNormalsAngle.Insert (0, perAnchorNormalsAngle[0]);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetAllAffectedControlPoints (0);
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Insert new anchor point at given position. Automatically place control points around it so as to keep shape of curve the same
public void SplitSegment (Vector3 anchorPos, int segmentIndex, float splitTime) {
splitTime = Mathf.Clamp01 (splitTime);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
points.InsertRange (segmentIndex * 3 + 2, new Vector3[] {, anchorPos, });
AutoSetAllAffectedControlPoints (segmentIndex * 3 + 3);
} else {
// Split the curve to find where control points can be inserted to least affect shape of curve
// Curve will probably be deformed slightly since splitTime is only an estimate (for performance reasons, and so doesn't correspond exactly with anchorPos)
Vector3[][] splitSegment = CubicBezierUtility.SplitCurve (GetPointsInSegment (segmentIndex), splitTime);
points.InsertRange (segmentIndex * 3 + 2, new Vector3[] { splitSegment[0][2], splitSegment[1][0], splitSegment[1][1] });
int newAnchorIndex = segmentIndex * 3 + 3;
MovePoint (newAnchorIndex - 2, splitSegment[0][1], true);
MovePoint (newAnchorIndex + 2, splitSegment[1][2], true);
MovePoint (newAnchorIndex, anchorPos, true);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Mirrored) {
float avgDst = ((splitSegment[0][2] - anchorPos).magnitude + (splitSegment[1][1] - anchorPos).magnitude) / 2;
MovePoint (newAnchorIndex + 1, anchorPos + (splitSegment[1][1] - anchorPos).normalized * avgDst, true);
// Insert angle for new anchor (value should be set inbetween neighbour anchor angles)
int newAnchorAngleIndex = (segmentIndex + 1) % perAnchorNormalsAngle.Count;
int numAngles = perAnchorNormalsAngle.Count;
float anglePrev = perAnchorNormalsAngle[segmentIndex];
float angleNext = perAnchorNormalsAngle[newAnchorAngleIndex];
float splitAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle (anglePrev, angleNext, splitTime);
perAnchorNormalsAngle.Insert (newAnchorAngleIndex, splitAngle);
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Delete the anchor point at given index, as well as its associated control points
public void DeleteSegment (int anchorIndex) {
// Don't delete segment if its the last one remaining (or if only two segments in a closed path)
if (NumSegments > 2 || !isClosed && NumSegments > 1) {
if (anchorIndex == 0) {
if (isClosed) {
points[points.Count - 1] = points[2];
points.RemoveRange (0, 3);
} else if (anchorIndex == points.Count - 1 && !isClosed) {
points.RemoveRange (anchorIndex - 2, 3);
} else {
points.RemoveRange (anchorIndex - 1, 3);
perAnchorNormalsAngle.RemoveAt (anchorIndex / 3);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetAllControlPoints ();
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Returns an array of the 4 points making up the segment (anchor1, control1, control2, anchor2)
public Vector3[] GetPointsInSegment (int segmentIndex) {
segmentIndex = Mathf.Clamp (segmentIndex, 0, NumSegments - 1);
return new Vector3[] { this [segmentIndex * 3], this [segmentIndex * 3 + 1], this [segmentIndex * 3 + 2], this [LoopIndex (segmentIndex * 3 + 3)] };
/// Move an existing point to a new position
public void MovePoint (int i, Vector3 pointPos, bool suppressPathModifiedEvent = false) {
if (space == PathSpace.xy) {
pointPos.z = 0;
} else if (space == PathSpace.xz) {
pointPos.y = 0;
Vector3 deltaMove = pointPos - points[i];
bool isAnchorPoint = i % 3 == 0;
// Don't process control point if control mode is set to automatic
if (isAnchorPoint || controlMode != ControlMode.Automatic) {
points[i] = pointPos;
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetAllAffectedControlPoints (i);
} else {
// Move control points with anchor point
if (isAnchorPoint) {
if (i + 1 < points.Count || isClosed) {
points[LoopIndex (i + 1)] += deltaMove;
if (i - 1 >= 0 || isClosed) {
points[LoopIndex (i - 1)] += deltaMove;
// If not in free control mode, then move attached control point to be aligned/mirrored (depending on mode)
else if (controlMode != ControlMode.Free) {
bool nextPointIsAnchor = (i + 1) % 3 == 0;
int attachedControlIndex = (nextPointIsAnchor) ? i + 2 : i - 2;
int anchorIndex = (nextPointIsAnchor) ? i + 1 : i - 1;
if (attachedControlIndex >= 0 && attachedControlIndex < points.Count || isClosed) {
float distanceFromAnchor = 0;
// If in aligned mode, then attached control's current distance from anchor point should be maintained
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Aligned) {
distanceFromAnchor = (points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex)] - points[LoopIndex (attachedControlIndex)]).magnitude;
// If in mirrored mode, then both control points should have the same distance from the anchor point
else if (controlMode == ControlMode.Mirrored) {
distanceFromAnchor = (points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex)] - points[i]).magnitude;
Vector3 dir = (points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex)] - pointPos).normalized;
points[LoopIndex (attachedControlIndex)] = points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex)] + dir * distanceFromAnchor;
if (!suppressPathModifiedEvent) {
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Update the bounding box of the path
public Bounds CalculateBoundsWithTransform (Transform transform) {
// Loop through all segments and keep track of the minmax points of all their bounding boxes
MinMax3D minMax = new MinMax3D ();
for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++) {
Vector3[] p = GetPointsInSegment (i);
for (int j = 0; j < p.Length; j++) {
p[j] = MathUtility.TransformPoint (p[j], transform, space);
minMax.AddValue (p[0]);
minMax.AddValue (p[3]);
List<float> extremePointTimes = CubicBezierUtility.ExtremePointTimes (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
foreach (float t in extremePointTimes) {
minMax.AddValue (CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve (p, t));
return new Bounds ((minMax.Min + minMax.Max) / 2, minMax.Max - minMax.Min);
/// Flip the normal vectors 180 degrees
public bool FlipNormals {
get {
return flipNormals;
set {
if (flipNormals != value) {
flipNormals = value;
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Global angle that all normal vectors are rotated by (only relevant for paths in 3D space)
public float GlobalNormalsAngle {
get {
return globalNormalsAngle;
set {
if (value != globalNormalsAngle) {
globalNormalsAngle = value;
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Get the desired angle of the normal vector at a particular anchor (only relevant for paths in 3D space)
public float GetAnchorNormalAngle (int anchorIndex) {
return perAnchorNormalsAngle[anchorIndex] % 360;
/// Set the desired angle of the normal vector at a particular anchor (only relevant for paths in 3D space)
public void SetAnchorNormalAngle (int anchorIndex, float angle) {
angle = (angle + 360) % 360;
if (perAnchorNormalsAngle[anchorIndex] != angle) {
perAnchorNormalsAngle[anchorIndex] = angle;
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Reset global and anchor normal angles to 0
public void ResetNormalAngles () {
for (int i = 0; i < perAnchorNormalsAngle.Count; i++) {
perAnchorNormalsAngle[i] = 0;
globalNormalsAngle = 0;
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Bounding box containing the path
public Bounds PathBounds {
get {
if (!boundsUpToDate) {
UpdateBounds ();
return bounds;
#region Internal methods and accessors
/// Update the bounding box of the path
void UpdateBounds () {
if (boundsUpToDate) {
// Loop through all segments and keep track of the minmax points of all their bounding boxes
MinMax3D minMax = new MinMax3D ();
for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++) {
Vector3[] p = GetPointsInSegment (i);
minMax.AddValue (p[0]);
minMax.AddValue (p[3]);
List<float> extremePointTimes = CubicBezierUtility.ExtremePointTimes (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
foreach (float t in extremePointTimes) {
minMax.AddValue (CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve (p, t));
boundsUpToDate = true;
bounds = new Bounds ((minMax.Min + minMax.Max) / 2, minMax.Max - minMax.Min);
/// Determines good positions (for a smooth path) for the control points affected by a moved/inserted anchor point
void AutoSetAllAffectedControlPoints (int updatedAnchorIndex) {
for (int i = updatedAnchorIndex - 3; i <= updatedAnchorIndex + 3; i += 3) {
if (i >= 0 && i < points.Count || isClosed) {
AutoSetAnchorControlPoints (LoopIndex (i));
AutoSetStartAndEndControls ();
/// Determines good positions (for a smooth path) for all control points
void AutoSetAllControlPoints () {
if (NumAnchorPoints > 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i += 3) {
AutoSetAnchorControlPoints (i);
AutoSetStartAndEndControls ();
/// Calculates good positions (to result in smooth path) for the controls around specified anchor
void AutoSetAnchorControlPoints (int anchorIndex) {
// Calculate a vector that is perpendicular to the vector bisecting the angle between this anchor and its two immediate neighbours
// The control points will be placed along that vector
Vector3 anchorPos = points[anchorIndex];
Vector3 dir =;
float[] neighbourDistances = new float[2];
if (anchorIndex - 3 >= 0 || isClosed) {
Vector3 offset = points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex - 3)] - anchorPos;
dir += offset.normalized;
neighbourDistances[0] = offset.magnitude;
if (anchorIndex + 3 >= 0 || isClosed) {
Vector3 offset = points[LoopIndex (anchorIndex + 3)] - anchorPos;
dir -= offset.normalized;
neighbourDistances[1] = -offset.magnitude;
dir.Normalize ();
// Set the control points along the calculated direction, with a distance proportional to the distance to the neighbouring control point
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int controlIndex = anchorIndex + i * 2 - 1;
if (controlIndex >= 0 && controlIndex < points.Count || isClosed) {
points[LoopIndex (controlIndex)] = anchorPos + dir * neighbourDistances[i] * autoControlLength;
/// Determines good positions (for a smooth path) for the control points at the start and end of a path
void AutoSetStartAndEndControls () {
if (isClosed) {
// Handle case with only 2 anchor points separately, as will otherwise result in straight line ()
if (NumAnchorPoints == 2) {
Vector3 dirAnchorAToB = (points[3] - points[0]).normalized;
float dstBetweenAnchors = (points[0] - points[3]).magnitude;
Vector3 perp = Vector3.Cross (dirAnchorAToB, (space == PathSpace.xy) ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.up);
points[1] = points[0] + perp * dstBetweenAnchors / 2f;
points[5] = points[0] - perp * dstBetweenAnchors / 2f;
points[2] = points[3] + perp * dstBetweenAnchors / 2f;
points[4] = points[3] - perp * dstBetweenAnchors / 2f;
} else {
AutoSetAnchorControlPoints (0);
AutoSetAnchorControlPoints (points.Count - 3);
} else {
// Handle case with 2 anchor points separately, as otherwise minor adjustments cause path to constantly flip
if (NumAnchorPoints == 2) {
points[1] = points[0] + (points[3] - points[0]) * .25f;
points[2] = points[3] + (points[0] - points[3]) * .25f;
} else {
points[1] = (points[0] + points[2]) * .5f;
points[points.Count - 2] = (points[points.Count - 1] + points[points.Count - 3]) * .5f;
/// Update point positions for new path space
/// (for example, if changing from xy to xz path, y and z axes will be swapped so the path keeps its shape in the new space)
void UpdateToNewPathSpace (PathSpace previousSpace) {
// If changing from 3d to 2d space, first find the bounds of the 3d path.
// The axis with the smallest bounds will be discarded.
if (previousSpace == {
Vector3 boundsSize = PathBounds.size;
float minBoundsSize = Mathf.Min (boundsSize.x, boundsSize.y, boundsSize.z);
for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; i++) {
if (space == PathSpace.xy) {
float x = (minBoundsSize == boundsSize.x) ? points[i].z : points[i].x;
float y = (minBoundsSize == boundsSize.y) ? points[i].z : points[i].y;
points[i] = new Vector3 (x, y, 0);
} else if (space == PathSpace.xz) {
float x = (minBoundsSize == boundsSize.x) ? points[i].y : points[i].x;
float z = (minBoundsSize == boundsSize.z) ? points[i].y : points[i].z;
points[i] = new Vector3 (x, 0, z);
} else {
// Nothing needs to change when going to 3d space
if (space != {
for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; i++) {
// from xz to xy
if (space == PathSpace.xy) {
points[i] = new Vector3 (points[i].x, points[i].z, 0);
// from xy to xz
else if (space == PathSpace.xz) {
points[i] = new Vector3 (points[i].x, 0, points[i].y);
NotifyPathModified ();
/// Add/remove the extra 2 controls required for a closed path
void UpdateClosedState () {
if (isClosed) {
// Set positions for new controls to mirror their counterparts
Vector3 lastAnchorSecondControl = points[points.Count - 1] * 2 - points[points.Count - 2];
Vector3 firstAnchorSecondControl = points[0] * 2 - points[1];
if (controlMode != ControlMode.Mirrored && controlMode != ControlMode.Automatic) {
// Set positions for new controls to be aligned with their counterparts, but with a length of half the distance between start/end anchor
float dstBetweenStartAndEndAnchors = (points[points.Count - 1] - points[0]).magnitude;
lastAnchorSecondControl = points[points.Count - 1] + (points[points.Count - 1] - points[points.Count - 2]).normalized * dstBetweenStartAndEndAnchors * .5f;
firstAnchorSecondControl = points[0] + (points[0] - points[1]).normalized * dstBetweenStartAndEndAnchors * .5f;
points.Add (lastAnchorSecondControl);
points.Add (firstAnchorSecondControl);
} else {
points.RemoveRange (points.Count - 2, 2);
if (controlMode == ControlMode.Automatic) {
AutoSetStartAndEndControls ();
if (OnModified != null) {
OnModified ();
/// Loop index around to start/end of points array if out of bounds (useful when working with closed paths)
int LoopIndex (int i) {
return (i + points.Count) % points.Count;
// Called when the path is modified
public void NotifyPathModified () {
boundsUpToDate = false;
if (OnModified != null) {
OnModified ();

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
namespace PathCreation {
public enum EndOfPathInstruction {Loop, Reverse, Stop};

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation
public class GlobalDisplaySettings : ScriptableObject
public enum HandleType { Sphere, Circle, Square };
public float anchorSize = 10;
public float controlSize = 7f;
[Tooltip("Should the path still be drawn when behind objects in the scene?")]
public bool visibleBehindObjects = true;
[Tooltip("Should the path be drawn even when the path object is not selected?")]
public bool visibleWhenNotSelected = true;
[Tooltip("If true, control points will be hidden when the control point mode is set to automatic. Otherwise they will inactive, but still visible.")]
public bool hideAutoControls = true;
public HandleType anchorShape;
public HandleType controlShape;
[Header("Anchor Colours")]
public Color anchor = new Color(0.95f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.85f);
public Color anchorHighlighted = new Color(1, 0.57f, 0.4f);
public Color anchorSelected = Color.white;
[Header("Control Colours")]
public Color control = new Color(0.35f, 0.6f, 1, 0.85f);
public Color controlHighlighted = new Color(0.8f, 0.67f, 0.97f);
public Color controlSelected = Color.white;
public Color handleDisabled = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.2f);
public Color controlLine = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.35f);
[Header("Bezier Path Colours")]
public Color bezierPath =;
public Color highlightedPath = new Color(1, 0.6f, 0);
public Color bounds = new Color(1, 1, 1, .4f);
public Color segmentBounds = new Color(1, 1, 1, .4f);
[Header("Vertex Path Colours")]
public Color vertexPath = Color.white;
public Color normals = Color.yellow;
public float normalsLength = .1f;
public static GlobalDisplaySettings Load() {
string[] guids = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:GlobalDisplaySettings");
if (guids.Length == 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Could not find DisplaySettings asset. Will use default settings instead.");
return ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<GlobalDisplaySettings>();
string path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);
return UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GlobalDisplaySettings>(path);

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation {
public class MinMax3D {
public Vector3 Min { get; private set; }
public Vector3 Max { get; private set; }
public MinMax3D()
Min = * float.MaxValue;
Max = * float.MinValue;
public void AddValue(Vector3 v)
Min = new Vector3(Mathf.Min(Min.x, v.x), Mathf.Min(Min.y,v.y), Mathf.Min(Min.z,v.z));
Max = new Vector3(Mathf.Max(Max.x, v.x), Mathf.Max(Max.y,v.y), Mathf.Max(Max.z,v.z));

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation {
public class PathCreator : MonoBehaviour {
/// This class stores data for the path editor, and provides accessors to get the current vertex and bezier path.
/// Attach to a GameObject to create a new path editor.
public event System.Action pathUpdated;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
PathCreatorData editorData;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
bool initialized;
GlobalDisplaySettings globalEditorDisplaySettings;
// Vertex path created from the current bezier path
public VertexPath path {
get {
if (!initialized) {
InitializeEditorData (false);
return editorData.GetVertexPath(transform);
// The bezier path created in the editor
public BezierPath bezierPath {
get {
if (!initialized) {
InitializeEditorData (false);
return editorData.bezierPath;
set {
if (!initialized) {
InitializeEditorData (false);
editorData.bezierPath = value;
#region Internal methods
/// Used by the path editor to initialise some data
public void InitializeEditorData (bool in2DMode) {
if (editorData == null) {
editorData = new PathCreatorData ();
editorData.bezierOrVertexPathModified -= TriggerPathUpdate;
editorData.bezierOrVertexPathModified += TriggerPathUpdate;
editorData.Initialize (in2DMode);
initialized = true;
public PathCreatorData EditorData {
get {
return editorData;
public void TriggerPathUpdate () {
if (pathUpdated != null) {
pathUpdated ();
// Draw the path when path objected is not selected (if enabled in settings)
void OnDrawGizmos () {
// Only draw path gizmo if the path object is not selected
// (editor script is resposible for drawing when selected)
GameObject selectedObj = UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject;
if (selectedObj != gameObject) {
if (path != null) {
path.UpdateTransform (transform);
if (globalEditorDisplaySettings == null) {
globalEditorDisplaySettings = GlobalDisplaySettings.Load ();
if (globalEditorDisplaySettings.visibleWhenNotSelected) {
Gizmos.color = globalEditorDisplaySettings.bezierPath;
for (int i = 0; i < path.NumPoints; i++) {
int nextI = i + 1;
if (nextI >= path.NumPoints) {
if (path.isClosedLoop) {
nextI %= path.NumPoints;
} else {
Gizmos.DrawLine (path.GetPoint (i), path.GetPoint (nextI));

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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icon: {instanceID: 0}

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation {
/// Stores state data for the path creator editor
public class PathCreatorData {
public event System.Action bezierOrVertexPathModified;
public event System.Action bezierCreated;
BezierPath _bezierPath;
VertexPath _vertexPath;
bool vertexPathUpToDate;
// vertex path settings
public float vertexPathMaxAngleError = .3f;
public float vertexPathMinVertexSpacing = 0.01f;
// bezier display settings
public bool showTransformTool = true;
public bool showPathBounds;
public bool showPerSegmentBounds;
public bool displayAnchorPoints = true;
public bool displayControlPoints = true;
public float bezierHandleScale = 1;
public bool globalDisplaySettingsFoldout;
public bool keepConstantHandleSize;
// vertex display settings
public bool showNormalsInVertexMode;
public bool showBezierPathInVertexMode;
// Editor display states
public bool showDisplayOptions;
public bool showPathOptions = true;
public bool showVertexPathDisplayOptions;
public bool showVertexPathOptions = true;
public bool showNormals;
public bool showNormalsHelpInfo;
public int tabIndex;
public void Initialize (bool defaultIs2D) {
if (_bezierPath == null) {
CreateBezier (, defaultIs2D);
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
_bezierPath.OnModified -= BezierPathEdited;
_bezierPath.OnModified += BezierPathEdited;
public void ResetBezierPath (Vector3 centre, bool defaultIs2D = false) {
CreateBezier (centre, defaultIs2D);
void CreateBezier (Vector3 centre, bool defaultIs2D = false) {
if (_bezierPath != null) {
_bezierPath.OnModified -= BezierPathEdited;
var space = (defaultIs2D) ? PathSpace.xy :;
_bezierPath = new BezierPath (centre, false, space);
_bezierPath.OnModified += BezierPathEdited;
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();
if (bezierCreated != null) {
bezierCreated ();
public BezierPath bezierPath {
get {
return _bezierPath;
set {
_bezierPath.OnModified -= BezierPathEdited;
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
_bezierPath = value;
_bezierPath.OnModified += BezierPathEdited;
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();
if (bezierCreated != null) {
bezierCreated ();
// Get the current vertex path
public VertexPath GetVertexPath (Transform transform) {
// create new vertex path if path was modified since this vertex path was created
if (!vertexPathUpToDate || _vertexPath == null) {
vertexPathUpToDate = true;
_vertexPath = new VertexPath (bezierPath, transform, vertexPathMaxAngleError, vertexPathMinVertexSpacing);
return _vertexPath;
public void PathTransformed () {
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();
public void VertexPathSettingsChanged () {
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();
public void PathModifiedByUndo () {
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();
void BezierPathEdited () {
vertexPathUpToDate = false;
if (bezierOrVertexPathModified != null) {
bezierOrVertexPathModified ();

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
namespace PathCreation {
public enum PathSpace {xyz, xy, xz};

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PathCreation.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation {
/// A vertex path is a collection of points (vertices) that lie along a bezier path.
/// This allows one to do things like move at a constant speed along the path,
/// which is not possible with a bezier path directly due to how they're constructed mathematically.
/// This class also provides methods for getting the position along the path at a certain distance or time
/// (where time = 0 is the start of the path, and time = 1 is the end of the path).
/// Other info about the path (tangents, normals, rotation) can also be retrieved in this manner.
public class VertexPath {
#region Fields
public readonly PathSpace space;
public readonly bool isClosedLoop;
public readonly Vector3[] localPoints;
public readonly Vector3[] localTangents;
public readonly Vector3[] localNormals;
/// Percentage along the path at each vertex (0 being start of path, and 1 being the end)
public readonly float[] times;
/// Total distance between the vertices of the polyline
public readonly float length;
/// Total distance from the first vertex up to each vertex in the polyline
public readonly float[] cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex;
/// Bounding box of the path
public readonly Bounds bounds;
/// Equal to (0,0,-1) for 2D paths, and (0,1,0) for XZ paths
public readonly Vector3 up;
// Default values and constants:
const int accuracy = 10; // A scalar for how many times bezier path is divided when determining vertex positions
const float minVertexSpacing = .01f;
Transform transform;
#region Constructors
/// <summary> Splits bezier path into array of vertices along the path.</summary>
///<param name="maxAngleError">How much can the angle of the path change before a vertex is added. This allows fewer vertices to be generated in straighter sections.</param>
///<param name="minVertexDst">Vertices won't be added closer together than this distance, regardless of angle error.</param>
public VertexPath (BezierPath bezierPath, Transform transform, float maxAngleError = 0.3f, float minVertexDst = 0):
this (bezierPath, VertexPathUtility.SplitBezierPathByAngleError (bezierPath, maxAngleError, minVertexDst, VertexPath.accuracy), transform) { }
/// <summary> Splits bezier path into array of vertices along the path.</summary>
///<param name="maxAngleError">How much can the angle of the path change before a vertex is added. This allows fewer vertices to be generated in straighter sections.</param>
///<param name="minVertexDst">Vertices won't be added closer together than this distance, regardless of angle error.</param>
///<param name="accuracy">Higher value means the change in angle is checked more frequently.</param>
public VertexPath (BezierPath bezierPath, Transform transform, float vertexSpacing):
this (bezierPath, VertexPathUtility.SplitBezierPathEvenly (bezierPath, Mathf.Max (vertexSpacing, minVertexSpacing), VertexPath.accuracy), transform) { }
/// Internal contructor
VertexPath (BezierPath bezierPath, VertexPathUtility.PathSplitData pathSplitData, Transform transform) {
this.transform = transform;
space = bezierPath.Space;
isClosedLoop = bezierPath.IsClosed;
int numVerts = pathSplitData.vertices.Count;
length = pathSplitData.cumulativeLength[numVerts - 1];
localPoints = new Vector3[numVerts];
localNormals = new Vector3[numVerts];
localTangents = new Vector3[numVerts];
cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex = new float[numVerts];
times = new float[numVerts];
bounds = new Bounds ((pathSplitData.minMax.Min + pathSplitData.minMax.Max) / 2, pathSplitData.minMax.Max - pathSplitData.minMax.Min);
// Figure out up direction for path
up = (bounds.size.z > bounds.size.y) ? Vector3.up : -Vector3.forward;
Vector3 lastRotationAxis = up;
// Loop through the data and assign to arrays.
for (int i = 0; i < localPoints.Length; i++) {
localPoints[i] = pathSplitData.vertices[i];
localTangents[i] = pathSplitData.tangents[i];
cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex[i] = pathSplitData.cumulativeLength[i];
times[i] = cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex[i] / length;
// Calculate normals
if (space == {
if (i == 0) {
localNormals[0] = Vector3.Cross (lastRotationAxis, pathSplitData.tangents[0]).normalized;
} else {
// First reflection
Vector3 offset = (localPoints[i] - localPoints[i - 1]);
float sqrDst = offset.sqrMagnitude;
Vector3 r = lastRotationAxis - offset * 2 / sqrDst * Vector3.Dot (offset, lastRotationAxis);
Vector3 t = localTangents[i - 1] - offset * 2 / sqrDst * Vector3.Dot (offset, localTangents[i - 1]);
// Second reflection
Vector3 v2 = localTangents[i] - t;
float c2 = Vector3.Dot (v2, v2);
Vector3 finalRot = r - v2 * 2 / c2 * Vector3.Dot (v2, r);
Vector3 n = Vector3.Cross (finalRot, localTangents[i]).normalized;
localNormals[i] = n;
lastRotationAxis = finalRot;
} else {
localNormals[i] = Vector3.Cross (localTangents[i], up) * ((bezierPath.FlipNormals) ? 1 : -1);
// Apply correction for 3d normals along a closed path
if (space == && isClosedLoop) {
// Get angle between first and last normal (if zero, they're already lined up, otherwise we need to correct)
float normalsAngleErrorAcrossJoin = Vector3.SignedAngle (localNormals[localNormals.Length - 1], localNormals[0], localTangents[0]);
// Gradually rotate the normals along the path to ensure start and end normals line up correctly
if (Mathf.Abs (normalsAngleErrorAcrossJoin) > 0.1f) // don't bother correcting if very nearly correct
for (int i = 1; i < localNormals.Length; i++) {
float t = (i / (localNormals.Length - 1f));
float angle = normalsAngleErrorAcrossJoin * t;
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, localTangents[i]);
localNormals[i] = rot * localNormals[i] * ((bezierPath.FlipNormals) ? -1 : 1);
// Rotate normals to match up with user-defined anchor angles
if (space == {
for (int anchorIndex = 0; anchorIndex < pathSplitData.anchorVertexMap.Count - 1; anchorIndex++) {
int nextAnchorIndex = (isClosedLoop) ? (anchorIndex + 1) % bezierPath.NumSegments : anchorIndex + 1;
float startAngle = bezierPath.GetAnchorNormalAngle (anchorIndex) + bezierPath.GlobalNormalsAngle;
float endAngle = bezierPath.GetAnchorNormalAngle (nextAnchorIndex) + bezierPath.GlobalNormalsAngle;
float deltaAngle = Mathf.DeltaAngle (startAngle, endAngle);
int startVertIndex = pathSplitData.anchorVertexMap[anchorIndex];
int endVertIndex = pathSplitData.anchorVertexMap[anchorIndex + 1];
int num = endVertIndex - startVertIndex;
if (anchorIndex == pathSplitData.anchorVertexMap.Count - 2) {
num += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int vertIndex = startVertIndex + i;
float t = i / (num - 1f);
float angle = startAngle + deltaAngle * t;
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis (angle, localTangents[vertIndex]);
localNormals[vertIndex] = (rot * localNormals[vertIndex]) * ((bezierPath.FlipNormals) ? -1 : 1);
#region Public methods and accessors
public void UpdateTransform (Transform transform) {
this.transform = transform;
public int NumPoints {
get {
return localPoints.Length;
public Vector3 GetTangent (int index) {
return MathUtility.TransformDirection (localTangents[index], transform, space);
public Vector3 GetNormal (int index) {
return MathUtility.TransformDirection (localNormals[index], transform, space);
public Vector3 GetPoint (int index) {
return MathUtility.TransformPoint (localPoints[index], transform, space);
/// Gets point on path based on distance travelled.
public Vector3 GetPointAtDistance (float dst, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
float t = dst / length;
return GetPointAtTime (t, endOfPathInstruction);
/// Gets forward direction on path based on distance travelled.
public Vector3 GetDirectionAtDistance (float dst, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
float t = dst / length;
return GetDirection (t, endOfPathInstruction);
/// Gets normal vector on path based on distance travelled.
public Vector3 GetNormalAtDistance (float dst, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
float t = dst / length;
return GetNormal (t, endOfPathInstruction);
/// Gets a rotation that will orient an object in the direction of the path at this point, with local up point along the path's normal
public Quaternion GetRotationAtDistance (float dst, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
float t = dst / length;
return GetRotation (t, endOfPathInstruction);
/// Gets point on path based on 'time' (where 0 is start, and 1 is end of path).
public Vector3 GetPointAtTime (float t, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
var data = CalculatePercentOnPathData (t, endOfPathInstruction);
return Vector3.Lerp (GetPoint (data.previousIndex), GetPoint (data.nextIndex), data.percentBetweenIndices);
/// Gets forward direction on path based on 'time' (where 0 is start, and 1 is end of path).
public Vector3 GetDirection (float t, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
var data = CalculatePercentOnPathData (t, endOfPathInstruction);
Vector3 dir = Vector3.Lerp (localTangents[data.previousIndex], localTangents[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
return MathUtility.TransformDirection (dir, transform, space);
/// Gets normal vector on path based on 'time' (where 0 is start, and 1 is end of path).
public Vector3 GetNormal (float t, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
var data = CalculatePercentOnPathData (t, endOfPathInstruction);
Vector3 normal = Vector3.Lerp (localNormals[data.previousIndex], localNormals[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
return MathUtility.TransformDirection (normal, transform, space);
/// Gets a rotation that will orient an object in the direction of the path at this point, with local up point along the path's normal
public Quaternion GetRotation (float t, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction = EndOfPathInstruction.Loop) {
var data = CalculatePercentOnPathData (t, endOfPathInstruction);
Vector3 direction = Vector3.Lerp (localTangents[data.previousIndex], localTangents[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
Vector3 normal = Vector3.Lerp (localNormals[data.previousIndex], localNormals[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
return Quaternion.LookRotation (MathUtility.TransformDirection (direction, transform, space), MathUtility.TransformDirection (normal, transform, space));
/// Finds the closest point on the path from any point in the world
public Vector3 GetClosestPointOnPath (Vector3 worldPoint) {
TimeOnPathData data = CalculateClosestPointOnPathData (worldPoint);
return Vector3.Lerp (GetPoint (data.previousIndex), GetPoint (data.nextIndex), data.percentBetweenIndices);
/// Finds the 'time' (0=start of path, 1=end of path) along the path that is closest to the given point
public float GetClosestTimeOnPath (Vector3 worldPoint) {
TimeOnPathData data = CalculateClosestPointOnPathData (worldPoint);
return Mathf.Lerp (times[data.previousIndex], times[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
/// Finds the distance along the path that is closest to the given point
public float GetClosestDistanceAlongPath (Vector3 worldPoint) {
TimeOnPathData data = CalculateClosestPointOnPathData (worldPoint);
return Mathf.Lerp (cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex[data.previousIndex], cumulativeLengthAtEachVertex[data.nextIndex], data.percentBetweenIndices);
#region Internal methods
/// For a given value 't' between 0 and 1, calculate the indices of the two vertices before and after t.
/// Also calculate how far t is between those two vertices as a percentage between 0 and 1.
TimeOnPathData CalculatePercentOnPathData (float t, EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction) {
// Constrain t based on the end of path instruction
switch (endOfPathInstruction) {
case EndOfPathInstruction.Loop:
// If t is negative, make it the equivalent value between 0 and 1
if (t < 0) {
t += Mathf.CeilToInt (Mathf.Abs (t));
t %= 1;
case EndOfPathInstruction.Reverse:
t = Mathf.PingPong (t, 1);
case EndOfPathInstruction.Stop:
t = Mathf.Clamp01 (t);
int prevIndex = 0;
int nextIndex = NumPoints - 1;
int i = Mathf.RoundToInt (t * (NumPoints - 1)); // starting guess
// Starts by looking at middle vertex and determines if t lies to the left or to the right of that vertex.
// Continues dividing in half until closest surrounding vertices have been found.
while (true) {
// t lies to left
if (t <= times[i]) {
nextIndex = i;
// t lies to right
else {
prevIndex = i;
i = (nextIndex + prevIndex) / 2;
if (nextIndex - prevIndex <= 1) {
float abPercent = Mathf.InverseLerp (times[prevIndex], times[nextIndex], t);
return new TimeOnPathData (prevIndex, nextIndex, abPercent);
/// Calculate time data for closest point on the path from given world point
TimeOnPathData CalculateClosestPointOnPathData (Vector3 worldPoint) {
float minSqrDst = float.MaxValue;
Vector3 closestPoint =;
int closestSegmentIndexA = 0;
int closestSegmentIndexB = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < localPoints.Length; i++) {
int nextI = i + 1;
if (nextI >= localPoints.Length) {
if (isClosedLoop) {
nextI %= localPoints.Length;
} else {
Vector3 closestPointOnSegment = MathUtility.ClosestPointOnLineSegment (worldPoint, GetPoint (i), GetPoint (nextI));
float sqrDst = (worldPoint - closestPointOnSegment).sqrMagnitude;
if (sqrDst < minSqrDst) {
minSqrDst = sqrDst;
closestPoint = closestPointOnSegment;
closestSegmentIndexA = i;
closestSegmentIndexB = nextI;
float closestSegmentLength = (GetPoint (closestSegmentIndexA) - GetPoint (closestSegmentIndexB)).magnitude;
float t = (closestPoint - GetPoint (closestSegmentIndexA)).magnitude / closestSegmentLength;
return new TimeOnPathData (closestSegmentIndexA, closestSegmentIndexB, t);
public struct TimeOnPathData {
public readonly int previousIndex;
public readonly int nextIndex;
public readonly float percentBetweenIndices;
public TimeOnPathData (int prev, int next, float percentBetweenIndices) {
this.previousIndex = prev;
this.nextIndex = next;
this.percentBetweenIndices = percentBetweenIndices;

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Utility {
/// Collection of functions related to cubic bezier curves
/// (a curve with a start and end 'anchor' point, and two 'control' points to define the shape of the curve between the anchors)
public static class CubicBezierUtility {
/// Returns point at time 't' (between 0 and 1) along bezier curve defined by 4 points (anchor_1, control_1, control_2, anchor_2)
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurve (Vector3[] points, float t) {
return EvaluateCurve (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t);
/// Returns point at time 't' (between 0 and 1) along bezier curve defined by 4 points (anchor_1, control_1, control_2, anchor_2)
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurve (Vector3 a1, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 a2, float t) {
t = Mathf.Clamp01 (t);
return (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * a1 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * c1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * c2 + t * t * t * a2;
/// Returns a vector tangent to the point at time 't'
/// This is the vector tangent to the curve at that point
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurveDerivative (Vector3[] points, float t) {
return EvaluateCurveDerivative (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t);
/// Calculates the derivative of the curve at time 't'
/// This is the vector tangent to the curve at that point
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurveDerivative (Vector3 a1, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 a2, float t) {
t = Mathf.Clamp01 (t);
return 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (c1 - a1) + 6 * (1 - t) * t * (c2 - c1) + 3 * t * t * (a2 - c2);
/// Returns the second derivative of the curve at time 't'
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurveSecondDerivative (Vector3[] points, float t) {
return EvaluateCurveSecondDerivative (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t);
///Returns the second derivative of the curve at time 't'
public static Vector3 EvaluateCurveSecondDerivative (Vector3 a1, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 a2, float t) {
t = Mathf.Clamp01 (t);
return 6 * (1 - t) * (c2 - 2 * c1 + a1) + 6 * t * (a2 - 2 * c2 + c1);
/// Calculates the normal vector (vector perpendicular to the curve) at specified time
public static Vector3 Normal (Vector3[] points, float t) {
return Normal (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], t);
/// Calculates the normal vector (vector perpendicular to the curve) at specified time
public static Vector3 Normal (Vector3 a1, Vector3 c1, Vector3 c2, Vector3 a2, float t) {
Vector3 tangent = EvaluateCurveDerivative (a1, c1, c2, a2, t);
Vector3 nextTangent = EvaluateCurveSecondDerivative (a1, c1, c2, a2, t);
Vector3 c = Vector3.Cross (nextTangent, tangent);
return Vector3.Cross (c, tangent).normalized;
public static Bounds CalculateSegmentBounds (Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3) {
MinMax3D minMax = new MinMax3D ();
minMax.AddValue (p0);
minMax.AddValue (p3);
List<float> extremePointTimes = ExtremePointTimes (p0,p1,p2,p3);
foreach (float t in extremePointTimes) {
minMax.AddValue (CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve (p0, p1, p2, p3, t));
return new Bounds ((minMax.Min + minMax.Max) / 2, minMax.Max - minMax.Min);
/// Splits curve into two curves at time t. Returns 2 arrays of 4 points.
public static Vector3[][] SplitCurve (Vector3[] points, float t) {
Vector3 a1 = Vector3.Lerp (points[0], points[1], t);
Vector3 a2 = Vector3.Lerp (points[1], points[2], t);
Vector3 a3 = Vector3.Lerp (points[2], points[3], t);
Vector3 b1 = Vector3.Lerp (a1, a2, t);
Vector3 b2 = Vector3.Lerp (a2, a3, t);
Vector3 pointOnCurve = Vector3.Lerp (b1, b2, t);
return new Vector3[][] {
new Vector3[] { points[0], a1, b1, pointOnCurve },
new Vector3[] { pointOnCurve, b2, a3, points[3] }
// Crude, but fast estimation of curve length.
public static float EstimateCurveLength (Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3) {
float controlNetLength = (p0 - p1).magnitude + (p1 - p2).magnitude + (p2 - p3).magnitude;
float estimatedCurveLength = (p0 - p3).magnitude + controlNetLength / 2f;
return estimatedCurveLength;
/// Times of stationary points on curve (points where derivative is zero on any axis)
public static List<float> ExtremePointTimes (Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3) {
// coefficients of derivative function
Vector3 a = 3 * (-p0 + 3 * p1 - 3 * p2 + p3);
Vector3 b = 6 * (p0 - 2 * p1 + p2);
Vector3 c = 3 * (p1 - p0);
List<float> times = new List<float> ();
times.AddRange (StationaryPointTimes (a.x, b.x, c.x));
times.AddRange (StationaryPointTimes (a.y, b.y, c.y));
times.AddRange (StationaryPointTimes (a.z, b.z, c.z));
return times;
// Finds times of stationary points on curve defined by ax^2 + bx + c.
// Only times between 0 and 1 are considered as Bezier only uses values in that range
static IEnumerable<float> StationaryPointTimes (float a, float b, float c) {
List<float> times = new List<float> ();
// from quadratic equation: y = [-b +- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)]/2a
if (a != 0) {
float discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (discriminant >= 0) {
float s = Mathf.Sqrt (discriminant);
float t1 = (-b + s) / (2 * a);
if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1) {
times.Add (t1);
if (discriminant != 0) {
float t2 = (-b - s) / (2 * a);
if (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) {
times.Add (t2);
return times;

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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Utility {
public static class MathUtility {
static PosRotScale LockTransformToSpace (Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = new PosRotScale (t);
if (space == PathSpace.xy) {
t.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, t.eulerAngles.z);
t.position = new Vector3 (t.position.x, t.position.y, 0);
} else if (space == PathSpace.xz) {
t.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, t.eulerAngles.y, 0);
t.position = new Vector3 (t.position.x, 0, t.position.z);
//float maxScale = Mathf.Max (t.localScale.x * t.parent.localScale.x, t.localScale.y * t.parent.localScale.y, t.localScale.z * t.parent.localScale.z);
float maxScale = Mathf.Max (t.lossyScale.x, t.lossyScale.y, t.lossyScale.z);
t.localScale = * maxScale;
return original;
public static Vector3 TransformPoint (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.TransformPoint (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static Vector3 InverseTransformPoint (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.InverseTransformPoint (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static Vector3 TransformVector (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.TransformVector (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static Vector3 InverseTransformVector (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.InverseTransformVector (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static Vector3 TransformDirection (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.TransformDirection (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static Vector3 InverseTransformDirection (Vector3 p, Transform t, PathSpace space) {
var original = LockTransformToSpace (t, space);
Vector3 transformedPoint = t.InverseTransformDirection (p);
original.SetTransform (t);
return transformedPoint;
public static bool LineSegmentsIntersect (Vector2 a1, Vector2 a2, Vector2 b1, Vector2 b2) {
float d = (b2.x - b1.x) * (a1.y - a2.y) - (a1.x - a2.x) * (b2.y - b1.y);
if (d == 0)
return false;
float t = ((b1.y - b2.y) * (a1.x - b1.x) + (b2.x - b1.x) * (a1.y - b1.y)) / d;
float u = ((a1.y - a2.y) * (a1.x - b1.x) + (a2.x - a1.x) * (a1.y - b1.y)) / d;
return t >= 0 && t <= 1 && u >= 0 && u <= 1;
public static bool LinesIntersect (Vector2 a1, Vector2 a2, Vector2 a3, Vector2 a4) {
return (a1.x - a2.x) * (a3.y - a4.y) - (a1.y - a2.y) * (a3.x - a4.x) != 0;
public static Vector2 PointOfLineLineIntersection (Vector2 a1, Vector2 a2, Vector2 a3, Vector2 a4) {
float d = (a1.x - a2.x) * (a3.y - a4.y) - (a1.y - a2.y) * (a3.x - a4.x);
if (d == 0) {
Debug.LogError ("Lines are parallel, please check that this is not the case before calling line intersection method");
} else {
float n = (a1.x - a3.x) * (a3.y - a4.y) - (a1.y - a3.y) * (a3.x - a4.x);
float t = n / d;
return a1 + (a2 - a1) * t;
public static Vector2 ClosestPointOnLineSegment (Vector2 p, Vector2 a, Vector2 b) {
Vector2 aB = b - a;
Vector2 aP = p - a;
float sqrLenAB = aB.sqrMagnitude;
if (sqrLenAB == 0)
return a;
float t = Mathf.Clamp01 (Vector2.Dot (aP, aB) / sqrLenAB);
return a + aB * t;
public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnLineSegment (Vector3 p, Vector3 a, Vector3 b) {
Vector3 aB = b - a;
Vector3 aP = p - a;
float sqrLenAB = aB.sqrMagnitude;
if (sqrLenAB == 0)
return a;
float t = Mathf.Clamp01 (Vector3.Dot (aP, aB) / sqrLenAB);
return a + aB * t;
public static int SideOfLine (Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c) {
return (int) Mathf.Sign ((c.x - a.x) * (-b.y + a.y) + (c.y - a.y) * (b.x - a.x));
/// returns the smallest angle between ABC. Never greater than 180
public static float MinAngle (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c) {
return Vector3.Angle ((a - b), (c - b));
public static bool PointInTriangle (Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, Vector2 p) {
float area = 0.5f * (-b.y * c.x + a.y * (-b.x + c.x) + a.x * (b.y - c.y) + b.x * c.y);
float s = 1 / (2 * area) * (a.y * c.x - a.x * c.y + (c.y - a.y) * p.x + (a.x - c.x) * p.y);
float t = 1 / (2 * area) * (a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x + (a.y - b.y) * p.x + (b.x - a.x) * p.y);
return s >= 0 && t >= 0 && (s + t) <= 1;
public static bool PointsAreClockwise (Vector2[] points) {
float signedArea = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) {
int nextIndex = (i + 1) % points.Length;
signedArea += (points[nextIndex].x - points[i].x) * (points[nextIndex].y + points[i].y);
return signedArea >= 0;
class PosRotScale {
public readonly Vector3 position;
public readonly Quaternion rotation;
public readonly Vector3 scale;
public PosRotScale (Transform t) {
this.position = t.position;
this.rotation = t.rotation;
this.scale = t.localScale;
public void SetTransform (Transform t) {
t.position = position;
t.rotation = rotation;
t.localScale = scale;

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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Utility
public static class VertexPathUtility
public static PathSplitData SplitBezierPathByAngleError(BezierPath bezierPath, float maxAngleError, float minVertexDst, float accuracy)
PathSplitData splitData = new PathSplitData();
splitData.tangents.Add(CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurveDerivative(bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment(0), 0).normalized);
Vector3 prevPointOnPath = bezierPath[0];
Vector3 lastAddedPoint = bezierPath[0];
float currentPathLength = 0;
float dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
// Go through all segments and split up into vertices
for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < bezierPath.NumSegments; segmentIndex++)
Vector3[] segmentPoints = bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment(segmentIndex);
float estimatedSegmentLength = CubicBezierUtility.EstimateCurveLength(segmentPoints[0], segmentPoints[1], segmentPoints[2], segmentPoints[3]);
int divisions = Mathf.CeilToInt(estimatedSegmentLength * accuracy);
float increment = 1f / divisions;
for (float t = increment; t <= 1; t += increment)
bool isLastPointOnPath = (t + increment > 1 && segmentIndex == bezierPath.NumSegments - 1);
if (isLastPointOnPath)
t = 1;
Vector3 pointOnPath = CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve(segmentPoints, t);
Vector3 nextPointOnPath = CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve(segmentPoints, t + increment);
// angle at current point on path
float localAngle = 180 - MathUtility.MinAngle(prevPointOnPath, pointOnPath, nextPointOnPath);
// angle between the last added vertex, the current point on the path, and the next point on the path
float angleFromPrevVertex = 180 - MathUtility.MinAngle(lastAddedPoint, pointOnPath, nextPointOnPath);
float angleError = Mathf.Max(localAngle, angleFromPrevVertex);
if ((angleError > maxAngleError && dstSinceLastVertex >= minVertexDst) || isLastPointOnPath)
currentPathLength += (lastAddedPoint - pointOnPath).magnitude;
splitData.tangents.Add(CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurveDerivative(segmentPoints, t).normalized);
dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
lastAddedPoint = pointOnPath;
dstSinceLastVertex += (pointOnPath - prevPointOnPath).magnitude;
prevPointOnPath = pointOnPath;
splitData.anchorVertexMap.Add(splitData.vertices.Count - 1);
return splitData;
public static PathSplitData SplitBezierPathEvenly(BezierPath bezierPath, float spacing, float accuracy)
PathSplitData splitData = new PathSplitData();
splitData.tangents.Add(CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurveDerivative(bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment(0), 0).normalized);
Vector3 prevPointOnPath = bezierPath[0];
Vector3 lastAddedPoint = bezierPath[0];
float currentPathLength = 0;
float dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
// Go through all segments and split up into vertices
for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < bezierPath.NumSegments; segmentIndex++)
Vector3[] segmentPoints = bezierPath.GetPointsInSegment(segmentIndex);
float estimatedSegmentLength = CubicBezierUtility.EstimateCurveLength(segmentPoints[0], segmentPoints[1], segmentPoints[2], segmentPoints[3]);
int divisions = Mathf.CeilToInt(estimatedSegmentLength * accuracy);
float increment = 1f / divisions;
for (float t = increment; t <= 1; t += increment)
bool isLastPointOnPath = (t + increment > 1 && segmentIndex == bezierPath.NumSegments - 1);
if (isLastPointOnPath)
t = 1;
Vector3 pointOnPath = CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurve(segmentPoints, t);
dstSinceLastVertex += (pointOnPath - prevPointOnPath).magnitude;
// If vertices are now too far apart, go back by amount we overshot by
if (dstSinceLastVertex > spacing) {
float overshootDst = dstSinceLastVertex - spacing;
pointOnPath += (prevPointOnPath-pointOnPath).normalized * overshootDst;
if (dstSinceLastVertex >= spacing || isLastPointOnPath)
currentPathLength += (lastAddedPoint - pointOnPath).magnitude;
splitData.tangents.Add(CubicBezierUtility.EvaluateCurveDerivative(segmentPoints, t).normalized);
dstSinceLastVertex = 0;
lastAddedPoint = pointOnPath;
prevPointOnPath = pointOnPath;
splitData.anchorVertexMap.Add(splitData.vertices.Count - 1);
return splitData;
public class PathSplitData {
public List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>();
public List<Vector3> tangents = new List<Vector3>();
public List<float> cumulativeLength = new List<float>();
public List<int> anchorVertexMap = new List<int>();
public MinMax3D minMax = new MinMax3D();

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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using PathCreation;
namespace PathCreation.Examples
[CustomEditor(typeof(PathSceneTool), true)]
public class PathSceneToolEditor : Editor
protected PathSceneTool pathTool;
bool isSubscribed;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
if (check.changed)
if (!isSubscribed)
if (pathTool.autoUpdate)
if (GUILayout.Button("Manual Update"))
if (TryFindPathCreator())
void TriggerUpdate() {
if (pathTool.pathCreator != null) {
protected virtual void OnPathModified()
if (pathTool.autoUpdate)
protected virtual void OnEnable()
pathTool = (PathSceneTool)target;
pathTool.onDestroyed += OnToolDestroyed;
if (TryFindPathCreator())
void OnToolDestroyed() {
if (pathTool != null) {
pathTool.pathCreator.pathUpdated -= OnPathModified;
protected virtual void Subscribe()
if (pathTool.pathCreator != null)
isSubscribed = true;
pathTool.pathCreator.pathUpdated -= OnPathModified;
pathTool.pathCreator.pathUpdated += OnPathModified;
bool TryFindPathCreator()
// Try find a path creator in the scene, if one is not already assigned
if (pathTool.pathCreator == null)
if (pathTool.GetComponent<PathCreator>() != null)
pathTool.pathCreator = pathTool.GetComponent<PathCreator>();
else if (FindObjectOfType<PathCreator>())
pathTool.pathCreator = FindObjectOfType<PathCreator>();
return pathTool.pathCreator != null;

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Examples {
// Example of creating a path at runtime from a set of points.
public class GeneratePathExample : MonoBehaviour {
public bool closedLoop = true;
public Transform[] waypoints;
void Start () {
if (waypoints.Length > 0) {
// Create a new bezier path from the waypoints.
BezierPath bezierPath = new BezierPath (waypoints, closedLoop,;
GetComponent<PathCreator> ().bezierPath = bezierPath;

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Examples
// Moves along a path at constant speed.
// Depending on the end of path instruction, will either loop, reverse, or stop at the end of the path.
public class PathFollower : MonoBehaviour
public PathCreator pathCreator;
public EndOfPathInstruction endOfPathInstruction;
public float speed = 5;
float distanceTravelled;
void Start() {
if (pathCreator != null)
// Subscribed to the pathUpdated event so that we're notified if the path changes during the game
pathCreator.pathUpdated += OnPathChanged;
void Update()
if (pathCreator != null)
distanceTravelled += speed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = pathCreator.path.GetPointAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction);
transform.rotation = pathCreator.path.GetRotationAtDistance(distanceTravelled, endOfPathInstruction);
// If the path changes during the game, update the distance travelled so that the follower's position on the new path
// is as close as possible to its position on the old path
void OnPathChanged() {
distanceTravelled = pathCreator.path.GetClosestDistanceAlongPath(transform.position);

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using PathCreation;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PathCreation.Examples {
public class PathPlacer : PathSceneTool {
public GameObject prefab;
public GameObject holder;
public float spacing = 3;
const float minSpacing = .1f;
void Generate () {
if (pathCreator != null && prefab != null && holder != null) {
DestroyObjects ();
VertexPath path = pathCreator.path;
spacing = Mathf.Max(minSpacing, spacing);
float dst = 0;
while (dst < path.length) {
Vector3 point = path.GetPointAtDistance (dst);
Quaternion rot = path.GetRotationAtDistance (dst);
Instantiate (prefab, point, rot, holder.transform);
dst += spacing;
void DestroyObjects () {
int numChildren = holder.transform.childCount;
for (int i = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
DestroyImmediate (holder.transform.GetChild (i).gameObject, false);
protected override void PathUpdated () {
if (pathCreator != null) {
Generate ();

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More