2021-05-17 23:37:20 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Cinemachine;
using DG.Tweening;
using Google.Apis.Util;
using UnityEngine;
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using UnityEngine.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine.Events;
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using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class BazFinalSequence : MonoBehaviour
private struct Baz
public Door door;
public Animator anim;
public float pauseTime;
public float scaleFactor;
public GameObject graphics;
public Transform scaleTarget;
public float hoverHeight;
private struct Flickers
public float intensity;
public float period;
[SerializeField] private GameObject _player;
[SerializeField] private CinemachineFreeLook _camera;
[SerializeField] private Baz _baz;
[SerializeField] private GameObject _statue;
[SerializeField] private Flickers _flickers;
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private BoxCollider _endDialogue;
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private WaitForSeconds _bazPauseForEffect;
private WaitForSeconds _bazWalk;
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private bool _finished = false;
private UnityEvent _finishEvent;
private BoxCollider _finishDialogue;
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private void Awake()
_bazPauseForEffect = new WaitForSeconds(_baz.pauseTime);
_bazWalk = new WaitForSeconds(_baz.door.AnimTime);
public void Trigger()
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public void FinishOff()
_finished = true;
public void CrashGame()
Utils.ForceCrash( ForcedCrashCategory.AccessViolation );
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private IEnumerator BazCR()
// TODO: disable player movement/abilities
var input = _player.GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
input.enabled = false;
// _camera.LookAt = _baz.scaleTarget;
// _camera.Follow = _baz.scaleTarget;
var elapsed = 0f;
while (elapsed < _flickers.period)
elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
var t = Time.time * _flickers.intensity;
var p = Mathf.PerlinNoise(t, Mathf.Sin(t));
_statue.SetActive(p > elapsed/_flickers.period);
yield return null;
// there is no xandar only baz
// wait a couple of moments
yield return _bazPauseForEffect;
// baz float-walks to the player
_baz.anim.SetBool("moving", true);
var ogScale = _baz.scaleTarget.localScale;
_baz.scaleTarget.DOScale(ogScale * _baz.scaleFactor, _baz.door.AnimTime);
yield return _bazWalk;
_baz.anim.SetBool("moving", false);
var pos = _baz.scaleTarget.position;
var playerPos = _player.transform.position;
pos.y = playerPos.y + _baz.hoverHeight;
_baz.scaleTarget.position = pos;
_baz.scaleTarget.LookAt(playerPos + _baz.hoverHeight * Vector3.up);
// roll credits!
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yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime( 1f );
_endDialogue.enabled = true;
while ( !_finished )
yield return null;
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime( 1f );
_finishDialogue.enabled = true;
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