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book: becky chambers - record of a spaceborn few
2023-05-30 22:13:22 +01:00

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These are formatted as links. Behind some of them is a synopsis/review/loose collection of thoughts I have/had about the book. Others don't exist, but may be filled in later. I'll do my best to avoid spoilers where it's not necessary, but no promises.
Ici on trouva quelques publications françaises. J'ai parlé ce langage comme enfant et je me apprende encore quelques ans, donc on s'attendre des erreurs de la grammaire où de l'ortographe occasionnellement. Elles sont sur les livres que j'ai lu, avec mes petites pensées et mes opinions.
# In progress
* ./constellation.gmi Constellation
# Next Up
## Sci-fi
* Le Messie de Dune
* Les Enfants de Dune
* Ringworld
* The First Men in the Moon
* The Time Machine
* War of the Worlds
* Red Mars
* The Lathe of Heaven
## Other fiction
* Lavinia
## Non-fiction
=> ./animism.gmi Animism
=> ./freakonomics.gmi Freakonomics
=> ./animal liberation Animal Liberation
=> ./a world without email A World Without Email
# 2023
=> ./record-of-a-spaceborn-few.gmi Record of a Spaceborn Few
=> ./zen-and-the-art-of-motorcycle-maintenance.gmi Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
=> ./foundation.gmi Foundation
=> ./stories-of-your-life-and-others.gmi Stories of Your Life and Others
=> ./dune.gmi Dune
=> ./factory-girls.gmi Factory Girls
=> ./why-women-have-better-sex-under-socialism.gmi Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism
=> ./le-voyage-dhector-ou-la-recherche-de-bonheur.gmi Le Voyage d'Hector: ou la recherche de bonheur
=> ./how-not-to-be-wrong.gmi How To Not Be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life
=> ./women-and-power.gmi Women and Power
# 2022
=> ./to-sleep-in-a-sea-of-stars.gmi To Sleep in a Sea of Stars
=> ./seymour-an-introduction.gmi Seymour: An Introduction
=> ./the-future-starts-here.gmi The Future Starts Here
=> ./you-are-not-a-gadget.gmi You Are Not A Gadget
=> ./raise-high-the-roof-beam-carpenters.gmi Raise High the Root Beam, Carpenters
=> ./un-cafe-dans-l'espace.gmi Un Cafe Dans l'Espace
=> ./moonrise.gmi Moonrise (A collection of stories and mythology about the Moon)
=> ./the-prince-of-milk.gmi The Prince of Milk
=> ./capitalist-realism.gmi Capitalist Realism
=> ./chaos-making-a-new-science.gmi Chaos: Making a New Science
=> ./the-left-hand-of-darkness.gmi The Left Hand of Darkness
=> ./the-etymylogicon.gmi The Etymylogicon
=> ./the-conquest-of-bread.gmi The Conquest of Bread
=> ../index.gmi Home