#version 430 // writes first hit information into buffers to accelerate later passes // local work group layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in; layout (rgba32f, binding = 2) uniform image2D g0_output; #include func.glsl #include constants.glsl #include time.glsl #include sphere.glsl #include ray.glsl #include intersect.glsl #include random.glsl #include camera.glsl #include image.glsl #include scene.glsl void main() { // x normal.x // y normal.y // z normal.z // w depth vec4 pixel= vec4(0); ivec2 pixelCoords = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); ivec2 dims = imageSize(g0_output); vec2 uv = pixelUv(pixelCoords, dims); Ray ray = createCameraRay(uv); RayHit hit = trace(ray); // n roughly correlates to steepness of log curve // TODO: what does this mean in mathematical terms?? float n = 3; float f = INF; float z = hit.distance; float depth; // linear depth //depth = z/f; // logarithmic depth depth = log(z*pow(E,n)/f)/n; // pack normal into texture pixel.xyz = hit.normal*0.5+0.5; pixel.w = depth; imageStore(g0_output, pixelCoords, pixel); }