using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.IO; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace FMODUnity { [Serializable] public enum FMODPlatform { None, PlayInEditor, Default, Desktop, Mobile, MobileHigh, MobileLow, Console, Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Deprecated_1, XboxOne, PS4, Deprecated_2, Deprecated_3, AppleTV, UWP, Switch, WebGL, Stadia, Reserved_1, Reserved_2, Reserved_3, Count, } [Serializable] public enum ImportType { StreamingAssets, AssetBundle, } [Serializable] public enum BankLoadType { All, Specified, None } public class PlatformSettingBase { public FMODPlatform Platform; } public class PlatformSetting : PlatformSettingBase { public T Value; } [Serializable] public class PlatformIntSetting : PlatformSetting { } [Serializable] public class PlatformStringSetting : PlatformSetting { } public enum TriStateBool { Disabled, Enabled, Development, } [Serializable] public class PlatformBoolSetting : PlatformSetting { } #if UNITY_EDITOR [InitializeOnLoad] #endif public class Settings : ScriptableObject { #if UNITY_EDITOR [SerializeField] bool SwitchSettingsMigration = false; #endif const string SettingsAssetName = "FMODStudioSettings"; private static Settings instance = null; public static Settings Instance { get { if (instance == null) { instance = Resources.Load(SettingsAssetName) as Settings; if (instance == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("[FMOD] Cannot find integration settings, creating default settings"); instance = CreateInstance(); = "FMOD Studio Integration Settings"; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Directory.Exists("Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources")) { AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets/Plugins/FMOD", "Resources"); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(instance, "Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources/" + SettingsAssetName + ".asset"); #endif } } return instance; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [MenuItem("FMOD/Edit Settings", priority = 0)] public static void EditSettings() { Selection.activeObject = Instance; #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/General/Inspector"); #else EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/Inspector"); #endif } #endif [SerializeField] public bool HasSourceProject = true; [SerializeField] public bool HasPlatforms = true; [SerializeField] private string sourceProjectPath; public string SourceProjectPath { get { return sourceProjectPath; } set { sourceProjectPath = value; } } [SerializeField] private string sourceBankPath; public string SourceBankPath { get { return sourceBankPath; } set { sourceBankPath = value; } } [SerializeField] public string SourceBankPathUnformatted; // Kept as to not break existing projects [SerializeField] public bool AutomaticEventLoading; [SerializeField] public BankLoadType BankLoadType; [SerializeField] public bool AutomaticSampleLoading; [SerializeField] public string EncryptionKey; [SerializeField] public ImportType ImportType; [SerializeField] public string TargetAssetPath = "FMODBanks"; [SerializeField] public FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS LoggingLevel = FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS.WARNING; [SerializeField] public List SpeakerModeSettings; [SerializeField] public List SampleRateSettings; [SerializeField] public List LiveUpdateSettings; [SerializeField] public List OverlaySettings; [SerializeField] public List LoggingSettings; [SerializeField] public List BankDirectorySettings; [SerializeField] public List VirtualChannelSettings; [SerializeField] public List RealChannelSettings; [SerializeField] public List Plugins = new List(); [SerializeField] public List MasterBanks; [SerializeField] public List Banks; [SerializeField] public List BanksToLoad; [SerializeField] public ushort LiveUpdatePort = 9264; [SerializeField] public bool AndroidUseOBB = false; public static FMODPlatform GetParent(FMODPlatform platform) { switch (platform) { case FMODPlatform.Windows: case FMODPlatform.Linux: case FMODPlatform.Mac: case FMODPlatform.UWP: return FMODPlatform.Desktop; case FMODPlatform.MobileHigh: case FMODPlatform.MobileLow: case FMODPlatform.iOS: case FMODPlatform.Android: case FMODPlatform.AppleTV: return FMODPlatform.Mobile; case FMODPlatform.Switch: case FMODPlatform.XboxOne: case FMODPlatform.PS4: case FMODPlatform.Stadia: return FMODPlatform.Console; case FMODPlatform.Desktop: case FMODPlatform.Console: case FMODPlatform.Mobile: return FMODPlatform.Default; case FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor: case FMODPlatform.Default: default: return FMODPlatform.None; } } public static bool HasSetting(List list, FMODPlatform platform) where T : PlatformSettingBase { return FindSetting(list, platform) != null; } public static U GetSetting(List list, FMODPlatform platform, U def) where T : PlatformSetting { T t = FindSetting(list, platform); if (t == null) { FMODPlatform parent = GetParent(platform); if (parent != FMODPlatform.None) { return GetSetting(list, parent, def); } else { return def; } } return t.Value; } public static void SetSetting(List list, FMODPlatform platform, U value) where T : PlatformSetting, new() { T setting = FindSetting(list, platform); if (setting == null) { setting = new T(); setting.Platform = platform; list.Add(setting); } setting.Value = value; } private static T FindSetting(List settings, FMODPlatform platform) where T : PlatformSettingBase { for (int i = 0; i < settings.Count; ++i) { if (settings[i].Platform == platform) { return settings[i]; } } return null; } public static void RemoveSetting(List list, FMODPlatform platform) where T : PlatformSettingBase { list.RemoveAll((x) => x.Platform == platform); } // -------- Live Update ---------------------- public bool IsLiveUpdateEnabled(FMODPlatform platform) { #if DEVELOPMENT_BUILD || UNITY_EDITOR return GetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, platform, TriStateBool.Disabled) != TriStateBool.Disabled; #else return GetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, platform, TriStateBool.Disabled) == TriStateBool.Enabled; #endif } // -------- Overlay Update ---------------------- public bool IsOverlayEnabled(FMODPlatform platform) { #if DEVELOPMENT_BUILD || UNITY_EDITOR return GetSetting(OverlaySettings, platform, TriStateBool.Disabled) != TriStateBool.Disabled; #else return GetSetting(OverlaySettings, platform, TriStateBool.Disabled) == TriStateBool.Enabled; #endif } // -------- Real channels ---------------------- public int GetRealChannels(FMODPlatform platform) { return GetSetting(RealChannelSettings, platform, 64); } // -------- Virtual channels ---------------------- public int GetVirtualChannels(FMODPlatform platform) { return GetSetting(VirtualChannelSettings, platform, 128); } // -------- Speaker Mode ---------------------- public int GetSpeakerMode(FMODPlatform platform) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (platform == FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor) { return GetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, platform, GetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, RuntimeUtils.GetEditorFMODPlatform(), (int)FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO)); } else #endif { return GetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, platform, (int)FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO); } } // -------- Sample Rate ---------------------- public int GetSampleRate(FMODPlatform platform) { return GetSetting(SampleRateSettings, platform, 48000); } // -------- Bank Platform ---------------------- public string GetBankPlatform(FMODPlatform platform) { if (!HasPlatforms) { return ""; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (platform == FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor) { return GetSetting(BankDirectorySettings, platform, GetSetting(BankDirectorySettings, RuntimeUtils.GetEditorFMODPlatform(), "Desktop")); } else #endif { return GetSetting(BankDirectorySettings, platform, "Desktop"); } } private Settings() { MasterBanks = new List(); Banks = new List(); BanksToLoad = new List(); RealChannelSettings = new List(); VirtualChannelSettings = new List(); LoggingSettings = new List(); LiveUpdateSettings = new List(); OverlaySettings = new List(); SampleRateSettings = new List(); SpeakerModeSettings = new List(); BankDirectorySettings = new List(); // Default play in editor settings SetSetting(LoggingSettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, TriStateBool.Enabled); SetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, TriStateBool.Enabled); SetSetting(OverlaySettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, TriStateBool.Enabled); SetSetting(SampleRateSettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, 48000); // These are not editable, set them high SetSetting(RealChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, 256); SetSetting(VirtualChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.PlayInEditor, 1024); // Default runtime settings SetSetting(LoggingSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, TriStateBool.Disabled); SetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, TriStateBool.Disabled); SetSetting(OverlaySettings, FMODPlatform.Default, TriStateBool.Disabled); SetSetting(RealChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, 32); // Match the default in the low level SetSetting(VirtualChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, 128); SetSetting(SampleRateSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, 0); SetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, FMODPlatform.Default, (int) FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO); ImportType = ImportType.StreamingAssets; AutomaticEventLoading = true; AutomaticSampleLoading = false; } #if UNITY_EDITOR private void OnEnable() { if (SwitchSettingsMigration == false) { SetSetting(LoggingSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(LoggingSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, TriStateBool.Disabled)); SetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(LiveUpdateSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, TriStateBool.Disabled)); SetSetting(OverlaySettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(OverlaySettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, TriStateBool.Disabled)); SetSetting(RealChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(RealChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, 32)); // Match the default in the low level SetSetting(VirtualChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(VirtualChannelSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, 128)); SetSetting(SampleRateSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(SampleRateSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, 0)); SetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, FMODPlatform.Switch, GetSetting(SpeakerModeSettings, FMODPlatform.Mobile, (int)FMOD.SPEAKERMODE.STEREO)); SwitchSettingsMigration = true; } // Fix up slashes for old settings meta data. sourceProjectPath = RuntimeUtils.GetCommonPlatformPath(sourceProjectPath); SourceBankPathUnformatted = RuntimeUtils.GetCommonPlatformPath(SourceBankPathUnformatted); // Remove the FMODStudioCache if in the old location string oldCache = "Assets/Plugins/FMOD/Resources/FMODStudioCache.asset"; if (File.Exists(oldCache)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(oldCache); } } #endif } }