let idx = 0 let frames = [ "hello! you're just in time!", "img/yay.png", null, "this was starting to get ridiculous.", "img/you-shouldnt-be-doing-that.png", null, "there are books EVERYWWHERE", "img/scared.png", null, "and more keep coming!", "img/oshit.png", null, "we've got to do something about it before the deadline!", "img/determined.png", null, "hey, could you sort the books for me?", "img/books-messy.png", "stack books by size", "yes, i can you've finished STACKING them,", "img/books-size.png", null, "but that's hardly FINISHED, is it?", "img/books-size.png", null, "i mean sure, if you want to be a pedant about it they're sort of ordered by size,", "img/nonplussed.png", null, "but they're still just piled up in the same place, what's that supposed to change?", "img/coffee.png", null, "why don't you try again?", "img/books-size.png", "push stack over", "", "img/books-messy.png", "order books by colour", "", "img/books-colour.png", null, "no, colours won't work either.", "img/dreamer0.png", null, "why?", "img/blast.png", null, "simple, i don't do colours.", "img/grin.png", null, "it's nothing personal, they're just not for me, you know?", "img/glad-you-asked.png", "restart" ]; function setText(text) { document.getElementById('text-box').innerHTML = text; } function setImage(path) { document.getElementById('portrait').src = path; } function setButtonText(text) { console.log(text); if (text == null) { text = "next"; } document.getElementById('button').innerHTML = text; } function advance() { const stride = 3; if (idx >= frames.length) { idx = 0; } let text = frames[idx]; let img = frames[idx + 1]; let buttonText = frames[idx + 2]; setText(text); setButtonText(buttonText); setImage(img); idx += stride; }