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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a an ancient file format for communicating updates over the Web.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an ancient file format for communicating updates over the Web, and my personal favourite.
## Stubs:
* [It's Time for an RSS Revival](https://www.wired.com/story/rss-readers-feedly-inoreader-old-reader/)
* readers
* feed generation
### Stubs:
## YouTube Subscriptions
* my curated feeds
* reader applications
## Technical Simplicity
From a technical perspective, like [Gemini](gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space) [\(HTTP\)](https://gemini.circumlunar.space/) it's grokkable with a couple good reads of the specification.
I wrote [a simple generator](https://ktyl.dev/blog/2022/6/3/rss.md)] for my blog posts, and am now working on [a simpler one](./feed.py) for the garden.
To start with, I'd like to generate it as simply as possible, from just a directory structure, but I can already see I'd like to do more with it.
I work predominantly in [Git](https://git-scm.com/) repositories, which, like a directory, or a garden, is tree-based.
My blog's feed has a chronological hierarchy, but at present it's based on manually creating and naming folders.
It's also very much a _published_ format, rather than a living one.
This is silly!
Instead, I'd like to structure my feed around a Git repository, as I think it'd be a much better descriptor of activity.
## Managing YouTube Subscriptions
There are many reasons to avoid the YouTube homepage, such as recommended videos or the accursed Shorts.
Since RSS feeds are published per-channel, it's totally possible to circumvent its subscription system entirely - including having to make an account - and keep track of channels one enjoys with RSS feeds instead.
YouTube publishes channel-specific RSS feeds, making it totally possible to circumvent its subscription system entirely - including having to make an account - and keep track of channels one enjoys with RSS feeds instead.
Get a channel's ID:
1. Go to the channel's page