feat: add journal as submodule
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing

This commit is contained in:
ktyl 2023-11-12 01:14:59 +00:00
parent c3824c63aa
commit da54ea6577
9 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
[submodule "blog"]
path = blog
url = https://sauce.pizzawednes.day/ktyl/blog.git
[submodule "journal"]
path = sr/garden/journal
url = git@sauce.pizzawednes.day:ktyl/journal.git

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
created: 2023-10-29T02:54:11+00:00
modified: 2023-11-10T19:07:03+00:00
type: Checklist
# shopping
- [ ] drying rack
- [x] tortellini
- [x] soya milk
- [x] mushrooms
- [x] beans
- [x] spinach
- [x] sundried tomatoes
- [x] rice
- [x] chopped tomatoes
- [x] granola
- [x] onions
- [x] coconut cream
- [x] dry pasta
- [x] garlic
- [x] bell peppers

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
created: 2023-11-05T11:05:53+00:00
modified: 2023-11-05T11:07:02+00:00
type: Checklist
# books
- [ ] how to blow up a pipeline - Andreas Malm

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.1 MiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
created: 2023-10-29T21:34:32+00:00
modified: 2023-10-29T21:48:21+00:00
type: Checklist
# films
- [ ] eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
- [ ] becoming john malkovich
- [ ] dead poets society

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
created: 2023-11-01T13:13:22+00:00
modified: 2023-11-03T21:52:30+00:00
# gigs
2023-10-31 Danny L Harle, A G Cook, easyFun, Thy Slaughter, caro♡
2023-11-01 My Plan For Tomorrow
2023-11-03 Slaney Bay, The Mezz, Hongza

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# There's No Such Thing As Human Nature
Human nature doesn't exist.
To appeal to human "nature" is cynical and defeatist.
Human nature is an abstract noun, just like a soul, a god or an economy.
We use abstract concepts because they are useful in interpreting the world around us, but that's all they are: concepts.
We can't really share concepts with each other: we can only describe them.
In some cases descriptions are simple enough to get an idea across, for example the use of mathematics (a collection of abstract concepts) to describe the motion of planets across the night sky.
However if we venture away from the mathematical, towards the philosophical, cultural or metaphysical we find so much that simply escapes definition.
Therese are questions we've grappled with for as long as we've had questions at all: no amount of technological, sociological or cultural progress has brought the answers any closer.
We don't, and can never share concepts, only describe them.
This is shaky ground for trying to make any progress.
Instead, we should act as would the scientist or engineer and reason instead with the tangible.
We couold ask a billion people to describe human nature and get a billion answers, but we agree on boiling water to make it safe.
If we want to stand any chance of undestanding each other we need to leave the intangible at the door.
Observations are not conclusions.
To appeal to the abstract is a mistake.
Such concepts don't exist in the real world, only in our own heads.
We create them ourselves!
To look into the real world, see violence and explain it with human nature is not an observation, it's a conclusion.
We have seen an effect and invented a cause for it.
This is a hypothesis!
This is dangerous territory, and sets us in a vicious cycle.
The more we see violence, the more ardently we hold human nature responsible, the less likely we are to try to do anything about it.
After all, if it's in our nature, it must surely be inevitable.
How could we expect to stand in the way of nature running it's course?
Make justifications against the tangible.
Don't use human nature to justify violence.
Humans are not violent: most people, most of the time, have less violencce in their lives than ever before.
Just as we no longer fear smallpox, we should one day hope to cease to fear fear itself. (-Roosevelt?)
We see violence every day in our media, and some are unfortunate enough to see it in person too.
Pain is real, hunger, thirst and disease are real, suffering is real.
Human nature is not real.
Take another example: the economy.
Out living planet is real, as are all the living things on it.
The economy is not real.
The economy can appear to affect our lives, making it seem very real, but this is a simplification.
The economy is an abstraction we use to refer to the vast, incomprehensibly complex, continuous real exchanges between real humans, groups of real humans and the real, living world which they inhabit.
These exchanges are what affect our lives, not the economy.
The economy doesn't exist.
Reasoning in the abstract, thinking in terms of an economy rather than in terms of the real exchanges which comprise it, is an easy and often useful cognitive shortcut.
However, taking this shortcut can often have devastating consequences: we make decisions prioritising the economy over the living world, forgetting that without that real world, the economy couldn't possibly exist in the first place.

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Spotify and the death of music