* [-] interactive ray tracing * [x] introduction post * [x] introduce ray tracing as a topic * [x] little bitta history * [x] assert value of non-rtx ray tracing * [x] break down upcoming chapters, basically a table of contents * [-] what does ray tracing get us? * [ ] global illumination * [ ] real reflection, refraction * [-] smooth curves * [ ] camera artifacts * [-] esoteric modelling - relativistic rendering * [ ] technique fundamentals * [ ] introduce other resources * [ ] ray tracing in one weekend * [ ] unity gpu compute * [ ] dans opengl compute post * [ ] constraints for interactivity * [ ] 1spp * [ ] necessary invalidation of accumulated samples for example when the camera moves, or moving objects * [ ] anatomy of a trace: taking a sample from a scene * [ ] pinhole camera model * [ ] screen as view plane * [ ] constructing rays * [ ] camera jitter * [ ] optics * [ ] camera * [ ] aperture * [ ] focus * [ ] shutter * [ ] * [ ] acceleration * [ ] constructing a g-buffer * [ ] depth importance sampling * [ ] linearly blending frames * [ ] relativistic ray tracing * [ ] c-ship * [ ] model to describe aberration of light * [ ] doppler and searchlight effects * [ ] colour spaces * [-] orbits * [x] intro * [ ] keplerian orbits * [ ] ellipses * [ ] getting the eccentric anomaly * [ ] newton's method * [ ] binary search * [ ] calculating the true anomaly * [ ] orbital state vectors * [ ] transfer orbits * [ ] hohmann * [ ] brachistocrone * [ ] set up a git server w ssh * [ ] https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/git/git-server/ * [ ] https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/product-guides/cloud-server/ssh-security-sftp-ubuntu-cloud-server/ * [ ] real-time operating systems * [ ] todo lists * [ ] meta af * [ ] nesting them like this is super cool