diff --git a/blogs/2023/8/3/DSC04367.JPG b/blogs/2023/8/3/DSC04367.JPG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76dd59f Binary files /dev/null and b/blogs/2023/8/3/DSC04367.JPG differ diff --git a/blogs/2023/8/3/croissants-are-shit-after-noon.md b/blogs/2023/8/3/croissants-are-shit-after-noon.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61d1319 --- /dev/null +++ b/blogs/2023/8/3/croissants-are-shit-after-noon.md @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +# Croissants are Shit After Noon + +![from the window](DSC04367.JPG) + +I've been living in Paris for the past couple of months and I thought I'd share some of my observations on the place, the language, and the adventure as a whole. +I've spent most of my adult life living in London, so I'd primarily like to draw some comparisons between the two cities. +Though there are two [classic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Tale_of_Two_Cities) [books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_and_Out_in_Paris_and_London) comparing them, I'll open this post by admitting I haven't read them, and that's only the start of my ignorance. + +## French + +I spoke French as a 6 or 7 year old, and went to an international school in the Paris. +This means I have the [phonemes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoneme) associated with French, for example the trilled 'r' in F**rrr**ance, or the guttural 'yeugh' in meill**eur**. +However, this is about where my advantages end, much to my chagrin. + +In the years since leaving Paris, my French had atrophied, virtually to completion. +Children are great at picking up accents and languages, but they're great at losing them too, it would seem! +After a few years of clawing it back - I'll save the details of my approach for another post - I felt comfortable visting France on holiday, ordering things in restaurants and navigating within or between cities. +I was not prepared for the intensity of spending an entire evening or day speaking nothing but French. + +As it turns out, using a language you're not fluent in is **taxing**. +Trying to keep up with a conversation between natives is Sisyphean, as they'll speak to each other faster than I can parse what's said, let alone try to form a response. +This isn't the worst thing in the world for myself - I quite enjoy just watching and listening, rather than always taking a vocal part - but I can imagine the dynamic is strange for those I've spent time with in groups. + +One-on-one, the situation is a little better. +I can't be more than a phrase or two behind in context, and if I've not understood something or make a nonsensical reply, it's an opportunity to check in and get myself back on firm ground. +The flipside is that I've no chance to recuperate. +On one evening, I went to a friend's house, had a beer, and played some chess. +We spoke in French the whole time, and it was a pleasant evening. +However, as it started to get late, I started to flag - I was slow to understand what he said, and even slower to put together a response. +As he walked me back to the metro station, he asked if I'd get home OK, to which I could barely manage a 'oui'! +Once on the train, the language-parsing part of my brain no longer in demand, I felt almost immediately more energetic. +I hadn't expected the impact of speaking another language for an extended period to be quite so physical, so visceral. + +I'm very grateful to the few friends I've made here for putting up with me, though they all speak better English than I do French. +I'm also humbled. +The UK has a large immigrant population, all of whom have had to learn English. +People speaking accented English is so normal and widespread that it's become utterly unremarkable, though it very much is. +At some point every single one of them has gone through having to spend hours, days or weeks communicating in a language other than their mother tongue, often as a necessity for a job, without even having the fallback that I've had, being an anglophone in Paris. + +Overall, my immersion strategy has been successful: I speak far better French than I did at the start of the summer. +It's developed primarily my ability to speak and listen, rather than to read and write. +Even then, my command of the grammar and vocubalary hasn't advanced so much as my confidence. +I think this has been driven in part by necessity. +In a conversation, you don't have time to translate completely what someone's said, so you draw on context and what little you've parsed in the split-second after the other has spoken. +This, coupled with a slapped-together reply, has been the unit of practice I've been trying to encounter as much as possible. + +Then, it's been driven by having confirmation. +After putting together some phrase and speaking it, and the next response comes, it's brilliant: I've been understood! +Though a totally normal thing, every time I'm understood in French is a moment of magic for me. +Being able to carry and continue conversations on a wide range of topics, without constant faux pas or speaking gibberish, has bolstered my confidence like nothing else. + +I feel that on my return to the UK, my continued French learning will be all the more effective as a result of this experience. + +## The French + +Parisians have a reputation for being rude to outsiders. +In my experience this hasn't been the case at all, I've found them to be accommodating and (almost overly) polite. +In London it's rare to greet others on the street, or even to look them in the eye. +That's not the case at all in Paris, though it's a denser city, and just as metropolitan. +Walking past people on the stairs in my building, or navigating a shop, or public transport, people are always sure to say hello, and to wish each other a nice day on departure. +There are more smiles in Paris than London. + +They're very ready to talk about politics, language, culture, France itself of course and are very open on a number of topics I'm too British to risk mentioning here. +I think the notion of their rudeness is a misinterpretation of what is actually directness. +The British operate a social culture of subterfuge and doublespeak, whereby it's common to express your displeasure to someone and for them to receive it with a smile, left to understand the reproach only later, or never. +The French play no such game: they say what they think. +Personally, I'm a fan of this direct approach. +I find it hard enough to determine what someone means even when they're not trying to hoodwink me. +With the French, I'm much less worried that someone may be or have been duplicitous. + +The stereotype of a smoking, drinking Frenchie, I'm sad to say, holds no water at all. Of the friends and acquiantances I've made, not a single one has smoked, only a handful have had alcohol and a good number of them have even been vegan. + +## The Lifestyle + +Parisian authorities have a concept of a ['15 minute city'](https://www.thelocal.fr/20230215/what-is-a-15-minute-city-and-how-is-it-working-in-paris). +The idea is that one's daily needs should be within 15 minutes of where they live. +For my flat in central Paris, this is absolutely true. +This is true even to the extent that Gare du Nord, my link back to London, is but 10 minutes on the metro from where I sleep. +Combined with the fact that metro lines run quite comfortably in to the early hours makes travel in and around the city faster, cheaper and dare I say even more convenient than that in London. + +The French prioritisation of lifestyle over personal assiduity is clear as every night, weekend or otherwise, the eateries and bars are packed to the brim. +Even walking around to find bites for lunch, the brasseries are packed, and on any evening even approaching warmth the shores of the Seine are shoulder-to-shoulder. + +The necessary ingredients for such a lifestyle are easily accessible, too; a coffee, croissant and a baguette - breakfast and most of the way to lunch - together cost less than a coffee on its own would in London. +Wine is readily available in almost every building with a door and far cheaper than a London pub. +Beer is the only loser here, which is still about blow-for-blow for when you're out in Soho. + +The emphasis on freshness is palpable in a way one doesn't find in the UK - indeed, 'fresh' is a bit of a stretch for any food item in the country at the moment. +For most of my working life I've tended to take lunches quite late, but am having to adapt my strategies here. +If I fancy a pastry, I'm sure to get them in the morning. +From the same chain boulangerie, I made the mistake the other day of buying a croissant at 16h, or four in the afternoon, and it was horrible. +The same bakery has served me plenty of delicious ones both before and after, but at that time in the afternoon it was dry as a bone, and the butter in it tasted almost salty. + +## Isolation + +Though a fascinating, enjoyable and productive linguistic and cultural experience, I have experienced more homesickness than I expected to. +The last time I moved to a city alone was to the Midlands for university, but I quickly made friends on my course and made use of university societies. + +It is much more difficult here. + +Not only is it a new city and a new language, but as an adult in full-time work wanting to make adult friends who'll also be in full-time work, my opportunities for making friends are painfully finite. +When I do have time to find and make new friends, I still have to contend with plain old exhaustion. + +This is also my first experience living alone for an extended stretch. +Again, though informative and an experience I'm grateful for, I think I'd prefer to live with others. + +I've enjoyed my time in France, and plan to make the most of my last few weeks, but there is a part of me that I didn't expect to pine as much as it has for home. + +À la prochaine! + +![jacques](jacques.jpg) diff --git a/blogs/2023/8/3/jacques.jpg b/blogs/2023/8/3/jacques.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a58306d Binary files /dev/null and b/blogs/2023/8/3/jacques.jpg differ