172 lines
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172 lines
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# BSD 3-Clause License
# This file is part of the Basalt project.
# https://gitlab.com/VladyslavUsenko/basalt.git
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Vladyslav Usenko and Nikolaus Demmel.
# All rights reserved.
import copy
import numpy as np
class ExperimentSpec:
def __init__(self, string):
if "@it" in string:
self.name, it = string.split("@it")
self.it = int(it)
self.name = string
self.it = -1
def display_name(self, exp):
if self.it == -1:
return exp.display_name
return "{} @ it{}".format(exp.display_name, self.it)
class Metric:
def __init__(self,
self.display_name = display_name
self.accessor = accessor
self.decimals = decimals
self.display_decimals = None
self.relative_to_column = None
self.relative_to_experiment = None
self.relative_to_metric = None
self.ratio = True
self.format_string = format_string
self.highlight_top = highlight_top
self.larger_is_better = larger_is_better
self.exclude_columns_highlight = []
self.geometric_mean = geometric_mean
self.failed_threshold = None
def set_config(self, spec):
# change defaults in case of "relative_to_..." display mode
if any(k in spec for k in ["relative_to_column", "relative_to_experiment", "relative_to_metric"]):
# maybe overwritten by explicit "decimals" / "format_string" below
self.decimals = 3
self.display_decimals = 3
self.format_string = "{:.3f}"
self.geometric_mean = True
if "display_name" in spec:
self.display_name = spec.display_name
if "decimals" in spec:
self.decimals = spec.decimals
if "display_decimals" in spec:
self.display_decimals = spec.display_decimals
if "relative_to_column" in spec:
self.relative_to_column = spec.relative_to_column
if "relative_to_experiment" in spec:
self.relative_to_experiment = ExperimentSpec(spec.relative_to_experiment)
if "relative_to_metric" in spec:
self.relative_to_metric = spec.relative_to_metric
if "ratio" in spec:
self.ratio = spec.ratio
if "format_string" in spec:
self.format_string = spec.format_string
if "highlight_top" in spec:
self.highlight_top = spec.highlight_top
if "larger_is_better" in spec:
self.larger_is_better = spec.larger_is_better
if "exclude_columns_highlight" in spec:
self.exclude_columns_highlight = spec.exclude_columns_highlight
if "geometric_mean" in spec:
self.geometric_mean = spec.geometric_mean
if "failed_threshold" in spec:
self.failed_threshold = spec.failed_threshold
def effective_display_decimals(self):
if self.display_decimals is not None:
return self.display_decimals
return self.decimals
def get_value(self, exps, e, s, it):
value = self.accessor(e.runs[s].log, it)
#except AttributeError as err:
# raise
if self.relative_to_metric is not None:
relative_to_metric_accessor = self.relative_to_metric.accessor
relative_to_metric_accessor = self.accessor
if self.relative_to_experiment is not None:
relative_to_log = exps[self.relative_to_experiment.name].runs[s].log
relative_to_it = self.relative_to_experiment.it
relative_to_log = e.runs[s].log
relative_to_it = it
if self.relative_to_metric is not None or self.relative_to_experiment is not None:
base_value = relative_to_metric_accessor(relative_to_log, relative_to_it)
if self.ratio:
value = value / base_value
value = base_value - value
return value
def peak_memory_opt(l, it):
if it == -1:
index = -1
index = int(l.all.num_it[:it + 1].sum()) - 1
return l.all.resident_memory_peak[index] / 1024**2
# yapf: disable
metric_desc = dict(
ev_min=Metric("min ev", lambda l, it: min(min(x) for x in l.sums.marg_ev), 1),
avg_num_it=Metric("avg #it", lambda l, it: np.mean(l.sums.num_it), 1),
avg_num_it_failed=Metric("avg #it-fail", lambda l, it: np.mean(l.sums.num_it_rejected), 1),
duration=Metric("duration (s)", lambda l, it: l.duration(), 1),
time_marg=Metric("t marg", lambda l, it: np.sum(l.sums.marginalize), 2),
time_opt=Metric("t opt", lambda l, it: np.sum(l.sums.optimize), 2),
time_optmarg=Metric("t opt", lambda l, it: np.sum(l.sums.optimize) + np.sum(l.sums.marginalize), 2),
time_exec=Metric("t exec", lambda l, it: l.vio.exec_time_s[0], 1),
time_exec_realtimefactor=Metric("t exec (rtf)", lambda l, it: l.duration() / l.vio.exec_time_s[0], 1, larger_is_better=True),
time_measure=Metric("t meas", lambda l, it: np.sum(l.sums.measure), 1),
time_measure_realtimefactor=Metric("t meas (rtf)", lambda l, it: l.duration() / np.sum(l.sums.measure), 1, larger_is_better=True),
time_exec_minus_measure=Metric("t exec - meas", lambda l, it: l.vio.exec_time_s[0] - np.sum(l.sums.measure), 1),
time_measure_minus_optmarg=Metric("t exec - (opt + marg)", lambda l, it: np.sum(l.sums.measure) - (np.sum(l.sums.optimize) + np.sum(l.sums.marginalize)), 1),
ate_num_kfs=Metric("ATE #kf", lambda l, it: l.vio.ate_num_kfs[0], 0),
ate_rmse=Metric("ATE", lambda l, it: l.vio.ate_rmse[0], 3),
peak_memory=Metric("mem peak (MB)", lambda l, it: l.vio.resident_memory_peak[0] / 1024**2, 1),
#peak_memory_opt=Metric("mem peak opt (MB)", lambda l, it: l.all.resident_memory_peak[l.all.num_it[:it].sum()-1] / 1024**2, 1),
peak_memory_opt=Metric("mem peak opt (MB)", peak_memory_opt, 1),
# yapf: enable
def metrics_from_config(spec):
def get_from_spec(m):
if isinstance(m, str):
obj = copy.copy(metric_desc[m])
obj = copy.copy(metric_desc[m.name])
if obj.relative_to_metric is not None:
obj.relative_to_metric = get_from_spec(obj.relative_to_metric)
return obj
return [get_from_spec(m) for m in spec]