#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import math import os import argparse import numpy as np parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check the dataset. Report if any images are missing.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset-path', required=True, help="Path to the dataset in Euroc format") args = parser.parse_args() dataset_path = args.dataset_path print(dataset_path) timestamps = {} exposures = {} for sensor in ['cam0', 'cam1', 'imu0']: data = np.loadtxt(dataset_path + '/mav0/' + sensor + '/data.csv', usecols=[0], delimiter=',', dtype=np.int64) timestamps[sensor] = data # check if dataset is OK... for key, value in timestamps.items(): times = value * 1e-9 min_t = times.min() max_t = times.max() interval = max_t - min_t diff = times[1:] - times[:-1] print('==========================================') print('sensor', key) print('min timestamp', min_t) print('max timestamp', max_t) print('interval', interval) print('hz', times.shape[0] / interval) print('min time between consecutive msgs', diff.min()) print('max time between consecutive msgs', diff.max()) for i, d in enumerate(diff): # Note: 0.001 is just a hacky heuristic, since we have nothing faster than 1000Hz. Should maybe be topic-specific. if d < 0.001: print("ERROR: Difference on consecutive measurements too small: {} - {} = {}".format(times[i + 1], times[i], d) + ' in sensor ' + key) # check if we have all images for timestamps timestamp_to_topic = {} for key, value in timestamps.items(): if not key.startswith('cam'): continue for v in value: if v not in timestamp_to_topic: timestamp_to_topic[v] = list() timestamp_to_topic[v].append(key) for key in timestamp_to_topic.keys(): if len(timestamp_to_topic[key]) != 2: print('timestamp', key, 'has topics', timestamp_to_topic[key]) # check image data. img_extensions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.webp'] for key, value in timestamps.items(): if not key.startswith('cam'): continue for v in value: path = dataset_path + '/mav0/' + key + '/data/' + str(v) img_exists = False for e in img_extensions: if os.path.exists(dataset_path + '/mav0/' + key + '/data/' + str(v) + e): img_exists = True if not img_exists: print('No image data for ' + key + ' at timestamp ' + str(v)) exposure_file = dataset_path + '/mav0/' + key + '/exposure.csv' if not os.path.exists(exposure_file): print('No exposure data for ' + key) continue exposure_data = np.loadtxt(exposure_file, delimiter=',', dtype=np.int64) for v in value: idx = np.searchsorted(exposure_data[:, 0], v) if exposure_data[idx, 0] != v: print('No exposure data for ' + key + ' at timestamp ' + str(v))