/** BSD 3-Clause License This file is part of the Basalt project. https://gitlab.com/VladyslavUsenko/basalt.git Copyright (c) 2019, Vladyslav Usenko and Nikolaus Demmel. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace basalt { KeypointVioEstimator::KeypointVioEstimator( double int_std_dev, const Eigen::Vector3d& g, const basalt::Calibration& calib, const VioConfig& config) : take_kf(true), frames_after_kf(0), g(g), initialized(false), config(config) { this->obs_std_dev = config.vio_obs_std_dev; this->huber_thresh = config.vio_obs_huber_thresh; this->calib = calib; // Setup marginalization marg_H.setZero(POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); marg_b.setZero(POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); double prior_weight = 1.0 / (int_std_dev * int_std_dev); // prior on position marg_H.diagonal().head<3>().setConstant(prior_weight); // prior on yaw marg_H(5, 5) = prior_weight; // small prior to avoid jumps in bias marg_H.diagonal().segment<3>(9).array() = 1e1; marg_H.diagonal().segment<3>(12).array() = 1e2; std::cout << "marg_H\n" << marg_H << std::endl; gyro_bias_weight.setConstant(1.0 / (calib.gyro_bias_std * calib.gyro_bias_std)); accel_bias_weight.setConstant(1.0 / (calib.accel_bias_std * calib.accel_bias_std)); max_states = std::numeric_limits::max(); max_kfs = std::numeric_limits::max(); opt_started = false; vision_data_queue.set_capacity(10); imu_data_queue.set_capacity(300); } void KeypointVioEstimator::initialize(int64_t t_ns, const Sophus::SE3d& T_w_i, const Eigen::Vector3d& vel_w_i, const Eigen::Vector3d& bg, const Eigen::Vector3d& ba) { initialized = true; T_w_i_init = T_w_i; last_state_t_ns = t_ns; imu_meas[t_ns] = IntegratedImuMeasurement(t_ns, bg, ba); frame_states[t_ns] = PoseVelBiasStateWithLin(t_ns, T_w_i, vel_w_i, bg, ba, true); marg_order.abs_order_map[t_ns] = std::make_pair(0, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); marg_order.total_size = POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; marg_order.items = 1; initialize(bg, ba); } void KeypointVioEstimator::initialize(const Eigen::Vector3d& bg, const Eigen::Vector3d& ba) { auto proc_func = [&, bg, ba] { OpticalFlowResult::Ptr prev_frame, curr_frame; IntegratedImuMeasurement::Ptr meas; ImuData::Ptr data; imu_data_queue.pop(data); while (true) { vision_data_queue.pop(curr_frame); if (!initialized) { Eigen::Vector3d vel_w_i_init; vel_w_i_init.setZero(); T_w_i_init.setQuaternion(Eigen::Quaterniond::FromTwoVectors( data->accel, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ())); last_state_t_ns = curr_frame->t_ns; imu_meas[last_state_t_ns] = IntegratedImuMeasurement(last_state_t_ns, bg, ba); frame_states[last_state_t_ns] = PoseVelBiasStateWithLin( last_state_t_ns, T_w_i_init, vel_w_i_init, bg, ba, true); marg_order.abs_order_map[last_state_t_ns] = std::make_pair(0, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); marg_order.total_size = POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; marg_order.items = 1; std::cout << "Setting up filter: t_ns " << last_state_t_ns << std::endl; std::cout << "T_w_i\n" << T_w_i_init.matrix() << std::endl; std::cout << "vel_w_i " << vel_w_i_init.transpose() << std::endl; initialized = true; } if (!curr_frame.get()) { break; } if (prev_frame) { // preintegrate measurements auto last_state = frame_states.at(last_state_t_ns); meas.reset(new IntegratedImuMeasurement( prev_frame->t_ns, last_state.getState().bias_gyro, last_state.getState().bias_accel)); while (data->t_ns <= prev_frame->t_ns) { imu_data_queue.pop(data); if (!data.get()) break; } while (data->t_ns <= curr_frame->t_ns) { meas->integrate(*data); imu_data_queue.pop(data); if (!data.get()) break; } if (meas->get_start_t_ns() + meas->get_dt_ns() < curr_frame->t_ns) { int64_t tmp = data->t_ns; data->t_ns = curr_frame->t_ns; meas->integrate(*data); data->t_ns = tmp; } } measure(curr_frame, meas); prev_frame = curr_frame; } if (out_vis_queue) out_vis_queue->push(nullptr); if (out_marg_queue) out_marg_queue->push(nullptr); if (out_state_queue) out_state_queue->push(nullptr); finished = true; std::cout << "Finished VIOFilter " << std::endl; }; processing_thread.reset(new std::thread(proc_func)); } void KeypointVioEstimator::addIMUToQueue(const ImuData::Ptr& data) { imu_data_queue.emplace(data); } void KeypointVioEstimator::addVisionToQueue( const OpticalFlowResult::Ptr& data) { vision_data_queue.push(data); } bool KeypointVioEstimator::measure(const OpticalFlowResult::Ptr& opt_flow_meas, const IntegratedImuMeasurement::Ptr& meas) { if (meas.get()) { BASALT_ASSERT(frame_states[last_state_t_ns].getState().t_ns == meas->get_start_t_ns()); BASALT_ASSERT(opt_flow_meas->t_ns == meas->get_dt_ns() + meas->get_start_t_ns()); PoseVelBiasState next_state = frame_states.at(last_state_t_ns).getState(); meas->predictState(frame_states.at(last_state_t_ns).getState(), g, next_state); last_state_t_ns = opt_flow_meas->t_ns; next_state.t_ns = opt_flow_meas->t_ns; frame_states[last_state_t_ns] = next_state; imu_meas[meas->get_start_t_ns()] = *meas; } // save results prev_opt_flow_res[opt_flow_meas->t_ns] = opt_flow_meas; // Make new residual for existing keypoints int connected0 = 0; std::map num_points_connected; std::unordered_set unconnected_obs0; for (size_t i = 0; i < opt_flow_meas->observations.size(); i++) { TimeCamId tcid_target(opt_flow_meas->t_ns, i); for (const auto& kv_obs : opt_flow_meas->observations[i]) { int kpt_id = kv_obs.first; auto it = kpts.find(kpt_id); if (it != kpts.end()) { const TimeCamId& tcid_host = it->second.kf_id; KeypointObservation kobs; kobs.kpt_id = kpt_id; kobs.pos = kv_obs.second.translation().cast(); obs[tcid_host][tcid_target].push_back(kobs); if (num_points_connected.count(tcid_host.first) == 0) { num_points_connected[tcid_host.first] = 0; } num_points_connected[tcid_host.first]++; if (i == 0) connected0++; } else { if (i == 0) { unconnected_obs0.emplace(kpt_id); } } } } if (double(connected0) / (connected0 + unconnected_obs0.size()) < config.vio_new_kf_keypoints_thresh && frames_after_kf > config.vio_min_frames_after_kf) take_kf = true; if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "connected0 " << connected0 << " unconnected0 " << unconnected_obs0.size() << std::endl; } if (take_kf) { // Triangulate new points from stereo and make keyframe for camera 0 take_kf = false; frames_after_kf = 0; kf_ids.emplace(last_state_t_ns); TimeCamId tcidl(opt_flow_meas->t_ns, 0); int num_points_added = 0; for (int lm_id : unconnected_obs0) { // Find all observations std::map kp_obs; for (const auto& kv : prev_opt_flow_res) { for (size_t k = 0; k < kv.second->observations.size(); k++) { auto it = kv.second->observations[k].find(lm_id); if (it != kv.second->observations[k].end()) { TimeCamId tcido(kv.first, k); KeypointObservation kobs; kobs.kpt_id = lm_id; kobs.pos = it->second.translation().cast(); // obs[tcidl][tcido].push_back(kobs); kp_obs[tcido] = kobs; } } } // triangulate bool valid_kp = false; for (const auto& kv_obs : kp_obs) { if (valid_kp) break; TimeCamId tcido = kv_obs.first; const Eigen::Vector2d p0 = opt_flow_meas->observations.at(0) .at(lm_id) .translation() .cast(); const Eigen::Vector2d p1 = prev_opt_flow_res[tcido.first] ->observations[tcido.second] .at(lm_id) .translation() .cast(); Eigen::Vector4d p0_3d, p1_3d; bool valid1 = calib.intrinsics[0].unproject(p0, p0_3d); bool valid2 = calib.intrinsics[tcido.second].unproject(p1, p1_3d); if (!valid1 || !valid2) continue; Sophus::SE3d T_i0_i1 = getPoseStateWithLin(tcidl.first).getPose().inverse() * getPoseStateWithLin(tcido.first).getPose(); Sophus::SE3d T_0_1 = calib.T_i_c[0].inverse() * T_i0_i1 * calib.T_i_c[tcido.second]; if (T_0_1.translation().squaredNorm() < 0.03 * 0.03) continue; Eigen::Vector4d p0_triangulated = triangulate(p0_3d.head<3>(), p1_3d.head<3>(), T_0_1); if (p0_triangulated[2] > 0) { KeypointPosition kpt_pos; kpt_pos.kf_id = tcidl; kpt_pos.dir = StereographicParam::project(p0_triangulated); kpt_pos.id = 1.0 / p0_triangulated.norm(); if (kpt_pos.id > 0 && kpt_pos.id < 10) { kpts[lm_id] = kpt_pos; num_points_added++; valid_kp = true; } } } if (valid_kp) { for (const auto& kv_obs : kp_obs) { obs[tcidl][kv_obs.first].push_back(kv_obs.second); } } } num_points_kf[opt_flow_meas->t_ns] = num_points_added; } else { frames_after_kf++; } optimize(); marginalize(num_points_connected); if (out_state_queue) { PoseVelBiasStateWithLin p = frame_states.at(last_state_t_ns); PoseVelBiasState::Ptr data(new PoseVelBiasState(p.getState())); out_state_queue->push(data); } if (out_vis_queue) { VioVisualizationData::Ptr data(new VioVisualizationData); data->t_ns = last_state_t_ns; for (const auto& kv : frame_states) { data->states.emplace_back(kv.second.getState().T_w_i); } for (const auto& kv : frame_poses) { data->frames.emplace_back(kv.second.getPose()); } get_current_points(data->points, data->point_ids); data->projections.resize(opt_flow_meas->observations.size()); computeProjections(data->projections); data->opt_flow_res = prev_opt_flow_res[last_state_t_ns]; out_vis_queue->push(data); } last_processed_t_ns = last_state_t_ns; return true; } Eigen::VectorXd KeypointVioEstimator::checkNullspace( const Eigen::MatrixXd& H, const Eigen::VectorXd& b, const AbsOrderMap& order, const Eigen::map& frame_states, const Eigen::map& frame_poses) { BASALT_ASSERT(size_t(H.cols()) == order.total_size); size_t marg_size = order.total_size; Eigen::VectorXd inc_x, inc_y, inc_z, inc_roll, inc_pitch, inc_yaw; inc_x.setZero(marg_size); inc_y.setZero(marg_size); inc_z.setZero(marg_size); inc_roll.setZero(marg_size); inc_pitch.setZero(marg_size); inc_yaw.setZero(marg_size); int num_trans = 0; Eigen::Vector3d mean_trans; mean_trans.setZero(); // Compute mean translation for (const auto& kv : order.abs_order_map) { Eigen::Vector3d trans; if (kv.second.second == POSE_SIZE) { mean_trans += frame_poses.at(kv.first).getPoseLin().translation(); num_trans++; } else if (kv.second.second == POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE) { mean_trans += frame_states.at(kv.first).getStateLin().T_w_i.translation(); num_trans++; } else { std::cerr << "Unknown size of the state: " << kv.second.second << std::endl; std::abort(); } } mean_trans /= num_trans; double eps = 0.01; // Compute nullspace increments for (const auto& kv : order.abs_order_map) { inc_x(kv.second.first + 0) = eps; inc_y(kv.second.first + 1) = eps; inc_z(kv.second.first + 2) = eps; inc_roll(kv.second.first + 3) = eps; inc_pitch(kv.second.first + 4) = eps; inc_yaw(kv.second.first + 5) = eps; Eigen::Vector3d trans; if (kv.second.second == POSE_SIZE) { trans = frame_poses.at(kv.first).getPoseLin().translation(); } else if (kv.second.second == POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE) { trans = frame_states.at(kv.first).getStateLin().T_w_i.translation(); } else { BASALT_ASSERT(false); } trans -= mean_trans; Eigen::Matrix3d J = -Sophus::SO3d::hat(trans); J *= eps; inc_roll.segment<3>(kv.second.first) = J.col(0); inc_pitch.segment<3>(kv.second.first) = J.col(1); inc_yaw.segment<3>(kv.second.first) = J.col(2); if (kv.second.second == POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE) { Eigen::Vector3d vel = frame_states.at(kv.first).getStateLin().vel_w_i; Eigen::Matrix3d J_vel = -Sophus::SO3d::hat(vel); J_vel *= eps; inc_roll.segment<3>(kv.second.first + POSE_SIZE) = J_vel.col(0); inc_pitch.segment<3>(kv.second.first + POSE_SIZE) = J_vel.col(1); inc_yaw.segment<3>(kv.second.first + POSE_SIZE) = J_vel.col(2); } } inc_x.normalize(); inc_y.normalize(); inc_z.normalize(); inc_roll.normalize(); inc_pitch.normalize(); inc_yaw.normalize(); // std::cout << "inc_x " << inc_x.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "inc_y " << inc_y.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "inc_z " << inc_z.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cout << "inc_yaw " << inc_yaw.transpose() << std::endl; Eigen::VectorXd inc_random; inc_random.setRandom(marg_size); inc_random.normalize(); Eigen::VectorXd xHx(7), xb(7); xHx[0] = 0.5 * inc_x.transpose() * H * inc_x; xHx[1] = 0.5 * inc_y.transpose() * H * inc_y; xHx[2] = 0.5 * inc_z.transpose() * H * inc_z; xHx[3] = 0.5 * inc_roll.transpose() * H * inc_roll; xHx[4] = 0.5 * inc_pitch.transpose() * H * inc_pitch; xHx[5] = 0.5 * inc_yaw.transpose() * H * inc_yaw; xHx[6] = 0.5 * inc_random.transpose() * H * inc_random; xb[0] = inc_x.transpose() * b; xb[1] = inc_y.transpose() * b; xb[2] = inc_z.transpose() * b; xb[3] = inc_roll.transpose() * b; xb[4] = inc_pitch.transpose() * b; xb[5] = inc_yaw.transpose() * b; xb[6] = inc_random.transpose() * b; std::cout << "nullspace x_trans: " << xHx[0] << " + " << xb[0] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace y_trans: " << xHx[1] << " + " << xb[1] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace z_trans: " << xHx[2] << " + " << xb[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace roll : " << xHx[3] << " + " << xb[3] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace pitch : " << xHx[4] << " + " << xb[4] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace yaw : " << xHx[5] << " + " << xb[5] << std::endl; std::cout << "nullspace random : " << xHx[6] << " + " << xb[6] << std::endl; return xHx + xb; } void KeypointVioEstimator::checkMargNullspace() const { checkNullspace(marg_H, marg_b, marg_order, frame_states, frame_poses); } void KeypointVioEstimator::marginalize( const std::map& num_points_connected) { if (!opt_started) return; if (frame_poses.size() > max_kfs || frame_states.size() >= max_states) { // Marginalize const int states_to_remove = frame_states.size() - max_states + 1; auto it = frame_states.cbegin(); for (int i = 0; i < states_to_remove; i++) it++; int64_t last_state_to_marg = it->first; AbsOrderMap aom; // remove all frame_poses that are not kfs std::set poses_to_marg; for (const auto& kv : frame_poses) { aom.abs_order_map[kv.first] = std::make_pair(aom.total_size, POSE_SIZE); if (kf_ids.count(kv.first) == 0) poses_to_marg.emplace(kv.first); // Check that we have the same order as marginalization BASALT_ASSERT(marg_order.abs_order_map.at(kv.first) == aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first)); aom.total_size += POSE_SIZE; aom.items++; } std::set states_to_marg_vel_bias; std::set states_to_marg_all; for (const auto& kv : frame_states) { if (kv.first > last_state_to_marg) break; if (kv.first != last_state_to_marg) { if (kf_ids.count(kv.first) > 0) { states_to_marg_vel_bias.emplace(kv.first); } else { states_to_marg_all.emplace(kv.first); } } aom.abs_order_map[kv.first] = std::make_pair(aom.total_size, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); // Check that we have the same order as marginalization if (aom.items < marg_order.abs_order_map.size()) BASALT_ASSERT(marg_order.abs_order_map.at(kv.first) == aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first)); aom.total_size += POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; aom.items++; } auto kf_ids_all = kf_ids; std::set kfs_to_marg; while (kf_ids.size() > max_kfs && !states_to_marg_vel_bias.empty()) { int64_t id_to_marg = -1; { std::vector ids; for (int64_t id : kf_ids) { ids.push_back(id); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.size() - 2; i++) { if (num_points_connected.count(ids[i]) == 0 || (num_points_connected.at(ids[i]) / num_points_kf.at(ids[i]) < 0.05)) { id_to_marg = ids[i]; break; } } } if (id_to_marg < 0) { std::vector ids; for (int64_t id : kf_ids) { ids.push_back(id); } int64_t last_kf = *kf_ids.crbegin(); double min_score = std::numeric_limits::max(); int64_t min_score_id = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.size() - 2; i++) { double denom = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < ids.size() - 2; j++) { denom += 1 / ((frame_poses.at(ids[i]).getPose().translation() - frame_poses.at(ids[j]).getPose().translation()) .norm() + 1e-5); } double score = std::sqrt( (frame_poses.at(ids[i]).getPose().translation() - frame_states.at(last_kf).getState().T_w_i.translation()) .norm()) * denom; if (score < min_score) { min_score_id = ids[i]; min_score = score; } } id_to_marg = min_score_id; } kfs_to_marg.emplace(id_to_marg); poses_to_marg.emplace(id_to_marg); kf_ids.erase(id_to_marg); } // std::cout << "marg order" << std::endl; // aom.print_order(); // std::cout << "marg prior order" << std::endl; // marg_order.print_order(); if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "states_to_remove " << states_to_remove << std::endl; std::cout << "poses_to_marg.size() " << poses_to_marg.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "states_to_marg.size() " << states_to_marg_all.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "state_to_marg_vel_bias.size() " << states_to_marg_vel_bias.size() << std::endl; std::cout << "kfs_to_marg.size() " << kfs_to_marg.size() << std::endl; } size_t asize = aom.total_size; double marg_prior_error; double imu_error, bg_error, ba_error; DenseAccumulator accum; accum.reset(asize); { // Linearize points Eigen::map>> obs_to_lin; for (auto it = obs.cbegin(); it != obs.cend();) { if (kfs_to_marg.count(it->first.first) > 0) { for (auto it2 = it->second.cbegin(); it2 != it->second.cend(); ++it2) { if (it2->first.first <= last_state_to_marg) obs_to_lin[it->first].emplace(*it2); } it = obs.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } double rld_error; Eigen::vector rld_vec; linearizeHelper(rld_vec, obs_to_lin, rld_error); for (auto& rld : rld_vec) { rld.invert_keypoint_hessians(); Eigen::MatrixXd rel_H; Eigen::VectorXd rel_b; linearizeRel(rld, rel_H, rel_b); linearizeAbs(rel_H, rel_b, rld, aom, accum); } // remove points for (auto it = kpts.cbegin(); it != kpts.cend();) { if (kfs_to_marg.count(it->second.kf_id.first) > 0) { it = kpts.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } linearizeAbsIMU(aom, accum.getH(), accum.getB(), imu_error, bg_error, ba_error, frame_states, imu_meas, gyro_bias_weight, accel_bias_weight, g); linearizeMargPrior(aom, accum.getH(), accum.getB(), marg_prior_error); // Save marginalization prior if (out_marg_queue && !kfs_to_marg.empty()) { // int64_t kf_id = *kfs_to_marg.begin(); { MargData::Ptr m(new MargData); m->aom = aom; m->abs_H = accum.getH(); m->abs_b = accum.getB(); m->frame_poses = frame_poses; m->frame_states = frame_states; m->kfs_all = kf_ids_all; m->kfs_to_marg = kfs_to_marg; for (int64_t t : m->kfs_all) { m->opt_flow_res.emplace_back(prev_opt_flow_res.at(t)); } out_marg_queue->push(m); } } std::set idx_to_keep, idx_to_marg; for (const auto& kv : aom.abs_order_map) { if (kv.second.second == POSE_SIZE) { int start_idx = kv.second.first; if (poses_to_marg.count(kv.first) == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_SIZE; i++) idx_to_keep.emplace(start_idx + i); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_SIZE; i++) idx_to_marg.emplace(start_idx + i); } } else { BASALT_ASSERT(kv.second.second == POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); // state int start_idx = kv.second.first; if (states_to_marg_all.count(kv.first) > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; i++) idx_to_marg.emplace(start_idx + i); } else if (states_to_marg_vel_bias.count(kv.first) > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_SIZE; i++) idx_to_keep.emplace(start_idx + i); for (size_t i = POSE_SIZE; i < POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; i++) idx_to_marg.emplace(start_idx + i); } else { BASALT_ASSERT(kv.first == last_state_to_marg); for (size_t i = 0; i < POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; i++) idx_to_keep.emplace(start_idx + i); } } } if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "keeping " << idx_to_keep.size() << " marg " << idx_to_marg.size() << " total " << asize << std::endl; std::cout << "last_state_to_marg " << last_state_to_marg << " frame_poses " << frame_poses.size() << " frame_states " << frame_states.size() << std::endl; } Eigen::MatrixXd marg_H_new; Eigen::VectorXd marg_b_new; marginalizeHelper(accum.getH(), accum.getB(), idx_to_keep, idx_to_marg, marg_H_new, marg_b_new); { BASALT_ASSERT(frame_states.at(last_state_to_marg).isLinearized() == false); frame_states.at(last_state_to_marg).setLinTrue(); } for (const int64_t id : states_to_marg_all) { frame_states.erase(id); imu_meas.erase(id); prev_opt_flow_res.erase(id); } for (const int64_t id : states_to_marg_vel_bias) { const PoseVelBiasStateWithLin& state = frame_states.at(id); PoseStateWithLin pose(state); frame_poses[id] = pose; frame_states.erase(id); imu_meas.erase(id); } for (const int64_t id : poses_to_marg) { frame_poses.erase(id); prev_opt_flow_res.erase(id); } for (auto it = obs.begin(); it != obs.end(); ++it) { for (auto it2 = it->second.cbegin(); it2 != it->second.cend();) { if (poses_to_marg.count(it2->first.first) > 0 || states_to_marg_all.count(it2->first.first) > 0) { it2 = it->second.erase(it2); } else { ++it2; } } } AbsOrderMap marg_order_new; for (const auto& kv : frame_poses) { marg_order_new.abs_order_map[kv.first] = std::make_pair(marg_order_new.total_size, POSE_SIZE); marg_order_new.total_size += POSE_SIZE; marg_order_new.items++; } { marg_order_new.abs_order_map[last_state_to_marg] = std::make_pair(marg_order_new.total_size, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); marg_order_new.total_size += POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; marg_order_new.items++; } marg_H = marg_H_new; marg_b = marg_b_new; marg_order = marg_order_new; BASALT_ASSERT(size_t(marg_H.cols()) == marg_order.total_size); Eigen::VectorXd delta; computeDelta(marg_order, delta); marg_b -= marg_H * delta; if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "marginalizaon done!!" << std::endl; std::cout << "======== Marg nullspace ==========" << std::endl; checkMargNullspace(); std::cout << "=================================" << std::endl; } // std::cout << "new marg prior order" << std::endl; // marg_order.print_order(); } } void KeypointVioEstimator::computeDelta(const AbsOrderMap& marg_order, Eigen::VectorXd& delta) const { size_t marg_size = marg_order.total_size; delta.setZero(marg_size); for (const auto& kv : marg_order.abs_order_map) { if (kv.second.second == POSE_SIZE) { BASALT_ASSERT(frame_poses.at(kv.first).isLinearized()); delta.segment(kv.second.first) = frame_poses.at(kv.first).getDelta(); } else if (kv.second.second == POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE) { BASALT_ASSERT(frame_states.at(kv.first).isLinearized()); delta.segment(kv.second.first) = frame_states.at(kv.first).getDelta(); } else { BASALT_ASSERT(false); } } } void KeypointVioEstimator::optimize() { if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "=================================" << std::endl; } if (opt_started || frame_states.size() > 4) { // Optimize opt_started = true; AbsOrderMap aom; for (const auto& kv : frame_poses) { aom.abs_order_map[kv.first] = std::make_pair(aom.total_size, POSE_SIZE); // Check that we have the same order as marginalization BASALT_ASSERT(marg_order.abs_order_map.at(kv.first) == aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first)); aom.total_size += POSE_SIZE; aom.items++; } for (const auto& kv : frame_states) { aom.abs_order_map[kv.first] = std::make_pair(aom.total_size, POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE); // Check that we have the same order as marginalization if (aom.items < marg_order.abs_order_map.size()) BASALT_ASSERT(marg_order.abs_order_map.at(kv.first) == aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first)); aom.total_size += POSE_VEL_BIAS_SIZE; aom.items++; } // std::cout << "opt order" << std::endl; // aom.print_order(); // std::cout << "marg prior order" << std::endl; // marg_order.print_order(); for (int iter = 0; iter < config.vio_max_iterations; iter++) { auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); double rld_error; Eigen::vector rld_vec; linearizeHelper(rld_vec, obs, rld_error); BundleAdjustmentBase::LinearizeAbsReduce> lopt( aom); tbb::blocked_range::iterator> range( rld_vec.begin(), rld_vec.end()); tbb::parallel_reduce(range, lopt); double marg_prior_error = 0; double imu_error = 0, bg_error = 0, ba_error = 0; linearizeAbsIMU(aom, lopt.accum.getH(), lopt.accum.getB(), imu_error, bg_error, ba_error, frame_states, imu_meas, gyro_bias_weight, accel_bias_weight, g); linearizeMargPrior(aom, lopt.accum.getH(), lopt.accum.getB(), marg_prior_error); double error_total = rld_error + imu_error + marg_prior_error + ba_error + bg_error; lopt.accum.getH().diagonal() *= 1.0001; const Eigen::VectorXd inc = lopt.accum.solve(); // apply increment to poses for (auto& kv : frame_poses) { int idx = aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first).first; kv.second.applyInc(-inc.segment(idx)); } // apply increment to states for (auto& kv : frame_states) { int idx = aom.abs_order_map.at(kv.first).first; kv.second.applyInc(-inc.segment(idx)); } // Update points tbb::blocked_range keys_range(0, rld_vec.size()); auto update_points_func = [&](const tbb::blocked_range& r) { for (size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) { const auto& rld = rld_vec[i]; updatePoints(aom, rld, inc); } }; tbb::parallel_for(keys_range, update_points_func); if (config.vio_debug) { double after_update_marg_prior_error = 0; double after_update_vision_error = 0, after_update_imu_error = 0, after_bg_error = 0, after_ba_error = 0; computeError(after_update_vision_error); computeImuError(aom, after_update_imu_error, after_bg_error, after_ba_error, frame_states, imu_meas, gyro_bias_weight, accel_bias_weight, g); computeMargPriorError(after_update_marg_prior_error); double after_error_total = after_update_vision_error + after_update_imu_error + after_update_marg_prior_error + after_bg_error + after_ba_error; double error_diff = error_total - after_error_total; auto t2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast(t2 - t1); std::cout << "iter " << iter << " before_update_error: vision: " << rld_error << " imu: " << imu_error << " bg_error: " << bg_error << " ba_error: " << ba_error << " marg_prior: " << marg_prior_error << " total: " << error_total << std::endl; std::cout << "iter " << iter << " after_update_error: vision: " << after_update_vision_error << " imu: " << after_update_imu_error << " bg_error: " << after_bg_error << " ba_error: " << after_ba_error << " marg prior: " << after_update_marg_prior_error << " total: " << after_error_total << " max_inc " << inc.array().abs().maxCoeff() << " error_diff " << error_diff << " time : " << elapsed.count() << "(us), num_states " << frame_states.size() << " num_poses " << frame_poses.size() << std::endl; if (after_error_total > error_total) { std::cout << "increased error after update!!!" << std::endl; } } if (inc.array().abs().maxCoeff() < 1e-4) break; // std::cerr << "LT\n" << LT << std::endl; // std::cerr << "z_p\n" << z_p.transpose() << std::endl; // std::cerr << "inc\n" << inc.transpose() << std::endl; } } if (config.vio_debug) { std::cout << "=================================" << std::endl; } } void KeypointVioEstimator::computeProjections( std::vector>& data) const { for (const auto& kv : obs) { const TimeCamId& tcid_h = kv.first; for (const auto& obs_kv : kv.second) { const TimeCamId& tcid_t = obs_kv.first; if (tcid_t.first != last_state_t_ns) continue; if (tcid_h != tcid_t) { PoseStateWithLin state_h = getPoseStateWithLin(tcid_h.first); PoseStateWithLin state_t = getPoseStateWithLin(tcid_t.first); Sophus::SE3d T_t_h_sophus = computeRelPose(state_h.getPose(), calib.T_i_c[tcid_h.second], state_t.getPose(), calib.T_i_c[tcid_t.second]); Eigen::Matrix4d T_t_h = T_t_h_sophus.matrix(); FrameRelLinData rld; std::visit( [&](const auto& cam) { for (size_t i = 0; i < obs_kv.second.size(); i++) { const KeypointObservation& kpt_obs = obs_kv.second[i]; const KeypointPosition& kpt_pos = kpts.at(kpt_obs.kpt_id); Eigen::Vector2d res; Eigen::Vector4d proj; linearizePoint(kpt_obs, kpt_pos, T_t_h, cam, res, nullptr, nullptr, &proj); proj[3] = kpt_obs.kpt_id; data[tcid_t.second].emplace_back(proj); } }, calib.intrinsics[tcid_t.second].variant); } else { // target and host are the same // residual does not depend on the pose // it just depends on the point std::visit( [&](const auto& cam) { for (size_t i = 0; i < obs_kv.second.size(); i++) { const KeypointObservation& kpt_obs = obs_kv.second[i]; const KeypointPosition& kpt_pos = kpts.at(kpt_obs.kpt_id); Eigen::Vector2d res; Eigen::Vector4d proj; linearizePoint(kpt_obs, kpt_pos, Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity(), cam, res, nullptr, nullptr, &proj); proj[3] = kpt_obs.kpt_id; data[tcid_t.second].emplace_back(proj); } }, calib.intrinsics[tcid_t.second].variant); } } } } } // namespace basalt