image: vladyslavusenko/b_image:latest variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive BUILD_TYPE: Release CXX_MARCH: native CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /usr/ DEB_DIR: deb stages: - build - test - eval - eval_results - deploy # template for docker builds with ccache .prepare_docker_template: &prepare_docker_definition tags: - docker before_script: - mkdir -p ccache - export CCACHE_BASEDIR=${PWD} - export CCACHE_DIR=${PWD}/ccache - ccache -s cache: paths: - ccache/ key: ${CI_JOB_NAME} # template for build & unit test & make deb configurations .compile_test_package_template: &compile_test_package_definition stage: build script: - mkdir build - cd build - cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE} -DCXX_MARCH=${CXX_MARCH} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} - make -j3 - ctest - make package - cd .. - mkdir $DEB_DIR - mv build/*.deb $DEB_DIR/ - dpkg -i $DEB_DIR/*.deb # smoke test to see if all executables at least start up - basalt_calibrate --help - basalt_calibrate_imu --help - basalt_mapper --help - basalt_mapper_sim --help - basalt_mapper_sim_naive --help - basalt_opt_flow --help - basalt_vio --help - basalt_vio_sim --help # template for build & unit test configurations (no deb) .compile_test_template: &compile_test_definition stage: build script: - mkdir build - cd build - cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${BUILD_TYPE} -DCXX_MARCH=${CXX_MARCH} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} - make -j3 - ctest # smoke test to see if all executables at least start up - ./basalt_calibrate --help - ./basalt_calibrate_imu --help - ./basalt_mapper --help - ./basalt_mapper_sim --help - ./basalt_mapper_sim_naive --help - ./basalt_opt_flow --help - ./basalt_vio --help - ./basalt_vio_sim --help # template to test debian .test_deb_template: &test_deb_definition stage: test tags: - docker script: - dpkg -i $DEB_DIR/*.deb # smoke test to see if all executables at least start up - basalt_calibrate --help - basalt_calibrate_imu --help - basalt_mapper --help - basalt_mapper_sim --help - basalt_mapper_sim_naive --help - basalt_opt_flow --help - basalt_vio --help - basalt_vio_sim --help bionic-release-compile: <<: *prepare_docker_definition <<: *compile_test_package_definition variables: CXX_MARCH: 'corei7-avx' DEB_DIR: deb_bionic artifacts: paths: - deb_bionic/*.deb - scripts/eval_full/* expire_in: 1 week xenial-release-compile: <<: *prepare_docker_definition <<: *compile_test_package_definition image: vladyslavusenko/b_image_xenial:latest only: - master variables: CXX_MARCH: 'corei7-avx' DEB_DIR: deb_xenial artifacts: paths: - deb_xenial/*.deb expire_in: 1 week bionic-debug-compile: <<: *prepare_docker_definition <<: *compile_test_package_definition only: - master variables: BUILD_TYPE: Debug bionic-relwithdebinfo-compile: <<: *prepare_docker_definition <<: *compile_test_package_definition only: - master variables: BUILD_TYPE: RelWithDebInfo elcapitan-relwithdebinfo-compile: <<: *compile_test_definition tags: [macos, "10.11"] only: - master variables: BUILD_TYPE: RelWithDebInfo # check if clang-format would make any changes clang-format: tags: - docker stage: build variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: none script: - ./scripts/ # check if any files are now modified and error if yes - (if [ -n "`git diff --name-only --diff-filter=M --ignore-submodules`" ]; then echo $'\n Some files are not properly formatted. You can use "./scripts/".\n'; git diff --diff-filter=M; false; fi) bionic-test: <<: *test_deb_definition variables: DEB_DIR: deb_bionic GIT_STRATEGY: none xenial-test: <<: *test_deb_definition image: vladyslavusenko/b_image_xenial:latest only: - master variables: DEB_DIR: deb_xenial GIT_STRATEGY: none # evaluate on EuRoC sequences eval_euroc: stage: eval parallel: 10 tags: [docker, dataset-eval] variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none only: - master artifacts: paths: - scripts/eval_full/eval_results/* expire_in: 1 week script: - dpkg -i deb_bionic/*.deb - cd scripts/eval_full - ./ # aggregate results for all EuRoC sequences gen_results_euroc: stage: eval_results variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none tags: - docker when: on_success only: - master artifacts: paths: - euroc_results.txt script: - cd scripts/eval_full - ./ eval_results > euroc_results.txt - cat euroc_results.txt - mv euroc_results.txt ../../ # deploy deb packages deploy: stage: deploy when: manual variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none tags: - docker only: - master before_script: - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - chmod 700 ~/.ssh - echo "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" > ~/.ssh/known_hosts - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts script: - scp $SCP_FLAGS deb_xenial/*.deb $REPOSITORY_URL/xenial/ - scp $SCP_FLAGS deb_bionic/*.deb $REPOSITORY_URL/bionic/