{ "value0": { "T_imu_cam": [ { "px": -0.030220000073313714, "py": 0.007400000002235174, "pz": 0.016019999980926515, "qx": 0.0, "qy": 0.0, "qz": 0.0, "qw": 1.0 }, { "px": 0.06471150368452072, "py": 0.007400000002235174, "pz": 0.016019999980926515, "qx": 0.0, "qy": 0.0, "qz": 0.0, "qw": 1.0 } ], "intrinsics": [ { "camera_type": "pinhole", "intrinsics": { "fx": 323.3847961425781, "fy": 323.3847961425781, "cx": 319.67333984375, "cy": 180.1387939453125 } }, { "camera_type": "pinhole", "intrinsics": { "fx": 323.3847961425781, "fy": 323.3847961425781, "cx": 319.67333984375, "cy": 180.1387939453125 } } ], "resolution": [ [ 640, 360 ], [ 640, 360 ] ], "// calib_accel_bias": "only upper half of the matrix and biases are used see basalt-headers#8", "calib_accel_bias": [ 0.10898448526859284, 0.7374877333641052, 0.24475505948066712, 0.023085594177246095, 0.0083669014275074, -0.03306877985596657, 0.027165532112121583, -0.016091132536530496, 0.014829397201538086 ], "//calib_gyro_bias": ["data[0][3] (Bias X)", "data[1][3] (Bias Y)", "data[2][3] (Bias Z)", "data[0][0] (Scale X - 1.0)", "data[1][0]", "data[2][0]", "data[0][1]", "data[1][1] (Scale Y - 1.0)", "data[2][1]", "data[0][2]", "data[1][2]", "data[2][2] (Scale Z - 1.0)"], "calib_gyro_bias": [ -0.00002512480568839237, 0.00003993872815044597, 0.00002252501144539565, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "imu_update_rate": 250.0, "accel_noise_std": [ 0.008182447828798795, 0.008182447828798795, 0.008182447828798795 ], "gyro_noise_std": [ 0.002268927090244338, 0.002268927090244338, 0.002268927090244338 ], "accel_bias_std": [ 0.009999999873689375, 0.009999999873689375, 0.009999999873689375 ], "gyro_bias_std": [ 0.0007071067802939111, 0.0007071067802939111, 0.0007071067802939111 ], "cam_time_offset_ns": 0, "view_offset": [0, 0], "vignette": [] } }