#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; constexpr int NUM_CAMS = 2; constexpr int UI_WIDTH = 200; pangolin::DataLog imu_log; pangolin::Var webp_quality("ui.webp_quality", 90, 0, 101); pangolin::Var skip_frames("ui.skip_frames", 1, 1, 10); struct ImageData { using Ptr = std::shared_ptr; int cam_id; double exposure_time; int64_t timestamp; cv::Mat image; }; struct RsIMUData { double timestamp; Eigen::Vector3d data; EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW }; ImageData::Ptr last_images[NUM_CAMS]; tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue image_save_queue; float exposure; std::string dataset_dir; std::string dataset_folder; std::string result_dir; std::atomic stop_workers; std::atomic record; std::ofstream cam_data[NUM_CAMS], exposure_data[NUM_CAMS], imu0_data; std::string get_date(); void image_save_worker() { ImageData::Ptr img; while (!stop_workers) { if (image_save_queue.try_pop(img)) { std::string filename = dataset_folder + "mav0/cam" + std::to_string(img->cam_id) + "/data/" + std::to_string(img->timestamp) + ".webp"; std::vector compression_params = {cv::IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY, webp_quality}; cv::imwrite(filename, img->image, compression_params); } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } } } void toggle_recording() { record = !record; if (record) { dataset_folder = dataset_dir + "dataset_" + get_date() + "/"; fs::create_directory(dataset_folder); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/"); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam0/"); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam0/data/"); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam1/"); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam1/data/"); fs::create_directory(dataset_folder + "mav0/imu0/"); cam_data[0].open(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam0/data.csv"); cam_data[1].open(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam1/data.csv"); exposure_data[0].open(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam0/exposure.csv"); exposure_data[1].open(dataset_folder + "mav0/cam1/exposure.csv"); imu0_data.open(dataset_folder + "mav0/imu0/data.csv"); cam_data[0] << "#timestamp [ns], filename\n"; cam_data[1] << "#timestamp [ns], filename\n"; exposure_data[0] << "#timestamp [ns], exposure time[ns]\n"; exposure_data[1] << "#timestamp [ns], exposure time[ns]\n"; imu0_data << "#timestamp [ns],w_RS_S_x [rad s^-1],w_RS_S_y [rad " "s^-1],w_RS_S_z [rad s^-1],a_RS_S_x [m s^-2],a_RS_S_y " "[m s^-2],a_RS_S_z [m s^-2]\n"; std::cout << "Started recording dataset in " << dataset_folder << std::endl; } else { cam_data[0].close(); cam_data[1].close(); exposure_data[0].close(); exposure_data[1].close(); imu0_data.close(); std::cout << "Stopped recording dataset in " << dataset_folder << std::endl; } } void export_device_calibration(rs2::pipeline_profile &profile, const std::string &out_path) { using Scalar = double; std::shared_ptr> calib; calib.reset(new basalt::Calibration); auto accel_stream = profile.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_ACCEL); auto gyro_stream = profile.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_GYRO); auto cam0_stream = profile.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE, 1); auto cam1_stream = profile.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE, 2); // get gyro extrinsics if (auto gyro = gyro_stream.as()) { // TODO: gyro rs2_motion_device_intrinsic intrinsics = gyro.get_motion_intrinsics(); std::cout << " Scale X cross axis cross axis Bias X \n"; std::cout << " cross axis Scale Y cross axis Bias Y \n"; std::cout << " cross axis cross axis Scale Z Bias Z \n"; for (auto &i : intrinsics.data) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { std::cout << i[j] << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; } std::cout << "Variance of noise for X, Y, Z axis \n"; for (float noise_variance : intrinsics.noise_variances) std::cout << noise_variance << " "; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Variance of bias for X, Y, Z axis \n"; for (float bias_variance : intrinsics.bias_variances) std::cout << bias_variance << " "; std::cout << "\n"; } else { throw std::exception(); } // get accel extrinsics if (auto gyro = accel_stream.as()) { // TODO: accel // rs2_motion_device_intrinsic intrinsics = accel.get_motion_intrinsics(); } else { throw std::exception(); } // get camera ex-/intrinsics for (const auto &cam_stream : {cam0_stream, cam1_stream}) { if (auto cam = cam_stream.as()) { // extrinsics rs2_extrinsics ex = cam.get_extrinsics_to(gyro_stream); Eigen::Matrix3f rot = Eigen::Map(ex.rotation); Eigen::Vector3f trans = Eigen::Map(ex.translation); Eigen::Quaterniond q(rot.cast()); basalt::Calibration::SE3 T_i_c(q, trans.cast()); std::cout << "T_i_c\n" << T_i_c.matrix() << std::endl; calib->T_i_c.push_back(T_i_c); // get resolution Eigen::Vector2i resolution; resolution << cam.width(), cam.height(); calib->resolution.push_back(resolution); // intrinsics rs2_intrinsics intrinsics = cam.get_intrinsics(); basalt::KannalaBrandtCamera4::VecN params; params << intrinsics.fx, intrinsics.fy, intrinsics.ppx, intrinsics.ppy, intrinsics.coeffs[0], intrinsics.coeffs[1], intrinsics.coeffs[2], intrinsics.coeffs[3]; std::cout << "params: " << params.transpose() << std::endl; basalt::GenericCamera camera; basalt::KannalaBrandtCamera4 kannala_brandt(params); camera.variant = kannala_brandt; calib->intrinsics.push_back(camera); } else { throw std::exception(); // TODO: better exception } } // serialize and store calibration // std::ofstream os(out_path + "calibration.json"); // cereal::JSONOutputArchive archive(os); // archive(*calib); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { CLI::App app{"Record RealSense T265 Data"}; app.add_option("--dataset-dir", dataset_dir, "Path to dataset"); app.add_option("--exposure", exposure, "If set will enable manual exposure, value in microseconds."); app.add_option("--result-dir", result_dir, "If set will enable manual exposure, value in microseconds."); try { app.parse(argc, argv); } catch (const CLI::ParseError &e) { return app.exit(e); } bool show_gui = true; image_save_queue.set_capacity(5000); stop_workers = false; std::vector worker_threads; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { worker_threads.emplace_back(image_save_worker); } std::string color_mode; // realsense rs2::log_to_console(RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR); rs2::context ctx; rs2::pipeline pipe(ctx); rs2::config cfg; // Add streams of gyro and accelerometer to configuration cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_ACCEL, RS2_FORMAT_MOTION_XYZ32F); cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_GYRO, RS2_FORMAT_MOTION_XYZ32F); cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE, 1, RS2_FORMAT_Y8); cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_FISHEYE, 2, RS2_FORMAT_Y8); // Using the device_hub we can block the program until a device connects // rs2::device_hub device_hub(ctx); auto devices = ctx.query_devices(); if (devices.size() == 0) { std::abort(); } auto device = devices[0]; std::cout << "Device " << device.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " connected" << std::endl; auto sens = device.query_sensors()[0]; if (exposure > 0) { std::cout << "Setting exposure to: " << exposure << " microseconds" << std::endl; sens.set_option(rs2_option::RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE, 0); sens.set_option(rs2_option::RS2_OPTION_EXPOSURE, (float)exposure); } std::mutex data_mutex; rs2::motion_frame last_gyro_meas = rs2::motion_frame(rs2::frame()); Eigen::deque gyro_data_queue; std::shared_ptr prev_accel_data; int processed_frame = 0; auto callback = [&](const rs2::frame &frame) { std::lock_guard lock(data_mutex); if (auto fp = frame.as()) { auto motion = frame.as(); if (motion && motion.get_profile().stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_GYRO && motion.get_profile().format() == RS2_FORMAT_MOTION_XYZ32F) { RsIMUData d; d.timestamp = motion.get_timestamp(); d.data << motion.get_motion_data().x, motion.get_motion_data().y, motion.get_motion_data().z; gyro_data_queue.emplace_back(d); } if (motion && motion.get_profile().stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_ACCEL && motion.get_profile().format() == RS2_FORMAT_MOTION_XYZ32F) { RsIMUData d; d.timestamp = motion.get_timestamp(); d.data << motion.get_motion_data().x, motion.get_motion_data().y, motion.get_motion_data().z; if (!prev_accel_data.get()) { prev_accel_data.reset(new RsIMUData(d)); } else { BASALT_ASSERT(d.timestamp > prev_accel_data->timestamp); while (!gyro_data_queue.empty() && gyro_data_queue.front().timestamp < prev_accel_data->timestamp) { std::cout << "Skipping gyro data. Timestamp before the first accel " "measurement."; gyro_data_queue.pop_front(); } while (!gyro_data_queue.empty() && gyro_data_queue.front().timestamp < d.timestamp) { RsIMUData gyro_data = gyro_data_queue.front(); gyro_data_queue.pop_front(); double w0 = (d.timestamp - gyro_data.timestamp) / (d.timestamp - prev_accel_data->timestamp); double w1 = (gyro_data.timestamp - prev_accel_data->timestamp) / (d.timestamp - prev_accel_data->timestamp); Eigen::Vector3d accel_interpolated = w0 * prev_accel_data->data + w1 * d.data; if (record) { int64_t timestamp = gyro_data.timestamp * 1e6; imu0_data << timestamp << "," << gyro_data.data[0] << "," << gyro_data.data[1] << "," << gyro_data.data[2] << "," << accel_interpolated[0] << "," << accel_interpolated[1] << "," << accel_interpolated[2] << "\n"; } imu_log.Log(accel_interpolated[0], accel_interpolated[1], accel_interpolated[2]); } prev_accel_data.reset(new RsIMUData(d)); } } } if (auto fs = frame.as()) { processed_frame++; if (processed_frame % int(skip_frames) != 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CAMS; i++) { auto f = fs[i]; if (!f.as()) { std::cout << "Weird Frame, skipping" << std::endl; continue; } auto vf = f.as(); last_images[i].reset(new ImageData); last_images[i]->image = cv::Mat(vf.get_height(), vf.get_width(), CV_8U); std::memcpy( last_images[i]->image.ptr(), vf.get_data(), vf.get_width() * vf.get_height() * vf.get_bytes_per_pixel()); last_images[i]->exposure_time = vf.get_frame_metadata(RS2_FRAME_METADATA_ACTUAL_EXPOSURE); last_images[i]->timestamp = vf.get_timestamp() * 1e6; last_images[i]->cam_id = i; if (record) { image_save_queue.push(last_images[i]); cam_data[i] << last_images[i]->timestamp << "," << last_images[i]->timestamp << ".webp" << std::endl; exposure_data[i] << last_images[i]->timestamp << "," << int64_t(vf.get_frame_metadata( RS2_FRAME_METADATA_ACTUAL_EXPOSURE) * 1e3) << std::endl; } } } }; // Start streaming through the callback rs2::pipeline_profile profiles = pipe.start(cfg, callback); { auto sensors = profiles.get_device().query_sensors(); for (auto &s : sensors) { std::cout << "Sensor " << s.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << ". Supported options:" << std::endl; for (const auto &o : s.get_supported_options()) { std::cout << "\t" << rs2_option_to_string(o) << std::endl; } } } export_device_calibration(profiles, result_dir); if (show_gui) { pangolin::CreateWindowAndBind("Record RealSense T265", 1200, 800); pangolin::Var> record_btn("ui.record", toggle_recording); std::atomic record_t_ns; record_t_ns = 0; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); pangolin::View &img_view_display = pangolin::CreateDisplay() .SetBounds(0.4, 1.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1.0) .SetLayout(pangolin::LayoutEqual); pangolin::View &plot_display = pangolin::CreateDisplay().SetBounds( 0.0, 0.4, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH), 1.0); pangolin::CreatePanel("ui").SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, pangolin::Attach::Pix(UI_WIDTH)); std::vector> img_view; while (img_view.size() < NUM_CAMS) { int idx = img_view.size(); std::shared_ptr iv(new pangolin::ImageView); iv->extern_draw_function = [&, idx](pangolin::View &v) { glLineWidth(1.0); glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // red glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); if (last_images[idx].get()) pangolin::GlFont::I() .Text("Exposure: %.3f ms.", last_images[idx]->exposure_time / 1000.0) .Draw(30, 30); if (idx == 0) { pangolin::GlFont::I() .Text("Queue: %d.", image_save_queue.size()) .Draw(30, 60); } if (idx == 0 && record) { pangolin::GlFont::I().Text("Recording").Draw(30, 90); } }; iv->OnSelectionCallback = [&](pangolin::ImageView::OnSelectionEventData o) { int64_t curr_t_ns = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() .time_since_epoch() .count(); if (std::abs(record_t_ns - curr_t_ns) > int64_t(2e9)) { toggle_recording(); record_t_ns = curr_t_ns; } }; img_view.push_back(iv); img_view_display.AddDisplay(*iv); } imu_log.Clear(); std::vector labels; labels.push_back(std::string("accel x")); labels.push_back(std::string("accel y")); labels.push_back(std::string("accel z")); imu_log.SetLabels(labels); pangolin::Plotter plotter(&imu_log, 0.0f, 2000.0f, -15.0f, 15.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f); plotter.SetBounds(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); plotter.Track("$i"); plot_display.AddDisplay(plotter); plotter.ClearSeries(); plotter.AddSeries("$i", "$0", pangolin::DrawingModeLine, pangolin::Colour::Red(), "accel x"); plotter.AddSeries("$i", "$1", pangolin::DrawingModeLine, pangolin::Colour::Green(), "accel y"); plotter.AddSeries("$i", "$2", pangolin::DrawingModeLine, pangolin::Colour::Blue(), "accel z"); while (!pangolin::ShouldQuit()) { { pangolin::GlPixFormat fmt; fmt.glformat = GL_LUMINANCE; fmt.gltype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; fmt.scalable_internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE8; for (size_t cam_id = 0; cam_id < NUM_CAMS; cam_id++) { if (last_images[cam_id].get()) img_view[cam_id]->SetImage(last_images[cam_id]->image.ptr(), last_images[cam_id]->image.cols, last_images[cam_id]->image.rows, last_images[cam_id]->image.step, fmt); } } pangolin::FinishFrame(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(15)); } } stop_workers = true; for (auto &t : worker_threads) { t.join(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } std::string get_date() { constexpr int MAX_DATE = 64; time_t now; char the_date[MAX_DATE]; the_date[0] = '\0'; now = time(NULL); if (now != -1) { strftime(the_date, MAX_DATE, "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", gmtime(&now)); } return std::string(the_date); }