kayomn 8137f2b474
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
Fix memory leaks
2023-07-22 12:36:47 +01:00

513 lines
13 KiB

const Ast = @import("./Ast.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
const kym = @import("../kym.zig");
env: *kym.RuntimeEnv,
constant_refs: RefList,
opcodes: OpcodeList,
const AstCompiler = struct {
chunk: *Self,
local_identifiers_buffer: [255][]const coral.io.Byte = [_][]const coral.io.Byte{""} ** 255,
local_identifiers_count: u8 = 0,
fn compile_expression(self: *AstCompiler, expression: Ast.Expression) kym.RuntimeError!void {
const number_format = coral.utf8.DecimalFormat{
.delimiter = "_",
.positive_prefix = .none,
switch (expression) {
.nil_literal => try self.chunk.append_opcode(.push_nil),
.true_literal => try self.chunk.append_opcode(.push_true),
.false_literal => try self.chunk.append_opcode(.push_false),
.number_literal => |literal| {
const parsed_number = number_format.parse(literal, kym.Float);
coral.debug.assert(parsed_number != null);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{
.push_const = try self.chunk.declare_constant_number(parsed_number.?),
.string_literal => |literal| {
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.push_const = try self.chunk.declare_constant_string(literal)});
.table_literal => |fields| {
if (fields.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u32).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (fields.values) |field| {
try self.compile_expression(field.expression);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{
.push_const = try self.chunk.declare_constant_string(field.identifier),
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.push_table = @intCast(fields.values.len)});
.binary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.lhs_expression.*);
try self.compile_expression(operation.rhs_expression.*);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.addition => .add,
.subtraction => .sub,
.multiplication => .mul,
.divsion => .div,
.greater_equals_comparison => .eql,
.greater_than_comparison => .cgt,
.equals_comparison => .cge,
.less_than_comparison => .clt,
.less_equals_comparison => .cle,
.unary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.expression.*);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.boolean_negation => .not,
.numeric_negation => .neg,
.grouped_expression => |grouped_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(grouped_expression.*);
.get_local => |local| {
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{
.push_local = self.resolve_local(local) orelse return self.chunk.env.raise(error.OutOfMemory, "undefined local"),
.call_system => |call| {
if (call.argument_expressions.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u8).Int)) {
return self.chunk.env.raise(error.OutOfMemory, "functions may receive a maximum of 255 locals");
for (call.argument_expressions.values) |argument_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(argument_expression);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.push_const = try self.chunk.declare_constant_string(call.identifier)});
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.syscall = @intCast(call.argument_expressions.values.len)});
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.pop);
fn compile_statement(self: *AstCompiler, statement: Ast.Statement) kym.RuntimeError!void {
switch (statement) {
.return_expression => |return_expression| try self.compile_expression(return_expression),
.return_nothing => try self.chunk.append_opcode(.push_nil),
.set_local => |local| {
try self.compile_expression(local.expression);
if (self.resolve_local(local.identifier)) |index| {
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.set_local = index});
} else {
try self.declare_local(local.identifier);
.call_system => |call| {
if (call.argument_expressions.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u8).Int)) {
return self.chunk.env.raise(error.OutOfMemory, "functions may receive a maximum of 255 locals");
for (call.argument_expressions.values) |argument_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(argument_expression);
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.push_const = try self.chunk.declare_constant_string(call.identifier)});
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.{.syscall = @intCast(call.argument_expressions.values.len)});
try self.chunk.append_opcode(.pop);
fn declare_local(self: *AstCompiler, identifier: []const u8) kym.RuntimeError!void {
if (self.local_identifiers_count == self.local_identifiers_buffer.len) {
return self.chunk.env.raise(error.OutOfMemory, "functions may contain a maximum of 255 locals");
self.local_identifiers_buffer[self.local_identifiers_count] = identifier;
self.local_identifiers_count += 1;
fn resolve_local(self: *AstCompiler, local_identifier: []const coral.io.Byte) ?u8 {
if (self.local_identifiers_count == 0) {
return null;
var index = @as(u8, self.local_identifiers_count - 1);
while (true) : (index -= 1) {
if (coral.io.equals(local_identifier, self.local_identifiers_buffer[index])) {
return index;
if (index == 0) {
return null;
pub const Constant = u16;
const RefList = coral.list.Stack(?*kym.RuntimeRef);
const LocalsList = coral.list.Stack([]const u8);
pub const Opcode = union (enum) {
push_const: Constant,
push_local: u8,
push_table: u32,
set_local: u8,
call: u8,
syscall: u8,
const OpcodeList = coral.list.Stack(Opcode);
const Self = @This();
pub fn append_opcode(self: *Self, opcode: Opcode) kym.RuntimeError!void {
return self.opcodes.push_one(opcode);
pub fn as_caller(self: *Self) kym.Caller {
return kym.Caller.bind(Self, self, execute);
pub fn compile_ast(self: *Self, ast: Ast) kym.RuntimeError!void {
try self.constant_refs.grow(coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u16).Int));
var compiler = AstCompiler{.chunk = self};
for (ast.list_statements()) |statement| {
try compiler.compile_statement(statement);
try self.constant_refs.pack();
try self.opcodes.pack();
pub fn declare_constant_number(self: *Self, constant: kym.Float) kym.RuntimeError!Constant {
const tail = self.constant_refs.values.len;
if (tail == coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u16).Int)) {
return self.env.raise(error.BadSyntax, "functions may contain a maximum of 65,535 constants");
const constant_ref = try self.env.new_number(constant);
errdefer self.env.discard(constant_ref);
try self.constant_refs.push_one(constant_ref);
return @intCast(tail);
pub fn declare_constant_string(self: *Self, constant: []const coral.io.Byte) kym.RuntimeError!Constant {
const tail = self.constant_refs.values.len;
if (tail == coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u16).Int)) {
return self.env.raise(error.BadSyntax, "functions may contain a maximum of 65,535 constants");
const constant_ref = try self.env.new_string(constant);
errdefer self.env.discard(constant_ref);
try self.constant_refs.push_one(constant_ref);
return @intCast(tail);
fn execute(self: *Self, env: *kym.RuntimeEnv) kym.RuntimeError!?*kym.RuntimeRef {
for (self.opcodes.values) |opcode| {
switch (opcode) {
.pop => env.discard(try env.pop_local()),
.push_nil => try env.push_ref(null),
.push_true => try env.push_boolean(true),
.push_false => try env.push_boolean(false),
.push_const => |constant| try env.push_ref(self.constant_refs.values[constant]),
.push_table => |field_count| {
const table_ref = try kym.new_table(env);
defer env.discard(table_ref);
const dynamic = try kym.unbox_dynamic(env, table_ref);
var popped = @as(usize, 0);
while (popped < field_count) : (popped += 1) {
const index_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(index_ref);
const value_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(value_ref);
try dynamic.typeinfo.set(.{
.userdata = dynamic.userdata,
.env = env,
.index_ref = index_ref,
}, value_ref);
try env.push_ref(table_ref);
.push_local => |local| {
const ref = try env.get_local(local);
defer env.discard(ref);
try env.push_ref(ref);
.set_local => |local| {
const ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(ref);
try env.set_local(local, ref);
.call => |arg_count| {
const result_ref = call: {
const callable_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(callable_ref);
break: call try env.call("", arg_count, (try kym.unbox_dynamic(env, callable_ref)).as_caller());
defer env.discard(result_ref);
try env.push_ref(result_ref);
.syscall => |arg_count| {
const result_ref = call: {
const identifier_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(identifier_ref);
const identifier = try kym.unbox_string(env, identifier_ref);
break: call try env.call(identifier, arg_count, try env.syscaller(identifier));
defer env.discard(result_ref);
try env.push_ref(result_ref);
.neg => try env.push_number(switch (env.unbox(try env.pop_local())) {
.number => |number| -number,
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "object is not scalar negatable"),
.not => try env.push_boolean(switch (env.unbox(try env.pop_local())) {
.boolean => |boolean| !boolean,
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "object is not boolean negatable"),
.add => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_ref(try switch (env.unbox(lhs_ref)) {
.number => |lhs_number| switch (env.unbox(rhs_ref)) {
.number => |rhs_number| env.new_number(lhs_number + rhs_number),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "right-hand object is not addable"),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "left-hand object is not addable"),
.sub => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_ref(try switch (env.unbox(lhs_ref)) {
.number => |lhs_number| switch (env.unbox(rhs_ref)) {
.number => |rhs_number| env.new_number(lhs_number - rhs_number),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "right-hand object is not subtractable"),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "left-hand object is not subtractable"),
.mul => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_ref(try switch (env.unbox(lhs_ref)) {
.number => |lhs_number| switch (env.unbox(rhs_ref)) {
.number => |rhs_number| env.new_number(lhs_number * rhs_number),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "right-hand object is not multiplyable"),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "left-hand object is not multiplyable"),
.div => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_ref(try switch (env.unbox(lhs_ref)) {
.number => |lhs_number| switch (env.unbox(rhs_ref)) {
.number => |rhs_number| env.new_number(lhs_number / rhs_number),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "right-hand object is not divisable"),
else => return env.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "left-hand object is not divisable"),
.eql => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_boolean(try kym.test_equality(env, lhs_ref, rhs_ref));
.cgt => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_boolean(try kym.test_difference(env, lhs_ref, rhs_ref) > 0);
.clt => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_boolean(try kym.test_difference(env, lhs_ref, rhs_ref) < 0);
.cge => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_boolean(try kym.test_difference(env, lhs_ref, rhs_ref) >= 0);
.cle => {
const rhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(rhs_ref);
const lhs_ref = try env.pop_local();
defer env.discard(lhs_ref);
try env.push_boolean(try kym.test_difference(env, lhs_ref, rhs_ref) <= 0);
return env.pop_local();
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {
for (self.constant_refs.values) |constant| {
fn is_zero(utf8: []const u8) bool {
return coral.io.equals(utf8, "0") or coral.io.equals(utf8, "0.0");
pub fn make(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv) Self {
return Self{
.opcodes = OpcodeList.make(env.allocator),
.constant_refs = RefList.make(env.allocator),
.env = env,