const debug = @import("./debug.zig"); const math = @import("./math.zig"); pub const AllocationError = error { OutOfMemory, }; pub const AllocationOptions = struct { allocation: ?[]u8 = null, size: usize, }; pub const Allocator = Functor(?[]u8, AllocationOptions); pub fn Functor(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type { return struct { context: *anyopaque, invoker: *const fn (capture: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output, const Self = @This(); pub fn bind(state: anytype, comptime invoker: fn (capture: @TypeOf(state), input: Input) Output) Self { const State = @TypeOf(state); const state_info = @typeInfo(State); if (state_info != .Pointer) { @compileError("`@typeOf(state)` must be a pointer type"); } return .{ .context = state, .invoker = struct { fn invoke_opaque(context: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output { return invoker(@ptrCast(State, @alignCast(@alignOf(state_info.Pointer.child), context)), input); } }.invoke_opaque, }; } pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output { return self.invoker(self.context, input); } }; } pub const ReadError = error { IoUnavailable, }; pub const Reader = Functor(ReadError!usize, []u8); pub fn Tag(comptime Element: type) type { return switch (@typeInfo(Element)) { .Enum => |info| info.tag_type, .Union => |info| info.tag_type orelse @compileError(@typeName(Element) ++ " has no tag type"), else => @compileError("expected enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(Element) ++ "'"), }; } pub const WriteError = error{ IoUnavailable, }; pub const Writer = Functor(WriteError!usize, []const u8); pub fn allocate_many(comptime Type: type, amount: usize, allocator: Allocator) AllocationError![]Type { if (@sizeOf(Type) == 0) { @compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type)); } if (amount == 0) { return &.{}; } return @ptrCast([*]Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{.size = @sizeOf(Type) * amount}) orelse { return error.OutOfMemory; }))[0 .. amount]; } pub fn allocate_one(comptime Type: type, allocator: Allocator) AllocationError!*Type { if (@sizeOf(Type) == 0) { @compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type)); } return @ptrCast(*Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{.size = @sizeOf(Type)}) orelse { return error.OutOfMemory; })); } pub fn bytes_of(value: anytype) []const u8 { const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(value)).Pointer; debug.assert(pointer_info.size == .One); return @ptrCast([*]const u8, value)[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer_info.child)]; } pub fn compare(this: []const u8, that: []const u8) isize { const range = math.min(usize, this.len, that.len); var index: usize = 0; while (index < range) : (index += 1) { const difference = @intCast(isize, this[index]) - @intCast(isize, that[index]); if (difference != 0) return difference; } return @intCast(isize, this.len) - @intCast(isize, that.len); } pub fn deallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype) void { const Element = @TypeOf(allocation); switch (@typeInfo(Element).Pointer.size) { .One => { debug.assert(allocator.invoke(.{ .allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[0 .. @sizeOf(Element)], .size = 0 }) == null); }, .Slice => { debug.assert(allocator.invoke(.{ .allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(Element) * allocation.len)], .size = 0 }) == null); }, .Many, .C => @compileError("length of allocation must be known to deallocate"), } } pub fn copy(target: []u8, source: []const u8) void { var index: usize = 0; while (index < source.len) : (index += 1) target[index] = source[index]; } pub fn ends_with(target: []const u8, match: []const u8) bool { if (target.len < match.len) return false; var index = @as(usize, 0); while (index < match.len) : (index += 1) { if (target[target.len - (1 + index)] != match[match.len - (1 + index)]) return false; } return true; } pub fn equals(this: []const u8, that: []const u8) bool { if (this.len != that.len) return false; { var index: usize = 0; while (index < this.len) : (index += 1) if (this[index] != that[index]) return false; } return true; } var null_context = @as(usize, 0); pub const null_writer = Writer.bind(&null_context, struct { pub fn write(context: *usize, buffer: []const u8) usize { debug.assert(context.* == 0); return buffer.len; } }); pub fn overlaps(pointer: [*]u8, memory_range: []u8) bool { return (pointer >= memory_range.ptr) and (pointer < (memory_range.ptr + memory_range.len)); } pub fn bytes_to(comptime Type: type, source_bytes: []const u8) ?Type { const type_size = @sizeOf(Type); if (source_bytes.len != type_size) return null; var target_bytes = @as([type_size]u8, undefined); copy(&target_bytes, source_bytes); return @bitCast(Type, target_bytes); } pub fn reallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype, amount: usize) AllocationError![]@typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer.child { const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer; const Element = pointer_info.child; return @ptrCast([*]Element, @alignCast(@alignOf(Element), (allocator.invoke(switch (pointer_info.size) { .Slice => .{ .allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(Element) * allocation.len)], .size = @sizeOf(Element) * amount, }, .Many, .C, .One => @compileError("allocation must be a slice to reallocate"), }) orelse return error.OutOfMemory).ptr))[0 .. amount]; } pub fn slice_sentineled(comptime element: type, comptime sentinel: element, sequence: [*:sentinel]const element) []const element { var length: usize = 0; while (sequence[length] != sentinel) : (length += 1) {} return sequence[0..length]; } pub fn stream(output: Writer, input: Reader, buffer: []u8) (ReadError || WriteError)!u64 { var total_written: u64 = 0; var read = try input.invoke(buffer); while (read != 0) { total_written += try output.invoke(buffer[]); read = try input.invoke(buffer); } return total_written; } pub fn swap(comptime Element: type, this: *Element, that: *Element) void { const temp = this.*; this.* = that.*; that.* = temp; } pub fn zero(target: []u8) void { for (target) |*t| t.* = 0; }