const ext = @cImport({ @cInclude("SDL2/SDL.h"); }); const io = @import("./io.zig"); const mem = @import("./mem.zig"); const stack = @import("./stack.zig"); const std = @import("std"); /// /// A thread-safe platform abstraction over multiplexing system I/O processing and event handling. /// pub const EventLoop = opaque { /// /// Linked list of messages chained together to be processed by the internal file system message /// processor of an [EventLoop]. /// const FileSystemMessage = struct { next: ?*FileSystemMessage = null, frame: anyframe, request: union(enum) { exit, close: struct { file_access: *FileAccess, }, log: struct { message: []const u8, kind: LogKind, }, open: struct { mode: OpenMode, file_system_path: *const FileSystem.Path, result: OpenError!*FileAccess = error.NotFound, }, read_file: struct { file_access: *FileAccess, buffer: []const u8, result: FileError!usize = error.Inaccessible, }, seek_file: struct { file_access: *FileAccess, origin: SeekOrigin, offset: usize, result: FileError!void = error.Inaccessible, }, tell_file: struct { file_access: *FileAccess, result: FileError!usize = error.Inaccessible, }, }, }; /// /// Internal state of the event loop hidden from the API consumer. /// const Implementation = struct { user_prefix: []const u8, file_system_semaphore: *ext.SDL_sem, file_system_mutex: *ext.SDL_mutex, file_system_thread: *ext.SDL_Thread, file_system_messages: ?*FileSystemMessage = null, /// /// Casts `event_loop` to a [Implementation] reference. /// /// *Note* that if `event_loop` does not have the same alignment as [Implementation], /// safety-checked undefined behavior will occur. /// fn cast(event_loop: *EventLoop) *Implementation { return @ptrCast(*Implementation, @alignCast(@alignOf(Implementation), event_loop)); } }; /// /// [] represents a log message which is purely informative and does not indicate /// any kind of issue. /// /// [LogKind.debug] represents a log message which is purely for debugging purposes and will /// only occurs in debug builds. /// /// [LogKind.warning] represents a log message which is a warning about a issue that does not /// break anything important but is not ideal. /// pub const LogKind = enum(c_int) { info = ext.SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, debug = ext.SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, warning = ext.SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN, }; /// /// [OpenError.NotFound] is a catch-all for when a file could not be located to be opened. This /// may be as simple as it doesn't exist or the because the underlying file-system will not / /// cannot give access to it at this time. /// pub const OpenError = error { NotFound, }; /// /// [OpenMode.readonly] indicates that an existing file is opened in a read-only state, /// disallowing write access. /// /// [OpenMode.overwrite] indicates that an empty file has been created or an existing file has /// been completely overwritten into. /// /// [OpenMode.append] indicates that an existing file that has been opened for reading from and /// writing to on the end of existing data. /// pub const OpenMode = enum { readonly, overwrite, append, }; /// /// [SeekOrigin.head] indicates that a seek operation will seek from the offset origin of the /// file beginning, or "head". /// /// [SeekOrigin.tail] indicates that a seek operation will seek from the offset origin of the /// file end, or "tail". /// /// [SeekOrigin.cursor] indicates that a seek operation will seek from the current position of /// the file cursor. /// pub const SeekOrigin = enum { head, tail, cursor, }; /// /// Closes access to the file referenced by `file_access` via `event_loop`. /// /// *Note* that nothing happens to `file_access` if it is already closed. /// pub fn close(event_loop: *EventLoop, file_access: *FileAccess) void { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{.close = .{.file_access = file_access}}, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); } /// /// Enqueues `message` to the file system message processor to be processed at a later, non- /// deterministic point. /// fn enqueueFileSystemMessage(event_loop: *EventLoop, message: *FileSystemMessage) void { const implementation = Implementation.cast(event_loop); // TODO: Error check this. _ = ext.SDL_LockMutex(implementation.file_system_mutex); if (implementation.file_system_messages) |messages| { = message; } else { implementation.file_system_messages = message; } // TODO: Error check these. _ = ext.SDL_UnlockMutex(implementation.file_system_mutex); _ = ext.SDL_SemPost(implementation.file_system_semaphore); } /// /// Writes `message` to the application log with `kind` via `event_loop`. /// /// *Note* that `message` is not guaranteed to be partly, wholely, or at all written. /// pub fn log(event_loop: *EventLoop, kind: LogKind, message: []const u8) void { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{.log = .{ .message = message, .kind = kind, }}, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); } /// /// Attempts to open access to a file referenced at `file_system_path` using `mode` as the way /// to open it via `event_loop`. /// /// A [FileAccess] pointer is returned referencing the opened file or a [OpenError] if the file /// could not be opened. /// /// *Note* that all files are opened in "binary-mode", or Unix-mode. There are no conversions /// applied when data is accessed from a file. /// pub fn open(event_loop: *EventLoop, mode: OpenMode, file_system_path: FileSystem.Path) OpenError!*FileAccess { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{.open = .{ .mode = mode, .file_system_path = &file_system_path, }}, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); return; } /// /// [FileSystemMessage] processing function used by a dedicated worker thread, where `data` is /// a type-erased reference to a [EventLoop]. /// /// The processor returns `0` if it exited normally or any other value if an erroneous exit /// occured. /// fn processFileSystemMessages(data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) c_int { const implementation = Implementation.cast(@ptrCast(*EventLoop, data orelse unreachable)); while (true) { while (implementation.file_system_messages) |messages| { switch (messages.request) { .exit => return 0, .log => |*log_request| ext.SDL_LogMessage(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, @enumToInt(log_request.priority), log_request.message), .open => |*open_request| { switch (open_request.path.file_system) { .data => { // TODO: Implement open_request.result = error.NotFound; }, .user => { var path_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([4096]u8); var path = stack.Fixed(u8){.buffer = path_buffer[0 .. ]}; path.pushAll(implementation.user_prefix) catch { open_request.result = error.BadFileSystem; continue; }; if (!open_request.path.write(path.writer())) { open_request.result = error.NotFound; continue; } if (ext.SDL_RWFromFile(&path_buffer, switch (open_request.mode) { .readonly => "rb", .overwrite => "wb", .append => "ab", })) |rw_ops| { open_request.result = @ptrCast(*FileAccess, rw_ops); } else { open_request.result = error.NotFound; } }, } }, .close => |*close_request| { // TODO: Use this result somehow. _ = ext.SDL_RWclose(@ptrCast(*ext.SDL_RWops, @alignCast( @alignOf(ext.SDL_RWops), close_request.file_access))); }, .read_file => |read_request| { // TODO: Implement. _ = read_request; }, .seek_file => |seek_request| { // TODO: Implement. _ = seek_request; }, .tell_file => |tell_request| { // TODO: Implement. _ = tell_request; }, } resume messages.frame; implementation.file_system_messages =; } // TODO: Error check this. _ = ext.SDL_SemWait(implementation.file_system_semaphore); } } /// /// Attempts to read the contents of the file referenced by `file_access` at the current file /// cursor position into `buffer`. /// /// The number of bytes that could be read / fitted into `buffer` is returned or a [FileError] /// if the file failed to be read. /// pub fn readFile(event_loop: *EventLoop, file_access: *FileAccess, buffer: []const u8) FileError!usize { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{.read_file = .{ .file_access = file_access, .buffer = buffer, }}, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); return file_system_message.request.read_file.result; } /// /// Attempts to tell the current file cursor position for the file referenced by `file_access`. /// /// Returns the number of bytes into the file that the cursor is relative to its beginning or a /// [FileError] if the file failed to be queried. /// pub fn queryFile(event_loop: *EventLoop, file_access: *FileAccess) FileError!usize { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{.tell_file = .{.file_access = file_access}}, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); return file_system_message.request.tell_file.result; } /// /// Attempts to seek the file cursor through the file referenced by `file_access` from `origin` /// to `offset` via `event_loop`, returning a [FileError] if the file failed to be sought. /// pub fn seekFile(event_loop: *EventLoop, file_access: *FileAccess, origin: SeekOrigin, offset: usize) FileError!void { var file_system_message = FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .{ .seek_file = .{ .file_access = file_access, .origin = origin, .offset = offset, }, }, }; suspend event_loop.enqueueFileSystemMessage(&file_system_message); return file_system_message.request.seek_file.result; } }; /// /// File-system agnostic abstraction for manipulating a file. /// pub const FileAccess = opaque { /// /// Scans the number of bytes in the file referenced by `file_access` via `event_loop`, returing /// its byte size or a [FileError] if it failed. /// pub fn size(file_access: *FileAccess, event_loop: *EventLoop) FileError!usize { // Save cursor to return to it later. const origin_cursor = try event_loop.queryFile(file_access); try event_loop.seekFile(file_access, .tail, 0); const ending_cursor = try event_loop.queryFile(file_access); // Return to original cursor. try event_loop.seekFile(file_access, .head, origin_cursor); return ending_cursor; } }; /// /// With files typically being backed by a block device, they can produce a variety of errors - /// from physical to virtual errors - these are all encapsulated by the API as general /// [Error.Inaccessible] errors. /// pub const FileError = error { Inaccessible, }; /// /// Platform-agnostic mechanism for working with an abstraction of the underlying file-system(s) /// available to the application in a sandboxed environment. /// pub const FileSystem = enum { data, user, /// /// Platform-agnostic mechanism for referencing files and directories on a [FileSystem]. /// pub const Path = struct { file_system: FileSystem, length: u16, buffer: [max]u8, /// /// Returns `true` if the length of `path` is empty, otherwise `false`. /// pub fn isEmpty(path: Path) bool { return (path.length == 0); } /// /// Returns `true` if `this` is equal to `that`, otherwise `false`. /// pub fn equals(this: Path, that: Path) bool { return std.mem.eql(u8, this.buffer[0 .. this.length], that.buffer[0 .. that.length]); } /// /// The maximum possible byte-length of a [Path]. /// /// Note that paths are encoded using UTF-8, meaning that a character may be bigger than one /// byte. Because of this, it is not safe to asume that a path may hold [max] individual /// characters. /// pub const max = 1000; /// /// /// pub fn write(path: Path, writer: io.Writer) bool { return (writer.write(path.buffer[0 .. path.length]) == path.length); } }; /// /// [PathError.TooLong] occurs when creating a path that is greater than the maximum size **in /// bytes**. /// pub const PathError = error { TooLong, }; /// /// Creates and returns a [Path] value in the file system to the location specified by the /// joining of the `sequences` path values. /// pub fn joinedPath(file_system: FileSystem, sequences: []const []const u8) PathError!Path { var path = Path{ .file_system = file_system, .buffer = std.mem.zeroes([Path.max]u8), .length = 0, }; for (sequences) |sequence| if (sequence.len != 0) { var components = mem.Spliterator(u8){ .source = sequence, .delimiter = "/", }; while ( |component| if (component.len != 0) { for (component) |byte| { if (path.length == Path.max) return error.TooLong; path.buffer[path.length] = byte; path.length += 1; } if (path.length == Path.max) return error.TooLong; path.buffer[path.length] = '/'; path.length += 1; }; }; return path; } }; /// /// /// pub const GraphicsContext = opaque { /// /// /// pub const Event = struct { keys_up: Keys = std.mem.zeroes(Keys), keys_down: Keys = std.mem.zeroes(Keys), keys_held: Keys = std.mem.zeroes(Keys), const Keys = [256]bool; }; const Implementation = struct { event: Event, }; /// /// /// pub fn poll(graphics_context: *GraphicsContext) ?*const Event { _ = graphics_context; return null; } /// /// /// pub fn present(graphics_context: *GraphicsContext) void { // TODO: Implement; _ = graphics_context; } }; /// /// /// pub fn GraphicsRunner(comptime Errors: type) type { return fn (*EventLoop, *GraphicsContext) Errors!void; } /// /// /// pub fn runGraphics(comptime Errors: anytype, run: GraphicsRunner(Errors)) Errors!void { if (ext.SDL_Init(ext.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to initialize runtime"); return error.InitFailure; } defer ext.SDL_Quit(); const pref_path = create_pref_path: { const path = ext.SDL_GetPrefPath("ona", "ona") orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to load user path"); return error.InitFailure; }; break: create_pref_path path[0 .. std.mem.len(path)]; }; defer ext.SDL_free(pref_path.ptr); const window = create_window: { const pos = ext.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED; var flags = @as(u32, 0); break: create_window ext.SDL_CreateWindow("Ona", pos, pos, 640, 480, flags) orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create window"); return error.InitFailure; }; }; defer ext.SDL_DestroyWindow(window); const renderer = create_renderer: { var flags = @as(u32, 0); break: create_renderer ext.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, flags) orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create renderer"); return error.InitFailure; }; }; defer ext.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); var event_loop = EventLoop.Implementation{ .file_system_semaphore = ext.SDL_CreateSemaphore(0) orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create file-system work scheduler"); return error.InitFailure; }, .file_system_mutex = ext.SDL_CreateMutex() orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create file-system work lock"); return error.InitFailure; }, .file_system_thread = unreachable, .user_prefix = pref_path, }; event_loop.file_system_thread = ext.SDL_CreateThread( EventLoop.processFileSystemMessages, "File System Worker", &event_loop) orelse { ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create file-system work processor"); return error.InitFailure; }; defer { ext.SDL_DestroyThread(event_loop.file_system_thread); ext.SDL_DestroyMutex(event_loop.file_system_mutex); ext.SDL_DestroySemaphore(event_loop.file_system_semaphore); } var graphics_context = GraphicsContext.Implementation{ .event = .{ }, }; var message = EventLoop.FileSystemMessage{ .frame = @frame(), .request = .exit, }; @ptrCast(*EventLoop, event_loop).enqueueFileSystemMessage(&message); var status = @as(c_int, 0); ext.SDL_WaitThread(event_loop.file_system_thread, &status); if (status != 0) { // TODO: Error check this. } return run(@ptrCast(*EventLoop, &event_loop), @ptrCast(*GraphicsContext, &graphics_context)); }