Improve Kym Run-TIme Errors #45

kayomn merged 5 commits from better-kym-runtime-errors into main 2023-11-06 00:47:37 +01:00
3 changed files with 19 additions and 30 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 19e1fb2634 - Show all commits

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@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ pub const RuntimeEnv = struct {
.dynamic => |dynamic| dynamic.typeinfo().get_index(self, dynamic.userdata(), index),
.dynamic => |dynamic| dynamic.typeinfo().get(self, dynamic.userdata(), index),
else => self.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "{typename} is not get-indexable", .{
.typename = indexable.typename(),
@ -528,17 +528,16 @@ pub const RuntimeEnv = struct {
pub fn push_frame(self: *RuntimeEnv, callable: *const RuntimeRef, arg_count: u8) RuntimeError!Frame {
const arity = switch (callable.object().payload) {
.dynamic => |dynamic| dynamic.typeinfo().get_arity(dynamic.userdata()),
else => 0,
if (callable.as_dynamic(Chunk.typeinfo)) |chunk_userdata| {
const arity = @as(*Chunk, @ptrCast(@alignCast(chunk_userdata))).arity;
if (arg_count < arity) {
return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "expected `{expected}` {noun}, {provided} provided", .{
.expected = arity,
.provided = arg_count,
.noun = if (arity == 1) "argument" else "arguments",
if (arg_count < arity) {
return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "expected `{expected}` {noun}, {provided} provided", .{
.expected = arity,
.provided = arg_count,
.noun = if (arity == 1) "argument" else "arguments",
const frame = Frame{
@ -607,7 +606,7 @@ pub const RuntimeEnv = struct {
pub fn set(self: *RuntimeEnv, indexable: *RuntimeRef, index: *const RuntimeRef, value: ?*const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void {
return switch (indexable.object().payload) {
.dynamic => |dynamic| dynamic.typeinfo().set_index(self, dynamic.userdata(), index, value),
.dynamic => |dynamic| dynamic.typeinfo().set(self, dynamic.userdata(), index, value),
else => self.raise(error.TypeMismatch, "{typename} is not set-indexable", .{
.typename = indexable.typename(),
@ -992,24 +991,19 @@ pub const Typeinfo = struct {
size: usize,
destruct: ?*const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [] void = null,
to_string: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: []!*RuntimeRef = default_to_string,
get_arity: *const fn (userdata: [] u8 = default_get_arity,
call: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], frame: *const Frame) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef = default_call,
get_index: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef = default_get_index,
set_index: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], value: *const RuntimeRef, value: ?*const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void = default_set_index,
get: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef = default_get,
set: *const fn (env: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], value: *const RuntimeRef, value: ?*const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void = default_set,
fn default_call(env: *RuntimeEnv, _: [], _: *const Frame) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef {
return env.raise(error.BadOperation, "this dynamic object is not callable", .{});
fn default_get_arity(_: [] u8 {
return 0;
fn default_get_index(env: *RuntimeEnv, _: [], _: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef {
fn default_get(env: *RuntimeEnv, _: [], _: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!?*RuntimeRef {
return env.raise(error.BadOperation, "this dynamic object is not get-indexable", .{});
fn default_set_index(env: *RuntimeEnv, _: [], _: *const RuntimeRef, _: ?*const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void {
fn default_set(env: *RuntimeEnv, _: [], _: *const RuntimeRef, _: ?*const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void {
return env.raise(error.BadOperation, "this dynamic object is not set-indexable", .{});

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@ -638,7 +638,6 @@ pub const typeinfo = &kym.Typeinfo{
.destruct = typeinfo_destruct,
.call = typeinfo_call,
.to_string = typeinfo_to_string,
.get_arity = typeinfo_get_arity,
fn typeinfo_call(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], frame: *const kym.Frame) kym.RuntimeError!?*kym.RuntimeRef {
@ -649,10 +648,6 @@ fn typeinfo_destruct(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [] void {
@as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata))).free(env);
fn typeinfo_get_arity(userdata: [] u8 {
return @as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata))).arity;
fn typeinfo_to_string(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: []!*kym.RuntimeRef {
return env.to_string(@as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata))).name);

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@ -47,15 +47,15 @@ pub const typeinfo = &kym.Typeinfo{
.size = @sizeOf(Self),
.name = "table",
.destruct = typeinfo_destruct,
.get_index = typeinfo_get_index,
.set_index = typeinfo_set_index,
.get = typeinfo_get,
.set = typeinfo_set,
fn typeinfo_destruct(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [] void {
@as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata))).free(env);
fn typeinfo_get_index(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const kym.RuntimeRef) kym.RuntimeError!?*kym.RuntimeRef {
fn typeinfo_get(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const kym.RuntimeRef) kym.RuntimeError!?*kym.RuntimeRef {
const table = @as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata)));
const acquired_index = index.acquire();
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn typeinfo_get_index(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *c
return null;
fn typeinfo_set_index(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const kym.RuntimeRef, value: ?*const kym.RuntimeRef) kym.RuntimeError!void {
fn typeinfo_set(env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, userdata: [], index: *const kym.RuntimeRef, value: ?*const kym.RuntimeRef) kym.RuntimeError!void {
const table = @as(*Self, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata)));
const acquired_index = index.acquire();