Application Context Implementation #4
@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ fn run(app: *sys.AppContext, graphics: *sys.GraphicsContext) anyerror!void {
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const file_access = try (try{"ona.lua"})).open(app, .readonly);
const file_access = try (try{"ona.lua"})).open(.readonly);
defer file_access.close(app);
defer file_access.close();
const file_size = try file_access.queryLength(app);
const file_size = try file_access.queryLength();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, file_size);
const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, file_size);
if ((try, buffer)) != file_size)
if ((try != file_size)
return error.ScriptLoadFailure;
return error.ScriptLoadFailure;
sys.Log.debug.write(app, buffer);
while (graphics.poll()) |_| {
while (graphics.poll()) |_| {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
/// Returns the return type of the function type `Fn`.
pub fn FnReturn(comptime Fn: type) type {
const type_info = @typeInfo(Fn);
if (type_info != .Fn) @compileError("`Fn` must be a function type");
return type_info.Fn.return_type orelse void;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ const ext = @cImport({
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
const mem = @import("./mem.zig");
const mem = @import("./mem.zig");
const meta = @import("./meta.zig");
const oar = @import("./oar.zig");
const oar = @import("./oar.zig");
const stack = @import("./stack.zig");
const stack = @import("./stack.zig");
const std = @import("std");
const std = @import("std");
@ -18,7 +19,6 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
const Message = struct {
const Message = struct {
next: ?*Message = null,
next: ?*Message = null,
frame: anyframe,
kind: union(enum) {
kind: union(enum) {
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
task: struct {
task: struct {
data: *anyopaque,
data: *anyopaque,
action: fn (*anyopaque) void,
action: fn (*anyopaque) void,
frame: anyframe,
@ -85,12 +86,9 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// processes quit and waits for them to do so before freeing any resources.
/// processes quit and waits for them to do so before freeing any resources.
fn deinit(implementation: *Implementation) void {
fn deinit(implementation: *Implementation) void {
var message = Message{
var message = Message{.kind = .quit};
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .quit,
@ptrCast(*AppContext, implementation).schedule(&message);
var status = @as(c_int, 0);
var status = @as(c_int, 0);
@ -108,13 +106,37 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// Enqueues `message` to the message processor of `implementation` to be processed at a
/// later, non-deterministic point in time.
fn enqueue(implementation: *Implementation, message: *Message) void {
// TODO: Error check these.
_ = ext.SDL_LockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
defer _ = ext.SDL_UnlockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
if (implementation.messages) |messages| {
| = message;
} else {
implementation.messages = message;
// TODO: Error check this.
_ = ext.SDL_SemPost(implementation.message_semaphore);
/// Initializes a new [Implemenation] with `data_archive_path` as the read-only data archive
/// Initializes a new [Implemenation] with `data_archive_path` as the read-only data archive
/// to read from and `user_path_prefix` as the native writable user data directory.
/// to read from and `user_path_prefix` as the native writable user data directory.
/// Returns the created [Implementation] value on success or [InitError] on failure.
/// Returns the created [Implementation] value on success or [InitError] on failure.
fn init(data_archive_path: []const u8, user_path_prefix: []const u8) InitError!Implementation {
fn init(data_archive_path: []const u8,
user_path_prefix: []const u8) InitError!Implementation {
return Implementation{
return Implementation{
.message_semaphore = ext.SDL_CreateSemaphore(0) orelse return error.OutOfSemaphores,
.message_semaphore = ext.SDL_CreateSemaphore(0) orelse return error.OutOfSemaphores,
.message_mutex = ext.SDL_CreateMutex() orelse return error.OutOfMutexes,
.message_mutex = ext.SDL_CreateMutex() orelse return error.OutOfMutexes,
@ -132,26 +154,31 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// occured.
/// occured.
fn processTasks(userdata: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) c_int {
fn processTasks(userdata: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) c_int {
const implementation = Implementation.cast(@ptrCast(*AppContext, userdata orelse unreachable));
const implementation = Implementation.cast(
@ptrCast(*AppContext, userdata orelse unreachable));
while (true) {
while (true) {
// TODO: Error check these.
_ = ext.SDL_SemWait(implementation.message_semaphore);
_ = ext.SDL_LockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
_ = ext.SDL_LockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
defer _ = ext.SDL_UnlockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
defer _ = ext.SDL_UnlockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
while (implementation.messages) |messages| {
while (implementation.messages) |messages| {
switch (messages.kind) {
switch (messages.kind) {
.quit => return 0,
.quit => {
.task => |task| task.action(,
return 0;
resume messages.frame;
.task => |task| {
resume task.frame;
implementation.messages =;
implementation.messages =;
// TODO: Error check this.
_ = ext.SDL_SemWait(implementation.message_semaphore);
@ -183,25 +210,37 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// Enqueues `message` to the message processor of `app_context` to be processed at a later, non-
/// deterministic point.
pub fn schedule(app_context: *AppContext, message: *Message) void {
const implementation = Implementation.cast(app_context);
pub fn schedule(app_context: *AppContext, procedure: anytype, arguments: anytype) meta.FnReturn(@TypeOf(procedure)) {
const Task = struct {
procedure: @TypeOf(procedure),
arguments: *@TypeOf(arguments),
result: meta.FnReturn(@TypeOf(procedure)),
// TODO: Error check these.
const Task = @This();
_ = ext.SDL_LockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
defer _ = ext.SDL_UnlockMutex(implementation.message_mutex);
fn process(userdata: *anyopaque) void {
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), userdata));
if (implementation.messages) |messages| {
task.result = @call(.{}, task.procedure, task.arguments.*);
|||||| = message;
} else {
implementation.messages = message;
// TODO: Error check this.
var task = Task{
_ = ext.SDL_SemPost(implementation.message_semaphore);
.procedure = procedure,
.arguments = &arguments,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
.frame = @frame(),
suspend Implementation.cast(app_context).enqueue(&message);
@ -232,39 +271,15 @@ pub const FileAccess = opaque {
/// Close the file referenced by `file_access`, invalidating the reference to it and releasing
/// Close the file referenced by `file_access` on the main thread, invalidating the reference to
/// any associated resources.
/// it and releasing any associated resources.
/// Freeing an invalid `file_access` has no effect on the file and logs a warning over the
/// Freeing an invalid `file_access` has no effect on the file and logs a warning over the
/// wasted effort.
/// wasted effort.
pub fn close(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext) void {
pub fn close(file_access: *FileAccess) void {
const Task = struct {
if (ext.SDL_RWclose(file_access.asRwOps()) != 0)
file_access: *FileAccess,
ext.SDL_LogWarn(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Closed an invalid file reference");
const Task = @This();
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
if (ext.SDL_RWclose(task.file_access.asRwOps()) != 0)
"Closed an invalid file reference");
var task = Task{.file_access = file_access};
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
@ -273,47 +288,14 @@ pub const FileAccess = opaque {
/// Returns the number of bytes into the file that the cursor is relative to its beginning or a
/// Returns the number of bytes into the file that the cursor is relative to its beginning or a
/// [Error] on failure.
/// [Error] on failure.
pub fn queryCursor(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext) Error!u64 {
pub fn queryCursor(file_access: *FileAccess) Error!u64 {
const Task = struct {
file_access: *FileAccess,
result: Error!u64,
const Task = @This();
const sought = ext.SDL_RWtell(file_access.asRwOps());
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
if (sought < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
return @intCast(u64, sought);
const sought = ext.SDL_RWtell(task.file_access.asRwOps());
if (sought < 0) {
task.result = error.FileInaccessible;
task.result = @intCast(u64, sought);
var task = Task{
.file_access = file_access,
.result = error.FileInaccessible,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
return task.result;
@ -322,156 +304,51 @@ pub const FileAccess = opaque {
/// Returns the current length of the file at the time of the operation or a [Error] if the file
/// Returns the current length of the file at the time of the operation or a [Error] if the file
/// failed to be queried.
/// failed to be queried.
pub fn queryLength(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext) Error!u64 {
pub fn queryLength(file_access: *FileAccess) Error!u64 {
const Task = struct {
file_access: *FileAccess,
result: Error!usize,
const Task = @This();
const sought = ext.SDL_RWsize(file_access.asRwOps());
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
if (sought < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
return @intCast(u64, sought);
const sought = ext.SDL_RWsize(task.file_access.asRwOps());
if (sought < 0) {
task.result = error.FileInaccessible;
task.result = @intCast(u64, sought);
var task = Task{
.file_access = file_access,
.result = error.FileInaccessible,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
return task.result;
/// Attempts to read `file_access` from the its current position into `buffer`, while using
/// Attempts to read `file_access` from the its current position into `buffer`.
/// `app_context` as the execution context.
/// Returns the number of bytes that were available to be read, otherwise an [Error] on failure.
/// Returns the number of bytes that were available to be read, otherwise an [Error] on failure.
pub fn read(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
pub fn read(file_access: *FileAccess, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
const Task = struct {
file_access: *FileAccess,
buffer: []u8,
result: Error!usize,
const Task = @This();
const buffer_read =
ext.SDL_RWread(file_access.asRwOps(), buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(u8), buffer.len);
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
if ((buffer_read == 0) and (ext.SDL_GetError() != null)) return error.FileInaccessible;
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
return buffer_read;
const buffer_read = ext.SDL_RWread(task.file_access.asRwOps(),
task.buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(u8), task.buffer.len);
if ((buffer_read == 0) and (ext.SDL_GetError() != null)) {
task.result = error.FileInaccessible;
task.result = buffer_read;
var task = Task{
.file_access = file_access,
.buffer = buffer,
.result = error.FileInaccessible,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
return task.result;
/// Attempts to seek `file_access` from the beginning of the file to `cursor` bytes while using
/// Attempts to seek `file_access` from the beginning of the file to `cursor` bytes.
/// `app_context` as the execution context.
/// Returns [Error] on failure.
/// Returns [Error] on failure.
pub fn seek(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext, cursor: u64) Error!void {
pub fn seek(file_access: *FileAccess, cursor: u64) Error!void {
const Task = struct {
var to_seek = cursor;
file_access: *FileAccess,
cursor: u64,
result: Error!void,
const Task = @This();
while (to_seek != 0) {
const sought = @intCast(i64, std.math.min(to_seek, std.math.maxInt(i64)));
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
if (task.cursor >= std.math.maxInt(i64)) {
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(file_access.asRwOps(), sought, ext.RW_SEEK_CUR) < 0)
task.result = error.OutOfRange;
return error.FileInaccessible;
// Cannot be less than zero because it is derived from `read`.
to_seek -= @intCast(u64, sought);
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(task.file_access.asRwOps(),
@intCast(i64, task.cursor), ext.RW_SEEK_SET) < 0) {
task.result = error.FileInaccessible;
task.result = {};
var task = Task{
.file_access = file_access,
.cursor = cursor,
.result = error.FileInaccessible,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
return task.result;
@ -480,45 +357,11 @@ pub const FileAccess = opaque {
/// Returns [Error] on failure.
/// Returns [Error] on failure.
pub fn seekToEnd(file_access: *FileAccess, app_context: *AppContext) Error!void {
pub fn seekToEnd(file_access: *FileAccess) Error!void {
const Task = struct {
file_access: *FileAccess,
result: Error!void,
const Task = @This();
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(file_access.asRwOps(), 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END) < 0)
return error.FileInaccessible;
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(task.file_access.asRwOps(), 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END) < 0) {
task.result = error.FileInaccessible;
task.result = {};
var task = Task{
.file_access = file_access,
.result = error.FileInaccessible,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
return task.result;
@ -595,167 +438,72 @@ pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
/// Attempts to open the file identified by `path` with `mode` as the mode for opening the
/// Attempts to open the file identified by `path` with `mode` as the mode for opening the
/// file and `app_context` as the execution context.
/// file.
/// Returns a [FileAccess] reference that provides access to the file referenced by `path`
/// Returns a [FileAccess] reference that provides access to the file referenced by `path`
/// or a [OpenError] if it failed.
/// or a [OpenError] if it failed.
pub fn open(path: Path, app_context: *AppContext, mode: OpenMode) OpenError!*FileAccess {
pub fn open(path: Path, mode: OpenMode) OpenError!*FileAccess {
const Task = struct {
switch (path.file_system.*) {
path: *const FileSystem.Path,
.archive => |archive| {
app_context: *AppContext,
if (archive.len == 0) return error.FileNotFound;
mode: OpenMode,
result: OpenError!*FileAccess,
const Task = @This();
if (mode != .readonly) return error.ModeUnsupported;
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
var path_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([4096]u8);
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
switch (task.path.file_system.*) {
if (archive.len >= path_buffer.len) return error.FileNotFound;
.archive => |archive| {
if (archive.len == 0) {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[0 ..], archive);
if (task.mode != .readonly) {
const file_access = @ptrCast(*FileAccess, ext.SDL_RWFromFile(
task.result = error.ModeUnsupported;
&path_buffer, "rb") orelse return error.FileNotFound);
while (true) {
var entry = std.mem.zeroes(oar.Entry);
const entry_buffer = std.mem.asBytes(&entry);
var path_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([4096]u8);
if (( catch return
error.FileNotFound) != entry_buffer.len) return error.FileNotFound;
if (archive.len >= path_buffer.len) {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, entry.name_buffer[0 .. entry.
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
name_length], path.buffer[0 .. path.length])) {
return file_access;
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[0 ..], archive);
|, entry.file_size,
entry_buffer.len)) catch return error.FileNotFound;
const rw_ops = ext.SDL_RWFromFile(&path_buffer, "rb") orelse {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
while (true) {
var entry = std.mem.zeroes(oar.Entry);
const entry_buffer = std.mem.asBytes(&entry);
if (ext.SDL_RWread(rw_ops, entry_buffer, @sizeOf(u8),
entry_buffer.len) != entry_buffer.len) {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, entry.name_buffer[0 .. entry.name_length],
task.path.buffer[0 .. task.path.length])) {
task.result = @ptrCast(*FileAccess, rw_ops);
var to_read = math.roundUp(u64,
entry.file_size, entry_buffer.len);
while (to_read != 0) {
const read = @intCast(i64, std.math.min(
to_read, std.math.maxInt(i64)));
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops, read, ext.RW_SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
// Cannot be less than zero because it is derived from
// `read`.
to_read -= @intCast(u64, read);
.native => |native| {
if (native.len == 0) {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
var path_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([4096]u8);
const seperator = '/';
const seperator_length =
@boolToInt(native[native.len - 1] != seperator);
if ((native.len + seperator_length +
task.path.length) >= path_buffer.len) {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[0 ..], native);
if (seperator_length != 0)
path_buffer[native.len] = seperator;
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[native.len .. path_buffer.len],
task.path.buffer[0 .. task.path.length]);
task.result = @ptrCast(*FileAccess, ext.SDL_RWFromFile(
&path_buffer, switch (task.mode) {
.readonly => "rb",
.overwrite => "wb",
.append => "ab",
}) orelse {
task.result = error.FileNotFound;
var task = Task{
.native => |native| {
.mode = mode,
if (native.len == 0) return error.FileNotFound;
.path = &path,
.app_context = app_context,
.result = error.FileNotFound,
var message = AppContext.Message{
var path_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([4096]u8);
.frame = @frame(),
const seperator = '/';
const seperator_length = @boolToInt(native[native.len - 1] != seperator);
.kind = .{.task = .{
if ((native.len + seperator_length + path.length) >= path_buffer.len)
.data = &task,
return error.FileNotFound;
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[0 ..], native);
return task.result;
if (seperator_length != 0)
path_buffer[native.len] = seperator;
std.mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[native.len .. path_buffer.len],
path.buffer[0 .. path.length]);
return @ptrCast(*FileAccess, ext.SDL_RWFromFile(&path_buffer, switch (mode) {
.readonly => "rb",
.overwrite => "wb",
.append => "ab",
}) orelse return error.FileNotFound);
@ -884,39 +632,11 @@ pub const Log = enum(u32) {
warning = ext.SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,
warning = ext.SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN,
/// Writes `utf8_message` as the log kind identified by `log` with `app_context` as the execution
/// Writes `utf8_message` as the log kind identified by `log`.
/// context.
pub fn write(log: Log, app_context: *AppContext, utf8_message: []const u8) void {
pub fn write(log: Log, utf8_message: []const u8) void {
const Task = struct {
log: Log,
@enumToInt(log), "%.*s", utf8_message.len, utf8_message.ptr);
utf8_message: []const u8,
const Task = @This();
fn process(data: *anyopaque) void {
const task = @ptrCast(*Task, @alignCast(@alignOf(Task), data));
ext.SDL_LogMessage(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, @enumToInt(task.log),
"%.*s", task.utf8_message.len, task.utf8_message.ptr);
var task = Task{
.log = log,
.utf8_message = utf8_message,
var message = AppContext.Message{
.frame = @frame(),
.kind = .{.task = .{
.data = &task,
.action = Task.process,
suspend app_context.schedule(&message);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user