Refactor Oar implementation

This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2022-11-01 15:08:10 +00:00
parent f3426ef691
commit e95c754d62
3 changed files with 282 additions and 361 deletions

View File

@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ fn run(app: *sys.App, graphics: *sys.Graphics) anyerror!void {
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
var file_access = try sys.Path.joined(&.{"ona.lua"}), .readonly);
var file_reader = try sys.Path.from(&.{"ona.lua"}));
defer file_access.close();
defer file_reader.close();
const file_size = try file_access.queryLength();
const file_size = try file_reader.size();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, file_size);
if ((try != file_size) return error.ScriptLoadFailure;
if ((try, buffer)) != file_size) return error.ScriptLoadFailure;
app.log(.debug, buffer);

View File

@ -1,138 +1,116 @@
const core = @import("./core.zig");
const core = @import("core");
const sys = @import("./sys.zig");
/// Metadata of an Oar archive entry.
const Block = extern struct {
signature: [signature_magic.len]u8 = signature_magic,
revision: u8 = 0,
path: sys.Path = sys.Path.empty,
data_size: u64 = 0,
data_head: u64 = 0,
padding: [232]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 232,
comptime {
const entry_size = @sizeOf(@This());
if (entry_size != 512) @compileError("EntryBlock is greater than 512 bytes");
pub const Archive = struct {
file_system: *const sys.FileSystem,
archive_path: sys.Path,
pub const Entry = struct {
head: u64,
size: u64,
const Header = extern struct {
signature: [signature_magic.len]u8,
revision: u8,
entry_offset: u64,
padding: [500]u8 = std.mem.zeroes([500]u8),
/// Magic identifier used to validate [Entry] data.
const signature_magic = [3]u8{'o', 'a', 'r'};
comptime {
const size = @sizeOf(@This());
if (size != 512)
@compileError("Header is " ++
std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{entry_size}) ++ " bytes");
/// An entry block of an Oar archive file.
/// Typically, following the block in memory is the file data it holds the meta-information for.
const Entry = extern struct {
signature: [signature_magic.len]u8 = signature_magic,
revision: u8,
path: Path,
file_size: u64,
absolute_offset: u64,
padding: [232]u8 = std.mem.zeroes([232]u8),
comptime {
const entry_size = @sizeOf(Entry);
if (entry_size != 512)
@compileError("Entry is " ++
std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{entry_size}) ++ " bytes");
pub const OpenError = error {
pub const FindError = error {
pub fn open(archive: Archive, entry_path: Path) OpenError!EntryAccess {
const file_access = try, .readonly);
errdefer file_access.close();
var header = std.mem.zeroes(Header);
pub fn find(archive_file: *sys.ReadableFile, entry_path: sys.Path) FindError!Entry {
var header = Header{};
const header_size = @sizeOf(Header);
const io =;
// Validate header.
if ((try != header_size) or header
(!, &header.signature, &Header.signature_magic)) or
(header.revision != revision) or
(header.entry_offset <= header_size)) return error.UnsupportedArchive;
// Go to file table.
if (((, io.bytesOf(&header)) catch
return error.ArchiveUnsupported) != header_size) or
(!io.equals(u8, &header.signature, &signature_magic)) or
(header.revision != revision_magic) or
(header.entry_head <= header_size)) return error.ArchiveUnsupported;
// Read file table.
var entry_buffer = std.mem.zeroes([8]Entry);
var bytes_read = try;
while (@mod(bytes_read, @sizeOf(Entry)) == 0) {
for (entry_buffer[0 .. (bytes_read / @sizeOf(Entry))]) |entry| {
if (entry.path.equals(entry_path)) {;
return Entry{
.file_access = file_access,
bytes_read = try;
var head = std.mem.zeroes(usize);
var tail = (header.file_count - 1);
var head: usize = 0;
var tail: usize = (header.entry_count - 1);
const block_size = @sizeOf(Block);
while (head <= tail) {
var block = Block{};
const midpoint = (head + (tail - head) / 2);
const comparison =[m]));
if (( + (block_size * midpoint), io.bytesOf(&block))
catch return error.ArchiveUnsupported) != block_size) return error.EntryNotFound;
if (comparison == 0) return midpoint;
const comparison =;
if (comparison == 0) return Entry{
.head = block.data_head,
.size = block.data_size,
if (comparison > 0) {
// If x greater, ignore left half
head = (midpoint + 1);
} else {
// If x is smaller, ignore right half
tail = (midpoint - 1);
return error.EntryNotFound;
pub const EntryAccess = struct {
file_access: FileAccess,
pub fn read(entry: Entry, archive_file: *sys.ReadableFile,
offset: u64, buffer: []u8) sys.FileError!usize {
pub fn close(entry: Entry) void {
return + offset,
buffer[0 .. core.math.min(usize, buffer.len, entry.size)]);
const revision = 0;
const Header = extern struct {
signature: [signature_magic.len]u8 = signature_magic,
revision: u8 = revision_magic,
entry_count: u32 = 0,
entry_head: u64 = 0,
padding: [496]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 496,
comptime {
const size = @sizeOf(@This());
if (size != 512) @compileError("Header is greater than 512 bytes");
const revision_magic = 0;
/// Magic identifier used to validate [Entry] data.
const signature_magic = [3]u8{'o', 'a', 'r'};

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const ext = @cImport({
const core = @import("core");
const oar = @import("oar");
const oar = @import("./oar.zig");
const std = @import("std");
@ -92,13 +92,93 @@ pub const App = struct {
pub const ReadableFile = opaque {
pub fn close(readable_file: *ReadableFile) void {
if (ext.SDL_RWclose(readable_file.rwOpsCast()) != 0)
"Attempt to close an invalid file reference");
pub fn read(readable_file: *ReadableFile, offset: u64, buffer: []u8) FileError!u64 {
const rw_ops = readable_file.rwOpsCast();
var sought = core.math.min(u64, offset, core.math.maxInt(i64));
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops, @intCast(i64, sought), ext.RW_SEEK_SET) < 0)
return error.FileInaccessible;
var to_seek = offset - sought;
while (to_seek != 0) {
sought = core.math.min(u64, to_seek, core.math.maxInt(i64));
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops, @intCast(i64, sought), ext.RW_SEEK_CUR) < 0)
return error.FileInaccessible;
to_seek -= sought;
const buffer_read = ext.SDL_RWread(rw_ops, buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(u8), buffer.len);
if ((buffer_read == 0) and (ext.SDL_GetError() != null))
return error.FileInaccessible;
return buffer_read;
pub fn rwOpsCast(readable_file: *ReadableFile) *ext.SDL_RWops {
return @ptrCast(*ext.SDL_RWops, @alignCast(@alignOf(ext.SDL_RWops), readable_file));
pub fn size(readable_file: *ReadableFile) FileError!u64 {
const byte_size = ext.SDL_RWsize(readable_file.rwOpsCast());
if (byte_size < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
return @intCast(u64, byte_size);
/// [Error.FileInaccessible] is a generic catch-all for a [FileAccess] reference no longer pointing
/// to a file or the file becomming invalid for whatever reason.
pub const FileError = error {
/// Platform-agnostic mechanism for working with an abstraction of the underlying file-system(s)
/// available to the application in a sandboxed environment.
pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
native: []const u8,
archive: Archive,
archive_file: *ReadableFile,
/// With files typically being backed by a block device, they can produce a variety of errors -
@ -119,275 +199,45 @@ pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
/// [OpenMode.readonly] indicates that an existing file is opened in a read-only state,
/// disallowing write access.
/// [OpenMode.overwrite] indicates that an empty file has been created or an existing file has
/// been completely overwritten into.
/// [OpenMode.append] indicates that an existing file that has been opened for reading from and
/// writing to on the end of existing data.
pub const OpenMode = enum {
/// Attempts to open the file identified by `path` with `mode` as the mode for opening the file.
/// Returns a [FileAccess] reference that provides access to the file referenced by `path`or a
/// Returns a [ReadableFile] reference that provides access to the file referenced by `path`or a
/// [OpenError] if it failed.
pub fn open(file_system: *const FileSystem, path: Path,
mode: OpenMode) OpenError! {
pub fn openRead(file_system: *const FileSystem, path: Path) OpenError!*ReadableFile {
switch (file_system.*) {
.archive => |*archive| {
if (mode != .readonly) return error.ModeUnsupported;
.archive_file => |archive_file| {
const entry = oar.Entry.find(archive_file, path) catch return error.FileNotFound;
const FileAccess =;
_ = entry;
// TODO: Alloc file context.
for (archive.entry_table) |*entry| if (entry.owner == null) {
const Implementation = struct {
fn archiveEntryCast(context: *anyopaque) *Archive.Entry {
return @ptrCast(*Archive.Entry, @alignCast(
@alignOf(Archive.Entry), context));
fn close(context: *anyopaque) void {
archiveEntryCast(context).owner = null;
fn queryCursor(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.owner == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
return archive_entry.cursor;
fn queryLength(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.owner == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
return archive_entry.header.file_size;
fn read(context: *anyopaque, buffer: []u8) FileAccess.Error!usize {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
const file_access = archive_entry.owner orelse
return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.cursor >= archive_entry.header.file_size)
return error.FileInaccessible;
return[0 .. std.math.min(
buffer.len, archive_entry.header.file_size)]);
fn seek(context: *anyopaque, cursor: usize) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.owner == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
archive_entry.cursor = cursor;
fn seekToEnd(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.owner == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
archive_entry.cursor = archive_entry.header.file_size;
fn skip(context: *anyopaque, offset: i64) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.owner == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
if (offset < 0) {
const math = std.math;
archive_entry.cursor = math.max(0,
archive_entry.cursor - math.absCast(offset));
} else {
archive_entry.cursor += @intCast(u64, offset);
const Header = oar.Entry;
if (archive.index_cache.lookup(path)) |index| { catch return error.FileNotFound;
entry.* = .{
.owner = &archive.file_access,
.cursor = 0,
.header = ( catch
return error.FileNotFound) orelse {
// Remove cannot fail if lookup succeeded.
std.debug.assert(archive.index_cache.remove(path) != null);
return error.FileNotFound;
} else {
while ( catch
return error.FileNotFound) |entry_header| {
if (entry.header.path.equals(path)) entry.* = .{
.owner = &archive.file_access,
.cursor = 0,
.header = entry_header,
return error.FileNotFound;
return FileAccess{
.context = entry,
.implementation = &.{
.close = Implementation.close,
.queryCursor = Implementation.queryCursor,
.queryLength = Implementation.queryLength,
.read =,
.seek =,
.seekToEnd = Implementation.seekToEnd,
.skip = Implementation.skip,
return error.OutOfFiles;
return error.FileNotFound;
.native => |native| {
if (native.len == 0) return error.FileNotFound;
const mem = std.mem;
var path_buffer = mem.zeroes([4096]u8);
const seperator_length = @boolToInt(native[native.len - 1] != oar.Path.seperator);
var path_buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 4096;
const seperator_length = @boolToInt(native[native.len - 1] != Path.seperator);
if ((native.len + seperator_length + path.length) >=
path_buffer.len) return error.FileNotFound;
if ((native.len + seperator_length + path.length) >= path_buffer.len)
return error.FileNotFound;
mem.copy(u8, &path_buffer, native);
const io =;
if (seperator_length != 0) path_buffer[native.len] = oar.Path.seperator;
io.copy(u8, &path_buffer, native);
mem.copy(u8, path_buffer[native.len .. path_buffer.
len], path.buffer[0 .. path.length]);
if (seperator_length != 0) path_buffer[native.len] = Path.seperator;
const FileAccess =;
const Implementation = struct {
fn rwOpsCast(context: *anyopaque) *ext.SDL_RWops {
return @ptrCast(*ext.SDL_RWops, @alignCast(
@alignOf(ext.SDL_RWops), context));
fn close(context: *anyopaque) void {
if (ext.SDL_RWclose(rwOpsCast(context)) != 0)
ext.SDL_LogWarn(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, ext.SDL_GetError());
fn queryCursor(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const sought = ext.SDL_RWtell(rwOpsCast(context));
if (sought < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
return @intCast(u64, sought);
fn queryLength(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const sought = ext.SDL_RWsize(rwOpsCast(context));
if (sought < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
return @intCast(u64, sought);
fn read(context: *anyopaque, buffer: []u8) FileAccess.Error!usize {
const buffer_read = ext.SDL_RWread(rwOpsCast(
context), buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(u8), buffer.len);
if ((buffer_read == 0) and (ext.SDL_GetError() != null))
return error.FileInaccessible;
return buffer_read;
fn seek(context: *anyopaque, cursor: usize) FileAccess.Error!void {
var to_seek = cursor;
while (to_seek != 0) {
const math = std.math;
const sought = math.min(to_seek, math.maxInt(i64));
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rwOpsCast(context), @intCast(i64, sought),
ext.RW_SEEK_CUR) < 0) return error.FileInaccessible;
to_seek -= sought;
fn seekToEnd(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!void {
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rwOpsCast(context), 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END) < 0)
return error.FileInaccessible;
fn skip(context: *anyopaque, offset: i64) FileAccess.Error!void {
if (ext.SDL_RWseek(rwOpsCast(context), offset, ext.RW_SEEK_SET) < 0)
return error.FileInaccessible;
io.copy(u8, path_buffer[native.len .. path_buffer.len],
path.buffer[0 .. path.length]);
return FileAccess{
.context = ext.SDL_RWFromFile(&path_buffer, switch (mode) {
.readonly => "rb",
.overwrite => "wb",
.append => "ab",
}) orelse return error.FileNotFound,
.implementation = &.{
.close = Implementation.close,
.queryCursor = Implementation.queryCursor,
.queryLength = Implementation.queryLength,
.read =,
.seek =,
.seekToEnd = Implementation.seekToEnd,
.skip = Implementation.skip,
return @ptrCast(*ReadableFile, ext.SDL_RWFromFile(&path_buffer, "rb")
orelse return error.FileNotFound);
@ -472,7 +322,102 @@ pub const Message = struct {
/// Path to a file on a [FileSystem].
pub const Path = oar.Path;
pub const Path = extern struct {
buffer: [255]u8,
length: u8,
/// [Error.TooLong] occurs when creating a path that is greater than the maximum path size **in
/// bytes**.
pub const FromError = error {
/// An empty [Path] with a length of `0`.
pub const empty = Path{
.buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 255,
.length = 0,
pub fn compare(this: Path, that: Path) isize {
return[0 ..this.length], that.buffer[0 .. that.length]);
/// Returns `true` if `this` is equal to `that`, otherwise `false`.
pub fn equals(this: Path, that: Path) bool {
return, this.buffer[0 ..this.length], that.buffer[0 .. that.length]);
/// Attempts to create a [Path] with the path components in `sequences` as a fully qualified
/// path from root.
/// A [Path] value is returned containing the fully qualified path from the file-system root or
/// a [FromError] if it could not be created.
pub fn from(sequences: []const []const u8) FromError!Path {
var path = empty;
if (sequences.len != 0) {
const last_sequence_index = sequences.len - 1;
for (sequences) |sequence, index| if (sequence.len != 0) {
var components ={
.source = sequence,
.delimiter = "/",
while ( |component| if (component.len != 0) {
for (component) |byte| {
if (path.length == max) return error.TooLong;
path.buffer[path.length] = byte;
path.length += 1;
if (components.hasNext()) {
if (path.length == max) return error.TooLong;
path.buffer[path.length] = '/';
path.length += 1;
if (index < last_sequence_index) {
if (path.length == max) return error.TooLong;
path.buffer[path.length] = '/';
path.length += 1;
return path;
/// Returns the hash of the text in `path`.
pub fn hash(path: Path) usize {
return[0 .. path.length]);
/// Maximum number of **bytes** in a [Path].
pub const max = 255;
/// Textual separator between components of a [Path].
pub const seperator = '/';
/// [RunError.InitFailure] occurs when the runtime fails to initialize.
@ -504,32 +449,30 @@ pub fn display(comptime Error: anytype,
.user = .{.native = std.mem.sliceTo(user_prefix, 0)},
.message_semaphore = ext.SDL_CreateSemaphore(0) orelse {
ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create message semaphore");
"Failed to create message semaphore");
return error.InitFailure;
.message_mutex = ext.SDL_CreateMutex() orelse {
ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to create message mutex");
"Failed to create message mutex");
return error.InitFailure;
.data = .{.archive = .{
.index_cache = FileSystem.Archive.IndexCache.init(gpa.allocator()) catch
return error.InitFailure,
.file_access = Path.joined(&.{"./data.oar"}), .readonly) catch {
.data = .{
.archive_file = cwd.openRead(try Path.from(&.{"./data.oar"})) catch {
ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to load ./data.oar");
return error.InitFailure;
defer {;;;
@ -546,7 +489,7 @@ pub fn display(comptime Error: anytype,
var status = std.mem.zeroes(c_int);
var status: c_int = 0;
// SDL2 defines waiting on a null thread reference as a no-op. See
// for more information