Fix segfault when allocating zero-length memory

This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2023-05-29 01:22:30 +00:00
parent 1fb5fc6048
commit de82444ac3
2 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -143,10 +143,6 @@ pub fn allocate_many(comptime Type: type, amount: usize, allocator: Allocator) A
@compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type));
if (amount == 0) {
return &.{};
return @ptrCast([*]Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{.size = @sizeOf(Type) * amount}) orelse {
return error.OutOfMemory;
}))[0 .. amount];

View File

@ -7,17 +7,25 @@ const Context = struct {
const Self = @This();
const empty_allocation = [0]u8{};
fn reallocate(self: *Self, options: ?[]u8 {
if (options.size == 0) {
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
if (allocation.ptr != &empty_allocation) {
self.live_allocations -= 1;
self.live_allocations -= 1;
return null;
self.live_allocations += 1;
return &empty_allocation;
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
if (ext.SDL_realloc(allocation.ptr, options.size)) |reallocation| {
self.live_allocations += 1;