Remove allocation checks in optimized release builds

This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2023-06-04 13:37:26 +00:00
parent 341710bfbc
commit d378939f30
1 changed files with 136 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const coral = @import("coral");
const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
@ -8,11 +10,19 @@ const std = @import("std");
const AllocationInfo = struct {
trace: std.debug.Trace,
trace: AllocationTrace,
next_info: ?*AllocationInfo,
size: usize,
const AllocationTrace = std.debug.ConfigurableTrace(2, 4, switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => false,
@ -29,23 +39,40 @@ const Context = struct {
/// *Note* the returned buffer must be deallocated with [deallocate] before program exit or it will cause a memory
/// leak.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn allocate(self: *Context, size: usize, return_address: usize) ?[]u8 {
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
const total_allocation_size = allocation_info_size + size;
const allocation = ext.SDL_malloc(total_allocation_size) orelse return null;
const allocation_info = @ptrCast(*AllocationInfo, @alignCast(@alignOf(AllocationInfo), allocation));
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
const total_allocation_size = allocation_info_size + size;
const allocation = ext.SDL_malloc(total_allocation_size) orelse return null;
const allocation_info = @ptrCast(*AllocationInfo, @alignCast(@alignOf(AllocationInfo), allocation));
allocation_info.* = .{
.size = size,
.next_info = self.allocation_info_head,
.trace = .{},
allocation_info.* = .{
.size = size,
.next_info = self.allocation_info_head,
.trace = .{},
allocation_info.trace.addAddr(return_address, "");
allocation_info.trace.addAddr(return_address, "");
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info;
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[allocation_info_size .. total_allocation_size];
return @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[allocation_info_size .. total_allocation_size];
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_malloc(size) orelse return null)[0 .. size];
fn allocation_info_of(allocation: [*]u8) *AllocationInfo {
return @intToPtr(*AllocationInfo, @ptrToInt(allocation) - @sizeOf(AllocationInfo));
@ -54,40 +81,50 @@ const Context = struct {
/// *Note* the pointer and length of `allocation` must match valid values known to `allocator` otherwise safety-
/// checked behavior will occur.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn deallocate(self: *Context, allocation: []u8) void {
const target_allocation_info = @intToPtr(*AllocationInfo, @ptrToInt(allocation.ptr) - @sizeOf(AllocationInfo));
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const target_allocation_info = allocation_info_of(allocation.ptr);
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for deallocating");
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for deallocating");
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
@panic("incorrect allocation address for deallocating");
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
@panic("incorrect allocation address for deallocating");
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
@ -105,41 +142,52 @@ const Context = struct {
/// *Note* the allocation referenced by `allocation` should be considered invalid once the function returns,
/// discarding it in favor of the return value.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn reallocate(self: *Context, allocation: []u8, size: usize) ?[]u8 {
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
const target_allocation_info = @intToPtr(*AllocationInfo, @ptrToInt(allocation.ptr) - allocation_info_size);
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const target_allocation_info = allocation_info_of(allocation.ptr);
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for reallocating");
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse {
return null;
})[allocation_info_size .. allocation_info_size + size];
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse {
return null;
})[allocation_info_size .. allocation_info_size + size];
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for reallocating");
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
@panic("incorrect allocation address for reallocating");
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse {
return null;
})[allocation_info_size .. allocation_info_size + size];
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse {
return null;
})[allocation_info_size .. allocation_info_size + size];
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
@panic("incorrect allocation address for reallocating");
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(allocation.ptr, size) orelse return null)[0 .. size];
@ -176,14 +224,23 @@ pub const allocator =, &context, struct {
/// alive and reports the stack traces of any detected allocations to stderr along with the allocation address and
/// length.
/// *Note* this function becomes a no-op in release builds optimized for speed or size.
pub fn trace_leaks() void {
var current_allocation_info = context.allocation_info_head;
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
var current_allocation_info = context.allocation_info_head;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| : (current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info) {
std.debug.print("{d} byte leak at 0x{x} detected: {}", .{
@ptrToInt(allocation_info) + @sizeOf(AllocationInfo),
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| : (current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info) {
std.debug.print("{d} byte leak at 0x{x} detected:\n", .{
@ptrToInt(allocation_info) + @sizeOf(AllocationInfo),
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {},