Implement hash table type in Coral

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kayomn 2023-05-24 00:30:40 +00:00
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1 changed files with 275 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,64 +1,303 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub fn Hashed(comptime key: Key, comptime Element: type) type {
const Entry = struct {
key: key.Element,
value: Element,
/// Hash type used by tables and their associated structures.
pub const Hash = u64;
/// Returns a table type of `Key`-`Value` pairs implementing a hash-only approach to key-value storage.
/// Entries are hashed using the `keyer` and collisions are resolved by looking for another empty space nearby. This
/// repeats until the load factor exceeds the implementation-defined load maximum, at which point the table will rehash
/// itself to acquire more capacity.
pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Key)) type {
const hash_info = @typeInfo(Hash).Int;
const load_max = 0.75;
const growth_factor = 0.6;
return struct {
entries: []?Entry = &.{},
count: usize,
table: []?Entry,
/// Key-value pair bundling.
pub const Entry = struct {
key: Key,
value: Value,
/// Attempts to write `self` into `entry_table`, returning `true` if no identical entry already existed,
/// otherwise `false`.
/// Note that this does not modify the memory pointed to by `entry_table` in any way, meaning that
/// completely filled entry tables cannot perform the write at all and will invoke safety-checked behavior.
fn write_into(self: Entry, entry_table: []?Entry) bool {
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), entry_table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(self.key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (true) : (iterations += 1) {
debug.assert(iterations < entry_table.len);
const table_entry = &(entry_table[hashed_key] orelse {
entry_table[hashed_key] = .{
.key = self.key,
.value = self.value,
return true;
if (keyer.comparer(table_entry.key, self.key) == 0) {
return false;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
/// Table type.
const Self = @This();
pub fn assign(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key_element: key.Element, value_element: Element) io.AllocationError!void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
_ = key_element;
_ = value_element;
/// Attempts to write the `key`-`value` pair into `self`, using `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy,
/// and overwriting any value stored with a matching `key` and returning it if one existed.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required to grow the
/// entry table of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn assign(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!?Entry {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
if (growth_size > math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
try self.rehash(allocator, @floatToInt(usize, growth_size));
debug.assert(self.table.len > self.count);
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), self.table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
while (true) {
const entry = &(self.table[hashed_key] orelse {
self.table[hashed_key] = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return null;
if (keyer.comparer(entry.key, key) == 0) {
const original_entry = entry.*;
entry.* = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return original_entry;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
return false;
/// Returns the calculated load factor of `self` at the moment.
pub fn calculate_load_factor(self: Self) f32 {
return @intToFloat(f32, self.count) / @intToFloat(f32, self.table.len);
/// Clears all entries from `self`, resetting the count to `0`.
/// To clean up memory allocations made by the stack and deinitialize it, see [deinit] instead.
pub fn clear(self: *Self) void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
for (self.table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
self.count = 0;
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.MemoryAllocator) void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
_ = allocator;
/// Deinitializes `self` and sets it to an invalid state, freeing all memory allocated by `allocator`.
/// To clear all items from the table while preserving the current capacity, see [clear] instead.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = &.{};
self.count = 0;
pub fn insert(self: *Self, key_element: key.Element, value_element: Element) io.AllocationError!bool {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
_ = key_element;
_ = value_element;
/// Attempts to allocate and return an empty table with an implementation-defined initial capacity using
/// `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required for the
/// table capcity size.
pub fn init(allocator: io.Allocator) io.AllocationError!Self {
const table = try io.allocate_many(?Entry, 4, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, table);
for (table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
return Self{
.table = table,
.count = 0,
pub fn lookup(self: Self, key_element: key.Element) ?Element {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
_ = key_element;
/// Attempts to write the `key`-`value` pair into `self`, using `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy,
/// if no value already exists with a matching `key`, returning `true` if it was inserted, otherwise `false`.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required to grow the
/// entry table of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!bool {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
if (growth_size > math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
try self.rehash(allocator, @floatToInt(usize, growth_size));
debug.assert(self.table.len > self.count);
return (Entry{
.key = key,
.value = value,
/// Attempts to find an entry in `self` matching `key`, returning it or `null` if no matching entry was found.
pub fn lookup(self: Self, key: Key) ?Value {
if (self.count == 0) {
return null;
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), self.table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
while (true) {
const entry = &(self.table[hashed_key] orelse return null);
if (keyer.comparer(entry.key, key) == 0) {
return entry.value;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
return null;
/// Attempts to reallocate and regenerate the table capacity in `self` using `allocator` to be equal to or
/// greater than `requested_range`, returning [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` cannot commit the memory
/// required for the table capacity size.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn rehash(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, requested_range: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const old_table = self.table;
self.table = try io.allocate_many(?Entry, math.max(requested_range, self.count), allocator);
errdefer {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = old_table;
for (self.table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
for (old_table) |maybe_entry| {
if (maybe_entry) |entry| {
io.deallocate(allocator, old_table);
pub const Key = struct {
Element: type,
pub fn unsigned_key(comptime bits: comptime_int) Key {
return .{
.Element = math.Unsigned(bits),
/// Returns a function group for defining table keying operations performable on `Key`.
pub fn Keyer(comptime Key: type) type {
return struct {
hasher: fn (key: Key) Hash,
comparer: fn (key_a: Key, key_b: Key) isize,
pub const string_key = Key{
.Element = []const u8,
/// A standard [Keyer] for `[]const u8` types that provides general-purpose string keying.
pub const string_keyer = Keyer([]const u8){
.hasher = hash_string,
.comparer =,
/// Returns a general-purpose, non-cryptographically safe hash value for `string`.
pub fn hash_string(string: []const u8) Hash {
var hash_code = @as(Hash, 5381);
for (string) |byte| {
hash_code = ((hash_code << 5) + hash_code) + byte;
return hash_code;