Clean up app library

This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2023-02-19 16:45:40 +00:00
parent be0527dac8
commit 88fabfaa51
3 changed files with 248 additions and 232 deletions

View File

@ -1,61 +1,103 @@
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
export module app;
import core;
import core.files;
import core.image;
import core.lalgebra;
import oar;
export namespace app {
struct path {
static constexpr core::usize max = 0xff;
struct directory : public core::fs {
using core::fs::access_result;
static constexpr char seperator = '/';
struct rules {
bool can_read;
core::u8 buffer[max + 1];
static constexpr path empty() {
path empty_path = {0};
empty_path.buffer[max] = max;
return empty_path;
core::slice<char const> as_slice() const {
return {reinterpret_cast<char const *>(this->buffer), this->size()};
constexpr core::usize size() const {
return max - this->buffer[max];
core::i16 compare(path const & that) {
return 0;
bool equals(path const & that) const {
return core::equals(this->as_slice().as_bytes(), that.as_slice().as_bytes());
constexpr path joined(core::slice<char const> const & text) const {
if (text.length > this->buffer[max]) return empty();
path joined_path = *this;
for (char const c : text) {
joined_path.buffer[joined_path.size()] = c;
joined_path.buffer[max] -= 1;
return joined_path;
core::u64 hash() {
return 0;
bool can_write;
struct file_store {
virtual void read_file(app::path const & file_path, core::callable<void(core::readable const &)> const & then) = 0;
directory() : path_buffer{0} {}
access_result read_file(core::path const & file_path,
core::callable<void(core::readable const &)> const & then) {
if (this->prefix_length == 0) return access_result::not_found;
if (!this->access_rules.can_read) return access_result::access_denied;
::SDL_RWops * rw_ops = this->open_rw(file_path, {.can_read = true});
if (rw_ops == nullptr) return access_result::not_found;
then([rw_ops](core::slice<uint8_t> const & buffer) -> size_t {
return ::SDL_RWread(rw_ops, buffer.pointer, sizeof(uint8_t), buffer.length);
return access_result::ok;
void target(core::slice<char const> const & directory_path, rules const & access_rules) {
this->access_rules = access_rules;
this->prefix_length = core::min(directory_path.length, path_max - 1);
core::slice const path_buffer_slice{this->path_buffer};
core::copy(path_buffer_slice.sliced(0, this->prefix_length),
directory_path.sliced(0, this->prefix_length).as_bytes());
core::zero(path_buffer_slice.sliced(this->prefix_length, path_max - this->prefix_length));
access_result write_file(core::path const & file_path,
core::callable<void(core::writable const &)> const & then) {
if (this->prefix_length == 0) return access_result::not_found;
if (!this->access_rules.can_write) return access_result::access_denied;
::SDL_RWops * rw_ops = this->open_rw(file_path, {.can_write = true});
if (rw_ops == nullptr) return access_result::not_found;
then([rw_ops](core::slice<uint8_t const> const & buffer) -> size_t {
return ::SDL_RWwrite(rw_ops, buffer.pointer, sizeof(uint8_t), buffer.length);
return access_result::ok;
static constexpr core::usize path_max = 4096;
rules access_rules;
core::usize prefix_length;
core::u8 path_buffer[path_max];
::SDL_RWops * open_rw(core::path const & file_path, rules const & file_rules) {
core::u8 * const path_begin = this->path_buffer + this->prefix_length;
core::slice const path_remaining =
{path_begin, path_begin + (path_max - this->prefix_length) - 1};
if (path_remaining.length < file_path.byte_size()) return nullptr;
core::copy(path_remaining, core::slice{file_path.begin(), file_path.end()}.as_bytes());
return ::SDL_RWFromFile(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(this->path_buffer), "r");
enum class log_level {
@ -65,18 +107,103 @@ export namespace app {
struct system {
virtual bool poll() = 0;
system(core::path const & title) : res_archive{} {
constexpr directory::rules read_only_rules = {.can_read = true};
virtual file_store & bundle() = 0;
char * const path = ::SDL_GetBasePath();
virtual void log(log_level level, core::slice<char const> const & message) = 0;
if (path == nullptr) {
this->"./", read_only_rules);
} else {
core::usize path_length = 0;
virtual core::allocator & thread_safe_allocator() = 0;
while (path[path_length] != 0) path_length += 1;
if (path_length == 0) {
this->"./", read_only_rules);
} else {
this->{path, path_length}, read_only_rules);
char * const path = ::SDL_GetPrefPath("ona", title.begin());
if (path != nullptr) {
core::usize path_length = 0;
while (path[path_length] != 0) path_length += 1;
if (path_length != 0) this->{path, path_length}, {
.can_read = true,
core::fs & cwd_fs() {
return this->cwd_directory;
bool poll() {
while (::SDL_PollEvent(&this->sdl_event) != 0) {
switch (this->sdl_event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT: return false;
return true;
core::fs & res_fs() {
return this->res_archive;
void log(app::log_level level, core::slice<char const> const & message) {
core::i32 const length = static_cast<core::i32>(
core::min(message.length, static_cast<size_t>(core::i32_max)));
SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "%.*s", length, message.pointer);
core::allocator & thread_safe_allocator() {
return this->allocator;
core::fs & user_fs() {
return this->user_directory;
::SDL_Event sdl_event;
struct : public core::allocator {
core::u8 * reallocate(core::u8 * maybe_allocation, core::usize requested_size) override {
return reinterpret_cast<core::u8 *>(::SDL_malloc(requested_size));
void deallocate(void * allocation) override {
} allocator;
oar::archive res_archive;
directory cwd_directory;
directory user_directory;
struct graphics {
enum class show_error {
enum class [[nodiscard]] show_result {
@ -84,12 +211,72 @@ export namespace app {
core::color background_color;
virtual void render(canvas & source_canvas) = 0;
graphics(core::path const & title) {
virtual void present() = 0;
void render(canvas & source_canvas) {
if (this->sdl_renderer != nullptr) {
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->sdl_renderer, source_canvas.background_color.to_r8(),
source_canvas.background_color.to_g8(), source_canvas.background_color.to_b8(),
virtual show_error show(core::u16 physical_width, core::u16 physical_height) = 0;
virtual void retitle(core::slice<const char> const & updated_title) = 0;
void retitle(core::path const & title) {
this->title = title;
if (this->sdl_window != nullptr)
::SDL_SetWindowTitle(this->sdl_window, this->title.begin());
show_result show(core::u16 physical_width, core::u16 physical_height) {
if (this->sdl_window == nullptr) {
constexpr int sdl_windowpos = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED;
constexpr core::u32 sdl_windowflags = 0;
this->sdl_window = ::SDL_CreateWindow(this->title.begin(), sdl_windowpos,
sdl_windowpos, static_cast<int>(physical_width), static_cast<int>(physical_height),
if (this->sdl_window == nullptr) return show_result::out_of_memory;
} else {
if (this->sdl_renderer == nullptr) {
constexpr core::u32 sdl_rendererflags = 0;
this->sdl_renderer = ::SDL_CreateRenderer(this->sdl_window, -1, sdl_rendererflags);
if (this->sdl_renderer == nullptr) return show_result::out_of_memory;
return show_result::ok;
void present() {
if (this->sdl_renderer != nullptr) {
core::path title;
::SDL_Window * sdl_window = nullptr;
::SDL_Renderer * sdl_renderer = nullptr;
using graphical_runnable = core::callable<int(system &, graphics &)>;
int display(core::path const & title, graphical_runnable const & run) {
system app_system{title};
graphics app_graphics{title};
return run(app_system, app_graphics);

View File

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
export module app.sdl;
import app;
import core;
import core.image;
import core.sequence;
import core.lalgebra;
struct bundled_file_store : public app::file_store {
void read_file(app::path const & file_path, core::callable<void(core::readable const &)> const & then) override {
constexpr core::slice<char const> path_prefix = "./";
constexpr core::usize path_max = 512;
if ((file_path.size() + path_prefix.length) > path_max) core::unreachable();
core::stack<char, path_max> path_buffer{&core::null_allocator()};
if (path_buffer.append("./") != core::append_result::ok) core::unreachable();
// File path is guaranteed to be null-terminated.
if (path_buffer.append(file_path.as_slice()) != core::append_result::ok)
SDL_RWops * rw_ops = ::SDL_RWFromFile(path_buffer.begin(), "r");
if (rw_ops == nullptr) return;
then([rw_ops](core::slice<uint8_t> const & buffer) -> size_t {
return ::SDL_RWread(rw_ops, buffer.pointer, sizeof(uint8_t), buffer.length);
struct sdl_allocator : public core::allocator {
core::u8 * reallocate(core::u8 * maybe_allocation, core::usize requested_size) override {
return reinterpret_cast<core::u8 *>(::SDL_malloc(requested_size));
void deallocate(void * allocation) override {
struct sdl_system : public app::system {
::SDL_Event sdl_event;
sdl_allocator allocator;
bundled_file_store bundled_store;
sdl_system() :
allocator{} {}
bool poll() override {
while (::SDL_PollEvent(&this->sdl_event) != 0) {
switch (this->sdl_event.type) {
case SDL_QUIT: return false;
return true;
app::file_store & bundle() override {
return this->bundled_store;
void log(app::log_level level, core::slice<char const> const & message) override {
core::i32 const length = static_cast<core::i32>(
core::min(message.length, static_cast<size_t>(core::i32_max)));
SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "%.*s", length, message.pointer);
core::allocator & thread_safe_allocator() override {
return this->allocator;
struct sdl_graphics : public app::graphics {
static constexpr core::usize title_maximum = 128;
core::u32 title_length;
char title_buffer[title_maximum];
::SDL_Window * sdl_window = nullptr;
::SDL_Renderer * sdl_renderer = nullptr;
sdl_graphics(core::slice<char const> const & title) {
void render(canvas & source_canvas) override {
if (this->sdl_renderer != nullptr) {
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->sdl_renderer, source_canvas.background_color.to_r8(),
source_canvas.background_color.to_g8(), source_canvas.background_color.to_b8(),
void retitle(core::slice<char const> const & title) override {
this->title_length = core::min(title.length, title_maximum - 1);
for (core::usize i = 0; i < this->title_length; i += 1) title_buffer[i] = title[i];
for (core::usize i = this->title_length; i < title_maximum; i += 1) title_buffer[i] = 0;
if (this->sdl_window != nullptr) ::SDL_SetWindowTitle(this->sdl_window, title_buffer);
app::graphics::show_error show(core::u16 physical_width, core::u16 physical_height) override {
if (this->sdl_window == nullptr) {
constexpr int sdl_windowpos = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED;
constexpr core::u32 sdl_windowflags = 0;
this->sdl_window = ::SDL_CreateWindow(title_buffer, sdl_windowpos, sdl_windowpos,
static_cast<int>(physical_width), static_cast<int>(physical_height),
if (this->sdl_window == nullptr) return show_error::out_of_memory;
} else {
if (this->sdl_renderer == nullptr) {
constexpr core::u32 sdl_rendererflags = 0;
this->sdl_renderer = ::SDL_CreateRenderer(this->sdl_window, -1, sdl_rendererflags);
if (this->sdl_renderer == nullptr) return show_error::out_of_memory;
return show_error::none;
void present() override {
if (this->sdl_renderer != nullptr) {
export namespace app {
int display(core::slice<char const> const & title,
core::callable<int(app::system &, app::graphics &)> const & run) {
sdl_system system;
sdl_graphics graphics(title);
return run(system, graphics);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
export module runtime;
import app;
import app.sdl;
import core;
import core.files;
import core.lalgebra;
import core.sequence;
@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ import kym.environment;
extern "C" int main(int argc, char const * const * argv) {
return app::display("Ona Runtime", [](app::system & system, app::graphics & graphics) -> int {
constexpr app::path config_path = app::path::empty().joined("config.kym");
bool is_config_loaded = false;
constexpr core::path config_path{"config.kym"};
bool is_config_loaded{false};
system.bundle().read_file(config_path, [&](core::readable const & file) {
kym::vm vm{&system.thread_safe_allocator(), [&system](core::slice<char const> const & error_message) {
if ((system.res_fs().read_file(config_path, [&](core::readable const & file) {
kym::vm vm{&system.thread_safe_allocator(),
[&system](core::slice<char const> const & error_message) {
system.log(app::log_level::error, error_message);
@ -30,24 +31,25 @@ extern "C" int main(int argc, char const * const * argv) {
core::stack<core::u8> script_source{&system.thread_safe_allocator()};
core::u8 stream_buffer[1024] = {};
core::u8 stream_buffer[1024]{0};
if (!core::stream(core::sequence_writer{&script_source}, file, stream_buffer).is_ok())
vm.with_object(vm.compile(core::slice{script_source.begin(), script_source.end()}.as_chars()), [&](kym::bound_object & script) {
vm.with_object({}), [&](kym::bound_object & config) {
core::u16 const width = config.get_field("width").as_u16().value_or(0);
core::u16 const width{config.get_field("width").as_u16().value_or(0)};
if (width == 0) return system.log(app::log_level::error,
"failed to decode `width` property of config");
core::u16 const height = config.get_field("height").as_u16().value_or(0);
core::u16 const height{config.get_field("height").as_u16().value_or(0)};
if (height == 0) return system.log(app::log_level::error,
"failed to decode `height` property of config");, height);
if (, height) != app::graphics::show_result::ok)
return system.log(app::log_level::error, "failed to initialize window");
vm.with_object(config.get_field("title"), [&](kym::bound_object & title) {
core::stack<core::u8, 128> title_buffer{&system.thread_safe_allocator()};
@ -63,13 +65,7 @@ extern "C" int main(int argc, char const * const * argv) {
if (!is_config_loaded) {
system.log(app::log_level::error, "failed to load config");
return core::u8_max;
}) != core::fs::access_result::ok) || (!is_config_loaded)) return core::u8_max;
// app::canvas canvas_2d();