Merge pull request 'Implement Bytecode Executor for Kym' (#19) from kym-bytecode-executor into main
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

Reviewed-on: #19
This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2023-07-12 02:58:02 +02:00
commit 4ff733ca72
33 changed files with 2283 additions and 2999 deletions

.vscode/launch.json vendored Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -2,20 +2,12 @@
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Runtime",
"name": "Runner",
"type": "gdb",
"request": "launch",
"target": "${workspaceRoot}/zig-out/bin/ona-runner",
"target": "${workspaceRoot}/zig-out/bin/runner",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/debug/",
"valuesFormatting": "parseText"
"name": "Build Script",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "./",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true

.vscode/settings.json vendored Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 120,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": false,
"editor.rulers": [120],
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"files.insertFinalNewline": true,
"zig.formattingProvider": "off",
"zig.zls.enableAutofix": false,
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"spellright.language": ["en-US-10-1."],
"spellright.documentTypes": ["markdown"],
"files.insertFinalNewline": true,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"[zig]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"files.eol": "\n",
"editor.minimap.maxColumn": 120,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": false,
"editor.rulers": [120],

.vscode/tasks.json vendored Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -2,24 +2,23 @@
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build",
"type": "process",
"command": "zig",
"args": ["build"],
"label": "Build All",
"type": "shell",
"command": "zig build",
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"problemMatcher": "$gcc",
"presentation": {
"echo": true,
"reveal": "silent",
"focus": false,
"panel": "shared",
"showReuseMessage": true,
"showReuseMessage": false,
"clear": true,
"revealProblems": "onProblem"
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true

build.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});
const coral_module = b.createModule(.{.source_file = .{.path = "./source/coral/coral.zig"}});
const ona_module = b.createModule(.{
@ -14,37 +17,28 @@ pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const cross_target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize_mode = std.builtin.Mode.Debug;
// Ona runner.
const ona_exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "ona-runner",
.root_source_file = .{.path = "./source/runner.zig"},
.target = cross_target,
.optimize = optimize_mode,
b.installArtifact(create: {
const compile_step = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "runner",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "source/runner.zig" },
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
ona_exe.addModule("coral", coral_module);
ona_exe.addModule("ona", ona_module);
compile_step.addModule("ona", ona_module);
// ona_exe.addIncludeDir("./ext");
break: create compile_step;
// Test step.
const exe_tests = b.addTest(.{
b.step("test", "Run unit tests").dependOn(create: {
const tests = b.addTest(.{
.root_source_file = .{.path = "source/test.zig"},
.target = cross_target,
.optimize = optimize_mode,
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");
break: create &tests.step;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
title = "Afterglow"
return {
title = "Afterglow",
width = 1280,
height = 800,
title = title,
width = 1280,
height = 800,
tick_rate = 60,

View File

@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ Ona is also the Catalan word for "wave".
* Provide utilities for handling rendering but otherwise leave the higher-level game logic and data structuring to the programmer.
* Provide a simple scripting interface for people who want to do something quick and a powerful plug-in API for engine-level extensions and speed-critical application logic.
## Technical Details
### Requirements

source/coral/arena.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -7,53 +7,30 @@ const list = @import("./list.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub const Stacking = struct {
base_allocator: io.Allocator,
page_allocator: io.Allocator,
min_page_size: usize,
allocations: list.Stack(usize) = .{},
pages: list.Stack(Page) = .{},
allocations: list.Stack(usize),
pages: list.Stack(Page),
const AllocationsList = list.Stack(usize);
const Page = struct {
buffer: []u8,
buffer: []io.Byte,
used: usize,
const Self = @This();
fn available(self: Self) usize {
fn available(self: Page) usize {
return self.buffer.len - self.used;
pub fn allocate(self: *Stacking, allocation_size: usize) io.AllocationError![]u8 {
const alignment = @as(usize, 4);
const aligned_allocation_size = (allocation_size + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
if (self.pages.values.len == 0) {
const page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_allocation_size));
page.used = allocation_size;
return page.buffer[0 .. allocation_size];
var page = self.current_page() orelse unreachable;
if (page.available() <= aligned_allocation_size) {
page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_allocation_size));
debug.assert(page.available() >= allocation_size);
defer page.used += aligned_allocation_size;
return page.buffer[page.used .. (page.used + allocation_size)];
const PageList = list.Stack(Page);
fn allocate_page(self: *Stacking, page_size: usize) io.AllocationError!*Page {
var buffer = try io.allocate_many(self.base_allocator, page_size, u8);
var buffer = try self.page_allocator.reallocate(null, page_size);
errdefer io.deallocate(self.base_allocator, buffer);
errdefer self.page_allocator.deallocate(buffer);
try self.pages.push_one(self.base_allocator, .{
try self.pages.push_one(.{
.buffer = buffer,
.used = 0,
@ -62,34 +39,10 @@ pub const Stacking = struct {
pub fn as_allocator(self: *Stacking) io.Allocator {
return io.Allocator.bind(Stacking, self, struct {
fn reallocate(stacking: *Stacking, options: io.AllocationOptions) ?[]u8 {
const allocation = options.allocation orelse {
return stacking.allocate(options.size) catch null;
if (allocation.len == 0) {
return null;
const reallocation = stacking.allocate(allocation.len) catch {
return null;
io.copy(reallocation, allocation);
return reallocation;
pub fn clear_allocations(self: *Stacking) void {
for (self.pages.values) |page| {
io.deallocate(self.base_allocator, page.buffer);
return io.Allocator.bind(Stacking, self, .{
.deallocate = deallocate,
.reallocate = reallocate,
fn current_page(self: Stacking) ?*Page {
@ -99,4 +52,60 @@ pub const Stacking = struct {
return &self.pages.values[self.pages.values.len - 1];
pub fn free(self: *Stacking) void {
for (self.pages.values) |page| {
pub fn deallocate(_: *Stacking, _: []io.Byte) void {
// TODO: Decide how to implement.
pub fn reallocate(self: *Stacking, return_address: usize, existing_allocation: ?[]io.Byte, size: usize) io.AllocationError![]io.Byte {
// TODO: Safety-check existing allocation is from allocator or null.
_ = return_address;
const alignment = @as(usize, 4);
const aligned_size = (size + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
if (self.pages.values.len == 0) {
const page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_size));
page.used = size;
return page.buffer[0 .. size];
var page = self.current_page() orelse unreachable;
if (page.available() <= aligned_size) {
page = try self.allocate_page(math.max(self.min_page_size, aligned_size));
debug.assert(page.available() >= size);
defer page.used += aligned_size;
const reallocation = page.buffer[page.used .. (page.used + size)];
if (existing_allocation) |allocation| {
io.copy(reallocation, allocation);
return reallocation;
pub fn make(allocator: io.Allocator, min_page_size: usize) Stacking {
return Stacking{
.allocations = AllocationsList.make(allocator),
.pages = PageList.make(allocator),
.page_allocator = allocator,
.min_page_size = min_page_size,

source/coral/coral.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,44 +1,14 @@
/// Arena-based memory allocation strategies.
pub const arena = @import("./arena.zig");
/// Debug build-only utilities and sanity-checkers.
pub const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
/// Platform-agnostic data input and output operations.
pub const io = @import("./io.zig");
/// Data structures and utilities for sequential, "list-like" collections.
pub const list = @import("./list.zig");
/// Types and functions designed for mathematics in interactive media applications.
pub const map = @import("./map.zig");
pub const math = @import("./math.zig");
/// Data structures and utilities for fragmented, "heap-like" collections.
pub const slab = @import("./slab.zig");
/// Data structures and utilities for the highly-specialized "slotmap" collection.
pub const slots = @import("./slots.zig");
/// Data structures and utilities for associative, "table-like" collections.
pub const table = @import("./table.zig");
/// Converters, parsers, and validators for sequences of bytes treated as UTF8 unicode strings.
pub const utf8 = @import("./utf8.zig");

source/coral/debug.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
/// Active code comment to assert that `condition` should always be true.
/// Safety-checked behavior is invoked where `condition` evaluates to false.
pub fn assert(condition: bool) void {
if (!condition) {

source/coral/io.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,305 +1,284 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub const AllocationError = error {
pub const AllocationOptions = struct {
return_address: usize,
allocation: ?[]u8 = null,
size: usize,
pub const Allocator = Generator(?[]u8, AllocationOptions);
/// Function pointer coupled with an immutable state context for providing dynamic dispatch over a given `Input` and
/// `Output`.
pub fn Functor(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *const anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *const State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *const State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const alignment = @alignOf(State);
const is_zero_aligned = alignment == 0;
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(*const anyopaque, state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke_opaque(context: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(*const State, context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(*const State, @alignCast(alignment, context)), input);
pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.invoker(self.context, input);
/// Function pointer coupled with a mutable state context for providing dynamic dispatch over a given `Input` and
/// `Output`.
pub fn Generator(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const alignment = @alignOf(State);
const is_zero_aligned = alignment == 0;
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(*anyopaque, state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke_opaque(context: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(*State, @alignCast(alignment, context)), input);
pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.invoker(self.context, input);
pub const Reader = Generator(?usize, []u8);
pub const StreamError = error {
pub fn Tag(comptime Element: type) type {
return switch (@typeInfo(Element)) {
.Enum => |info| info.tag_type,
.Union => |info| info.tag_type orelse @compileError(@typeName(Element) ++ " has no tag type"),
else => @compileError("expected enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(Element) ++ "'"),
pub const FixedBuffer = struct {
slice: []u8,
pub fn as_writer(self: *FixedBuffer) Writer {
return Writer.bind(FixedBuffer, self, struct {
fn write(writable_memory: *FixedBuffer, data: []const u8) ?usize {
return writable_memory.write(data);
pub fn put(self: *FixedBuffer, byte: u8) bool {
if (self.slice.len == 0) {
return false;
self.slice[0] = byte;
self.slice = self.slice[1 ..];
return true;
pub fn write(self: *FixedBuffer, bytes: []const u8) usize {
const writable = math.min(self.slice.len, bytes.len);
copy(self.slice, bytes);
self.slice = self.slice[writable ..];
return writable;
pub const Writer = Generator(?usize, []const u8);
pub fn allocate_many(allocator: Allocator, amount: usize, comptime Type: type) AllocationError![]Type {
if (@sizeOf(Type) == 0) {
@compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type));
return @ptrCast([*]Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{
.size = @sizeOf(Type) * amount,
.return_address = @returnAddress(),
}) orelse return error.OutOfMemory))[0 .. amount];
pub fn allocate_one(allocator: Allocator, value: anytype) AllocationError!*@TypeOf(value) {
const Type = @TypeOf(value);
if (@sizeOf(Type) == 0) {
@compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte type " ++ @typeName(Type));
const allocation = @ptrCast(*Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), allocator.invoke(.{
.size = @sizeOf(Type),
.return_address = @returnAddress(),
}) orelse return error.OutOfMemory));
allocation.* = value;
return allocation;
pub fn bytes_of(value: anytype) []const u8 {
const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(value)).Pointer;
debug.assert(pointer_info.size == .One);
return @ptrCast([*]const u8, value)[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer_info.child)];
pub fn compare(this: []const u8, that: []const u8) isize {
const range = math.min(this.len, that.len);
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < range) : (index += 1) {
const difference = @intCast(isize, this[index]) - @intCast(isize, that[index]);
if (difference != 0) {
return difference;
return @intCast(isize, this.len) - @intCast(isize, that.len);
pub fn copy(target: []u8, source: []const u8) void {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < source.len) : (index += 1) target[index] = source[index];
pub fn deallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype) void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation))) {
.Pointer => |pointer| {
_ = allocator.invoke(.{
.allocation = switch (pointer.size) {
.One => @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer.child)],
.Slice => @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(pointer.child) * allocation.len)],
.Many, .C => @compileError("length of allocation must be known to deallocate"),
.return_address = @returnAddress(),
.size = 0,
else => @compileError("cannot deallocate " ++ allocation),
pub fn ends_with(target: []const u8, match: []const u8) bool {
if (target.len < match.len) return false;
var index = @as(usize, 0);
while (index < match.len) : (index += 1) {
if (target[target.len - (1 + index)] != match[match.len - (1 + index)]) return false;
return true;
pub fn equals(this: []const u8, that: []const u8) bool {
if (this.len != that.len) return false;
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < this.len) : (index += 1) if (this[index] != that[index]) return false;
return true;
var null_context = @as(usize, 0);
pub const null_allocator = Allocator.bind(&null_context, struct {
fn reallocate(context: *usize, options: AllocationOptions) ?[]u8 {
debug.assert(context.* == 0);
debug.assert(options.allocation == null);
return null;
pub const null_writer = Writer.bind(&null_context, struct {
fn write(context: *usize, buffer: []const u8) usize {
debug.assert(context.* == 0);
return buffer.len;
pub fn reallocate(allocator: Allocator, allocation: anytype, amount: usize) AllocationError![]@typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer.child {
const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation)).Pointer;
const Element = pointer_info.child;
return @ptrCast([*]Element, @alignCast(@alignOf(Element), (allocator.invoke(switch (pointer_info.size) {
.Slice => .{
.allocation = @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation.ptr)[0 .. (@sizeOf(Element) * allocation.len)],
.size = @sizeOf(Element) * amount,
.Many, .C, .One => @compileError("allocation must be a slice to reallocate"),
}) orelse return error.OutOfMemory).ptr))[0 .. amount];
pub fn sentinel_index(comptime element: type, comptime sentinel: element, sequence: [*:sentinel]const element) usize {
var index: usize = 0;
while (sequence[index] != sentinel) : (index += 1) {}
return index;
pub fn stream(output: Writer, input: Reader, buffer: []u8) StreamError!u64 {
var total_written: u64 = 0;
var read = input.invoke(buffer) orelse return error.ReadFailure;
while (read != 0) {
total_written += output.invoke(buffer[]) orelse return error.WriteFailure;
read = input.invoke(buffer) orelse return error.ReadFailure;
return total_written;
pub fn swap(comptime Element: type, this: *Element, that: *Element) void {
const temp = this.*;
this.* = that.*;
that.* = temp;
pub fn tag_of(comptime value: anytype) Tag(@TypeOf(value)) {
return @as(Tag(@TypeOf(value)), value);
pub fn zero(target: []u8) void {
for (target) |*t| t.* = 0;
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub const AllocationError = error {
pub const Allocator = struct {
context: *anyopaque,
actions: *const struct {
deallocate: *const fn (context: *anyopaque, allocation: []Byte) void,
reallocate: *const fn (context: *anyopaque, return_address: usize, existing_allocation: ?[]Byte, size: usize) AllocationError![]Byte,
pub fn Actions(comptime State: type) type {
return struct {
deallocate: fn (state: *State, allocation: []Byte) void,
reallocate: fn (state: *State, return_address: usize, existing_allocation: ?[]Byte, size: usize) AllocationError![]Byte,
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime actions: Actions(State)) Allocator {
const is_zero_aligned = @alignOf(State) == 0;
const ErasedActions = struct {
fn deallocate(context: *anyopaque, allocation: []Byte) void {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return actions.deallocator(@ptrCast(context), allocation);
return actions.deallocate(@ptrCast(@alignCast(context)), allocation);
fn reallocate(context: *anyopaque, return_address: usize, existing_allocation: ?[]Byte, size: usize) AllocationError![]Byte {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return actions.reallocator(@ptrCast(context), return_address, existing_allocation, size);
return actions.reallocate(@ptrCast(@alignCast(context)), return_address, existing_allocation, size);
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(state),
.actions = &.{
.deallocate = ErasedActions.deallocate,
.reallocate = ErasedActions.reallocate,
pub fn deallocate(self: Allocator, allocation: anytype) void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(allocation))) {
.Pointer => |pointer| {
self.actions.deallocate(self.context, switch (pointer.size) {
.One => @as([*]Byte, @ptrCast(allocation))[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer.child)],
.Slice => @as([*]Byte, @ptrCast(allocation.ptr))[0 .. (@sizeOf(pointer.child) * allocation.len)],
.Many, .C => @compileError("length of allocation must be known to deallocate"),
else => @compileError("cannot deallocate " ++ allocation),
pub fn reallocate(self: Allocator, allocation: ?[]Byte, allocation_size: usize) AllocationError![]Byte {
return self.actions.reallocate(self.context, @returnAddress(), allocation, allocation_size);
pub const Byte = u8;
pub const FixedBuffer = struct {
bytes: []Byte,
pub fn as_writer(self: *FixedBuffer) Writer {
return Writer.bind(FixedBuffer, self, struct {
fn write(writable_memory: *FixedBuffer, data: []const Byte) ?usize {
return writable_memory.write(data);
pub fn put(self: *FixedBuffer, byte: Byte) bool {
if (self.bytes.len == 0) {
return false;
self.bytes[0] = byte;
self.bytes = self.bytes[1 ..];
return true;
pub fn write(self: *FixedBuffer, bytes: []const Byte) usize {
const writable = math.min(self.bytes.len, bytes.len);
copy(self.bytes, bytes);
self.bytes = self.bytes[writable ..];
return writable;
pub fn Functor(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *const anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *const State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *const State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const is_zero_aligned = @alignOf(State) == 0;
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke(context: *const anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(@alignCast(context)), input);
pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.invoker(self.context, input);
pub fn Generator(comptime Output: type, comptime Input: type) type {
return struct {
context: *anyopaque,
invoker: *const fn (capture: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output,
const Self = @This();
pub fn bind(comptime State: type, state: *State, comptime invoker: fn (capture: *State, input: Input) Output) Self {
const is_zero_aligned = @alignOf(State) == 0;
return .{
.context = if (is_zero_aligned) state else @ptrCast(state),
.invoker = struct {
fn invoke(context: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
if (is_zero_aligned) {
return invoker(@ptrCast(context), input);
return invoker(@ptrCast(@alignCast(context)), input);
pub fn invoke(self: Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.invoker(self.context, input);
pub fn Tag(comptime Element: type) type {
return switch (@typeInfo(Element)) {
.Enum => |info| info.tag_type,
.Union => |info| info.tag_type orelse @compileError(@typeName(Element) ++ " has no tag type"),
else => @compileError("expected enum or union type, found '" ++ @typeName(Element) ++ "'"),
pub const Writer = Generator(?usize, []const Byte);
pub fn allocate_copy(allocator: Allocator, source: []const Byte) AllocationError![]Byte {
const allocation = try allocator.actions.reallocate(allocator.context, @returnAddress(), null, source.len);
copy(allocation, source);
return allocation;
pub fn allocate_one(allocator: Allocator, value: anytype) AllocationError!*@TypeOf(value) {
const Type = @TypeOf(value);
const typeSize = @sizeOf(Type);
if (typeSize == 0) {
@compileError("Cannot allocate memory for 0-byte sized type " ++ @typeName(Type));
const allocation = @as(*Type, @ptrCast(@alignCast(try allocator.actions.reallocate(
allocation.* = value;
return allocation;
pub fn bytes_of(value: anytype) []const Byte {
const pointer_info = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(value)).Pointer;
return switch (pointer_info.size) {
.One => @as([*]const Byte, @ptrCast(value))[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer_info.child)],
.Slice => @as([*]const Byte, @ptrCast(value.ptr))[0 .. @sizeOf(pointer_info.child) * value.len],
else => @compileError("`value` must be single-element pointer or slice type"),
pub fn copy(target: []Byte, source: []const Byte) void {
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < source.len) : (index += 1) {
target[index] = source[index];
pub fn ends_with(target: []const Byte, match: []const Byte) bool {
if (target.len < match.len) {
return false;
var index = @as(usize, 0);
while (index < match.len) : (index += 1) {
if (target[target.len - (1 + index)] != match[match.len - (1 + index)]) {
return false;
return true;
pub fn equals(target: []const Byte, match: []const Byte) bool {
if (target.len != match.len) {
return false;
for (0 .. target.len) |index| {
if (target[index] != match[index]) {
return false;
return true;
var null_context = @as(usize, 0);
pub const null_writer = Writer.bind(usize, &null_context, struct {
fn write(context: *usize, buffer: []const u8) ?usize {
debug.assert(context.* == 0);
return buffer.len;
pub fn slice_sentineled(comptime sen: anytype, ptr: [*:sen]const @TypeOf(sen)) [:sen]const @TypeOf(sen) {
var len = @as(usize, 0);
while (ptr[len] != sen) {
len += 1;
return ptr[0 .. len:sen];
pub fn tag_of(comptime value: anytype) Tag(@TypeOf(value)) {
return @as(Tag(@TypeOf(value)), value);
pub fn zero(target: []Byte) void {
for (target) |*t| t.* = 0;

source/coral/list.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,99 +1,54 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
/// Returns a dynamically sized stack capable of holding `Value`.
pub const ByteStack = Stack(io.Byte);
pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
return struct {
capacity: usize = 0,
values: []Value = &.{},
allocator: io.Allocator,
capacity: usize,
values: []Value,
/// Stack type.
const Self = @This();
/// Clears all elements from `self` while preserving the current internal buffer.
/// To clean up memory allocations made by the stack and deinitialize it, see [deinit] instead.
pub fn clear(self: *Self) void {
self.values = self.values[0 .. 0];
/// Deinitializes `self` and sets it to an invalid state, freeing all memory allocated by `allocator`.
/// To clear all items from the stack while preserving the current internal buffer, see [clear] instead.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {
if (self.capacity == 0) {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values.ptr[0 .. self.capacity]);
self.allocator.deallocate(self.values.ptr[0 .. self.capacity]);
self.values = &.{};
self.capacity = 0;
/// Attempts to remove `amount` number of `Value`s from the stack, returning `bool` if it was successful,
/// otherwise `false` if the stack contains fewer elements than `amount`.
pub fn drop(self: *Self, amount: usize) bool {
if (amount > self.values.len) {
return false;
self.values = self.values[0 .. self.values.len - amount];
return true;
/// Attempts to grow the internal buffer of `self` by `growth_amount` using `allocator`.
/// The function returns [io.AllocatorError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer by `growth_amount`, leaving `self` in the same state that it was in prior to starting the
/// grow.
/// Growing ahead of multiple push operations is useful when the upper bound of pushes is well-understood, as it
/// can reduce the number of allocations required per push.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn grow(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, growth_amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
pub fn grow(self: *Self, growth_amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const grown_capacity = self.capacity + growth_amount;
const values = (try io.allocate_many(allocator, grown_capacity, Value))[0 .. self.values.len];
const buffer = try self.allocator.reallocate(null, @sizeOf(Value) * grown_capacity);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, values);
errdefer self.allocator.deallocate(buffer);
if (self.capacity != 0) {
for (0 .. self.values.len) |index| {
values[index] = self.values[index];
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values.ptr[0 .. self.capacity]);
io.copy(buffer, io.bytes_of(self.values));
self.allocator.deallocate(self.values.ptr[0 .. self.capacity]);
self.values = values;
self.values = @as([*]Value, @ptrCast(@alignCast(buffer)))[0 .. self.values.len];
self.capacity = grown_capacity;
/// Attempts to remove the last element of `self` that was inserted, if one exists, returning it or `null` if
/// `self` is empty.
pub fn make(allocator: io.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.capacity = 0,
.values = &.{},
pub fn pop(self: *Self) ?Value {
if (self.values.len == 0) {
return null;
@ -106,71 +61,9 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
return self.values[last_index];
/// Attempts to push every `Value` in `values` to `self` using `allocator` to grow the internal buffer as
/// necessary.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_all(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, values: []const Value) io.AllocationError!void {
const new_length = self.values.len + values.len;
if (new_length > self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, values.len + values.len);
const offset_index = self.values.len;
self.values = self.values.ptr[0 .. new_length];
for (0 .. values.len) |index| {
self.values[offset_index + index] = values[index];
/// Attempts to push the `Value` in `value` to `self` by `amount` number of times using `allocator` to grow
/// the internal buffer as necessary.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_many(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Value, amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const new_length = self.values.len + amount;
if (new_length >= self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, amount + amount);
const offset_index = self.values.len;
self.values = self.values.ptr[0 .. new_length];
for (0 .. amount) |index| {
self.values[offset_index + index] = value;
/// Attempts to push the `Value` in `value` to `self` using `allocator` to grow the internal buffer as
/// necessary.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* if the `capacity` field of `self` is a non-zero value, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current internal buffer.
pub fn push_one(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Value) io.AllocationError!void {
pub fn push_one(self: *Self, value: Value) io.AllocationError!void {
if (self.values.len == self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, math.max(1, self.capacity));
try self.grow(math.max(1, self.capacity));
const offset_index = self.values.len;
@ -181,49 +74,3 @@ pub fn Stack(comptime Value: type) type {
/// Bridge context between a list type implement as part of the list module and an allocator, allowing the list resource
/// referenced by the [Writable] instance to be written to directly or virtually via the [io.Writer] interface.
/// *Note* if the given list contains an existing allocation, the provided [io.Allocator] instance must reference the
/// same allocation strategy as the one originally used to allocate the list type memory.
pub const Writable = struct {
allocator: io.Allocator,
list: union (enum) {
stack: *ByteStack,
/// Stack of bytes.
const ByteStack = Stack(u8);
/// Returns a [io.Writer] instance that binds a reference of `self` to the [write] operation.
pub fn as_writer(self: *Writable) io.Writer {
return io.Writer.bind(Writable, self, struct {
fn write(writable: *Writable, bytes: []const u8) ?usize {
writable.write(bytes) catch return null;
return bytes.len;
/// Attempts to call the appropriate multi-element writing function for the current list referenced by `self`,
/// passing `bytes` along.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory by the list implementation
/// referenced by `self`. See the specific implementation details of the respective list type for more information.
pub fn write(self: *Writable, bytes: []const u8) io.AllocationError!void {
return switch (self.list) {
.stack => |stack| stack.push_all(self.allocator, bytes),

source/coral/map.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const list = @import("./list.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
pub fn Slab(comptime Value: type) type {
return struct {
next_index: usize,
entries: EntryList,
const EntryList = list.Stack(union (enum) {
value: Value,
next_index: usize,
const Self = @This();
pub fn lookup(self: Self, key: usize) ?Value {
if (key == 0 or key > self.entries.values.len) {
return null;
return switch (self.entries.values[key - 1]) {
.value => |value| value,
.next_index => null,
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {;
self.next_index = 0;
pub fn insert(self: *Self, value: Value) io.AllocationError!usize {
if (self.next_index < self.entries.values.len) {
const index = self.next_index;
const entry = &self.entries.values[index];
debug.assert(entry.* == .next_index);
self.next_index = entry.next_index;
entry.* = .{.value = value};
return index + 1;
} else {
try self.entries.push_one(.{.value = value});
self.next_index += 1;
return self.next_index;
pub fn make(allocator: io.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.next_index = 0,
.entries = EntryList.make(allocator),
pub fn remove(self: *Self, key: usize) ?Value {
if (key == 0 or key > self.entries.values.len) {
return null;
const index = key - 1;
const entry = &self.entries.values[index];
return switch (entry.*) {
.next_index => null,
.value => get_value: {
const value = entry.value;
entry.* = .{.next_index = self.next_index};
self.next_index = index;
break: get_value value;
pub fn Table(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime traits: TableTraits(Key)) type {
const load_max = 0.75;
return struct {
allocator: io.Allocator,
count: usize,
entries: []?Entry,
pub const Entry = struct {
key: Key,
value: Value,
fn write_into(self: Entry, entry_table: []?Entry) bool {
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), entry_table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(traits.hash(self.key), math.min_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (true) : (iterations += 1) {
debug.assert(iterations < entry_table.len);
const table_entry = &(entry_table[hashed_key] orelse {
entry_table[hashed_key] = .{
.key = self.key,
.value = self.value,
return true;
if (traits.match(table_entry.key, self.key)) {
return false;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
pub const Iterable = struct {
table: *Self,
iterations: usize = 0,
pub fn next(self: *Iterable) ?Entry {
while (self.iterations < self.table.entries.len) {
defer self.iterations += 1;
if (self.table.entries[self.iterations]) |entry| {
return entry;
return null;
const Self = @This();
pub fn replace(self: *Self, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!?Entry {
try self.rehash(load_max);
debug.assert(self.entries.len > self.count);
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), self.entries.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(traits.hash(key), math.min_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), hash_max);
while (true) {
const entry = &(self.entries[hashed_key] orelse {
self.entries[hashed_key] = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
self.count += 1;
return null;
if (traits.match(entry.key, key)) {
const original_entry = entry.*;
entry.* = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return original_entry;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
pub fn calculate_load_factor(self: Self) f32 {
return if (self.entries.len == 0) 1 else @as(f32, @floatFromInt(self.count)) / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(self.entries.len));
pub fn clear(self: *Self) void {
for (self.entries) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
self.count = 0;
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {
if (self.entries.len == 0) {
self.entries = &.{};
self.count = 0;
pub fn insert(self: *Self, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!bool {
try self.rehash(load_max);
debug.assert(self.entries.len > self.count);
defer self.count += 1;
const entry = Entry{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return entry.write_into(self.entries);
pub fn lookup(self: Self, key: Key) ?Value {
if (self.count == 0) {
return null;
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), self.entries.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(traits.hash(key), math.min_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (iterations < self.count) : (iterations += 1) {
const entry = &(self.entries[hashed_key] orelse return null);
if (traits.match(entry.key, key)) {
return entry.value;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
return null;
pub fn make(allocator: io.Allocator) Self {
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.count = 0,
.entries = &.{},
pub fn rehash(self: *Self, max_load: f32) io.AllocationError!void {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() <= max_load) {
const min_count = math.max(1, self.count);
const table_size = min_count * 2;
const allocation = @as([*]?Entry, @ptrCast(@alignCast(try self.allocator.reallocate(null, @sizeOf(?Entry) * table_size))))[0 .. table_size];
errdefer self.allocator.deallocate(allocation);
self.entries = replace_table: {
for (allocation) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
if (self.entries.len != 0) {
for (self.entries) |maybe_entry| {
if (maybe_entry) |entry| {
break: replace_table allocation;
pub fn TableTraits(comptime Key: type) type {
return struct {
hash: fn (key: Key) usize,
match: fn (key: Key, key: Key) bool,
fn hash_string(key: []const io.Byte) usize {
var hash_code = @as(usize, 5381);
for (key) |byte| {
hash_code = ((hash_code << 5) +% hash_code) +% byte;
return hash_code;
pub const string_table_traits = TableTraits([]const io.Byte){
.hash = hash_string,
.match = io.equals,

source/coral/math.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,147 +1,21 @@
const std = @import("std");
/// Errors that may occur during checked integer arithmetic operations.
pub const CheckedArithmeticError = error {
/// Returns the float type described by `float`.
pub fn Float(comptime float: std.builtin.Type.Float) type {
return @Type(.{.Float = float});
/// Returns the integer type described by `int`.
pub fn Int(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int) type {
return @Type(.{.Int = int});
/// Two-dimensional vector type.
pub const Vector2 = extern struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
/// A [Vector2] with a value of `0` assigned to all of the components.
pub const zero = Vector2{.x = 0, .y = 0};
/// Attempts to perform a checked addition between `a` and `b`, returning the result or [CheckedArithmeticError] if the
/// operation tried to invoke safety-checked behavior.
/// `checked_add` can be seen as an alternative to the language-native addition operator (+) that exposes the safety-
/// checked behavior in the form of an error type that may be caught or tried on.
pub fn checked_add(a: anytype, b: anytype) CheckedArithmeticError!@TypeOf(a + b) {
const result = @addWithOverflow(a, b);
if (result.@"1" != 0) {
return error.IntOverflow;
return result.@"0";
/// Attempts to perform a checked integer cast to the type expressed by `int` on `value`, returning the result or
/// [CheckedArithmeticError] if the operation tried to invoke safety-checked behavior.
/// `checked_cast` can be seen as an alternative to the language-native `@intCast` builtin that exposes the safety-
/// checked behavior in the form of an error type that may be caught or tried on.
pub fn checked_cast(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int, value: anytype) CheckedArithmeticError!Int(int) {
if ((value < min_int(int)) or (value > max_int(int))) {
return error.IntOverflow;
return @intCast(Int(int), value);
/// Attempts to perform a checked multiplication between `a` and `b`, returning the result or [CheckedArithmeticError]
/// if the operation tried to invoke safety-checked behavior.
/// `checked_mul` can be seen as an alternative to the language-native multiplication operator (*) that exposes the
/// safety-checked behavior in the form of an error type that may be caught or tried on.
pub fn checked_mul(a: anytype, b: anytype) CheckedArithmeticError!@TypeOf(a * b) {
const result = @mulWithOverflow(a, b);
if (result.@"1" != 0) {
return error.IntOverflow;
return result.@"0";
/// Attempts to perform a checked subtraction between `a` and `b`, returning the result or [CheckedArithmeticError] if
/// the operation tried to invoke safety-checked behavior.
/// `checked_sub` can be seen as an alternative to the language-native subtraction operator (-) that exposes the safety-
/// checked behavior in the form of an error type that may be caught or tried on.
pub fn checked_sub(a: anytype, b: anytype) CheckedArithmeticError!@TypeOf(a - b) {
const result = @subWithOverflow(a, b);
if (result.@"1" != 0) {
return error.IntOverflow;
return result.@"0";
/// Returns `value` clamped between the inclusive bounds of `lower` and `upper`.
pub fn clamp(value: anytype, lower: anytype, upper: anytype) @TypeOf(value, lower, upper) {
return max(lower, min(upper, value));
/// Returns `true` if `value` is clamped within the inclusive bounds of `lower` and `upper`.
pub fn is_clamped(value: anytype, lower: anytype, upper: anytype) bool {
return (value >= lower) and (value <= upper);
/// Returns the maximum value between `a` and `b`.
pub fn max(a: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(a, b) {
return @max(a, b);
/// Returns the maximum value that the integer described by `int` may express.
pub fn max_int(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int) comptime_int {
const bit_count = int.bits;
if (bit_count == 0) return 0;
return (1 << (bit_count - @boolToInt(int.signedness == .signed))) - 1;
return (1 << (bit_count - @intFromBool(int.signedness == .signed))) - 1;
/// Returns the minimum value between `a` and `b`.
pub fn min(a: anytype, b: anytype) @TypeOf(a, b) {
return @min(a, b);
/// Returns the minimum value that the integer described by `int` may express.
pub fn min_int(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int) comptime_int {
if (int.signedness == .unsigned) return 0;
@ -152,9 +26,6 @@ pub fn min_int(comptime int: std.builtin.Type.Int) comptime_int {
return -(1 << (bit_count - 1));
/// Returns `value` wrapped around the inclusive bounds of `lower` and `upper`.
pub fn wrap(value: anytype, lower: anytype, upper: anytype) @TypeOf(value, lower, upper) {
const range = upper - lower;

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
const std = @import("std");
/// Addressable mapping of integers described by `index_int` to values of type `Value`.
/// Slab maps are similar to slot maps in that they have O(1) insertion and removal, however, use a flat table layout
/// instead of parallel arrays. This reduces memory usage in some cases and can be useful for data that does not need to
/// be quickly iterated over, as values ordering is not guaranteed.
/// *Note* `index_int` values may be as big or as small as desired per the use-case of the consumer, however, integers
/// smaller than `usize` may result in the map reporting it is out of memory due to exhausting the addressable space
/// provided by the integer.
pub fn Map(comptime index_int: std.builtin.Type.Int, comptime Value: type) type {
return struct {
free_index: Index = 0,
count: Index = 0,
table: []Entry = &.{},
/// Table entry which may either store an inserted value or an index to the next free entry in the table.
const Entry = union (enum) {
free_index: Index,
value: Value,
/// Used for indexing into the slab map.
const Index = math.Int(index_int);
/// Slab map type.
const Self = @This();
/// Overwrites the value referenced by `index` in `self`.
pub fn assign(self: *Self, index: Index, value: Value) void {
const entry = &self.table[index];
debug.assert(entry.* == .value);
entry.value = value;
/// Deinitializes `self` and sets it to an invalid state, freeing all memory allocated by `allocator`.
/// *Note* if the `table` field of `self` is an allocated slice, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current table.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
if (self.table.len == 0) {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = &.{};
self.count = 0;
self.free_index = 0;
/// Fetches the value referenced by `index` in `self`, returning it.
pub fn fetch(self: *Self, index: Index) Value {
const entry = &self.table[index];
debug.assert(entry.* == .value);
return entry.value;
/// Attempts to grow the internal buffer of `self` by `growth_amount` using `allocator`.
/// The function returns [io.AllocatorError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// table by `growth_amount`, leaving `self` in the same state that it was in prior to starting the grow.
/// Growing ahead of multiple insertion operations is useful when the upper bound of insertions is well-
/// understood, as it can reduce the number of allocations required per insertion.
/// *Note* if the `table` field of `self` is an allocated slice, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current table.
pub fn grow(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, growth_amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const grown_capacity = self.table.len + growth_amount;
const entries = try io.allocate_many(allocator, grown_capacity, Entry);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, entries);
if (self.table.len != 0) {
for (0 .. self.table.len) |index| {
entries[index] = self.table[index];
for (self.table.len .. entries.len) |index| {
entries[index] = .{.free_index = 0};
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = entries;
/// Attempts to insert `value` into `self` as a new entry using `allocator` as the allocation strategy,
/// returning an index value representing a reference to the inserted value that may be queried through `self`
/// after.
/// The function returns [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` could not commit the memory required to grow the
/// internal buffer of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* if the `table` field of `self` is an allocated slice, `allocator` must reference the same allocation
/// strategy as the one originally used to allocate the current table.
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Value) io.AllocationError!Index {
if (self.count == self.table.len) {
try self.grow(allocator, math.max(1, self.count));
if (self.free_index == self.count) {
const entry_index = self.count;
const entry = &self.table[entry_index];
entry.* = .{.value = value};
self.count += 1;
self.free_index += 1;
return entry_index;
const entry_index = self.free_index;
const entry = &self.table[self.free_index];
debug.assert(entry.* == .free_index);
self.count += 1;
self.free_index = entry.free_index;
entry.* = .{.value = value};
return entry_index;
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains no values, otherwise `false`.
pub fn is_empty(self: Self) bool {
return self.count == 0;
/// Removes the value referenced by `index` from `self`.
pub fn remove(self: *Self, index: Index) void {
const entry = &self.table[index];
debug.assert(entry.* == .value);
self.count -= 1;
entry.* = .{.free_index = self.free_index};
self.free_index = index;

View File

@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
/// Retruns a dense mapping slots that may store `Element`s indexable by a [Slot], where `key` defines how many bits the
/// [Slot] used is made from.
pub fn Map(comptime key: Key, comptime Element: type) type {
const KeySlot = Slot(key);
const Index = math.Unsigned(key.index_bits);
return struct {
capacity: usize,
values: []Element,
slots: [*]KeySlot,
erase: [*]Index,
next_free: Index,
const Self = @This();
/// Clears all elements from the slots in `self`.
/// *Note* that clearing the slots is not the same as deinitializing them, as it does not deallocate any memory
/// that has already been allocated to the slots structure.
pub fn clear(self: *Self) void {
self.next_free = 0;
self.values = self.values[0 .. 0];
var index = @as(usize, 0);
while (index < self.capacity) : (index += 1) {
const slot = &self.slots[index];
slot.salt = math.max(slot.salt +% 1, 1);
slot.index = index;
/// Frees all memory allocated by `allocator` to self.
/// *Note*: if `self` already contains allocated memory then `allocator` must reference the same [io.Allocator]
/// that was used to create the already-allocated memory.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.values.ptr);
io.deallocate(allocator, self.slots);
io.deallocate(allocator, self.erase);
self.values = &.{};
self.slots = null;
self.erase = null;
/// Attempts to fetch the element identified referenced by `slot` from `self`, returning it or `null` if `slot`
/// does not reference a valid element.
pub fn fetch(self: Self, slot: KeySlot) ?*Element {
if (slot.index >= self.values.len) {
return null;
const redirect = &self.slots[slot.index];
if (slot.salt != redirect.salt) {
return null;
return &self.values[redirect.index];
/// Attempts to transactionally grow `self` by `growth_amount` using `allocator`, returning a
/// [io.AllocationError] if it failed.
/// Should growing fail, `self` is left in an unmodified state.
/// *Note*: if `self` already contains allocated memory then `allocator` must reference the same [io.Allocator]
/// that was used to create the already-allocated memory.
pub fn grow(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, growth_amount: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const grown_capacity = self.capacity + growth_amount;
const values = try io.allocate_many(Element, grown_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, values);
const slots = try io.allocate_many(KeySlot, grown_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, slots);
const erase = try io.allocate_many(Index, grown_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, slots);
self.values = values;
self.slots = slots.ptr;
self.erase = erase.ptr;
self.capacity = grown_capacity;
// Add new values to the freelist
var index = @intCast(Index, self.values.len);
while (index < self.capacity) : (index += 1) {
const slot = &self.slots.?[index];
slot.salt = 1;
slot.index = index;
/// Attempts to return an initialized slot map with an initial capacity of `initial_capacity` and `allocator` as
/// the memory allocation strategy.
/// Upon failure, a [io.AllocationError] is returned instead.
pub fn init(allocator: io.Allocator, initial_capacity: usize) io.AllocationError!Self {
const values = try io.allocate_many(Element, initial_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, values);
const slots = try io.allocate_many(KeySlot, initial_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, slots);
const erase = try io.allocate_many(Index, initial_capacity, allocator);
errdefer io.deallocate(allocator, erase);
return Self{
.capacity = initial_capacity,
.values = values[0 .. 0],
.slots = slots.ptr,
.erase = erase.ptr,
.next_free = 0,
/// Attempts to insert `value` into `self`, growing the internal buffer with `allocator` if it is full and
/// returning a `Slot` of `key` referencing the inserted element or a [io.AllocationError] if it failed.
/// *Note*: if `self` already contains allocated memory then `allocator` must reference the same [io.Allocator]
/// that was used to create the already-allocated memory.
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, value: Element) io.AllocationError!KeySlot {
if (self.values.len == self.capacity) {
try self.grow(allocator, math.max(usize, 1, self.capacity));
const index_of_redirect = self.next_free;
const redirect = &self.slots.?[index_of_redirect];
// redirect.index points to the next free slot.
self.next_free = redirect.index;
redirect.index = @intCast(Index, self.values.len);
self.values = self.values.ptr[0 .. self.values.len + 1];
self.values[redirect.index] = value;
self.erase.?[redirect.index] = index_of_redirect;
return KeySlot{
.index = index_of_redirect,
.salt = redirect.salt,
/// Attempts to remove the element referenced by `slot` from `self`, returning `true` if it was successful or
/// `false` if `slot` does not reference a valid slot.
pub fn remove(self: *Self, slot: KeySlot) bool {
const redirect = &self.slots.?[slot.index];
if (slot.salt != redirect.salt) {
return false;
const free_index = redirect.index;
self.values = self.values[0 .. (self.values.len - 1)];
if (self.values.len > 0) {
const free_value = &self.values[free_index];
const free_erase = &self.erase.?[free_index];
const last_value = &self.values[self.values.len];
const last_erase = &self.erase.?[self.values.len];
free_value.* = last_value.*;
free_erase.* = last_erase.*;
self.slots.?[free_erase.*].index = free_index;
redirect.salt = math.max(Index, redirect.salt +% 1, 1);
redirect.index = self.next_free;
self.next_free = slot.index;
return true;
/// Describes the memory layout of an element-slot mapping.
pub const Key = struct {
index_bits: usize,
salt_bits: usize,
/// References a slot in a slot mapping.
pub fn Slot(comptime key: Key) type {
return extern struct {
index: math.Unsigned(key.index_bits),
salt: math.Unsigned(key.salt_bits),
/// [Key] that uses the same number of bits as a [usize].
pub const addressable_key = Key{
.index_bits = (@bitSizeOf(usize) / 2),
.salt_bits = (@bitSizeOf(usize) / 2),

View File

@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
const debug = @import("./debug.zig");
const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
/// Hash type used by tables and their associated structures.
pub const Hash = u64;
/// Returns a table type of `Key`-`Value` pairs implementing a hash-only approach to key-value storage.
/// Entries are hashed using the `keyer` and collisions are resolved by looking for another empty space nearby. This
/// repeats until the load factor exceeds the implementation-defined load maximum, at which point the table will rehash
/// itself to acquire more capacity.
pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime keyer: Keyer(Key)) type {
const hash_info = @typeInfo(Hash).Int;
const load_max = 0.75;
const growth_factor = 0.6;
return struct {
count: usize = 0,
table: []?Entry = &.{},
/// Key-value pair bundling.
pub const Entry = struct {
key: Key,
value: Value,
/// Attempts to write `self` into `entry_table`, returning `true` if no identical entry already existed,
/// otherwise `false`.
/// Note that this does not modify the memory pointed to by `entry_table` in any way, meaning that
/// completely filled entry tables cannot perform the write at all and will invoke safety-checked behavior.
fn write_into(self: Entry, entry_table: []?Entry) bool {
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), entry_table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(self.key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (true) : (iterations += 1) {
debug.assert(iterations < entry_table.len);
const table_entry = &(entry_table[hashed_key] orelse {
entry_table[hashed_key] = .{
.key = self.key,
.value = self.value,
return true;
if (keyer.comparer(table_entry.key, self.key) == 0) {
return false;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
/// Iterable wrapper for [Hashed] instances to make unordered traversal of key-value entries relatively trivial.
pub const Iterable = struct {
hashed_map: *Self,
iterations: usize = 0,
/// Attempts to move past the current iteration of `self` and onto the next key-value entry, returning it or
/// `null` if there are no more elements in the referenced map.
pub fn next(self: *Iterable) ?Entry {
while (self.iterations < self.hashed_map.table.len) {
defer self.iterations += 1;
if (self.hashed_map.table[self.iterations]) |entry| {
return entry;
return null;
/// Table type.
const Self = @This();
/// Attempts to write the `key`-`value` pair into `self`, using `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy,
/// and overwriting any value stored with a matching `key` and returning it if one existed.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required to grow the
/// entry table of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn assign(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!?Entry {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_size = @intToFloat(f64, math.max(1, self.table.len)) * growth_factor;
if (growth_size > math.max_int(@typeInfo(usize).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
try self.rehash(allocator, @floatToInt(usize, growth_size));
debug.assert(self.table.len > self.count);
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), self.table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
while (true) {
const entry = &(self.table[hashed_key] orelse {
self.table[hashed_key] = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return null;
if (keyer.comparer(entry.key, key) == 0) {
const original_entry = entry.*;
entry.* = .{
.key = key,
.value = value,
return original_entry;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
return false;
/// Returns the calculated load factor of `self` at the moment.
pub fn calculate_load_factor(self: Self) f32 {
return if (self.table.len == 0) 1 else @intToFloat(f32, self.count) / @intToFloat(f32, self.table.len);
/// Clears all entries from `self`, resetting the count to `0`.
/// To clean up memory allocations made by the stack and deinitialize it, see [deinit] instead.
pub fn clear(self: *Self) void {
for (self.table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
self.count = 0;
/// Deinitializes `self` and sets it to an invalid state, freeing all memory allocated by `allocator`.
/// To clear all items from the table while preserving the current capacity, see [clear] instead.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn deinit(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator) void {
if (self.table.len == 0) {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = &.{};
self.count = 0;
/// Attempts to write the `key`-`value` pair into `self`, using `allocator` as the memory allocation strategy,
/// if no value already exists with a matching `key`, returning `true` if it was inserted, otherwise `false`.
/// The function returns [AllocationError] instead if `allocator` cannot commit the memory required to grow the
/// entry table of `self` when necessary.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn insert(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, key: Key, value: Value) io.AllocationError!bool {
if (self.calculate_load_factor() >= load_max) {
const growth_amount = @intToFloat(f64, self.table.len) * growth_factor;
const min_size = 1;
try self.rehash(allocator, self.table.len + math.max(min_size, @floatToInt(usize, growth_amount)));
debug.assert(self.table.len > self.count);
defer self.count += 1;
return (Entry{
.key = key,
.value = value,
/// Attempts to find an entry in `self` matching `key`, returning it or `null` if no matching entry was found.
pub fn lookup(self: Self, key: Key) ?Value {
if (self.count == 0) {
return null;
const hash_max = math.min(math.max_int(hash_info), self.table.len);
var hashed_key = math.wrap(keyer.hasher(key), math.min_int(hash_info), hash_max);
var iterations = @as(usize, 0);
while (iterations < self.count) : (iterations += 1) {
const entry = &(self.table[hashed_key] orelse return null);
if (keyer.comparer(entry.key, key) == 0) {
return entry.value;
hashed_key = (hashed_key +% 1) % hash_max;
return null;
/// Attempts to reallocate and regenerate the table capacity in `self` using `allocator` to be equal to or
/// greater than `requested_range`, returning [io.AllocationError] if `allocator` cannot commit the memory
/// required for the table capacity size.
/// *Note* `allocator` must reference the same allocation strategy as the one originally used to initialize
/// `self`.
pub fn rehash(self: *Self, allocator: io.Allocator, requested_range: usize) io.AllocationError!void {
const old_table = self.table;
self.table = try io.allocate_many(allocator, math.max(requested_range, self.count), ?Entry);
errdefer {
io.deallocate(allocator, self.table);
self.table = old_table;
for (self.table) |*entry| {
entry.* = null;
if (old_table.len != 0)
for (old_table) |maybe_entry| {
if (maybe_entry) |entry| {
io.deallocate(allocator, old_table);
/// Returns a function group for defining table keying operations performable on `Key`.
pub fn Keyer(comptime Key: type) type {
return struct {
hasher: fn (key: Key) Hash,
comparer: fn (key_a: Key, key_b: Key) isize,
/// A standard [Keyer] for `[]const u8` types that provides general-purpose string keying.
pub const string_keyer = Keyer([]const u8){
.hasher = hash_string,
.comparer =,
/// Returns a general-purpose, non-cryptographically safe hash value for `string`.
pub fn hash_string(string: []const u8) Hash {
var hash_code = @as(Hash, 5381);
for (string) |byte| {
hash_code = ((hash_code << 5) + hash_code) + byte;
return hash_code;

source/coral/utf8.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -4,155 +4,188 @@ const io = @import("./io.zig");
const math = @import("./math.zig");
const std = @import("std");
pub const DecimalFormat = struct {
delimiter: []const u8 = "",
positive_prefix: enum {none, plus, space} = .none,
delimiter: []const io.Byte,
positive_prefix: enum {none, plus, space},
const default = DecimalFormat{
.delimiter = "",
.positive_prefix = .none,
pub fn parse(self: DecimalFormat, utf8: []const io.Byte, comptime Decimal: type) ?Decimal {
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return null;
switch (@typeInfo(Decimal)) {
.Int => |int| {
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
for (@intFromBool(has_sign) .. utf8.len) |index| {
const radix = 10;
const code = utf8[index];
switch (code) {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
result = try math.checked_add(
try math.checked_mul(result, radix),
try math.checked_sub(code, '0'));
else => {
if (self.delimiter.len == 0 or !io.equals(self.delimiter, utf8[index ..])) {
return null;
switch (int.signedness) {
.signed => {
return result * @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
.unsigned => {
if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') {
return null;
return result;
.Float => {
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
// "-"
if (has_sign and utf8.len == 1) {
return null;
const sign_offset = @intFromBool(has_sign);
var has_decimal = utf8[sign_offset] == '.';
// "-."
if (has_decimal and (utf8.len == 2)) {
return null;
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
var factor = @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
for (utf8[sign_offset + @intFromBool(has_decimal) .. utf8.len]) |code| {
switch (code) {
'.' => {
if (has_decimal) {
return null;
has_decimal = true;
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
if (has_decimal) {
factor /= 10.0;
result = ((result * 10.0) + @as(Decimal, @floatFromInt(code - '0')));
else => return null,
return result * factor;
else => @compileError("`" ++ @typeName(Decimal) ++ "` cannot be formatted as a decimal string"),
pub fn print(self: DecimalFormat, writer: io.Writer, value: anytype) PrintError!void {
if (value == 0) {
return print_string(writer, switch (self.positive_prefix) {
.none => "0",
.plus => "+0",
.space => " 0",
const ValueType = @TypeOf(value);
switch (@typeInfo(ValueType)) {
.Int => |int| {
const radix = 10;
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** (1 + math.max(int.bits, 1));
var buffer_start = buffer.len - 1;
var decomposable_value = value;
while (decomposable_value != 0) : (buffer_start -= 1) {
buffer[buffer_start] = @intCast((decomposable_value % radix) + '0');
decomposable_value = (decomposable_value / radix);
if (int.signedness == .unsigned and value < 0) {
buffer[buffer_start] = '-';
} else {
switch (self.positive_prefix) {
.none => buffer_start += 1,
.plus => buffer[buffer_start] = '+',
.space => buffer[buffer_start] = ' ',
try print_string(writer, buffer[buffer_start ..]);
else => unformattableMessage(ValueType),
pub const HexadecimalFormat = struct {
delimiter: []const u8 = "",
positive_prefix: enum {none, plus, space} = .none,
casing: enum {lower, upper} = .lower,
const default = HexadecimalFormat{
.delimiter = "",
.positive_prefix = .none,
.casing = .lower,
pub fn print(self: HexadecimalFormat, writer: io.Writer, value: anytype) PrintError!void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = self;
_ = writer;
_ = value;
/// Errors that may occur during any kind of utf8-encoded parsing.
pub const ParseError = error {
/// Errors that may occur during any kind of utf8-encoded printing.
pub const PrintError = error {
pub fn parse_decimal(comptime Decimal: type, utf8: []const u8, format: DecimalFormat) !Decimal {
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return error.BadSyntax;
switch (@typeInfo(Decimal)) {
.Int => |int| {
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
for (@boolToInt(has_sign) .. utf8.len) |index| {
const radix = 10;
const code = utf8[index];
switch (code) {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
result = try math.checked_add(
try math.checked_mul(result, radix),
try math.checked_sub(code, '0'));
else => {
if (format.delimiter.len == 0 or !io.equals(format.delimiter, utf8[index ..])) {
return error.BadSyntax;
switch (int.signedness) {
.signed => {
return result * @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
.unsigned => {
if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') {
return error.OutOfMemory;
return result;
.Float => {
// ""
if (utf8.len == 0) {
return error.BadSyntax;
var has_sign = switch (utf8[0]) {
'-', '+', ' ' => true,
else => false,
// "-"
if (has_sign and utf8.len == 1) {
return error.BadSyntax;
const sign_offset = @boolToInt(has_sign);
var has_decimal = utf8[sign_offset] == '.';
// "-."
if (has_decimal and (utf8.len == 2)) {
return error.BadSyntax;
var result = @as(Decimal, 0);
var factor = @as(Decimal, if (has_sign and utf8[0] == '-') -1 else 1);
for (utf8[0 .. (sign_offset + @boolToInt(has_decimal))]) |code| switch (code) {
'.' => {
if (has_decimal) return error.BadSyntax;
has_decimal = true;
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' => {
if (has_decimal) factor /= 10.0;
result = ((result * 10.0) + @intToFloat(Decimal, code - '0'));
else => return error.BadSyntax,
return result * factor;
else => @compileError("`" ++ @typeName(Decimal) ++ "` cannot be formatted as a decimal string"),
/// Attempts to print `utf8` to `writer`.
/// The function returns [PrintError] if the write failed to complete partially or entirely.
pub fn print(writer: io.Writer, utf8: []const u8) PrintError!void {
pub fn print_string(writer: io.Writer, utf8: []const io.Byte) PrintError!void {
if ((writer.invoke(utf8) orelse return error.PrintFailed) != utf8.len) {
return error.PrintIncomplete;
pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments: anytype) PrintError!void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(arguments))) {
.Struct => |arguments_struct| {
@ -170,7 +203,7 @@ pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments
switch (format[tail]) {
'{' => {
try print(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
try print_string(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
tail += 1;
head = tail;
@ -181,7 +214,7 @@ pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments
@compileError("all format specifiers must be named when using a named struct");
try print(writer, arguments[arg_index]);
try print_string(writer, arguments[arg_index]);
arg_index += 1;
tail += 1;
@ -193,7 +226,7 @@ pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments
@compileError("format specifiers cannot be named when using a tuple struct");
try print(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
try print_string(writer, format[head .. (tail - 1)]);
head = tail;
tail += 1;
@ -224,69 +257,17 @@ pub fn print_formatted(writer: io.Writer, comptime format: []const u8, arguments
pub fn print_decimal(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype, format: DecimalFormat) PrintError!void {
if (value == 0) {
return print(writer, switch (format.positive_prefix) {
.none => "0",
.plus => "+0",
.space => " 0",
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Int => |int| {
const radix = 10;
var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** (1 + math.max(int.bits, 1));
var buffer_start = buffer.len - 1;
var decomposable_value = value;
while (decomposable_value != 0) : (buffer_start -= 1) {
buffer[buffer_start] = @intCast(u8, (decomposable_value % radix) + '0');
decomposable_value = (decomposable_value / radix);
if (int.signedness == .unsigned and value < 0) {
buffer[buffer_start] = '-';
} else {
switch (format.positive_prefix) {
.none => buffer_start += 1,
.plus => buffer[buffer_start] = '+',
.space => buffer[buffer_start] = ' ',
try print(writer, buffer[buffer_start ..]);
else => @compileError("`arguments` must be a struct type"),
pub fn print_hexadecimal(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype, format: HexadecimalFormat) PrintError!void {
// TODO: Implement.
_ = writer;
_ = value;
_ = format;
noinline fn print_value(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype) PrintError!void {
const Value = @TypeOf(value);
return switch (@typeInfo(Value)) {
.Int => print_decimal(writer, value, .{}),
.Float => print_decimal(writer, value, .{}),
.Int => DecimalFormat.default.print(writer, value),
.Float => DecimalFormat.default.print(writer, value),
.Pointer => |pointer| switch (pointer.size) {
.One, .Many, .C => print_hexadecimal(writer, @ptrToInt(value), .{}),
.Slice => if (pointer.child == u8) print(writer, value) else @compileError(unformattableMessage(Value)),
.Many, .C => HexadecimalFormat.default.print(writer, @intFromPtr(value)),
.One => if (pointer.child == []const u8) print_string(writer, *value) else HexadecimalFormat.default.print(writer, @intFromPtr(value)),
.Slice => if (pointer.child == u8) print_string(writer, value) else @compileError(unformattableMessage(Value)),
else => @compileError(unformattableMessage(Value)),
@ -294,5 +275,5 @@ noinline fn print_value(writer: io.Writer, value: anytype) PrintError!void {
fn unformattableMessage(comptime Value: type) []const u8 {
return "`" ++ @typeName(Value) ++ "` are not formattable";
return "type `" ++ @typeName(Value) ++ "` is not formattable with this formatter";

source/ona/app.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
const file = @import("./file.zig");
const kym = @import("./kym.zig");
pub const Manifest = struct {
title: [255:0] = [_:0]{0} ** 255,
width: u16 = 640,
height: u16 = 480,
tick_rate: f32 = 60.0,
pub fn load(self: *Manifest, env: *kym.RuntimeEnv, file_access: file.Access) kym.RuntimeError!void {
const manifest = try env.execute_file(file_access, file.Path.from(&.{"app.ona"}));
defer env.discard(manifest);
const title = try env.get_field(manifest, "title");
defer env.discard(title);
const title_string = try env.get_string(title);
const width = @as(u16, get: {
const ref = try env.get_field(manifest, "width");
defer env.discard(ref);
break: get @intFromFloat(env.get_float(ref) catch @as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.width)));
const height = @as(u16, get: {
const ref = try env.get_field(manifest, "height");
defer env.discard(ref);
break: get @intFromFloat(env.get_float(ref) catch @as(f64, @floatFromInt(self.height)));
const tick_rate = @as(f32, get: {
const ref = try env.get_field(manifest, "tick_rate");
defer env.discard(ref);
break: get @floatCast(env.get_float(ref) catch self.tick_rate);
const limited_title_len = coral.math.min(title_string.len, self.title.len);, title_string[0 .. limited_title_len]);[limited_title_len .. self.title.len]);
self.tick_rate = tick_rate;
self.width = width;
self.height = height;
pub const LogSeverity = enum {
pub const WritableLog = struct {
severity: LogSeverity,
write_buffer: coral.list.ByteStack,
pub fn as_writer(self: *WritableLog) {
return, self, struct {
fn write(writable_log: *WritableLog, bytes: []const ?usize {
writable_log.write(bytes) catch return null;
return bytes.len;
pub fn free(self: *WritableLog) void {;
pub fn make(log_severity: LogSeverity, allocator: WritableLog {
return .{
.severity = log_severity,
.write_buffer = coral.list.ByteStack.make(allocator),
pub fn write(self: *WritableLog, bytes: []const!void {
const format_string = "%.*s";
var line_written = @as(usize, 0);
for (bytes) |byte| {
if (byte == '\n') {
line_written = 0;
try self.write_buffer.push_one(byte);
line_written += 1;
if (self.write_buffer.values.len == 0) {

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
pub const Item = struct {
transform: Transform,
options: union (enum) {
sprite: struct {
pub const Transform = extern struct {
x: coral.math.Vector2,
y: coral.math.Vector2,
origin: coral.math.Vector2,
pub const identity = Transform{
.x = .{1, 0},
.y = .{0, 1},
.origin = .{0, 0},

source/ona/ext.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
pub usingnamespace @cImport({

View File

@ -2,53 +2,53 @@ const coral = @import("coral");
const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
pub const Contents = struct {
data: []u8,
pub const Access = union (enum) {
sandboxed_path: *const Path,
pub const InitError = || Readable.ReadError;
pub fn open_readable(self: Access, readable_path: Path) ?*Readable {
switch (self) {
.sandboxed_path => |sandboxed_path| {
const readable_path_string = sandboxed_path.joined(readable_path).to_string() orelse return null;
pub fn deinit(self: *Contents) void {,;
return @ptrCast(ext.SDL_RWFromFile(readable_path_string.ptr, "rb"));
pub fn init(allocator:, readable_file: *Readable) InitError!Contents {
const file_offset = try readable_file.skip(0);
const file_size = try readable_file.seek_end();
pub fn query(self: Access, path: Path) ?Info {
switch (self) {
.sandboxed_path => |sandboxed_path| {
const path_string = sandboxed_path.joined(path).to_string() orelse return null;
const rw_ops = ext.SDL_RWFromFile(path_string, "rb") orelse return null;
const file_size = ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops, 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END);
_ = try;
if (ext.SDL_RWclose(rw_ops) != 0 or file_size < 0) {
return null;
const allocation = try, file_size, allocator);
errdefer, allocation);
if (try != allocation.len) {
// Read less than was allocated for.
return error.FileUnavailable;
return Info{
.size = @intCast(file_size),
return Contents{
.allocator = allocator,
.data = allocation,
pub const Info = struct {
size: u64,
pub const Path = extern struct {
data: [4096]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 4096,
data: [4096] = [_]{0} ** 4096,
pub const cwd = Path.from(&.{"./"});
pub const ValidationError = error {
pub fn from(components: []const []const u8) Path {
// TODO: Implement proper parsing / removal of duplicate path delimiters.
var path = Path{};
var writable_slice ={.slice = &};
var writable_slice ={.bytes = &};
for (components) |component| {
if (writable_slice.write(component) != component.len) {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pub const Path = extern struct {
var path = Path{};
var writable ={.slice = &};
var writable ={.bytes = &};
var written = @as(usize, 0);
for (& |byte| {
@ -91,32 +91,20 @@ pub const Path = extern struct {
return path;
pub fn to_string(self: Path) ValidationError![:0]const u8 {
const sentineled_data = get_sentineled_data: {
const last_index = - 1;
pub fn to_string(self: Path) ?[:0]const {
const last_index = - 1;
if ([last_index] != 0) {
return error.PathTooLong;
if ([last_index] != 0) {
return null;
break: get_sentineled_data[0 .. last_index:0];
return sentineled_data[0 .., 0, sentineled_data):0];
return, 0), @as([*:0]const, @ptrCast(&;
pub const ReadError = error {
pub const Readable = opaque {
pub fn as_reader(self: *Readable) {
return, self, struct {
fn read(readable: *Readable, buffer: []u8) ?usize {
return catch null;
return, self, read_into);
pub fn close(self: *Readable) void {
@ -125,97 +113,81 @@ pub const Readable = opaque {
pub fn read(self: *Readable, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize {
pub fn read_into(self: *Readable, buffer: [] ?usize {
const bytes_read = ext.SDL_RWread(rw_ops_cast(self), buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(u8), buffer.len);
const bytes_read = ext.SDL_RWread(rw_ops_cast(self), buffer.ptr, @sizeOf(, buffer.len);
const error_message = ext.SDL_GetError();
if (bytes_read == 0 and error_message != null and error_message.* != 0) {
return error.FileUnavailable;
return null;
return bytes_read;
pub fn seek(self: *Readable, cursor: u64) ReadError!u64 {
pub fn seek_head(self: *Readable, cursor: u64) ?u64 {
// TODO: Fix safety of int cast.
const byte_offset = ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops_cast(self), @intCast(i64, cursor), ext.RW_SEEK_SET);
const byte_offset = ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops_cast(self), @intCast(cursor), ext.RW_SEEK_SET);
if (byte_offset < 0) {
return error.FileUnavailable;
return null;
return @intCast(u64, byte_offset);
return @intCast(byte_offset);
pub fn seek_end(self: *Readable) ReadError!usize {
pub fn seek_tail(self: *Readable) ?usize {
const byte_offset = ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops_cast(self), 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END);
if (byte_offset < 0) {
return error.FileUnavailable;
return @intCast(u64, byte_offset);
return @intCast(byte_offset);
pub fn skip(self: *Readable, offset: i64) ReadError!u64 {
pub fn skip(self: *Readable, offset: i64) ?u64 {
const byte_offset = ext.SDL_RWseek(rw_ops_cast(self), offset, ext.RW_SEEK_CUR);
if (byte_offset < 0) {
return error.FileUnavailable;
return @intCast(u64, byte_offset);
return @intCast(byte_offset);
pub const System = union (enum) {
sandboxed_path: *const Path,
pub fn allocate_and_load(allocator:, access: Access, path: Path)!?[] {
const allocation = try allocator.reallocate(null, query_file_size: {
const info = access.query(path) orelse return null;
pub const FileInfo = struct {
size: u64,
break: query_file_size info.size;
const readable = access.open_readable(path) orelse {
return null;
pub const OpenError = Path.ValidationError || error {
defer _ = readable.close();
const bytes_read = readable.read_into(allocation) orelse {
return null;
pub const QueryError = OpenError || ReadError;
if (bytes_read != allocation.len) {
pub fn open_readable(self: System, path: Path) OpenError!*Readable {
switch (self) {
.sandboxed_path => |sandboxed_path| {
return @ptrCast(*Readable, ext.SDL_RWFromFile(try sandboxed_path.joined(path).to_string(), "rb") orelse {
return error.FileNotFound;
return null;
pub fn query_info(self: System, path: Path) QueryError!FileInfo {
switch (self) {
.sandboxed_path => |sandboxed_path| {
const file = ext.SDL_RWFromFile(try sandboxed_path.joined(path).to_string(), "rb") orelse {
return error.FileNotFound;
defer coral.debug.assert(ext.SDL_RWclose(file) == 0);
const file_size = ext.SDL_RWseek(file, 0, ext.RW_SEEK_END);
if (file_size < 0) {
return error.FileUnavailable;
return FileInfo{
.size = @intCast(u64, file_size),
return allocation;
fn rw_ops_cast(ptr: *anyopaque) *ext.SDL_RWops {
return @ptrCast(*ext.SDL_RWops, @alignCast(@alignOf(ext.SDL_RWops), ptr));
return @ptrCast(@alignCast(ptr));

View File

@ -6,121 +6,84 @@ const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
const std = @import("std");
/// Recorded allocation info state.
const AllocationInfo = struct {
trace: AllocationTrace,
next_info: ?*AllocationInfo,
const AllocationNode = struct {
trace: std.debug.ConfigurableTrace(2, 4, switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => false,
next: ?*AllocationNode,
size: usize,
fn alloc(size: usize, return_address: usize) *AllocationNode {
const node = @as(*AllocationNode, @ptrCast(@alignCast(ext.SDL_malloc(@sizeOf(AllocationNode) + size))));
node.* = .{
.size = size,
.next = null,
.trace = .{},
node.trace.addAddr(return_address, "");
return node;
fn dealloc(self: *AllocationNode) void {
fn realloc(self: *AllocationNode, size: usize, return_address: usize) *AllocationNode {
const node = @as(*AllocationNode, @ptrCast(@alignCast(ext.SDL_realloc(self, @sizeOf(AllocationNode) + size))));
node.* = .{
.size = size,
.next = null,
.trace = .{},
node.trace.addAddr(return_address, "");
return node;
fn owns_userdata(self: *AllocationNode, other_userdata: []const bool {
const self_userdata = self.userdata();
return self_userdata.ptr == other_userdata.ptr and self_userdata.len == other_userdata.len;
fn userdata(self: *AllocationNode) [] {
return @as([*], @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(self) + @sizeOf(AllocationNode)))[0 .. self.size];
/// Recorded stack trace of allocation call site.
/// *Note* this structure is reduced to zero bytes in released builds optimized for speed or size.
const AllocationTrace = std.debug.ConfigurableTrace(2, 4, switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => false,
/// Heap allocation context.
const Context = struct {
allocation_info_head: ?*AllocationInfo = null,
head: ?*AllocationNode = null,
/// Attempts to allocate a buffer of `size` length from `self`, with `return_address` as the location of the
/// allocation request origin.
/// A reference to the allocated buffer is returned via a slice if the allocation was successful, otherwise `null`
/// is returned.
/// *Note* the returned buffer must be deallocated with [deallocate] before program exit or it will cause a memory
/// leak.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn allocate(self: *Context, size: usize, return_address: usize) ?[]u8 {
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
const total_allocation_size = allocation_info_size + size;
const allocation = ext.SDL_malloc(total_allocation_size) orelse return null;
const allocation_info = @ptrCast(*AllocationInfo, @alignCast(@alignOf(AllocationInfo), allocation));
allocation_info.* = .{
.size = size,
.next_info = self.allocation_info_head,
.trace = .{},
allocation_info.trace.addAddr(return_address, "");
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation)[allocation_info_size .. total_allocation_size];
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_malloc(size) orelse return null)[0 .. size];
/// Returns the assumed pointer to the [AllocationInfo] address of `allocation`.
fn allocation_info_of(allocation: [*]u8) *AllocationInfo {
return @intToPtr(*AllocationInfo, @ptrToInt(allocation) - @sizeOf(AllocationInfo));
/// Deallocates a the allocation buffer referenced by `allocation`.
/// *Note* the pointer and length of `allocation` must match valid values known to `allocator` otherwise safety-
/// checked behavior will occur.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn deallocate(self: *Context, allocation: []u8) void {
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const target_allocation_info = allocation_info_of(allocation.ptr);
const panic_message = "incorrect allocation address for deallocating";
var current_node = self.head orelse @panic(panic_message);
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for deallocating");
if (current_node.owns_userdata(allocation)) {
self.head =;
return current_node.dealloc();
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (true) {
const next_node = orelse @panic(panic_message);
if (next_node.owns_userdata(allocation)) { =;
return next_node.dealloc();
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
current_node = next_node;
@panic("incorrect allocation address for deallocating");
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
@ -129,111 +92,67 @@ const Context = struct {
/// Attempts to reallocate the buffer referenced by `allocation` to be `size` length from `self`.
/// A reference to the reallocated buffer is returned via a slice if the reallocation was successful, otherwise
/// `null` is returned.
/// *Note* the returned buffer must be deallocated with [deallocate] before program exit or it will cause a memory
/// leak.
/// *Note* the pointer and length of `allocation` must match valid values known to `allocator` otherwise safety-
/// checked behavior will occur.
/// *Note* the allocation referenced by `allocation` should be considered invalid once the function returns,
/// discarding it in favor of the return value.
/// *Note* allocation checks are disabled in release builds optimized for speed or size.
fn reallocate(self: *Context, allocation: []u8, size: usize) ?[]u8 {
fn reallocate(self: *Context, return_address: usize, existing_allocation: ?[]u8, size: usize)![]u8 {
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
const target_allocation_info = allocation_info_of(allocation.ptr);
if (existing_allocation) |allocation| {
const panic_message = "incorrect allocation address for reallocating";
var current_node = self.head orelse @panic(panic_message);
if (target_allocation_info.size != allocation.len) {
@panic("incorrect allocation length for reallocating");
if (current_node.owns_userdata(allocation)) {
const node = current_node.realloc(size, return_address);
const allocation_info_size = @sizeOf(AllocationInfo);
self.head = node;
if (self.allocation_info_head) |allocation_info_head| {
if (target_allocation_info == allocation_info_head) {
self.allocation_info_head = allocation_info_head.next_info;
const allocation_address = ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse return null;
target_allocation_info.size = size;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation_address)[
allocation_info_size .. (allocation_info_size + size)];
return node.userdata();
var previous_allocation_info = allocation_info_head;
var current_allocation_info = allocation_info_head.next_info;
while (true) {
const next_node = orelse @panic(panic_message);
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| {
if (allocation_info == target_allocation_info) {
previous_allocation_info.next_info = allocation_info.next_info;
if (next_node.owns_userdata(allocation)) {
const node = next_node.realloc(size, return_address);
const allocation_address = ext.SDL_realloc(target_allocation_info, size) orelse return null; = node;
target_allocation_info.size = size;
return @ptrCast([*]u8, allocation_address)[
allocation_info_size .. (allocation_info_size + size)];
return node.userdata();
previous_allocation_info = allocation_info;
current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info;
current_node = next_node;
} else {
const node = AllocationNode.alloc(size, return_address);
@panic("incorrect allocation address for reallocating");
if (self.head) |head| { = head;
self.head = node;
return node.userdata();
.ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => {
return @ptrCast([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(allocation.ptr, size) orelse return null)[0 .. size];
if (existing_allocation) |allocation | {
return @as([*]u8, ext.SDL_realloc(allocation.ptr, size) orelse {
return error.OutOfMemory;
})[0 .. size];
return @as([*]u8, ext.SDL_malloc(size) orelse return error.OutOfMemory)[0 .. size];
/// Heap context.
var context = Context{};
/// Heap allocator.
pub const allocator =, &context, struct {
fn reallocate(self: *Context, options: ?[]u8 {
if (options.size == 0) {
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
pub const allocator =, &context, .{
.reallocate = Context.reallocate,
.deallocate = Context.deallocate,
return null;
return self.allocate(0, options.return_address);
if (options.allocation) |allocation| {
return self.reallocate(allocation, options.size);
return self.allocate(options.size, options.return_address);
/// Checks for any allocations belonging to the process heap allocated through the [allocator] interface that are still
/// alive and reports the stack traces of any detected allocations to stderr along with the allocation address and
/// length.
/// *Note* this function becomes a no-op in release builds optimized for speed or size.
pub fn trace_leaks() void {
switch (builtin.mode) {
.Debug, .ReleaseSafe => {
@ -242,7 +161,7 @@ pub fn trace_leaks() void {
while (current_allocation_info) |allocation_info| : (current_allocation_info = allocation_info.next_info) {
std.debug.print("{d} byte leak at 0x{x} detected:\n", .{
@ptrToInt(allocation_info) + @sizeOf(AllocationInfo),
@as(usize, allocation_info) + @sizeOf(AllocationNode),

source/ona/kym.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,5 +1,649 @@
pub const Environment = @import("./kym/Environment.zig");
const Ast = @import("./kym/Ast.zig");
const State = @import("./kym/State.zig");
const Table = @import("./kym/Table.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
const types = @import("./kym/types.zig");
const file = @import("./file.zig");
const tokens = @import("./kym/tokens.zig");
pub const CallContext = struct {
env: *RuntimeEnv,
caller: *const RuntimeRef,
callable: *const RuntimeRef,
userdata: []u8,
args: []const *const RuntimeRef = &.{},
pub fn arg_at(self: CallContext, index: u8) RuntimeError!*const RuntimeRef {
if (!coral.math.is_clamped(index, 0, self.args.len - 1)) {
return self.env.check_fail("argument out of bounds");
return self.args[@as(usize, index)];
const Compiler = struct {
state: *State,
opcodes: OpcodeList,
locals: struct {
buffer: [255][]const = [_][]const{""} ** 255,
count: u8 = 0,
const Self = @This();
fn declare(self: *Self, identifier: []const u8) CompileError!void {
if (self.count == self.buffer.len) {
return error.TooManyLocals;
self.buffer[self.count] = identifier;
self.count += 1;
fn resolve(self: *Self, local_identifier: []const ?u8 {
var index = @as(u8, self.count);
while (index != 0) {
index -= 1;
if (, self.buffer[index])) {
return index;
return null;
const CompileError = || error {
const LocalsList = coral.list.Stack([]const u8);
const OpcodeList = coral.list.Stack(Opcode);
fn compile_ast(self: *Compiler, ast: Ast) CompileError!void {
for (ast.list_statements()) |statement| {
switch (statement) {
.return_expression => |return_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(return_expression);
.return_nothing => {
try self.opcodes.push_one(.push_nil);
.set_local => |local| {
try self.compile_expression(local.expression);
if (self.locals.resolve(local.identifier)) |index| {
try self.opcodes.push_one(.{.set_local = index});
} else {
try self.locals.declare(local.identifier);
fn compile_expression(self: *Compiler, expression: Ast.Expression) CompileError!void {
const is_zero = struct {
fn is_zero(utf8: []const u8) bool {
return, "0") or, "0.0");
const number_format = coral.utf8.DecimalFormat{
.delimiter = "_",
.positive_prefix = .none,
switch (expression) {
.nil_literal => try self.opcodes.push_one(.push_nil),
.true_literal => try self.opcodes.push_one(.push_true),
.false_literal => try self.opcodes.push_one(.push_false),
.number_literal => |literal| {
const parsed_number = number_format.parse(literal, State.Float);
coral.debug.assert(parsed_number != null);
try self.opcodes.push_one(if (is_zero(literal)) .push_zero else .{.push_number = parsed_number.?});
.string_literal => |literal| {
try self.opcodes.push_one(.{
.push_object = try self.state.acquire_interned(literal, &string_info),
.table_literal => |fields| {
if (fields.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(u32).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (fields.values) |field| {
try self.compile_expression(field.expression);
try self.opcodes.push_one(.{
.push_object = try self.state.acquire_interned(field.identifier, &string_info),
try self.opcodes.push_one(.{.push_table = @intCast(fields.values.len)});
.binary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.lhs_expression.*);
try self.compile_expression(operation.rhs_expression.*);
try self.opcodes.push_one(switch (operation.operator) {
.addition => .add,
.subtraction => .sub,
.multiplication => .mul,
.divsion => .div,
.greater_equals_comparison => .eql,
.greater_than_comparison => .cgt,
.equals_comparison => .cge,
.less_than_comparison => .clt,
.less_equals_comparison => .cle,
.unary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.expression.*);
try self.opcodes.push_one(switch (operation.operator) {
.boolean_negation => .not,
.numeric_negation => .neg,
.grouped_expression => |grouped_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(grouped_expression.*);
.get_local => |local| {
try self.opcodes.push_one(.{
.get_local = self.locals.resolve(local) orelse return error.UndefinedLocal,
fn free(self: *Compiler) void {
for (self.opcodes.values) |opcode| {
if (opcode == .push_object) {
fn list_opcodes(self: Compiler) []const Opcode {
return self.opcodes.values;
fn make(allocator:, state: *State) Compiler {
return .{
.locals = .{},
.opcodes = OpcodeList.make(allocator),
.state = state,
pub const IndexContext = struct {
env: *RuntimeEnv,
indexable: *const RuntimeRef,
index: *const RuntimeRef,
userdata: []u8,
pub const ObjectInfo = struct {
call: *const fn (context: CallContext) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef = default_call,
clean: *const fn (userdata: []u8) void = default_clean,
get: *const fn (context: IndexContext) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef = default_get,
set: *const fn (context: IndexContext, value: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void = default_set,
fn cast(object_info: *const anyopaque) *const ObjectInfo {
return @ptrCast(@alignCast(object_info));
fn default_call(context: CallContext) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "attempt to call non-callable");
fn default_clean(_: []u8) void {
// Nothing to clean up by default.
fn default_get(context: IndexContext) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "attempt to get non-indexable");
fn default_set(context: IndexContext, _: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void {
return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "attempt to set non-indexable");
pub const Opcode = union (enum) {
push_number: State.Float,
push_table: u32,
push_object: *State.Object,
set_local: u8,
get_local: u8,
pub const RuntimeEnv = struct {
bound_refs: VariantSlab,
state: State,
pub const Options = struct {
out_writer: =,
err_writer: =,
pub const ScriptSource = struct {
name: []const,
data: []const,
const VariantSlab =;
pub fn discard(self: *RuntimeEnv, ref: *RuntimeRef) void {
coral.debug.assert(self.bound_refs.remove(@intFromPtr(ref)) != null);
pub fn execute_chunk(self: *RuntimeEnv, name: []const, opcodes: []const Opcode) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
_ = name;
for (opcodes) |opcode| {
switch (opcode) {
.push_nil => try self.state.push_value(.nil),
.push_true => try self.state.push_value(.true),
.push_false => try self.state.push_value(.false),
.push_zero => try self.state.push_value(.{.number = 0}),
.push_number => |number| try self.state.push_value(.{.number = number}),
.push_table => |size| {
var table = Table.make(self.allocator, &self.state);
var popped = @as(usize, 0);
while (popped < size) : (popped += 1) {
try table.set_field(
try to_object(self, try self.state.pop_value()),
try self.state.pop_value());
const table_object = try self.state.acquire_new(, &table_info);
errdefer self.state.release(table_object);
try self.state.push_value(.{.object = table_object});
.push_object => |object| {
const acquired_object = self.state.acquire_instance(object);
errdefer self.state.release(acquired_object);
try self.state.push_value(.{.object = acquired_object});
.set_local => |local| {
if (!self.state.set_value(local, try self.state.pop_value())) {
return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "invalid local set");
.get_local => |local| {
try self.state.push_value(self.state.get_value(local));
.not => {
try self.state.push_value(switch (try self.state.pop_value()) {
.nil => return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert nil to true or false"),
.false => .true,
.true => .false,
.number => return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert a number to true or false"),
.object => return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert an object to true or false"),
.neg => {
try self.state.push_value(.{.number = -(try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value()))});
.add => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(.{.number = lhs_number + rhs_number});
.sub => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(.{.number = lhs_number - rhs_number});
.mul => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(.{.number = lhs_number * rhs_number});
.div => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(.{.number = lhs_number / rhs_number});
.eql => {
const lhs = try self.state.pop_value();
const rhs = try self.state.pop_value();
try self.state.push_value(if (lhs.equals(rhs)) .true else .false);
.cgt => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(if (lhs_number > rhs_number) .true else .false);
.clt => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(if (lhs_number < rhs_number) .true else .false);
.cge => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(if (lhs_number >= rhs_number) .true else .false);
.cle => {
const lhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
const rhs_number = try to_number(self, try self.state.pop_value());
try self.state.push_value(if (lhs_number <= rhs_number) .true else .false);
const return_value = try self.state.pop_value();
errdefer if (return_value == .object) {
return @ptrFromInt(try self.bound_refs.insert(return_value));
pub fn execute_file(self: *RuntimeEnv, file_access: file.Access, file_path: file.Path) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
const error_message = "failed to load file";
const file_data = (try file.allocate_and_load(self.allocator, file_access, file_path)) orelse {
return self.raise(error.SystemFailure, error_message);
defer self.allocator.deallocate(file_data);
return self.execute_script(.{
.name = file_path.to_string() orelse return self.raise(error.SystemFailure, error_message),
.data = file_data,
pub fn execute_script(self: *RuntimeEnv, source: ScriptSource) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
var ast = Ast.make(self.allocator);
var tokenizer = tokens.Tokenizer{.source =};
ast.parse(&tokenizer) catch |parse_error| switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => return self.raise(error.BadSyntax, ast.error_message),
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
var compiler = Compiler.make(self.allocator, &self.state);
compiler.compile_ast(ast) catch |compile_error| return switch (compile_error) {
error.OutOfMemory => error.OutOfMemory,
error.UndefinedLocal => self.raise(error.BadOperation, "use of undefined local"),
error.TooManyLocals => self.raise(error.OutOfMemory, "functions cannot contain more than 255 locals"),
return self.execute_chunk(, compiler.list_opcodes());
pub fn free(self: *RuntimeEnv) void {;;
pub fn get_field(self: *RuntimeEnv, indexable: *const RuntimeRef, field: []const u8) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
const interned_field = try self.intern(field);
defer self.discard(interned_field);
const indexable_object = try to_object(self, try indexable.fetch(self));
return ObjectInfo.cast(indexable_object.userinfo).get(.{
.env = self,
.indexable = indexable,
.index = interned_field,
.userdata = indexable_object.userdata,
pub fn get_float(self: *RuntimeEnv, ref: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!State.Float {
return to_number(self, try ref.fetch(self));
pub fn get_string(self: *RuntimeEnv, ref: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError![]const u8 {
const object = try to_object(self, try ref.fetch(self));
if (ObjectInfo.cast(object.userinfo) != &string_info) {
return self.raise(error.BadOperation, "object is not a string");
return object.userdata;
pub fn intern(self: *RuntimeEnv, data: []const u8) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
const data_object = try self.state.acquire_interned(data, &string_info);
errdefer self.state.release(data_object);
return @ptrFromInt(try self.bound_refs.insert(.{.object = data_object}));
pub fn make(allocator:, options: Options) RuntimeError!RuntimeEnv {
var env = RuntimeEnv{
.allocator = allocator,
.bound_refs = VariantSlab.make(allocator),
.state = State.make(allocator),
.err_writer = options.err_writer,
return env;
pub fn new_object(self: *RuntimeEnv, userdata: []const u8, info: *const ObjectInfo) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
const data_object = try self.state.acquire_new(userdata, info);
defer self.state.release(data_object);
return @ptrFromInt(try self.bound_refs.insert(.{.object = data_object}));
pub fn raise(self: *RuntimeEnv, runtime_error: RuntimeError, error_message: []const u8) RuntimeError {
// TODO: Print stack trace from state.
coral.utf8.print_formatted(self.err_writer, "{name}@{line}: {message}", .{
.name = "???",
.line = @as(u64, 0),
.message = error_message,
}) catch return error.SystemFailure;
return runtime_error;
pub const RuntimeError = || State.PopError || error {
pub const RuntimeRef = opaque {
fn fetch(self: *const RuntimeRef, env: *RuntimeEnv) RuntimeError!State.Variant {
return env.bound_refs.lookup(@intFromPtr(self)) orelse env.raise(error.BadOperation, "stale ref");
fn table_clean(userdata: []u8) void {
@as(*Table, @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata.ptr))).free();
fn table_get(context: IndexContext) RuntimeError!*RuntimeRef {
const table = @as(*Table, @ptrCast(@alignCast(context.userdata.ptr)));
switch (try context.index.fetch(context.env)) {
.nil => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with nil"),
.true => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with true"),
.false => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with false"),
.object => |index_object| {
const value = table.get_field(index_object);
errdefer if (value == .object) {
return @ptrFromInt(try context.env.bound_refs.insert(value));
.number => |index_number| {
const value = table.get_index(@intFromFloat(index_number));
errdefer if (value == .object) {
return @ptrFromInt(try context.env.bound_refs.insert(value));
const table_info = ObjectInfo{
.clean = table_clean,
.get = table_get,
.set = table_set,
fn table_set(context: IndexContext, value: *const RuntimeRef) RuntimeError!void {
const table = @as(*Table, @ptrCast(@alignCast(context.userdata.ptr)));
switch (try context.index.fetch(context.env)) {
.nil => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with nil"),
.true => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with true"),
.false => return context.env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot index a table with false"),
.object => |index_object| {
const fetched_value = try value.fetch(context.env);
if (fetched_value == .object) {
try table.set_field(index_object, .{
.object = context.env.state.acquire_instance(fetched_value.object),
} else {
try table.set_field(index_object, fetched_value);
.number => |index_number| {
const fetched_value = try value.fetch(context.env);
if (fetched_value == .object) {
try table.set_index(@intFromFloat(index_number), .{
.object = context.env.state.acquire_instance(fetched_value.object),
} else {
try table.set_index(@intFromFloat(index_number), fetched_value);
fn to_number(env: *RuntimeEnv, variant: State.Variant) RuntimeError!State.Float {
return switch (variant) {
.nil => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert nil to number"),
.true => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert true to number"),
.false => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert false to number"),
.number => |number| number,
.object => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert object to number"),
fn to_object(env: *RuntimeEnv, variant: State.Variant) RuntimeError!*State.Object {
return switch (variant) {
.nil => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert nil to object"),
.true => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert true to object"),
.false => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert false to object"),
.number => env.raise(error.BadOperation, "cannot convert number to object"),
.object => |object| object,
const string_info = ObjectInfo{

View File

@ -2,54 +2,20 @@ const coral = @import("coral");
const tokens = @import("./tokens.zig");
const types = @import("./types.zig");
arena: coral.arena.Stacking,
statements: StatementList,
statements: Statement.List,
error_message: []const u8,
pub const BinaryOperator = enum {
fn token(self: BinaryOperator) tokens.Token {
return switch (self) {
.addition => .symbol_plus,
.subtraction => .symbol_minus,
.multiplication => .symbol_asterisk,
.divsion => .symbol_forward_slash,
.equals_comparison => .symbol_double_equals,
.greater_than_comparison => .symbol_greater_than,
.greater_equals_comparison => .symbol_greater_equals,
.less_than_comparison => .symbol_less_than,
.less_equals_comparison => .symbol_less_equals,
pub const Expression = union (enum) {
integer_literal: types.Integer,
float_literal: types.Float,
number_literal: []const u8,
string_literal: []const u8,
array_literal: coral.list.Stack(Expression),
table_literal: coral.list.Stack(struct {
identifier: []const u8,
expression: Expression,
table_literal: NamedList,
grouped_expression: *Expression,
get_local: []const u8,
binary_operation: struct {
operator: BinaryOperator,
@ -61,27 +27,70 @@ pub const Expression = union (enum) {
operator: UnaryOperator,
expression: *Expression,
pub const BinaryOperator = enum {
fn token(self: BinaryOperator) tokens.Token {
return switch (self) {
.addition => .symbol_plus,
.subtraction => .symbol_minus,
.multiplication => .symbol_asterisk,
.divsion => .symbol_forward_slash,
.equals_comparison => .symbol_double_equals,
.greater_than_comparison => .symbol_greater_than,
.greater_equals_comparison => .symbol_greater_equals,
.less_than_comparison => .symbol_less_than,
.less_equals_comparison => .symbol_less_equals,
pub const NamedList = coral.list.Stack(struct {
identifier: []const u8,
expression: Expression,
pub const List = coral.list.Stack(Expression);
const ExpressionParser = fn (self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression;
const ExpressionParser = fn (self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) ParseError!Expression;
pub const ParseError = error {
const Self = @This();
pub const Statement = union (enum) {
return_expression: Expression,
const StatementList = coral.list.Stack(Statement);
set_local: struct {
identifier: []const,
expression: Expression,
const List = coral.list.Stack(Statement);
const UnaryOperator = enum {
fn binary_operation_parser(comptime parse_next: ExpressionParser, comptime operators: []const BinaryOperator) ExpressionParser {
fn binary_operation_parser(comptime parse_next: ExpressionParser, comptime operators: []const Expression.BinaryOperator) ExpressionParser {
return struct {
fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression {
fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) ParseError!Expression {
var expression = try parse_next(self, tokenizer);
@ -111,34 +120,30 @@ fn binary_operation_parser(comptime parse_next: ExpressionParser, comptime opera
fn check_syntax(self: *Self, condition: bool, error_message: []const u8) types.ParseError!void {
fn check_syntax(self: *Self, condition: bool, message: []const u8) ParseError!void {
if (condition) {
return self.fail_syntax(error_message);
return self.fail_syntax(message);
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
fn fail_syntax(self: *Self, error_message: []const u8) types.ParseError {
self.error_message = error_message;
fn fail_syntax(self: *Self, message: []const u8) ParseError {
self.error_message = message;
return error.BadSyntax;
pub fn init(allocator:!Self {
return Self{
.arena = .{
.base_allocator = allocator,
.min_page_size = 4096,
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {;;
pub fn make(allocator: Self {
return Self{
.arena = coral.arena.Stacking.make(allocator, 4096),
.allocator = allocator,
.statements = .{},
.statements = Statement.List.make(allocator),
.error_message = "",
@ -147,19 +152,17 @@ pub fn list_statements(self: Self) []const Statement {
return self.statements.values;
pub fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!void {
pub fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) ParseError!void {;
errdefer self.reset();
var has_not_returned_yet = true;
var has_returned = false;
while (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false})) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.keyword_return => {
try self.check_syntax(has_not_returned_yet, "cannot return more than once per function scope");
try self.check_syntax(!has_returned, "multiple returns in function scope but expected only one");
try self.statements.push_one(self.allocator, get_statement: {
try self.statements.push_one(get_statement: {
if (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true})) {
if (tokenizer.current_token != .newline) {
break: get_statement .{.return_expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer)};
@ -175,7 +178,34 @@ pub fn parse(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!void {
break: get_statement .return_nothing;
has_not_returned_yet = false;
has_returned = true;
.local => |identifier| {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true}), "statement has no effect");
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_equals => {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true}),
"expected expression after `=`");
try self.statements.push_one(.{
.set_local = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer)
if (tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = true})) {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.current_token == .newline,
"expected end of declaration after variable assignment");
else => return self.fail_syntax("expected `=` after local"),
else => return self.fail_syntax("invalid statement"),
@ -199,7 +229,7 @@ const parse_expression = binary_operation_parser(parse_equality, &.{
fn parse_factor(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expression {
fn parse_factor(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) ParseError!Expression {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_paren_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "expected an expression after `(`");
@ -213,77 +243,25 @@ fn parse_factor(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expr
return Expression{.grouped_expression = try, expression)};
.integer => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{
.integer_literal = coral.utf8.parse_decimal(types.Integer, value, .{}) catch |parse_error| {
return self.fail_syntax(switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid integer literal",
error.IntOverflow => "integer literal is too big",
.real => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{
.float_literal = coral.utf8.parse_decimal(types.Float, value, .{}) catch |parse_error| {
return self.fail_syntax(switch (parse_error) {
error.BadSyntax => "invalid float literal",
.number => |value| {
return Expression{.number_literal = value};
.string => |value| {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return Expression{.string_literal = value};
.symbol_bracket_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end of array literal");
var expression = Expression{.array_literal = .{}};
coral.debug.assert(expression == .array_literal);
const allocator = self.arena.as_allocator();
const array_average_maximum = 32;
try expression.array_literal.grow(allocator, array_average_maximum);
while (true) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_bracket_right => {
_ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false});
return expression;
else => {
try self.check_syntax(
tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
"expected `]` or expression after `[`");
try expression.array_literal.push_one(allocator, try self.parse_expression(tokenizer));
.local => |identifier| {
return Expression{.get_local = identifier};
.symbol_brace_left => {
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end of table literal");
var expression = Expression{.table_literal = .{}};
var expression = Expression{.table_literal = Expression.NamedList.make(self.arena.as_allocator())};
coral.debug.assert(expression == .table_literal);
const allocator = self.arena.as_allocator();
while (true) {
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_brace_right => {
@ -299,11 +277,13 @@ fn parse_factor(self: *Self, tokenizer: *tokens.Tokenizer) types.ParseError!Expr
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end after `=`");
try expression.table_literal.push_one(allocator, .{
try expression.table_literal.push_one(.{
.identifier = identifier,
.expression = try self.parse_expression(tokenizer),
try self.check_syntax(tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}), "unexpected end of table");
switch (tokenizer.current_token) {
.symbol_comma => _ = tokenizer.step(.{.include_newlines = false}),
@ -362,8 +342,3 @@ const parse_term = binary_operation_parser(parse_factor, &.{
pub fn reset(self: *Self) void {

View File

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
const Ast = @import("./Ast.zig");
const Environment = @import("./Environment.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
const types = @import("./types.zig");
const tokens = @import("./tokens.zig");
env: *Environment,
message_name_len: usize,
message_data: Buffer,
bytecode_buffer: Buffer,
const Buffer = coral.list.Stack(u8);
const Opcode = enum (u8) {
const Self = @This();
fn clear_error_details(self: *Self) void {
coral.debug.assert(self.message_data.values.len >= self.message_name_len);
coral.debug.assert(self.message_data.drop(self.message_data.values.len - self.message_name_len));
pub fn compile(self: *Self, data: []const u8) types.RuntimeError!void {
var ast = try Ast.init(self.env.allocator);
defer ast.deinit();
var tokenizer = tokens.Tokenizer{.source = data};
ast.parse(&tokenizer) catch |init_error| {
if (init_error == error.BadSyntax) {
var writable_data = coral.list.Writable{
.allocator = self.env.allocator,
.list = .{.stack = &self.message_data},
coral.utf8.print_formatted(writable_data.as_writer(), "@({line}): {name}", .{
.line = tokenizer.lines_stepped,
.name = ast.error_message,
}) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
return init_error;
for (ast.list_statements()) |statement| {
switch (statement) {
.return_expression => |return_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(return_expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
.return_nothing => {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_nil);
try self.emit_opcode(.ret);
pub fn compile_expression(self: *Self, expression: Ast.Expression) types.RuntimeError!void {
switch (expression) {
.nil_literal => try self.emit_opcode(.push_nil),
.true_literal => try self.emit_opcode(.push_true),
.false_literal => try self.emit_opcode(.push_false),
.integer_literal => |literal| {
if (literal == 0) {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_zero);
} else {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_integer);
try self.emit_float(0);
.float_literal => |literal| {
if (literal == 0) {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_zero);
} else {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_float);
try self.emit_float(literal);
.string_literal => |literal| {
try self.emit_opcode(.push_object);
try self.emit_object(try self.intern(literal));
.array_literal => |elements| {
if (elements.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(types.Integer).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (elements.values) |element_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(element_expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.push_array);
try self.emit_integer(@intCast(types.Integer, elements.values.len));
.table_literal => |fields| {
if (fields.values.len > coral.math.max_int(@typeInfo(types.Integer).Int)) {
return error.OutOfMemory;
for (fields.values) |field| {
try self.compile_expression(field.expression);
try self.emit_opcode(.push_object);
try self.emit_object(try self.intern(field.identifier));
try self.emit_opcode(.push_table);
try self.emit_integer(@intCast(types.Integer, fields.values.len));
.binary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.lhs_expression.*);
try self.compile_expression(operation.rhs_expression.*);
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.addition => .add,
.subtraction => .sub,
.multiplication => .mul,
.divsion => .div,
.greater_equals_comparison => .compare_eq,
.greater_than_comparison => .compare_gt,
.equals_comparison => .compare_ge,
.less_than_comparison => .compare_lt,
.less_equals_comparison => .compare_le,
.unary_operation => |operation| {
try self.compile_expression(operation.expression.*);
try self.emit_opcode(switch (operation.operator) {
.boolean_negation => .not,
.numeric_negation => .neg,
.grouped_expression => |grouped_expression| {
try self.compile_expression(grouped_expression.*);
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.message_name_len = 0;
pub fn emit_float(self: *Self, float: types.Float)!void {
try self.bytecode_buffer.push_all(self.env.allocator,;
pub fn emit_integer(self: *Self, integer: types.Integer)!void {
try self.bytecode_buffer.push_all(self.env.allocator,;
pub fn emit_object(self: *Self, object: types.Object)!void {
try self.bytecode_buffer.push_all(self.env.allocator,;
pub fn emit_opcode(self: *Self, opcode: Opcode)!void {
try self.bytecode_buffer.push_one(self.env.allocator, @enumToInt(opcode));
pub fn error_details(self: Self) []const u8 {
coral.debug.assert(self.message_data.values.len >= self.message_name_len);
return self.message_data.values;
pub fn init(env: *Environment, chunk_name: []const u8)!Self {
var message_data = Buffer{};
try message_data.push_all(env.allocator, chunk_name);
errdefer message_data.deinit(env.allocator);
return Self{
.env = env,
.message_data = message_data,
.bytecode_buffer = .{},
.message_name_len = chunk_name.len,
pub fn intern(self: *Self, string: []const u8)!types.Object {
const interned_string = try self.env.intern(string);
coral.debug.assert(interned_string == .object);
return interned_string.object;
pub fn name(self: Self) []const u8 {
coral.debug.assert(self.message_data.values.len >= self.message_name_len);
return self.message_data.values[0 .. self.message_name_len];

View File

@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
const Chunk = @import("./Chunk.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
const file = @import("../file.zig");
const types = @import("./types.zig");
const tokens = @import("./tokens.zig");
heap: ObjectSlab,
global_object: types.Object,
interned: InternTable,
reporter: Reporter,
values: ValueStack,
calls: CallStack,
const CallStack = coral.list.Stack(struct {
ip: usize,
slots: []types.Val,
pub const DataSource = struct {
name: []const u8,
data: []const u8,
pub const ExecuteFileError = file.System.OpenError || || file.ReadError || types.RuntimeError;
pub const InitOptions = struct {
values_max: u32,
calls_max: u32,
reporter: Reporter,
const InternTable = coral.table.Hashed([]const u8, types.Object, coral.table.string_keyer);
const Object = struct {
ref_count: usize,
state: struct {
info: ObjectInfo,
userdata: []u8,
fields: Fields,
const Fields = coral.table.Hashed(*Object, types.Val, .{
.hasher = struct {
fn hash(object: *Object) coral.table.Hash {
coral.debug.assert( == null);
return coral.table.hash_string(object.state.userdata);
.comparer = struct {
fn compare(object_a: *Object, object_b: *Object) isize {
coral.debug.assert( == null);
coral.debug.assert( == null);
return, object_b.state.userdata);
pub fn acquire(self: *Object) void {
coral.debug.assert(self.ref_count != 0);
self.ref_count += 1;
pub const ObjectInfo = struct {
caller: *const Caller = default_call,
deinitializer: *const Deinitializer = default_deinitialize,
getter: *const Getter = default_get,
identity: ?*const anyopaque = null,
setter: *const Setter = default_set,
pub const CallContext = struct {
env: *Self,
caller: types.Ref,
callable: types.Ref,
args: []const types.Ref,
pub const Caller = fn (context: CallContext) types.RuntimeError!types.Val;
pub const DeinitializeContext = struct {
env: *Self,
obj: types.Ref,
pub const Deinitializer = fn (context: DeinitializeContext) void;
pub const GetContext = struct {
env: *Self,
indexable: types.Ref,
index: types.Ref,
pub const Getter = fn (context: GetContext) types.RuntimeError!types.Val;
pub const SetContext = struct {
env: *Self,
indexable: types.Ref,
index: types.Ref,
value: types.Ref,
pub const Setter = fn (context: SetContext) types.RuntimeError!void;
fn default_call(context: CallContext) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
return"attempt to call non-callable");
fn default_deinitialize(_: DeinitializeContext) void {
// Nothing to deinitialize by default.
fn default_get(context: GetContext) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
return context.env.get_field(context.indexable, context.index);
fn default_set(context: SetContext) types.RuntimeError!void {
return"attempt to set non-indexable");
const ObjectSlab = coral.slab.Map(@typeInfo(u32).Int, Object);
pub const Reporter =, []const u8);
const Self = @This();
const ValueStack = coral.list.Stack(types.Ref);
pub fn call(self: *Self, caller: types.Ref, maybe_index: ?types.Ref, args: []const types.Ref) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
if (maybe_index) |index| {
try self.check(caller == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
const callable = try self.get_object(caller, index);
defer self.discard(callable);
try self.check(callable == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
return self.heap.fetch(callable.object){
.env = self,
.callable = callable.as_ref(),
.caller = caller,
.args = args,
return self.heap.fetch(caller.object){
.env = self,
.callable = caller,
.caller = .{.object = self.global_object},
.args = args,
pub fn check(self: *Self, condition: bool, failure_message: []const u8) !void {
if (condition) {
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
var interned_iterable = InternTable.Iterable{.hashed_map = &self.interned};
while ( |entry| {
pub fn discard(self: *Self, val: types.Val) void {
switch (val) {
.object => |object| self.object_release(object),
else => {},
pub fn execute_data(self: *Self, source: DataSource) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
const typeid = "<chunk>";
const Behaviors = struct {
fn deinitialize(context: ObjectInfo.DeinitializeContext) void {
(context.env.native_cast(context.obj, typeid, Chunk) catch unreachable).deinit();
var compiled_chunk = init_compiled_chunk: {
var chunk = try Chunk.init(self,;
errdefer chunk.deinit();
chunk.compile( catch |compile_error| {
return compile_error;
break: init_compiled_chunk chunk;
const script = try self.new_object(, .{
.identity = typeid,
.deinitializer = Behaviors.deinitialize,
defer self.discard(script);
return try, null, &.{});
pub fn execute_file(self: *Self, fs: file.System, file_path: file.Path) ExecuteFileError!types.Val {
const readable_file = try fs.open_readable(file_path);
defer readable_file.close();
var file_data = coral.list.Stack(u8){};
const file_size = (try fs.query_info(file_path)).size;
try file_data.grow(self.allocator, file_size);
defer file_data.deinit(self.allocator);
var writable_data = coral.list.Writable{
.allocator = self.allocator,
.list = .{.stack = &file_data},
var stream_buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 4096;
if ((try, readable_file.as_reader(), &stream_buffer)) != file_size) {
return error.ReadFailure;
return try self.execute_data(.{
.name = try file_path.to_string(),
.data = file_data.values,
pub fn fail(self: *Self, failure_message: []const u8) types.CheckError {
return error.CheckFailed;
pub fn get_field(self: *Self, indexable: types.Ref, field: types.Ref) !types.Val {
try self.check(indexable == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
try self.check(field == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
const value = get_value: {
var field_data = self.heap.fetch(field.object);
break: get_value self.heap.fetch(indexable.object).state.fields.lookup(&field_data) orelse {
return .nil;
if (value == .object) {
var value_data = self.heap.fetch(value.object);
self.heap.assign(value.object, value_data);
return value;
pub fn get_object(self: *Self, indexable: types.Ref, index: types.Ref) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
try self.check(indexable == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
return self.heap.fetch(indexable.object){
.env = self,
.indexable = indexable,
.index = index,
pub fn init(allocator:, options: InitOptions) !Self {
var env = Self{
.global_object = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
.reporter = options.reporter,
.interned = .{},
.values = .{},
.calls = .{},
.heap = .{},
errdefer {
try env.values.grow(allocator, options.values_max * options.calls_max);
try env.calls.grow(allocator, options.calls_max);
const globals = try env.new_object(&.{}, .{
coral.debug.assert(globals == .object);
env.global_object = globals.object;
return env;
pub fn intern(self: *Self, string: []const u8)!types.Ref {
return .{.object = self.interned.lookup(string) orelse {
const reference = try self.new_string(string);
coral.debug.assert(reference == .object);
coral.debug.assert(try self.interned.insert(self.allocator, string, reference.object));
return .{.object = reference.object};
pub fn native_cast(self: *Self, castable: types.Ref, id: *const anyopaque, comptime Type: type) types.RuntimeError!*Type {
try self.check(castable == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
const object = self.heap.fetch(castable.object);
const is_expected_type = ( == id) and (object.state.userdata.len == @sizeOf(Type));
try self.check(is_expected_type, "invalid object cast: native type");
return @ptrCast(*Type, @alignCast(@alignOf(Type), object.state.userdata));
pub fn new_array(self: *Self)!types.Val {
return try self.new_object(.{
pub fn new_object(self: *Self, userdata: []const u8, info: ObjectInfo)!types.Val {
const allocation = try, userdata.len, u8);
errdefer, allocation);, userdata);
return .{.object = try self.heap.insert(self.allocator, .{
.ref_count = 1,
.state = .{
.info = info,
.userdata = allocation,
.fields = .{},
pub fn new_string(self: *Self, data: []const u8)!types.Val {
const Behavior = struct {
fn get_byte(context: ObjectInfo.GetContext) types.RuntimeError!types.Val {
switch (context.index) {
.integer => |integer| {
const string = context.env.string_cast(context.indexable) catch unreachable;
try context.env.check(coral.math.is_clamped(integer, 0, string.len), "index out of string bounds");
return types.Val{.integer = string[@intCast(usize, integer)]};
else => return"attempt to index string with non-integer value"),
return try self.new_object(data, .{
.getter = Behavior.get_byte,
pub fn object_release(self: *Self, object: types.Object) void {
var data = self.heap.fetch(object);
coral.debug.assert(data.ref_count != 0);
data.ref_count -= 1;
if (data.ref_count == 0) {{
.env = self,
.obj = .{.object = object},
// TODO: Free individual key-value pairs of fields
data.state.fields.deinit(self.allocator);, data.state.userdata);
} else {
self.heap.assign(object, data);
pub fn set_global(self: *Self, global_name: []const u8, value: types.Ref)!void {
try self.globals.assign(self.allocator, global_name, value);
pub fn set_object(self: *Self, obj: *Object, index: types.Ref, value: types.Ref) types.RuntimeError!void {
return obj.behavior.setter(.{
.env = self,
.obj = obj,
.index = index,
.value = value,
pub fn string_cast(self: *Self, value: types.Ref) ![]const u8 {
try self.check(value == .object, "invalid type conversion: object");
const object = self.heap.fetch(value.object);
try self.check( == null, "invalid object cast: string");
return object.state.userdata;
pub fn to_integer(self: *Self, value: types.Ref) !types.Integer {
const fail_message = "invalid type conversion: integer";
switch (value) {
.float => |float| {
const int = @typeInfo(types.Integer).Int;
if (coral.math.is_clamped(float, coral.math.min_int(int), coral.math.max_int(int))) {
return @floatToInt(types.Integer, float);
.integer => |integer| return integer,
else => {},

source/ona/kym/State.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
interned: SymbolTable,
globals: Object,
values: DataStack,
frames: CallStack,
pub const Float = f64;
const CallStack = coral.list.Stack(struct {
callable: *Object,
opcode_index: usize,
stack_index: usize,
const DataStack = coral.list.Stack(Variant);
pub const Object = struct {
ref_count: usize,
userdata: [],
userinfo: *const anyopaque,
pub const PopError = error {
const Self = @This();
const SymbolTable =[]const, *Object,;
pub const Variant = union (enum) {
number: Float,
object: *Object,
pub fn equals(self: Variant, other: Variant) bool {
return switch (self) {
.nil => other == .nil,
.true => other == .true,
.false => other == .false,
.number => |number| switch (other) {
.number => |other_number| number == other_number,
else => false,
.object => |object| switch (other) {
.object => |other_object| object == other_object,
else => false,
pub fn acquire_instance(_: *Self, object: *Object) *Object {
// TODO: safety-check object belongs to state.
object.ref_count += 1;
return object;
pub fn acquire_interned(self: *Self, userdata: []const u8, userinfo: *const anyopaque)!*Object {
// TODO: Include userinfo in matching lookup.
if (self.interned.lookup(userdata)) |object| {
return self.acquire_instance(object);
} else {
const data_object = try self.acquire_new(userdata, userinfo);
errdefer self.release(data_object);
coral.debug.assert(try self.interned.insert(data_object.userdata, data_object));
return data_object;
pub fn acquire_new(self: *Self, userdata: []const u8, userinfo: *const anyopaque)!*Object {
const allocated_userdata = try, userdata);
errdefer self.allocator.deallocate(allocated_userdata);
const allocated_object = try, Object{
.ref_count = 1,
.userdata = allocated_userdata,
.userinfo = userinfo,
errdefer self.allocator.deallocate(allocated_object);
return allocated_object;
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {;;;
pub fn get_value(self: *Self, tail_index: usize) Variant {
if (tail_index >= self.values.values.len) {
return .nil;
return self.values.values[self.values.values.len - (1 + tail_index)];
pub fn make(allocator: Self {
return .{
.values = DataStack.make(allocator),
.frames = CallStack.make(allocator),
.interned = SymbolTable.make(allocator),
.allocator = allocator,
.globals = .{
.ref_count = 0,
.userdata = &.{},
.userinfo = &.{},
pub fn pop_value(self: *Self) PopError!Variant {
return self.values.pop() orelse error.StackOverflow;
pub fn push_value(self: *Self, value: Variant)!void {
return self.values.push_one(value);
pub fn release(self: *Self, object: *Object) void {
coral.debug.assert(object.ref_count != 0);
object.ref_count -= 1;
if (object.ref_count == 0) {
pub fn set_value(self: *Self, tail_index: usize, value: Variant) bool {
if (tail_index >= self.values.values.len) {
return false;
self.values.values[self.values.values.len - (1 + tail_index)] = value;
return true;

source/ona/kym/Table.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
const State = @import("./State.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
state: *State,
fields: FieldTable,
array: ArrayList,
const ArrayList = coral.list.Stack(State.Variant);
const Field = struct {
field: *State.Object,
value: State.Variant,
fn release_objects(self: Field, state: *State) void {
if (self.value == .object) {
const FieldTable =[]const, Field,;
const Self = @This();
pub fn free(self: *Self) void {
var field_iterator = FieldTable.Iterable{.table = &self.fields};
while ( |entry| {
pub fn get_field(self: *Self, field_name: *State.Object) State.Variant {
const field = self.fields.lookup(field_name.userdata) orelse return .nil;
if (field.value == .object) {
return .{.object = self.state.acquire_instance(field.value.object)};
return field.value;
pub fn get_index(self: *Self, index: usize) State.Variant {
return self.array.values[index];
pub fn make(allocator:, state: *State) Self {
return .{
.state = state,
.fields = FieldTable.make(allocator),
.array = ArrayList.make(allocator),
pub fn set_field(self: *Self, field_name: *State.Object, value: State.Variant)!void {
const previous_entry = try self.fields.replace(field_name.userdata, .{
.field = field_name,
.value = value,
if (previous_entry) |entry| {
pub fn set_index(self: *Self, index: usize, value: State.Variant)!void {
self.array.values[index] = value;

View File

@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
integer: []const u8,
real: []const u8,
number: []const u8,
string: []const u8,
@ -38,10 +37,11 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
pub fn text(self: Token) []const u8 {
return switch (self) {
.unknown => |unknown| @ptrCast([*]const u8, &unknown)[0 .. 1],
.unknown => |unknown| @as([*]const u8, @ptrCast(&unknown))[0 .. 1],
.newline => "newline",
.global => |identifier| identifier,
@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ pub const Token = union(enum) {
.symbol_equals => "=",
.symbol_double_equals => "==",
.integer => |literal| literal,
.real => |literal| literal,
.number => |literal| literal,
.string => |literal| literal,
.keyword_const => "const",
.keyword_nil => "nil",
.keyword_false => "false",
.keyword_true => "true",
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.real = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
self.current_token = .{.number = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
else => break,
self.current_token = .{.integer = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
self.current_token = .{.number = self.source[begin .. cursor]};
return true;
@ -162,6 +162,12 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
coral.debug.assert(identifier.len != 0);
switch (identifier[0]) {
'c' => if (, "onst")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_const;
return true;
'n' => if (, "il")) {
self.current_token = .keyword_nil;

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
pub const CheckError = error {
pub const Float = f32;
pub const Integer = i32;
pub const Object = u32;
pub const Primitive = enum {
pub const Ref = union (Primitive) {
float: Float,
integer: Integer,
object: Object,
pub const ParseError = error {
pub const RuntimeError = CheckError || ParseError;
pub const Val = union (Primitive) {
float: Float,
integer: Integer,
object: Object,
pub fn as_ref(self: *const Val) Ref {
return switch (self.*) {
.nil => .nil,
.false => .false,
.true => .true,
.float => .{.float = self.float},
.integer => .{.integer = self.integer},
.object => .{.object = self.object},

source/ona/ona.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const canvas = @import("./canvas.zig");
const app = @import("./app.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
@ -8,133 +6,111 @@ const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
pub const file = @import("./file.zig");
pub const heap = @import("./heap.zig");
const heap = @import("./heap.zig");
const kym = @import("./kym.zig");
const AppManifest = struct {
title: [255:0]u8 = [_:0]u8{0} ** 255,
width: u16 = 640,
height: u16 = 480,
pub fn load_script(self: *AppManifest, env: *kym.Environment, fs: file.System, file_path: []const u8) !void {
const manifest = try env.execute_file(fs, file.Path.from(&.{file_path}));
defer env.discard(manifest);
const manifest_ref = manifest.as_ref();
const title = try env.get_field(manifest_ref, try env.intern("title"));
defer env.discard(title);
const title_string = try env.string_cast(title.as_ref());
try env.check(title_string.len <= self.title.len, "`title` cannot exceed 255 bytes in length");, title_string);
const u16_int = @typeInfo(u16).Int;
const width = try env.get_field(manifest_ref, try env.intern("width"));
errdefer env.discard(width);
self.width = try coral.math.checked_cast(u16_int, try env.to_integer(width.as_ref()));
const height = try env.get_field(manifest_ref, try env.intern("height"));
errdefer env.discard(height);
self.width = try coral.math.checked_cast(u16_int, try env.to_integer(height.as_ref()));
pub const RuntimeError = error {
pub fn run_app(base_file_system: file.System) void {
defer heap.trace_leaks();
fn last_sdl_error() [:0]const u8 {
return, 0), @as([*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(ext.SDL_GetError())));
const Logger = struct {
const Self = @This();
pub fn run_app(file_access: file.Access) RuntimeError!void {
var info_log = app.WritableLog.make(.info, heap.allocator);
fn log(_: *const Self, message: []const u8) void {
ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%.*s", message.len, message.ptr);
var script_environment = kym.Environment.init(heap.allocator, .{
.values_max = 512,
.calls_max = 512,
.reporter = kym.Environment.Reporter.bind(Logger, &.{}, Logger.log),
}) catch {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "failed to initialize Kym vm\n");
var fail_log = app.WritableLog.make(.fail, heap.allocator);
defer script_environment.deinit();
const app_file_name = "app.ona";
var app_manifest = AppManifest{};
app_manifest.load_script(&script_environment, base_file_system, app_file_name) catch {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "failed to load %s\n", app_file_name);
if (ext.SDL_Init(ext.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
try fail_log.write(last_sdl_error());
return error.InitFailure;
defer ext.SDL_Quit();
var script_env = kym.RuntimeEnv.make(heap.allocator, .{
.out_writer = info_log.as_writer(),
.err_writer = fail_log.as_writer(),
}) catch {
try fail_log.write("failed to initialize script runtime");
return error.InitFailure;
var manifest = app.Manifest{};
manifest.load(&script_env, file_access) catch {
fail_log.write("failed to load / execute app.ona manifest") catch {};
return error.BadManifest;
const window = create: {
const flags = 0;
break: create ext.SDL_CreateWindow(&manifest.title, pos, pos, manifest.width, manifest.height, flags) orelse {
fail_log.write(last_sdl_error()) catch {};
return error.InitFailure;
defer ext.SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
const renderer = create: {
const defaultDriverIndex = -1;
break: create ext.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, defaultDriverIndex, flags) orelse {
fail_log.write(last_sdl_error()) catch {};
return error.InitFailure;
defer ext.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
const base_prefix = ext.SDL_GetBasePath() orelse {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
defer ext.SDL_free(base_prefix);
const window_flags = 0;
const window_pos = ext.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED;
const window = ext.SDL_CreateWindow(&app_manifest.title, window_pos, window_pos, app_manifest.width, app_manifest.height, window_flags) orelse {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
defer ext.SDL_DestroyWindow(window);
const renderer_flags = 0;
const renderer = ext.SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, renderer_flags) orelse {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
defer ext.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
var previous_ticks = ext.SDL_GetTicks64();
while (true) {
// TODO: Delta timing.
var event = @as(ext.SDL_Event, undefined);
var event = @as(ext.SDL_Event, undefined);
while (ext.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.type) {
ext.SDL_QUIT => return,
else => {},
while (ext.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.type) {
ext.SDL_QUIT => return,
else => {},
if (ext.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0) != 0) {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
// Based on
const current_ticks = ext.SDL_GetTicks64();
const milliseconds_per_second = 1000.0;
const tick_frequency = @as(u64, @intFromFloat(milliseconds_per_second / manifest.tick_rate));
while (previous_ticks < current_ticks) {
previous_ticks += tick_frequency;
if (ext.SDL_RenderClear(renderer) != 0) {
return ext.SDL_LogError(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s\n", ext.SDL_GetError());
// TODO: Render here.
_ = ext.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
_ = ext.SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
_ = ext.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);

source/runner.zig Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
const coral = @import("coral");
const ona = @import("ona");
pub fn main() !void {
ona.run_app(.{.sandboxed_path = &ona.file.Path.cwd});
pub fn main() ona.RuntimeError!void {
try ona.run_app(.{.sandboxed_path = &ona.file.Path.cwd});

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
const _coral = @import("coral");
const coral = @import("coral");
const _ona = @import("ona");
const ona = @import("ona");