Add entry caching to archive file systems
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ const sys = @import("./sys.zig");
/// Entry point.
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
return nosuspend await async sys.runGraphics(anyerror, run);
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
return nosuspend await async sys.runGraphics(gpa.allocator(), anyerror, run);
test {
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// Internal state of the event loop hidden from the API consumer.
const Implementation = struct {
user_path_prefix: [*]u8,
data_file_system: FileSystem,
user_file_system: FileSystem,
message_semaphore: *ext.SDL_sem,
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
@ -134,14 +136,25 @@ pub const AppContext = opaque {
/// Returns the created [Implementation] value on success or [InitError] on failure.
fn init(data_archive_file_access: FileAccess,
user_path_prefix: []const u8) InitError!Implementation {
fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
data_archive_file_access: FileAccess) InitError!Implementation {
const user_path_prefix = ext.SDL_GetPrefPath("ona", "ona") orelse
return error.OutOfMemory;
return Implementation{
.user_file_system = .{.native = .{.path_prefix =
user_path_prefix[0 .. std.mem.len(user_path_prefix)]}},
.message_semaphore = ext.SDL_CreateSemaphore(0) orelse return error.OutOfSemaphores,
.message_mutex = ext.SDL_CreateMutex() orelse return error.OutOfMutexes,
.data_file_system = .{.archive = .{.file_access = data_archive_file_access}},
.user_file_system = .{.native = .{.path_prefix = user_path_prefix}},
.user_path_prefix = user_path_prefix,
.data_file_system = .{.archive = .{
.file_access = data_archive_file_access,
.index_cache = try FileSystem.ArchiveIndexCache.init(allocator),
.message_thread = null,
@ -351,7 +364,7 @@ pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
archive: struct {
file_access: FileAccess,
index_cache: *table.Dynamic([]const u8, ArchiveEntry, table.string_context),
index_cache: ArchiveIndexCache,
entry_table: [max_open_entries]ArchiveEntry =
@ -368,6 +381,8 @@ pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
cursor: u64,
const ArchiveIndexCache = table.Hashed([]const u8, oar.Entry, table.string_context);
/// Platform-agnostic mechanism for referencing files and directories on a [FileSystem].
@ -447,99 +462,98 @@ pub const FileSystem = union(enum) {
.archive => |*archive| {
if (mode != .readonly) return error.ModeUnsupported;
for (archive.entry_table) |_, index| {
if (archive.entry_table[index].using == null) {
const archive_path = path.buffer[0 .. path.length];
for (archive.entry_table) |*entry| if (entry.using == null) {
const entry_path = path.buffer[0 .. path.length];
entry.* = .{
.header = find_header: {
if (archive.index_cache.lookup(entry_path)) |header|
break: find_header header.*;
const entry_header = archive.index_cache.lookup(archive_path) orelse {
const header = oar.Entry.find(archive.file_access,
archive_path) catch return error.FileNotFound;
entry_path) catch return error.FileNotFound;
archive.index_cache.insert(archive_path, header) catch {
// If caching fails... oh well...
// If caching fails... oh well...
archive.index_cache.insert(entry_path, header) catch {};
break header;
break: find_header header;
archive.entry_table[index] = .{
.header = entry_header,
.using = &archive.file_access,
.cursor = 0,
.using = &archive.file_access,
.cursor = 0,
const Implementation = struct {
fn archiveEntryCast(context: *anyopaque) *ArchiveEntry {
return @ptrCast(*ArchiveEntry, @alignCast(
@alignOf(ArchiveEntry), context));
const Implementation = struct {
fn archiveEntryCast(context: *anyopaque) *ArchiveEntry {
return @ptrCast(*ArchiveEntry, @alignCast(
@alignOf(ArchiveEntry), context));
fn close(context: *anyopaque) void {
archiveEntryCast(context).using = null;
fn close(context: *anyopaque) void {
archiveEntryCast(context).using = null;
fn queryCursor(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
fn queryCursor(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
return archive_entry.cursor;
return archive_entry.cursor;
fn queryLength(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
fn queryLength(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!u64 {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
return archive_entry.header.file_size;
return archive_entry.header.file_size;
fn read(context: *anyopaque, buffer: []u8) FileAccess.Error!usize {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
fn read(context: *anyopaque, buffer: []u8) FileAccess.Error!usize {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
const file_access = archive_entry.using orelse
return error.FileInaccessible;
const file_access = archive_entry.using orelse
return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.cursor >= archive_entry.header.file_size)
return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.cursor >= archive_entry.header.file_size)
return error.FileInaccessible;
return[0 .. std.math.min(
buffer.len, archive_entry.header.file_size)]);
return[0 .. std.math.min(
buffer.len, archive_entry.header.file_size)]);
fn seek(context: *anyopaque, cursor: usize) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
fn seek(context: *anyopaque, cursor: usize) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
archive_entry.cursor = cursor;
archive_entry.cursor = cursor;
fn seekToEnd(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
fn seekToEnd(context: *anyopaque) FileAccess.Error!void {
const archive_entry = archiveEntryCast(context);
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
if (archive_entry.using == null) return error.FileInaccessible;
archive_entry.cursor = archive_entry.header.file_size;
archive_entry.cursor = archive_entry.header.file_size;
return FileAccess{
.context = &archive.entry_table[index],
return FileAccess{
.context = entry,
.implementation = &.{
.close = Implementation.close,
.queryCursor = Implementation.queryCursor,
.queryLength = Implementation.queryLength,
.read =,
.seek =,
.seekToEnd = Implementation.seekToEnd,
.implementation = &.{
.close = Implementation.close,
.queryCursor = Implementation.queryCursor,
.queryLength = Implementation.queryLength,
.read =,
.seek =,
.seekToEnd = Implementation.seekToEnd,
return error.OutOfFiles;
@ -805,7 +819,7 @@ pub const RunError = error {
/// Should an error from `run` occur, an `Error` is returned, otherwise a [RunError] is returned if
/// the underlying runtime fails and is logged.
pub fn runGraphics(comptime Error: anytype,
pub fn runGraphics(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime Error: anytype,
comptime run: GraphicsRunner(Error)) (RunError || Error)!void {
if (ext.SDL_Init(ext.SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) {
@ -841,14 +855,6 @@ pub fn runGraphics(comptime Error: anytype,
defer ext.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
const user_path_prefix = ext.SDL_GetPrefPath("ona", "ona") orelse {
ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to load user path");
return error.InitFailure;
defer ext.SDL_free(user_path_prefix);
var cwd_file_system = FileSystem{.native =.{.path_prefix = "./"}};
var data_archive_file_access = try (try cwd_file_system.
@ -856,9 +862,7 @@ pub fn runGraphics(comptime Error: anytype,
defer data_archive_file_access.close();
var app_context = AppContext.Implementation.init(data_archive_file_access,
user_path_prefix[0 .. std.mem.len(user_path_prefix)]) catch |err| {
var app_context = AppContext.Implementation.init(allocator, data_archive_file_access) catch |err| {
ext.SDL_LogCritical(ext.SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => "Failed to allocate necessary memory",
error.OutOfMutexes => "Failed to create file-system work lock",
@ -1,61 +1,119 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn Dynamic(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime key_context: KeyContext(Key)) type {
/// Returns a hash-backed table type of `Value`s indexed by `Key` and using `key_context` as the key
/// context.
pub fn Hashed(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type,
comptime key_context: KeyContext(Key)) type {
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
return struct {
load_maximum: f32,
buckets_used: usize,
allocator: Allocator,
load_limit: f32,
buckets: []Bucket,
filled: usize,
/// A slot in the hash table.
const Bucket = struct {
maybe_entry: ?struct {
key: Key,
value: Value,
} = null,
maybe_next_index: ?usize,
maybe_next_index: ?usize = null,
/// Hash table type.
const Self = @This();
/// Searches for `key` to delete it, returning the deleted value or `null` if no matching
/// key was found.
pub fn delete(self: Self, key: Key) bool {
_ = key;
_ = self;
pub fn remove(self: Self, key: Key) ?Value {
var bucket = &(self.buckets[@mod(key_context.hash(key), self.buckets.len)]);
if (bucket.maybe_entry) |*entry| if (key_context.equals(entry.key, key)) {
defer entry.value = null;
self.filled -= 1;
return entry.value;
while (bucket.maybe_next_index) |index| {
bucket = &(self.buckets[index]);
if (bucket.maybe_entry) |*entry| if (key_context.equals(entry.key, key)) {
defer entry.value = null;
self.filled -= 1;
return entry.value;
return null;
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) Allocator.Error!Self {
return Self{
.buckets = try allocator.alloc(Bucket, 4),
.filled = 0,
.allocator = allocator,
.load_limit = 0.75,
/// Attempts to insert the value at `key` to be `value` in `self`, returning an
/// [InsertError] if it fails.
pub fn insert(self: Self, key: Key, value: Value) InsertError!void {
if ((@intToFloat(f32, self.buckets_used) / @intToFloat(
f32, self.buckets.len)) >= self.load_maximum) try self.rehash();
pub fn insert(self: *Self, key: Key, value: Value) InsertError!void {
if (self.loadFactor() >= self.load_limit) {
const old_buckets = self.buckets;
self.buckets = try self.allocator.alloc(Bucket, old_buckets.len * 2);
for (old_buckets) |bucket, index| self.buckets[index] = bucket;
var hash = @mod(key_context.hash(key), self.buckets.len);
while (true) {
const bucket = &(self.buckets[hash]);
const entry = &(bucket.maybe_entry orelse {
if (key_context.equals((bucket.maybe_entry orelse {
bucket.maybe_entry = .{
.key = key,
.value = value
if (key_context.equals(entry.key, key)) return error.KeyExists;
self.filled += 1;
hash = @mod(hashHash(hash), self.buckets.len);
}).key, key)) return error.KeyExists;
hash = @mod(hash + 1, self.buckets.len);
/// Returns the current load factor of `self`, which is derived from the number of capacity
/// that has been filled.
pub fn loadFactor(self: Self) f32 {
return @intToFloat(f32, self.filled) / @intToFloat(f32, self.buckets.len);
/// Searches for a value indexed with `key` in `self`, returning it or `null` if no matching
/// entry was found.
@ -81,7 +139,7 @@ pub fn Dynamic(comptime Key: type, comptime Value: type, comptime key_context: K
pub const InsertError = std.mem.Allocator || error {
pub const InsertError = std.mem.Allocator.Error || error {
Reference in New Issue