Expose canvas item API on Ona app

This commit is contained in:
kayomn 2023-05-09 21:12:17 +00:00
parent d034c526e4
commit 24a4590293
1 changed files with 54 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -1,53 +1,66 @@
pub const canvas = @import("./canvas.zig");
const coral = @import("coral");
const ext = @import("./ext.zig");
pub const files = @import("./files.zig");
pub const gfx = @import("./gfx.zig");
pub const App = opaque {
pub fn Starter(comptime errors: type) type {
return fn (app_state: *App) errors!void;
const State = struct {
last_event: ext.SDL_Event,
base_file_sandbox: files.FileSandbox,
window: *ext.SDL_Window,
renderer: *ext.SDL_Renderer,
canvas: gfx.Canvas,
last_tick: u64,
tick_rate: u64 = 16,
canvas_items: coral.slots.Dense(coral.slots.addressable_key, canvas.Item),
fn cast(self: *App) *State {
return @ptrCast(*State, @alignCast(@alignOf(State), self));
pub fn canvas(self: *App) *gfx.Canvas {
return &State.cast(self).canvas;
pub fn data_fs(self: *App) files.FileAccessor {
return files.FileAccessor.bind(files.FileSandbox, &State.cast(self).base_file_sandbox);
pub fn poll(self: *App) bool {
pub fn loop(self: *App) void {
const state = State.cast(self);
while (ext.SDL_PollEvent(&state.last_event) != 0) switch (state.last_event.type) {
ext.SDL_QUIT => return false,
else => {},
while (true) {
const current_tick = ext.SDL_GetTicks64();
var event = @as(ext.SDL_Event, undefined);
return true;
while (ext.SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
switch (event.type) {
ext.SDL_QUIT => return,
else => {},
pub fn present(self: *App) void {
for (self.canvas().items.values) |item| {
switch (item) {
.sprite => {
// TODO: Implement.
if ((current_tick - state.last_tick) >= state.tick_rate) {
// TODO: Perform game updates.
if (ext.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(state.renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255) != 0) {
return log_error(&.{.{.string = coral.io.slice_sentineled(u8, 0, ext.SDL_GetError())}});
if (ext.SDL_RenderClear(state.renderer) != 0) {
return log_error(&.{.{.string = coral.io.slice_sentineled(u8, 0, ext.SDL_GetError())}});
for (state.canvas_items.values) |canvas_item| {
switch (canvas_item.options) {
.sprite => {},
state.last_tick = current_tick;
@ -80,10 +93,10 @@ pub const App = opaque {
defer ext.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer);
return start(@ptrCast(*App, &App.State{
.last_event = undefined,
.window = window,
.renderer = renderer,
.canvas = gfx.Canvas.init(allocator),
.last_tick = 0,
.canvas_items = .{},
.base_file_sandbox = .{
.prefix = coral.io.slice_sentineled(u8, 0, base_prefix),
@ -133,6 +146,24 @@ var heap = struct {
pub const CanvasItem = struct {
app: *App,
id: coral.slots.Slot(coral.slots.addressable_key),
pub fn deinit(self: *CanvasItem) void {
pub fn init(app: *App, canvas_item: canvas.Item) coral.io.AllocationError!CanvasItem {
const slot = try App.State.cast(app).canvas_items.insert(allocator, canvas_item);
return CanvasItem{
.app = app,
.id = slot,
pub fn log_debug(values: []const coral.format.Value) void {
var message_memory = [_]u8{0} ** 4096;
var message_buffer = coral.buffer.Fixed{.data = &message_memory};