2022-10-22 23:20:33 +01:00
const std = @import("std");
2022-10-10 17:46:25 +01:00
/// Returns the return type of the function type `Fn`.
pub fn FnReturn(comptime Fn: type) type {
const type_info = @typeInfo(Fn);
if (type_info != .Fn) @compileError("`Fn` must be a function type");
return type_info.Fn.return_type orelse void;
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/// Returns a single-input single-output closure type where `Input` represents the input type,
/// `Output` represents the output type, and `captures_size` represents the size of the closure
/// context.
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pub fn Function(comptime captures_size: usize, comptime Input: type, comptime Output: type) type {
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return struct {
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applyErased: fn (*anyopaque, Input) Output,
context: [captures_size]u8,
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/// Function type.
const Self = @This();
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/// Applies `input` to `self`, producing a result according to the current context data.
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pub fn apply(self: *Self, input: Input) Output {
return self.applyErased(&self.context, input);
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/// Creates a new [Self] by capturing the `captures` value as the context and `call` as the
/// as the behavior executed when [apply] or [applyErased] is called.
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/// The newly created [Self] is returned.
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pub fn capture(captures: anytype, comptime call: fn (@TypeOf(captures), Input) Output) Self {
const Captures = @TypeOf(captures);
if (@sizeOf(Captures) > captures_size)
@compileError("`captures` must be smaller than or equal to " ++
std.fmt.comptimePrint("{d}", .{captures_size}) ++ " bytes");
const captures_align = @alignOf(Captures);
var function = Self{
.context = undefined,
.applyErased = struct {
fn do(erased: *anyopaque, input: Input) Output {
return call(@ptrCast(*Captures, @alignCast(
captures_align, erased)).*, input);
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@ptrCast(*Captures, @alignCast(captures_align, &function.context)).* = captures;
return function;
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