{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

My Work

Le Mans Ultimate
World Endurance Championship racing simulation.
Work-in-progress immersive sim experiment built using a the Ona game engine.
Work-in-progress immersive sim experiment built using a the Ona game engine.
Protectorate Map Editor
Interior map editor for a turn-based RPG-lite built in the Godot game engine.
Protectorate Map Editor
Exterior map editor for a turn-based RPG-lite built in the Godot game engine.
My Energy GameĀ® Quest
Sports therapy simulation designed to help athletes with their mental state.
My Energy GameĀ® Quest
Sports therapy simulation designed to help athletes with their mental state.
Here's what I'm working on over at my Gitea instance.


{% set blog_section = get_section(path="blog/_index.md") %} {% for page in blog_section.pages %}

{{ page.title }}

{% set day = page.date | date(format="%e") %} {% set month = page.date | date(format="%B") %} {% set year = page.date | date(format="%Y") %} {% set day_suffix = "" %} {% if day in ["1", "21", "31"] %} {% set day_suffix = "st" %} {% elif day in ["2", "22"] %} {% set day_suffix = "nd" %} {% elif day in ["3", "23"] %} {% set day_suffix = "rd" %} {% else %} {% set day_suffix = "th" %} {% endif %} Posted {{ day }}{{ day_suffix }} {{ month }} {{ year }}

{{ page.content | striptags | truncate(length=255) }}

{% endfor %} {% endblock content %}