
579 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
func (game *Game) Clean() error {
// Clean up currently deployed files first.
for _, filePath := range game.DeployedFilePaths {
if removeError := os.Remove(filepath.Join(
game.Path, filePath)); (removeError != nil) && (!(os.IsNotExist(removeError))) {
return removeError
game.DeployedFilePaths = game.DeployedFilePaths[:0]
var overwriteDirPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten")
// Then restore all files overwritten by previously deployment.
for _, filePath := range game.OverwrittenFilePaths {
if renameError := os.Rename(filepath.Join(overwriteDirPath, filePath),
filepath.Join(game.Path, filePath)); renameError != nil {
return renameError
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = game.OverwrittenFilePaths[:0]
return game.saveDeployment()
func (game *Game) Deploy(names []string) error {
for _, name := range names {
var mod, exists = game.Mods[name]
if !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("mod does not exist: %s", name)
var installPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s",
filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, name), mod.Format)
switch mod.Format {
case "zip":
var zipReadCloser, openError = zip.OpenReader(installPath)
if openError != nil {
return openError
defer func() {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
// Zip read closer will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it possible
// to have already been closed.
for _, zipFile := range zipReadCloser.File {
var deployPath = filepath.Join(game.Path, zipFile.Name)
var fileMode = zipFile.Mode()
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(deployPath), fileMode); dirError != nil {
return dirError
if zipFile.FileInfo().IsDir() {
// All work is done for creating a directory, rest is just for files.
// Backup up any pre-existing file before it is overwritten by Zip entry
// extraction.
if fileInfo, statError := os.Stat(deployPath); statError == nil {
var backupPath = filepath.Join(
cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten", zipFile.Name)
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(backupPath), fileInfo.Mode()); dirError != nil {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
return dirError
if renameError := os.Rename(deployPath, backupPath); renameError != nil {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
return renameError
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = append(game.OverwrittenFilePaths, zipFile.Name)
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(statError)) {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
return statError
if file, createError := os.Create(deployPath); createError == nil {
var zipFile, ioError = zipFile.Open()
if ioError == nil {
_, ioError = io.Copy(file, zipFile)
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (ioError == nil) {
ioError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (ioError == nil) {
ioError = closeError
if closeError := zipFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
ioError = closeError
if ioError != nil {
return ioError
} else {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
return createError
game.DeployedFilePaths = append(game.DeployedFilePaths, zipFile.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported mod format: %s", mod.Format)
return game.saveDeployment()
type Game struct {
Name string
DeployedFilePaths []string
OverwrittenFilePaths []string
Mods map[string]Mod
Path string
func (game *Game) InstallMods(archivePaths []string) error {
var installDirPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name)
for _, archivePath := range archivePaths {
var archiveName = filepath.Base(archivePath)
var archiveExtension = filepath.Ext(archiveName)
if len(archiveExtension) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown archive format: %s", archiveExtension)
var name = strings.TrimSuffix(archiveName, archiveExtension)
if _, exists := game.Mods[name]; exists {
return fmt.Errorf("mod with name already exists: `%s`", name)
// Copy archive into installation directory.
if archiveFile, openError := os.Open(archivePath); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := archiveFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
// Archive file will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it possible to have
// already been closed.
var archiveFileInfo, statError = archiveFile.Stat()
if statError != nil {
return statError
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(installDirPath, archiveFileInfo.Mode()); dirError != nil {
return dirError
if installFile, createError := os.Create(filepath.Join(installDirPath, archiveName)); createError == nil {
var _, copyError = io.Copy(installFile, archiveFile)
var syncError = installFile.Sync()
var closeError = installFile.Close()
if (copyError != nil) || (syncError != nil) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install mod")
if closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else {
return createError
} else {
return openError
game.Mods[name] = Mod{
Format: archiveExtension[1:],
Source: archivePath,
Version: "",
return game.saveMods()
func (game *Game) Load() error {
// Read deployed files from disk.
var deployedListPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "deployed.txt")
if file, openError := os.Open(deployedListPath); openError == nil {
for scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file); scanner.Scan(); {
game.DeployedFilePaths = append(game.DeployedFilePaths, scanner.Text())
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
// Read overwritten game files from disk.
var overwrittenFilesDirPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten")
if _, statError := os.Stat(overwrittenFilesDirPath); statError == nil {
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(overwrittenFilesDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, walkError error) error {
if walkError != nil {
return walkError
if !(dirEntry.IsDir()) {
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = append(game.OverwrittenFilePaths, path)
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
return walkError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(statError)) {
return statError
// Read mod info from disk.
if file, openError := os.Open(filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, "mods.ini")); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
// File will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it possible to have already
// been closed.
var parser = ini.NewParser(file)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
var mod = game.Mods[entry.Section]
switch entry.Key {
case "format":
mod.Format = entry.Value
case "source":
mod.Source = entry.Value
case "version":
mod.Version = entry.Value
game.Mods[entry.Section] = mod
if parserError := parser.Err(); parserError != nil {
return parserError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
return nil
type Mod struct {
Format string
Source string
Version string
func LoadGame(name string) (Game, error) {
var configPath, configPathError = os.UserConfigDir()
if configPathError != nil {
return Game{}, configPathError
var gamesFile, gamesOpenError = os.Open(filepath.Join(configPath, "modman", "games.ini"))
if gamesOpenError != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(gamesOpenError) {
return Game{}, fmt.Errorf("no games registered")
return Game{}, gamesOpenError
var gamesParser = ini.NewParser(gamesFile)
for entry := gamesParser.Parse(); !(gamesParser.IsEnd()); entry = gamesParser.Parse() {
if (entry.Key == "path") && (entry.Section == name) {
var game = Game{
Name: name,
OverwrittenFilePaths: make([]string, 0, 512),
DeployedFilePaths: make([]string, 0, 512),
Mods: make(map[string]Mod),
Path: entry.Key,
if loadError := game.Load(); loadError != nil {
return Game{}, loadError
return game, nil
return Game{}, fmt.Errorf("game not registered: %s", name)
func (game *Game) RemoveMod(name string) error {
if _, exists := game.Mods[name]; !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown mod: `%s`", name)
if removeError := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(
configPath(), game.Name, name)); removeError != nil {
return removeError
delete(game.Mods, name)
return game.saveMods()
func RegisterGame(name string, dataPath string) error {
var gamesPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), "games.ini")
var gameNamePaths = make(map[string]string)
if file, openError := os.Open(gamesPath); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
// No way for this to fail.
var parser = ini.NewParser(file)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
if entry.Key == "path" {
gameNamePaths[entry.Section] = entry.Value
if parserError := parser.Err(); parserError != nil {
return parserError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
if file, updateError := os.Create(gamesPath); updateError == nil {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
var builder = ini.NewBuilder(writer)
for name, path := range gameNamePaths {
if buildError := builder.Section(name); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("path", path); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if writeError := writer.Flush(); (writeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = writeError
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = closeError
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
} else {
return updateError
return nil
func (game *Game) RenameMod(modName string, newName string) error {
var mod, exists = game.Mods[modName]
if !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("no mod with that name exists")
if _, nameTaken := game.Mods[newName]; nameTaken {
return fmt.Errorf("a mod with the new name already exists")
var modsDirPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name)
if renameError := os.Rename(filepath.Join(modsDirPath, modName),
filepath.Join(modsDirPath, newName)); renameError != nil {
return renameError
game.Mods[newName] = mod
delete(game.Mods, modName)
return game.saveMods()
func cachePath() string {
return fallbackPath(os.UserCacheDir, "cache")
func configPath() string {
return fallbackPath(os.UserConfigDir, "config")
func fallbackPath(getFalliblePath func() (string, error), fallbackSubdir string) string {
var path, pathError = getFalliblePath()
if pathError != nil {
// Fallback to homedir.
path, pathError = os.UserHomeDir()
if pathError != nil {
// User home dir should exist / be accessible.
return filepath.Join(path, "modman", fallbackSubdir)
return filepath.Join(path, "modman")
func (game *Game) saveDeployment() error {
var listPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), "deployed.txt")
if len(game.DeployedFilePaths) == 0 {
return os.Truncate(listPath, 0)
if file, updateError := os.Create(listPath); updateError == nil {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
for _, filePath := range game.DeployedFilePaths {
if _, printError := fmt.Fprintln(writer, filePath); printError != nil {
updateError = printError
if flushError := writer.Flush(); flushError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = flushError
if syncError := file.Sync(); syncError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = closeError
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
} else {
return updateError
return nil
func (game *Game) saveMods() error {
var file, updateError = os.Create(filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, "mods.ini"))
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
var builder = ini.NewBuilder(writer)
for name, mod := range game.Mods {
if buildError := builder.Section(name); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("format", mod.Format); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("source", mod.Source); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("version", mod.Version); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if writeError := writer.Flush(); (writeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = writeError
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = closeError
return updateError