Complete architectural rewrite
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,4 @@ module modman
go 1.19
require (
|||| v3.0.1 // indirect
|||| v0.0.0-20221223145344-d68ddf116418 // indirect
require v0.0.0-20221224215507-01e7b4f4503f
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
|||| v0.0.0-20221217163422-3c43f8badb15 h1:5oN1Pz/eDhCpbMbLstvIPa0b/BEQo6g6nwV3pLjfM6w=
|||| v0.0.0-20221217163422-3c43f8badb15/go.mod h1:CxIveKay+FTh1D0yPZemJVgC/95VzuuOLq5Qi4xnoYc=
|||| v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
|||| v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA=
|||| v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM=
|||| v0.0.0-20221223145344-d68ddf116418 h1:lAFE8yL+87+JGZROd2Wc3PG2BUWyiKe0xOWTNyVEiAU=
|||| v0.0.0-20221223145344-d68ddf116418/go.mod h1:lniG+VCTpfcWAKKudVYLrS5NIpRx90H3mQklQNn+eK0=
|||| v0.0.0-20221224215507-01e7b4f4503f h1:/8n8GAgTrAVQTADtXtHsUOg33jPLVd5srITaU2BplfU=
|||| v0.0.0-20221224215507-01e7b4f4503f/go.mod h1:lniG+VCTpfcWAKKudVYLrS5NIpRx90H3mQklQNn+eK0=
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
package main
import (
type Command struct {
@ -21,148 +17,54 @@ type CommandAction func([]string, []string) (string, error)
var commands = []Command{
Name: "install",
Description: "Install one or more mod archives into modman",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "archive path"},
IsVarargs: true,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
if len(providedArguments) < len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s folowed by at least one %ss",
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1])
var archivePaths = providedArguments[1:]
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(providedArguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
if installError := game.InstallMods(archivePaths); installError != nil {
return "", installError
if len(archivePaths) > 1 {
return "mods installed", nil
return "mod installed", nil
Name: "register",
Name: "create",
Description: "Registers the data directory path of game for management under the given name",
Arguments: []string{"data path", "game name"},
IsVarargs: false,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
if len(providedArguments) < len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s folowed by at least one %ss",
if len(providedArguments) != len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s folowed by %s",
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1])
var dataPath = providedArguments[0]
var gameName = providedArguments[1]
if registerGameError := RegisterGame(gameName, dataPath); registerGameError != nil {
if registerGameError := CreateGame(gameName, dataPath); registerGameError != nil {
return "", registerGameError
return fmt.Sprintf("Registered %s at %s", gameName, dataPath), nil
return fmt.Sprintf("Created %s at %s", gameName, dataPath), nil
Name: "remove",
Description: "Remove one or more mods from modman",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "mod name"},
IsVarargs: true,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
if len(providedArguments) < len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s followed by one or more %ss",
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1])
var modNames = providedArguments[1:]
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(providedArguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
for _, name := range modNames {
if removeError := game.RemoveMod(name); removeError != nil {
return "", removeError
} else {
return "", openGameError
if len(modNames) > 1 {
return "removed mods", nil
return "removed mod", nil
Name: "rename",
Description: "Rename a mod within modman",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "mod name", "new name"},
Description: "Cleans and unregisters the given game name from management",
Arguments: []string{"game name"},
IsVarargs: false,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
if len(providedArguments) != len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s followed by %s and %s",
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1], requiredArguments[2])
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s", requiredArguments[0])
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(providedArguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
if renameError := game.RenameMod(providedArguments[1], providedArguments[2]); renameError != nil {
return "", renameError
} else {
return "", openGameError
var dataPath = providedArguments[0]
var gameName = providedArguments[1]
if registerGameError := RemoveGame(gameName); registerGameError != nil {
return "", registerGameError
return "renamed", nil
Name: "manifest",
Description: "Retrieve a manifest of all installed mods",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "format"},
IsVarargs: false,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
if len(providedArguments) != len(requiredArguments) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s followed by %s",
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1])
var manifestBuilder = strings.Builder{}
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(providedArguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
var format = providedArguments[1]
if formatter, exists := formatters[format]; exists {
if formatError := formatter(&manifestBuilder, game.Mods); formatError != nil {
return "", formatError
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported format: `%s`", format)
} else {
return "", openGameError
return manifestBuilder.String(), nil
return fmt.Sprintf("Removed %s at %s", gameName, dataPath), nil
Name: "deploy",
Description: "Deploy all specified mods in order of listing",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "mod name"},
Description: "Deploys all specified mod archives in order of listing",
Arguments: []string{"game name", "archive paths"},
IsVarargs: true,
Action: func(requiredArguments []string, providedArguments []string) (string, error) {
@ -171,12 +73,10 @@ var commands = []Command{
requiredArguments[0], requiredArguments[1])
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(providedArguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
if deployError := game.Deploy(providedArguments[1:]); deployError != nil {
return "", deployError
} else {
return "", openGameError
var deployError = DeployGameMods(providedArguments[0], providedArguments[1:])
if deployError != nil {
return "", deployError
return "deployed", nil
@ -194,12 +94,10 @@ var commands = []Command{
return "", fmt.Errorf("expected %s", requiredArguments[0])
if game, openGameError := LoadGame(arguments[0]); openGameError == nil {
if cleanError := game.Clean(); cleanError != nil {
return "", cleanError
} else {
return "", openGameError
var cleanError = CleanGameMods(arguments[0])
if cleanError != nil {
return "", cleanError
return "cleaned", nil
@ -207,30 +105,6 @@ var commands = []Command{
var formatters = map[string]func(*strings.Builder, any) error{
"json": func(builder *strings.Builder, data any) error {
var encoder = json.NewEncoder(builder)
if encodeError := encoder.Encode(data); encodeError != nil {
return encodeError
return nil
"yaml": func(builder *strings.Builder, data any) error {
var encoder = yaml.NewEncoder(builder)
if encodeError := encoder.Encode(data); encodeError != nil {
return encodeError
return nil
func main() {
var argCount = len(os.Args)
@ -3,62 +3,203 @@ package main
import (
func (game *Game) Clean() error {
// Clean up currently deployed files first.
for _, filePath := range game.DeployedFilePaths {
if removeError := os.Remove(filepath.Join(
game.Path, filePath)); (removeError != nil) && (!(os.IsNotExist(removeError))) {
const appName = "modman"
return removeError
var errGameNotFound = errors.New("game not found")
var gamesIniPath = filepath.Join(configDirPath(), "games.ini")
func CleanGameMods(gameName string) error {
var deployDirPath, pathError = gameDataPath(gameName)
if pathError != nil {
return pathError
// Loop over overwrite dir and move files back.
var cacheDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath(), gameName)
var stageDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath, "staged")
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(stageDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if dirEntry.IsDir() {
return nil
var relativePath, relativeError = filepath.Rel(stageDirPath, path)
if relativeError != nil {
return relativeError
if removeError := os.Remove(filepath.Join(
deployDirPath, relativePath)); removeError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(removeError)) {
return removeError
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(walkError)) {
return walkError
game.DeployedFilePaths = game.DeployedFilePaths[:0]
if removeError := os.RemoveAll(stageDirPath); removeError != nil {
return removeError
var overwriteDirPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten")
var overwriteDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath, "overwritten")
// Then restore all files overwritten by previously deployment.
for _, filePath := range game.OverwrittenFilePaths {
if renameError := os.Rename(filepath.Join(overwriteDirPath, filePath),
filepath.Join(game.Path, filePath)); renameError != nil {
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(overwriteDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if dirEntry.IsDir() {
return nil
var relativePath, relativeError = filepath.Rel(overwriteDirPath, path)
if relativeError != nil {
return relativeError
if renameError := os.Rename(path, filepath.Join(
deployDirPath, relativePath)); renameError != nil {
return renameError
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(walkError)) {
return walkError
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = game.OverwrittenFilePaths[:0]
if removeError := os.RemoveAll(overwriteDirPath); removeError != nil {
return removeError
return game.saveDeployment()
return nil
func (game *Game) Deploy(names []string) error {
if cleanError := game.Clean(); cleanError != nil {
return cleanError
func CreateGame(gameName string, gameDataPath string) error {
var gameDataPaths = make(map[string]string)
if fileInfo, statError := os.Stat(gameDataPath); statError == nil {
if !(fileInfo.IsDir()) {
return fmt.Errorf("game data path must be a valid directory")
} else {
return statError
for _, name := range names {
var mod, exists = game.Mods[name]
if !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("mod does not exist: %s", name)
if iniFile, openError := os.Open(gamesIniPath); openError == nil {
if (openError != nil) && !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
var installPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s",
filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, name), mod.Format)
defer func() {
if closeError := iniFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
switch mod.Format {
var parser = ini.NewParser(iniFile)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
var section = parser.Section()
if section == gameName {
return fmt.Errorf("`%s` is already used by a game", section)
if entry.Key == "path" {
gameDataPaths[section] = entry.Value
if parseError := parser.Err(); parseError != nil {
return parseError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
gameDataPaths[gameName] = gameDataPath
return saveGames(gameDataPaths)
func DeployGameMods(gameName string, modArchivePaths []string) error {
var deployDirPath, pathError = gameDataPath(gameName)
if pathError != nil {
return pathError
var overwrittenFilePaths = make(map[string]bool)
var cacheDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath(), gameName)
var overwriteDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath, "overwritten")
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(overwriteDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !(dirEntry.IsDir()) {
var relativePath, relativeError = filepath.Rel(overwriteDirPath, path)
if relativeError != nil {
return relativeError
overwrittenFilePaths[relativePath] = true
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(walkError)) {
return walkError
var stageDirPath = filepath.Join(cacheDirPath, "staged")
for _, archivePath := range modArchivePaths {
var archiveExtension = filepath.Ext(archivePath)
if len(archiveExtension) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot infer archive format: `%s`", archivePath)
switch archiveExtension[1:] {
case "zip":
var zipReadCloser, openError = zip.OpenReader(installPath)
var zipReadCloser, openError = zip.OpenReader(archivePath)
if openError != nil {
return openError
@ -73,9 +214,11 @@ func (game *Game) Deploy(names []string) error {
for _, zipFile := range zipReadCloser.File {
var deployPath = filepath.Join(game.Path, zipFile.Name)
var stagePath = filepath.Join(stageDirPath, zipFile.Name)
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(
filepath.Dir(stagePath), os.ModePerm); dirError != nil {
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(deployPath), os.ModePerm); dirError != nil {
return dirError
@ -84,376 +227,143 @@ func (game *Game) Deploy(names []string) error {
// Backup up any pre-existing file before it is overwritten by Zip entry
// extraction.
if _, statError := os.Stat(deployPath); statError == nil {
var backupPath = filepath.Join(
cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten", zipFile.Name)
var entryReadCloser, openError = zipFile.Open()
if renameError := os.Rename(deployPath, backupPath); renameError != nil {
return renameError
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = append(game.OverwrittenFilePaths, zipFile.Name)
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(statError)) {
return statError
if openError != nil {
return openError
if file, createError := os.Create(deployPath); createError == nil {
var zipFile, ioError = zipFile.Open()
defer func() {
if closeError := entryReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
// Zip entry read closer will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it
// possible to have already been closed.
if ioError == nil {
_, ioError = io.Copy(file, zipFile)
if stagingFile, createError := os.Create(stagePath); createError == nil {
if _, copyError := io.Copy(stagingFile, entryReadCloser); copyError != nil {
return copyError
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (ioError == nil) {
ioError = syncError
if syncError := stagingFile.Sync(); syncError != nil {
return syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (ioError == nil) {
ioError = closeError
if closeError := zipFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
ioError = closeError
if ioError != nil {
return ioError
} else {
if closeError := zipReadCloser.Close(); closeError != nil {
if closeError := stagingFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else {
return createError
game.DeployedFilePaths = append(game.DeployedFilePaths, zipFile.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported mod format: %s", mod.Format)
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized archive format: `%s`", archivePath)
return game.saveDeployment()
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(stageDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
type Game struct {
Name string
DeployedFilePaths []string
OverwrittenFilePaths []string
Mods map[string]Mod
Path string
func (game *Game) InstallMods(archivePaths []string) error {
var installDirPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name)
for _, archivePath := range archivePaths {
var archiveName = filepath.Base(archivePath)
var archiveExtension = filepath.Ext(archiveName)
if len(archiveExtension) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown archive format: %s", archiveExtension)
if dirEntry.IsDir() {
return nil
var name = strings.TrimSuffix(archiveName, archiveExtension)
var relativePath, relativeError = filepath.Rel(stageDirPath, path)
if _, exists := game.Mods[name]; exists {
return fmt.Errorf("mod with name already exists: `%s`", name)
if relativeError != nil {
return relativeError
// Copy archive into installation directory.
if archiveFile, openError := os.Open(archivePath); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := archiveFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
// Archive file will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it possible to have
// already been closed.
var deployFilePath = filepath.Join(deployDirPath, relativePath)
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(deployFilePath), os.ModePerm); dirError != nil {
return dirError
if isOverwrittenFilePath := overwrittenFilePaths[relativePath]; !(isOverwrittenFilePath) {
var ovewriteFilePath = filepath.Join(overwriteDirPath, relativePath)
if _, statError := os.Stat(ovewriteFilePath); statError == nil {
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(
filepath.Dir(ovewriteFilePath), os.ModePerm); dirError != nil {
return dirError
var archiveFileInfo, statError = archiveFile.Stat()
if statError != nil {
if renameError := os.Rename(deployFilePath, ovewriteFilePath); renameError != nil {
return renameError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(statError)) {
return statError
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(installDirPath, archiveFileInfo.Mode()); dirError != nil {
return dirError
if removeError := os.Remove(deployFilePath); removeError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(removeError)) {
return removeError
if installFile, createError := os.Create(filepath.Join(installDirPath, archiveName)); createError == nil {
var _, copyError = io.Copy(installFile, archiveFile)
var syncError = installFile.Sync()
var closeError = installFile.Close()
if linkError := os.Link(path, deployFilePath); linkError != nil {
return linkError
if (copyError != nil) || (syncError != nil) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to install mod")
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
if !(os.IsNotExist(walkError)) {
return walkError
if closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else {
return createError
} else {
return nil
func RemoveGame(gameName string) error {
var gameDataPaths = make(map[string]string)
if iniFile, openError := os.Open(gamesIniPath); openError == nil {
if (openError != nil) && !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
game.Mods[name] = Mod{
Format: archiveExtension[1:],
Source: archivePath,
Version: "",
return game.saveMods()
func (game *Game) Load() error {
// Read deployed files from disk.
var deployedListPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "deployed.txt")
if file, openError := os.Open(deployedListPath); openError == nil {
for scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file); scanner.Scan(); {
game.DeployedFilePaths = append(game.DeployedFilePaths, scanner.Text())
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
// Read overwritten game files from disk.
var overwrittenFilesDirPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "overwritten")
if _, statError := os.Stat(overwrittenFilesDirPath); statError == nil {
if walkError := filepath.WalkDir(overwrittenFilesDirPath, func(
path string, dirEntry fs.DirEntry, walkError error) error {
if walkError != nil {
return walkError
if !(dirEntry.IsDir()) {
game.OverwrittenFilePaths = append(game.OverwrittenFilePaths, path)
return nil
}); walkError != nil {
return walkError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(statError)) {
return statError
// Read mod info from disk.
if file, openError := os.Open(filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, "mods.ini")); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
// File will not have any pending I/O operations nor is it possible to have already
// been closed.
if closeError := iniFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
var parser = ini.NewParser(file)
var parser = ini.NewParser(iniFile)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
var mod = game.Mods[entry.Section]
var section = parser.Section()
switch entry.Key {
case "format":
mod.Format = entry.Value
case "source":
mod.Source = entry.Value
case "version":
mod.Version = entry.Value
if (section != gameName) && (entry.Key == "path") {
gameDataPaths[section] = entry.Value
game.Mods[entry.Section] = mod
if parserError := parser.Err(); parserError != nil {
return parserError
if parseError := parser.Err(); parseError != nil {
return parseError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
return nil
return saveGames(gameDataPaths)
type Mod struct {
Format string
Source string
Version string
func LoadGame(name string) (Game, error) {
var configPath, configPathError = os.UserConfigDir()
if configPathError != nil {
return Game{}, configPathError
var gamesFile, gamesOpenError = os.Open(filepath.Join(configPath, "modman", "games.ini"))
if gamesOpenError != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(gamesOpenError) {
return Game{}, fmt.Errorf("no games registered")
return Game{}, gamesOpenError
var gamesParser = ini.NewParser(gamesFile)
for entry := gamesParser.Parse(); !(gamesParser.IsEnd()); entry = gamesParser.Parse() {
if (entry.Key == "path") && (entry.Section == name) {
var game = Game{
Name: name,
OverwrittenFilePaths: make([]string, 0, 512),
DeployedFilePaths: make([]string, 0, 512),
Mods: make(map[string]Mod),
Path: entry.Value,
if loadError := game.Load(); loadError != nil {
return Game{}, loadError
return game, nil
return Game{}, fmt.Errorf("game not registered: %s", name)
func (game *Game) RemoveMod(name string) error {
if _, exists := game.Mods[name]; !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown mod: `%s`", name)
if removeError := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(
configPath(), game.Name, name)); removeError != nil {
return removeError
delete(game.Mods, name)
return game.saveMods()
func RegisterGame(name string, dataPath string) error {
var gamesPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), "games.ini")
var gameNamePaths = make(map[string]string)
if file, openError := os.Open(gamesPath); openError == nil {
defer func() {
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil {
// No way for this to fail.
var parser = ini.NewParser(file)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
if entry.Key == "path" {
gameNamePaths[entry.Section] = entry.Value
if parserError := parser.Err(); parserError != nil {
return parserError
} else if !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return openError
if file, updateError := os.Create(gamesPath); updateError == nil {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
var builder = ini.NewBuilder(writer)
for name, path := range gameNamePaths {
if buildError := builder.Section(name); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("path", path); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if writeError := writer.Flush(); (writeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = writeError
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = closeError
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
} else {
return updateError
return nil
func (game *Game) RenameMod(modName string, newName string) error {
var mod, exists = game.Mods[modName]
if !(exists) {
return fmt.Errorf("no mod with that name exists")
if _, nameTaken := game.Mods[newName]; nameTaken {
return fmt.Errorf("a mod with the new name already exists")
var modsDirPath = filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name)
if renameError := os.Rename(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s",
filepath.Join(modsDirPath, modName), mod.Format),
fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", filepath.Join(
modsDirPath, newName), mod.Format)); renameError != nil {
return renameError
game.Mods[newName] = mod
delete(game.Mods, modName)
return game.saveMods()
func cachePath() string {
func cacheDirPath() string {
return fallbackPath(os.UserCacheDir, "cache")
func configPath() string {
func configDirPath() string {
return fallbackPath(os.UserConfigDir, "config")
@ -469,107 +379,68 @@ func fallbackPath(getFalliblePath func() (string, error), fallbackSubdir string)
return filepath.Join(path, "modman", fallbackSubdir)
return filepath.Join(path, appName, fallbackSubdir)
return filepath.Join(path, "modman")
return filepath.Join(path, appName)
func (game *Game) saveDeployment() error {
var listPath = filepath.Join(cachePath(), game.Name, "deployed.txt")
func gameDataPath(gameName string) (string, error) {
var gamesFile, openError = os.Open(gamesIniPath)
if len(game.DeployedFilePaths) == 0 {
var truncateError = os.Truncate(listPath, 0)
if (openError != nil) && !(os.IsNotExist(openError)) {
return "", openError
if !(os.IsNotExist(truncateError)) {
return truncateError
defer func() {
if closeError := gamesFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
var parser = ini.NewParser(gamesFile)
for entry := parser.Parse(); !(parser.IsEnd()); entry = parser.Parse() {
if (parser.Section() == gameName) && (entry.Key == "path") {
return entry.Value, nil
if dirError := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(listPath), os.ModePerm); dirError != nil {
return dirError
if parseError := parser.Err(); parseError != nil {
return "", parseError
if file, updateError := os.Create(listPath); updateError == nil {
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
return "", errGameNotFound
for _, filePath := range game.DeployedFilePaths {
if _, printError := fmt.Fprintln(writer, filePath); printError != nil {
updateError = printError
func saveGames(gameDataPaths map[string]string) error {
if iniFile, createError := os.Create(gamesIniPath); createError == nil {
var iniWriter = bufio.NewWriter(iniFile)
var iniBuilder = ini.NewBuilder(iniWriter)
for name, dataPath := range gameDataPaths {
iniBuilder.KeyValue("path", dataPath)
if flushError := writer.Flush(); flushError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = flushError
if flushError := iniWriter.Flush(); flushError != nil {
return flushError
if syncError := file.Sync(); syncError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = syncError
if syncError := iniFile.Sync(); syncError != nil {
return syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); closeError != nil && updateError == nil {
updateError = closeError
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
if closeError := iniFile.Close(); closeError != nil {
return closeError
} else {
return updateError
return createError
return nil
func (game *Game) saveMods() error {
var file, updateError = os.Create(filepath.Join(configPath(), game.Name, "mods.ini"))
if updateError != nil {
return updateError
var writer = bufio.NewWriter(file)
var builder = ini.NewBuilder(writer)
for name, mod := range game.Mods {
if buildError := builder.Section(name); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("format", mod.Format); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("source", mod.Source); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if buildError := builder.KeyValue("version", mod.Version); buildError != nil {
updateError = buildError
if writeError := writer.Flush(); (writeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = writeError
if syncError := file.Sync(); (syncError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = syncError
if closeError := file.Close(); (closeError != nil) && (updateError == nil) {
updateError = closeError
return updateError
@ -5,3 +5,55 @@ A simple command-line interface for managing and deploying mods to a Elder Scrol
## Usage
A readout of the operations that are supported by Modman can be seen by invoking the `modman` command with no arguments.
### Getting Started
Upon initial setup, you will need to create a new game association using `modman create` followed by the name you want to give the game association and the path to its data folder.
modman create skyrim "~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/Data/"
> Example of how to register an installation of Skyrim Special Edition with Modman
The game name can contain any valid Unicode characters except whitespace when created without double-quotes surrounding it. Meanwhile, the path must be a valid OS-native path to the game data directory.
### Deploying Mods
Once a game association has been created, archives of mods can be deployed directly to the game install via `modman deploy` followed by the game association name and then one or more paths to mod archives.
modman deploy skyrim "~/downloads/" "~/downloads/" "~/downloads/"
> Example of how to deploy mods archives to an associated game install.
Deploy respects the order of the mods list provided to it and will layer them one after the other. In this scenario, `` will overwrite any files that share the same paths that `` do, which in turn overwrites any files that share the same paths as ``.
Deployments are also transitive, so running `modman deploy` individually each time for `"~/downloads/"`, `"~/downloads/"`, and `"~/downloads/"` will have the same effect as deploying them once in the same command.
### Cleaning Up
All mod files managed by Modman can be completely cleaned from an install using `modman clean` followed by the game association name. This will **completely remove** all mod files managed by Modman, so use with care.
modman clean skyrim
> Example of how to clean managed mods from an associated game install.
Modman does not provide any way to incrementally remove installed mods in the same way that it does with deployment. This is done to avoid corrupting file overwrite precidence, which can become very messy for any mod management tool that compiles all mods into a merged staging directory like Modman.
## Architecture
Modman uses a staged deployment system and aims for incremental deployment of mods and atomic, transactional cleanup.
As mod archives are deployed, their contents are extracted and written to a merged `staged` directory inside the user cache folder, overwriting any files with the same file paths that came before them. After staging, hard links to those files are written into the game directory after any files overwritten by the staged mods are backed up to an `overwritten` directory to be restored later as part of the installation cleanup.
## Limitations
Currently, Modman only supports the Zip archive format. However, work is coming to introduce other popular formats like 7Zip and Rar.
Further restrictions are imposed on the kinds packaging allowed in the Zip format, with the FOMOD installer format being unsupported.
Undertaking implementation of a parser and user interface for the FOMOD installer format is not a focus in the development of Modman at this current time, however, contributions are welcome.
Reference in New Issue
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