![The Ochulus logo](logo.png) The Ochulus is a simple personal discord bot used for tracking games completed during a 100 Game Challenge. # Requirements ## Software - Node.js (version v21.2.0 or later) - npm (version 10.2.3 or later) ## API Keys - Discord Developer Application - IGDB Developer Application # How to deploy 0. Create accounts and install software 1. [Download and install Node.js and npm](https://nodejs.org/en). 1. [Create Discord Developer Application](https://discord.com/developers/applications). 2. [Create IGDB Developer Application](https://www.igdb.com/api). 1. Create `.env` using `.env.template` 1. Populate `discordClientId`, `discordGuildId` and `discordToken` with your Discord Developer Application details. 2. Populate `igdbClientId` and `igdbClientSecret` with your IGDB Developer Application details. 2. Run `npm install` to install Node Packages 3. Run `node .\dbInit.js` to create database. 4. Run `node .\deploy-commands.js` to deploy commands to your guild 5. Run `node .\index.js` to run the bot. # Commands A list of current commands that can be accessed by all users. ## /beatgame Log a beat game towards the 100 Game Challenge. **Parameters:** *Note: One parameter is required.* - **Required** - `gamename` - The name of the game. - `gameid` - The IGDB game ID. ## /beatlist Show a list of games the user has beaten. **Parameters:** - *Optional* - `user` - The username of a user to check. ## /deletegame Deletes a game from the users beaten games. **Parameters:** *Note: If no parameter is supplied, the latest beat game is deleted.* - *Optional* - `beatgamenumber` - The number of the beat game entry to delete. ## /gamedetails Get the details of a game from the IGDB database. **Parameters:** *Note: Only one parameter is required.* - **Required** - `gamename` - The name of the game. - `gameid` - The IGDB game ID. ## /info Get info on the bot. ## /leaderboard Shows the leaderboard for the 100 Game Challenge. ## /och Responds "*och*". ## /recentbeat Get the most recent game a given user has beaten. **Parameters:** - *Optional* - `user` - The username of a user to check. ## /register Manually registers the user into the 100 Games Challenge. ## /searchgames Searches the IGDB database for a list of matching games. **Parameters:** - **Required** - `gamename` - The name of the game.