const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js'); const { getCoverURL, getGameJson, getCompanyInfo, getGenres, getReleaseDates } = require('../../igdbHelperFunctions.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName('randomgame') .setDescription('Get a random game from the IGDB database.') .addBooleanOption(option => option.setName('madness').setDescription('Let The Ochulus off the rails at your own risk')), async execute(interaction) { await interaction.deferReply('The Ochulus is pondering its options...'); let games = []; const count = interaction.options.getBoolean('madness') ? 0 : 27; while (games.length == 0) { const offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); const body = `fields *; limit 1; offset ${offset}; where (category = 0 | category = 4 | category = 8 | category = 9) & version_parent = null & total_rating_count >= ${count};`; games = await getGameJson(body); } await games.sort((a, b) => parseInt(b.total_rating_count) - parseInt(a.total_rating_count)); const game = games[0]; const coverUrl = game.cover ? await getCoverURL(game.cover) : ''; let release_date; if (game.first_release_date) { release_date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-GB', { dateStyle: 'full' }).format(game.first_release_date * 1000); } else if (game.release_dates) { release_date = await getReleaseDates(game.release_dates[0]); } const genres = []; if (game.genres) { for (const genreId of game.genres) { const genre = await getGenres(genreId); genres.push(genre); } } const user = interaction.user; // Build Embed const embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.setColor(0x6441a5); embed.setAuthor({ name: `${user.displayName}'s Random Game`, iconURL: user.avatarURL() }); embed.setTitle('THE OCHULUS HAS SPOKEN'); embed.setDescription(`It has chosen **[${}](${game.url})**, glory be to The Ochulus!`); if (game.summary) { embed.addFields({ name: 'Description', value: `${game.summary.length > 1024 ? game.summary.substring(0, 1024) : game.summary}` }); } if (game.cover) { embed.setThumbnail(`${coverUrl}`); } if (game.involved_companies) { const companies = []; for (const company of game.involved_companies) { const info = await getCompanyInfo(company); if ( { companies.push(; } } embed.addFields({ name: 'Developers', value: `${companies.join(', ')}`, inline: true }); } if (release_date) { embed.addFields({ name: 'Release Date', value: `${release_date}`, inline: true }); } if (genres.length > 0) { embed.addFields({ name: 'Genres', value: `${genres.join(', ')}`, inline: true }); } if (game.total_rating) { embed.addFields({ name: 'Rating', value: `${game.total_rating.toFixed(0)} / 100, ${game.total_rating_count } ratings`, inline: true }); } embed.addFields({ name: 'ID', value: `${}`, inline: true }); embed.setFooter({ text: 'The Ochulus • 100 Games Challenge', iconURL: interaction.client.user.avatarURL() }); embed.setTimestamp(); return interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] }); }, };