2024-02-11 03:47:01 +00:00
const { SlashCommandBuilder , EmbedBuilder } = require ( 'discord.js' ) ;
module . exports = {
data : new SlashCommandBuilder ( )
. setName ( 'uptime' )
. setDescription ( 'Get the current application uptime' ) ,
async execute ( interaction ) {
const uptimeInSeconds = process . uptime ( ) ;
let currentUptime = '' ;
let databaseBackup = '' ;
const days = Math . floor ( uptimeInSeconds / ( 3600 * 24 ) ) ;
if ( days > 0 ) {
currentUptime = currentUptime . concat ( ` ${ days } days ` ) ;
const hours = Math . floor ( ( uptimeInSeconds % ( 3600 * 24 ) ) / 3600 ) ;
if ( hours > 0 ) {
currentUptime = currentUptime . concat ( ` ${ hours } hours ` ) ;
databaseBackup = databaseBackup . concat ( ` ${ hours } hours ` ) ;
const minutes = Math . floor ( ( uptimeInSeconds % 3600 ) / 60 ) ;
if ( minutes > 0 ) {
currentUptime = currentUptime . concat ( ` ${ minutes } minutes ` ) ;
databaseBackup = databaseBackup . concat ( ` ${ minutes } minutes ` ) ;
const seconds = Math . floor ( uptimeInSeconds % 60 ) ;
if ( seconds > 0 ) {
currentUptime = currentUptime . concat ( ` ${ seconds } seconds ` ) ;
databaseBackup = databaseBackup . concat ( ` ${ seconds } seconds ` ) ;
const now = new Date ( ) ;
const currentYear = now . getFullYear ( ) ;
const currentMonth = now . getMonth ( ) + 1 ;
const currentDay = now . getDate ( ) ;
const currentHour = now . getHours ( ) ;
const currentMinute = now . getMinutes ( ) ;
const currentSecond = now . getSeconds ( ) ;
const currentDate = ` ${ currentYear } / ${ currentMonth } / ${ currentDay } ${ currentHour } : ${ currentMinute } : ${ currentSecond } ` ;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder ( )
. setColor ( 0xD36918 )
. setTitle ( 'Current Uptime' )
. setThumbnail ( interaction . client . user . avatarURL ( ) )
2024-02-11 07:39:25 +01:00
. setDescription ( ` The current uptime is ** ${ currentUptime } **. \n The last database backup was ** ${ databaseBackup } **ago. \n The current local time is ** ${ currentDate } **. ` )
2024-02-11 03:47:01 +00:00
. setTimestamp ( ) ;
await interaction . reply ( { embeds : [ embed ] } ) ;
} ,
} ;