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2024-03-18 21:12:19 +00:00
const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const { getUserRegistration, getPlanningGames, checkGameStorageId } = require('../../databaseHelperFunctions');
const { getGameJson, getCoverURL } = require('../../igdbHelperFunctions');
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Get a random planned game')
.addUserOption(option => option.setName('user').setDescription('The user to check')),
async execute(interaction) {
await interaction.reply({ content: 'Searching for user...', ephemeral: true });
let user = interaction.user;
const userOption = interaction.options.getUser('user');
if (userOption) {
user = userOption;
const userDatabaseEntry = await getUserRegistration(user);
if (!userDatabaseEntry) return interaction.followUp({ content: `Issue checking registration with "${user.username}".`, ephemeral: true });
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: `${user.displayName}'s Random Planned Game`, iconURL: user.avatarURL() })
.setFooter({ text: 'The Ochulus • 100 Games Challenge', iconURL: interaction.client.user.avatarURL() });
const plannedGames = await getPlanningGames(;
let desc = '';
if (!plannedGames || plannedGames.length == 0) {
desc = `${user.displayName} currently has no planned games.`;
} else {
const randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * (plannedGames.length));
const randomEntry = plannedGames[randomInt];
const randomGame = await checkGameStorageId(randomEntry.gameId);
const body = `where id = ${ randomGame.igdb_id }; fields *;`;
const res = await getGameJson(body);
if (!res) return interaction.reply({ content: 'No game found.', ephemeral: true });
const game = res[0];
embed.setTitle('THE OCHULUS HAS SPOKEN');
if (game.cover) {
const coverUrl = await getCoverURL(game.cover);
desc = `It has chosen **${}**, glory be to The Ochulus!`;
return interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] });